17 : type_(type), evidence_(evidence), target_(target), probability_(probability), new_object_(0), updated_object_(0) {
SemanticObject * clone() const
static ObjectStorage & getInstance()
void update(const Evidence &z)
void addObject(SemanticObject *obj)
SemanticObject * getUpdatedObject() const
Assignment(AssignmentType type, const Evidence *evidence, const SemanticObject *target, double probability)
The class Evidence represents a set of properties (PropertySet) that all originate from one physical ...
void init(const Evidence &z)
AssignmentType getType() const
const SemanticObject * target_
double getProbability() const
const SemanticObject * getTarget() const
SemanticObject * new_object_
const Evidence * evidence_
SemanticObject * updated_object_
SemanticObject * getNewObject() const
std::string toString() const
const Evidence * getEvidence() const