Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 Nstdr_robotThe main namespace for STDR Robot
 CConnectionExceptionProvides a connection exception. Publicly inherits from std::runtime_error. Used in robot handler
 CDoubleFrameIdExceptionProvides a double frame id exception. Publicly inherits from std::runtime_error. Used in robot handler
 CHandleRobotHandles the manipulation of robots (creation, deletion, move)
 CIdealMotionControllerA class that provides motion controller implementation. Inherits publicly MotionController
 CLaserA class that provides laser implementation. Inherits publicly Sensor
 CMotionControllerAbstract class that provides motion controller abstraction
 COmniMotionControllerA class that provides motion controller implementation. \ Inherits publicly MotionController
 CRobotRepresents one robot in STDR. Inherts publicly from nodelet::Nodelet
 CSensorA class that provides sensor abstraction
 CSonarA class that provides co2 sensor implementation. \ Inherits publicly Sensor

Author(s): Manos Tsardoulias, Chris Zalidis, Aris Thallas
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 15:15:10