file | hand_commander.cpp [code] |
| This is a library that offers a simple interface to send commands to hand joints. It is compatible with the Shadow Robot CAN hand and ethercat hand. It allows the user not worry about the name of the currently running controllers. Only position control is allowed (targets must represent angles).
file | sr_diagnosticer.cpp [code] |
| The goal of this ROS publisher is to publish relevant data concerning the hand at a regular time interval. Those data are (not exhaustive): positions, targets, temperatures, currents, forces, error flags, ...
file | sr_publisher.cpp [code] |
| The goal of this ROS publisher is to publish relevant data concerning the hand at a regular time interval. Those data are (not exhaustive): positions, targets, temperatures, currents, forces, error flags, ...
file | sr_subscriber.cpp [code] |
| The role of this ROS subscriber is to receive commands messages (sent by a publisher) and pass them to the hand after translating them to the correct format.