Classes | Enumerations | Functions
Aws::Rosbag::Utils Namespace Reference


class  OutgoingMessage
class  OutgoingQueue
class  PeriodicFileDeleter
class  Recorder
struct  RecorderOptions
class  RosbagRecorder


enum  RosbagRecorderRunResult { STARTED = 0, SKIPPED }


file_uploader_msgs::UploadFilesGoal ConstructRosBagUploaderGoal (std::string destination, std::vector< std::string > &ros_bags_to_upload)
Aws::Rosbag::RecorderErrorCode DeleteFile (const std::string &file_path)
 delete a file More...
bool ExpandAndCreateDir (const std::string &dir, std::string &expanded_dir)
template<typename RecorderFeedbackT , typename RecorderStatusT >
void GenerateFeedback (uint8_t stage, ros::Time time_of_feedback, RecorderFeedbackT &recorder_feedback, RecorderStatusT &recording_status)
template<typename RecorderResultT >
void GenerateResult (uint8_t stage, std::string message, RecorderResultT &recorder_result)
ros::Time GetRosBagStartTime (const std::string &file_path)
 Get the time a rosbag started. More...
std::vector< std::string > GetRosbagsToUpload (const std::string &write_directory, const std::function< bool(rosbag::View &)> &select_file)
boost::posix_time::time_duration GetUTCOffset ()
template<typename GoalHandleT , typename SimpleClientGoalStateT , typename RecorderResultT >
void HandleRecorderUploadResult (GoalHandleT &goal_handle, const SimpleClientGoalStateT &end_state, bool upload_finished, RecorderResultT &recorder_result)
template<typename GoalHandleT , typename UploadClientT >
bool UploadFiles (GoalHandleT &goal_handle, const double upload_time_out, UploadClientT &upload_client, std::vector< std::string > &ros_bags_to_upload)

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 34 of file rosbag_recorder.h.

Function Documentation

file_uploader_msgs::UploadFilesGoal Aws::Rosbag::Utils::ConstructRosBagUploaderGoal ( std::string  destination,
std::vector< std::string > &  ros_bags_to_upload 

Definition at line 34 of file s3_client_utils.cpp.

Aws::Rosbag::RecorderErrorCode Aws::Rosbag::Utils::DeleteFile ( const std::string &  file_path)

delete a file

Delete file at file_path.

file_pathpath to the file to be deleted
error code, SUCCESS if the file is sucessfully deleted

Definition at line 93 of file file_utils.cpp.

bool Aws::Rosbag::Utils::ExpandAndCreateDir ( const std::string &  dir,
std::string &  expanded_dir 

Perform shell-like expansion on a directory path string and create that directory

dirdirectory path string to be expanded and created
[out]expanded_dirthe expanded directory path string
bool true if the directory exists or was created successfully, otherwise false

Definition at line 57 of file file_utils.cpp.

template<typename RecorderFeedbackT , typename RecorderStatusT >
void Aws::Rosbag::Utils::GenerateFeedback ( uint8_t  stage,
ros::Time  time_of_feedback,
RecorderFeedbackT &  recorder_feedback,
RecorderStatusT &  recording_status 

Definition at line 35 of file s3_client_utils.h.

template<typename RecorderResultT >
void Aws::Rosbag::Utils::GenerateResult ( uint8_t  stage,
std::string  message,
RecorderResultT &  recorder_result 

Definition at line 84 of file s3_client_utils.h.

ros::Time Aws::Rosbag::Utils::GetRosBagStartTime ( const std::string &  file_path)

Get the time a rosbag started.

file_pathpath to rosbag file
the time the file was started

Definition at line 119 of file file_utils.cpp.

std::vector< std::string > Aws::Rosbag::Utils::GetRosbagsToUpload ( const std::string &  write_directory,
const std::function< bool(rosbag::View &)> &  select_file 

Definition at line 181 of file file_utils.cpp.

boost::posix_time::time_duration Aws::Rosbag::Utils::GetUTCOffset ( )

Definition at line 111 of file file_utils.cpp.

template<typename GoalHandleT , typename SimpleClientGoalStateT , typename RecorderResultT >
void Aws::Rosbag::Utils::HandleRecorderUploadResult ( GoalHandleT &  goal_handle,
const SimpleClientGoalStateT &  end_state,
bool  upload_finished,
RecorderResultT &  recorder_result 

Definition at line 91 of file s3_client_utils.h.

template<typename GoalHandleT , typename UploadClientT >
bool Aws::Rosbag::Utils::UploadFiles ( GoalHandleT &  goal_handle,
const double  upload_time_out,
UploadClientT &  upload_client,
std::vector< std::string > &  ros_bags_to_upload 

Definition at line 47 of file s3_client_utils.h.

Author(s): AWS RoboMaker
autogenerated on Tue Jun 1 2021 02:51:28