Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | List of all members
cNearfieldMapDegradingNativeNode Class Reference

#include <nearfield_map_degrading_native_node.h>

Inheritance diagram for cNearfieldMapDegradingNativeNode:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 cNearfieldMapDegradingNativeNode ()
 default constructor More...
 ~cNearfieldMapDegradingNativeNode ()
 default destructor More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from cNearfieldMapBasePaNode< cOctreeStampedNativeRos >
void changeSettings (void)
bool checkTF (const std_msgs::Header &header, tf::StampedTransform &transform)
 cNearfieldMapBasePaNode ()
 default constructor More...
bool getNearfield (sensor_msgs::PointCloud2Ptr &msg)
 function for retrieving requested nearfield map as pointcloud More...
void publish (void)
 function for publishing all topics (nearfield map and debugging) More...
 ~cNearfieldMapBasePaNode ()
 default destructor More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from cOctreeStampedNativeRos
 cOctreeStampedNativeRos (const double resolution)
void degradeOutdatedNodes (void)
virtual ~cOctreeStampedNativeRos ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from cOctreeBasePaRos< octomap::OcTreeStamped >
bool addCloud (const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &cloud, const cAddCloudParameter &params, const tf::Transform transform=tf::Transform::getIdentity())
bool addCloud (const sensor_msgs::PointCloudConstPtr &cloud, const cAddCloudParameter &params, const tf::Transform transform=tf::Transform::getIdentity())
bool addCloud (const sensor_msgs::LaserScanConstPtr &cloud, const cAddCloudParameter &params, const tf::Transform transform=tf::Transform::getIdentity())
virtual void clear (void)
 cOctreeBasePaRos (double resolution)
bool getChildKey (const OctKey &current, const int current_level, OctKey &child, const int child_pos) const
virtual ros::Time getLastInsertionTime (void) const
octomap_msgs::OctomapPtr getOctomap (void) const
octomap_msgs::OctomapPtr getOctomapFull (void) const
sensor_msgs::PointCloud2Ptr getOctomapPcd (const int tree_depth=0, const bool expand=false) const
sensor_msgs::PointCloud2Ptr getOctomapPcdFree (const int tree_depth=0, const bool expand=false) const
ros::Time getOutputTime (void) const
bool getParentKey (const OctKey &current, const int current_level, OctKey &parent) const
void keyToPoint (const OctKey &key, double &x, double &y, double &z) const
geometry_msgs::PointPtr keyToPoint (const OctKey &key) const
OctKey pointToKey (const geometry_msgs::Point &point) const
bool readFull (const std::string &filename)
virtual void setLastInsertionTime (const ros::Time &time)
void setOutputTime (const ros::Time &time)
bool updateTime (const ros::Time &time)
virtual ~cOctreeBasePaRos ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from octomap::OcTreeStamped
OcTreeStampedcreate () const
void degradeOutdatedNodes (unsigned int time_thres)
unsigned int getLastUpdateTime ()
std::string getTreeType () const
void integrateMissNoTime (OcTreeNodeStamped *node) const
 OcTreeStamped (double resolution)
virtual void updateNodeLogOdds (OcTreeNodeStamped *node, const float &update) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from OccupancyOcTreeBase< OcTreeNodeStamped >
bool bbxSet () const
virtual bool castRay (const point3d &origin, const point3d &direction, point3d &end, bool ignoreUnknownCells=false, double maxRange=-1.0) const
KeyBoolMap::const_iterator changedKeysBegin () const
KeyBoolMap::const_iterator changedKeysEnd () const
void computeDiscreteUpdate (const Pointcloud &scan, const octomap::point3d &origin, KeySet &free_cells, KeySet &occupied_cells, double maxrange)
void computeUpdate (const Pointcloud &scan, const octomap::point3d &origin, KeySet &free_cells, KeySet &occupied_cells, double maxrange)
void enableChangeDetection (bool enable)
point3d getBBXBounds () const
point3d getBBXCenter () const
point3d getBBXMax () const
point3d getBBXMin () const
bool getNormals (const point3d &point, std::vector< point3d > &normals, bool unknownStatus=true) const
virtual bool getRayIntersection (const point3d &origin, const point3d &direction, const point3d &center, point3d &intersection, double delta=0.0) const
bool inBBX (const point3d &p) const
bool inBBX (const OcTreeKey &key) const
virtual void insertPointCloud (const Pointcloud &scan, const octomap::point3d &sensor_origin, double maxrange=-1., bool lazy_eval=false, bool discretize=false)
virtual void insertPointCloud (const Pointcloud &scan, const point3d &sensor_origin, const pose6d &frame_origin, double maxrange=-1., bool lazy_eval=false, bool discretize=false)
virtual void insertPointCloud (const ScanNode &scan, double maxrange=-1., bool lazy_eval=false, bool discretize=false)
virtual void insertPointCloudRays (const Pointcloud &scan, const point3d &sensor_origin, double maxrange=-1., bool lazy_eval=false)
virtual bool insertRay (const point3d &origin, const point3d &end, double maxrange=-1.0, bool lazy_eval=false)
virtual void integrateHit (OcTreeNodeStamped *occupancyNode) const
virtual void integrateMiss (OcTreeNodeStamped *occupancyNode) const
bool isChangeDetectionEnabled () const
virtual void nodeToMaxLikelihood (OcTreeNodeStamped *occupancyNode) const
virtual void nodeToMaxLikelihood (OcTreeNodeStamped &occupancyNode) const
size_t numChangesDetected () const
 OccupancyOcTreeBase (double resolution)
 OccupancyOcTreeBase (const OccupancyOcTreeBase< OcTreeNodeStamped > &rhs)
 OCTOMAP_DEPRECATED (virtual void insertScanNaive(const Pointcloud &scan, const point3d &sensor_origin, double maxrange, bool lazy_eval=false))
 OCTOMAP_DEPRECATED (virtual void insertScan(const ScanNode &scan, double maxrange=-1., bool pruning=true, bool lazy_eval=false))
 OCTOMAP_DEPRECATED (virtual void insertScan(const Pointcloud &scan, const octomap::point3d &sensor_origin, double maxrange=-1., bool pruning=true, bool lazy_eval=false))
 OCTOMAP_DEPRECATED (virtual void insertScan(const Pointcloud &scan, const point3d &sensor_origin, const pose6d &frame_origin, double maxrange=-1., bool pruning=true, bool lazy_eval=false))
std::istream & readBinaryData (std::istream &s)
std::istream & readBinaryNode (std::istream &s, OcTreeNodeStamped *node) const
void resetChangeDetection ()
void setBBXMax (point3d &max)
void setBBXMin (point3d &min)
virtual OcTreeNodeStamped * setNodeValue (const OcTreeKey &key, float log_odds_value, bool lazy_eval=false)
virtual OcTreeNodeStamped * setNodeValue (const point3d &value, float log_odds_value, bool lazy_eval=false)
virtual OcTreeNodeStamped * setNodeValue (double x, double y, double z, float log_odds_value, bool lazy_eval=false)
virtual void toMaxLikelihood ()
void updateInnerOccupancy ()
virtual OcTreeNodeStamped * updateNode (double x, double y, double z, float log_odds_update, bool lazy_eval=false)
virtual OcTreeNodeStamped * updateNode (const OcTreeKey &key, bool occupied, bool lazy_eval=false)
virtual OcTreeNodeStamped * updateNode (const point3d &value, float log_odds_update, bool lazy_eval=false)
virtual OcTreeNodeStamped * updateNode (const point3d &value, bool occupied, bool lazy_eval=false)
virtual OcTreeNodeStamped * updateNode (double x, double y, double z, bool occupied, bool lazy_eval=false)
virtual OcTreeNodeStamped * updateNode (const OcTreeKey &key, float log_odds_update, bool lazy_eval=false)
virtual void updateNodeLogOdds (OcTreeNodeStamped *occupancyNode, const float &update) const
void useBBXLimit (bool enable)
std::ostream & writeBinaryData (std::ostream &s) const
std::ostream & writeBinaryNode (std::ostream &s, const OcTreeNodeStamped *node) const
virtual ~OccupancyOcTreeBase ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from OcTreeBaseImpl< OcTreeNodeStamped, AbstractOccupancyOcTree >
OcTreeKey adjustKeyAtDepth (const OcTreeKey &key, unsigned int depth) const
unsigned short int adjustKeyAtDepth (unsigned short int key, unsigned int depth) const
iterator begin (unsigned char maxDepth=0) const
leaf_iterator begin_leafs (unsigned char maxDepth=0) const
leaf_bbx_iterator begin_leafs_bbx (const OcTreeKey &min, const OcTreeKey &max, unsigned char maxDepth=0) const
leaf_bbx_iterator begin_leafs_bbx (const point3d &min, const point3d &max, unsigned char maxDepth=0) const
tree_iterator begin_tree (unsigned char maxDepth=0) const
size_t calcNumNodes () const
bool computeRay (const point3d &origin, const point3d &end, std::vector< point3d > &ray)
bool computeRayKeys (const point3d &origin, const point3d &end, KeyRay &ray) const
OcTreeKey coordToKey (const point3d &coord, unsigned depth) const
OcTreeKey coordToKey (double x, double y, double z, unsigned depth) const
unsigned short int coordToKey (double coordinate) const
unsigned short int coordToKey (double coordinate, unsigned depth) const
OcTreeKey coordToKey (const point3d &coord) const
OcTreeKey coordToKey (double x, double y, double z) const
bool coordToKeyChecked (const point3d &coord, OcTreeKey &key) const
bool coordToKeyChecked (const point3d &coord, unsigned depth, OcTreeKey &key) const
bool coordToKeyChecked (double x, double y, double z, OcTreeKey &key) const
bool coordToKeyChecked (double x, double y, double z, unsigned depth, OcTreeKey &key) const
bool coordToKeyChecked (double coordinate, unsigned short int &key) const
bool coordToKeyChecked (double coordinate, unsigned depth, unsigned short int &key) const
bool deleteNode (double x, double y, double z, unsigned int depth=0)
bool deleteNode (const point3d &value, unsigned int depth=0)
bool deleteNode (const OcTreeKey &key, unsigned int depth=0)
const iterator end () const
const leaf_iterator end_leafs () const
const leaf_bbx_iterator end_leafs_bbx () const
const tree_iterator end_tree () const
virtual void expand ()
virtual void getMetricMax (double &x, double &y, double &z)
void getMetricMax (double &x, double &y, double &z) const
virtual void getMetricMin (double &x, double &y, double &z)
void getMetricMin (double &x, double &y, double &z) const
virtual void getMetricSize (double &x, double &y, double &z)
virtual void getMetricSize (double &x, double &y, double &z) const
double getNodeSize (unsigned depth) const
size_t getNumLeafNodes () const
double getResolution () const
OcTreeNodeStamped * getRoot () const
unsigned int getTreeDepth () const
void getUnknownLeafCenters (point3d_list &node_centers, point3d pmin, point3d pmax, unsigned int depth=0) const
point3d keyToCoord (const OcTreeKey &key) const
double keyToCoord (unsigned short int key, unsigned depth) const
double keyToCoord (unsigned short int key) const
point3d keyToCoord (const OcTreeKey &key, unsigned depth) const
unsigned long long memoryFullGrid () const
virtual size_t memoryUsage () const
virtual size_t memoryUsageNode () const
 OcTreeBaseImpl (const OcTreeBaseImpl< OcTreeNodeStamped, AbstractOccupancyOcTree > &rhs)
 OcTreeBaseImpl (double resolution)
bool operator== (const OcTreeBaseImpl< OcTreeNodeStamped, AbstractOccupancyOcTree > &rhs) const
virtual void prune ()
std::istream & readData (std::istream &s)
OcTreeNodeStamped * search (const OcTreeKey &key, unsigned int depth=0) const
OcTreeNodeStamped * search (const point3d &value, unsigned int depth=0) const
OcTreeNodeStamped * search (double x, double y, double z, unsigned int depth=0) const
void setResolution (double r)
virtual size_t size () const
void swapContent (OcTreeBaseImpl< OcTreeNodeStamped, AbstractOccupancyOcTree > &rhs)
double volume ()
std::ostream & writeData (std::ostream &s) const
virtual ~OcTreeBaseImpl ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from octomap::AbstractOccupancyOcTree
 AbstractOccupancyOcTree ()
double getClampingThresMax () const
float getClampingThresMaxLog () const
double getClampingThresMin () const
float getClampingThresMinLog () const
double getOccupancyThres () const
float getOccupancyThresLog () const
double getProbHit () const
float getProbHitLog () const
double getProbMiss () const
float getProbMissLog () const
bool isNodeAtThreshold (const OcTreeNode *occupancyNode) const
bool isNodeAtThreshold (const OcTreeNode &occupancyNode) const
bool isNodeOccupied (const OcTreeNode *occupancyNode) const
bool isNodeOccupied (const OcTreeNode &occupancyNode) const
bool readBinary (std::istream &s)
bool readBinary (const std::string &filename)
void setClampingThresMax (double thresProb)
void setClampingThresMin (double thresProb)
void setOccupancyThres (double prob)
void setProbHit (double prob)
void setProbMiss (double prob)
virtual OcTreeNodeupdateNode (const OcTreeKey &key, float log_odds_update, bool lazy_eval=false)=0
virtual OcTreeNodeupdateNode (const OcTreeKey &key, bool occupied, bool lazy_eval=false)=0
bool writeBinary (const std::string &filename)
bool writeBinary (std::ostream &s)
bool writeBinaryConst (std::ostream &s) const
bool writeBinaryConst (const std::string &filename) const
virtual ~AbstractOccupancyOcTree ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from octomap::AbstractOcTree
 AbstractOcTree ()
bool write (std::ostream &s) const
bool write (const std::string &filename) const
virtual ~AbstractOcTree ()

Protected Member Functions

void addPcdCameraCallbackSub (const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &msg)
 callback function for receiving a depth images from camera More...
void addPcdLaserFullCallbackSub (const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &msg)
 callback function for single laserscans More...
void addPcdLaserScanCallbackSub (const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &msg)
 callback function for receiving a laserscan More...
bool getSizeCallbackSrv (nearfield_map::NearfieldMapGetSize::Request &req, nearfield_map::NearfieldMapGetSize::Response &res)
 service for receiving the size of the octomap More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from cNearfieldMapBasePaNode< cOctreeStampedNativeRos >
bool changeSettingsCallbackSrv (nearfield_map::NearfieldMapChangeSettings::Request &req, nearfield_map::NearfieldMapChangeSettings::Response &res)
bool clearCallbackSrv (std_srvs::Empty::Request &req, std_srvs::Empty::Response &res)
void clearCallbackSub (const std_msgs::EmptyConstPtr &msg)
bool getSizeCallbackSrv (nearfield_map::NearfieldMapGetSize::Request &req, nearfield_map::NearfieldMapGetSize::Response &res)
bool loadCallbackSrv (nearfield_map::NearfieldMapFileName::Request &req, nearfield_map::NearfieldMapFileName::Response &res)
bool requestCallbackSrv (nearfield_map::NearfieldMapRequest::Request &req, nearfield_map::NearfieldMapRequest::Response &res)
bool saveCallbackSrv (nearfield_map::NearfieldMapFileName::Request &req, nearfield_map::NearfieldMapFileName::Response &res)
bool sendCallbackSrv (std_srvs::Empty::Request &req, std_srvs::Empty::Response &res)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from cOctreeStampedNativeRos
void checkDegrading (void)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from cOctreeBasePaRos< octomap::OcTreeStamped >
bool addCloud (const PclPointCloudPtr &cloud, const cAddCloudParameter &params, const tf::Transform &transform)
void getChildKeySimple (const OctKey &current, const int current_level, OctKey &child, const int child_pos) const
void getOctomapPcdSub (const OctKey &key, const int current_level, const int min_level, PclPointCloud &cloud) const
void getParentKeySimple (const OctKey &current, const int current_level, OctKey &parent) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from OccupancyOcTreeBase< OcTreeNodeStamped >
bool integrateMissOnRay (const point3d &origin, const point3d &end, bool lazy_eval=false)
 OccupancyOcTreeBase (double resolution, unsigned int tree_depth, unsigned int tree_max_val)
OcTreeNodeStamped * setNodeValueRecurs (OcTreeNodeStamped *node, bool node_just_created, const OcTreeKey &key, unsigned int depth, const float &log_odds_value, bool lazy_eval=false)
void toMaxLikelihoodRecurs (OcTreeNodeStamped *node, unsigned int depth, unsigned int max_depth)
void updateInnerOccupancyRecurs (OcTreeNodeStamped *node, unsigned int depth)
OcTreeNodeStamped * updateNodeRecurs (OcTreeNodeStamped *node, bool node_just_created, const OcTreeKey &key, unsigned int depth, const float &log_odds_update, bool lazy_eval=false)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from OcTreeBaseImpl< OcTreeNodeStamped, AbstractOccupancyOcTree >
void calcMinMax ()
void calcNumNodesRecurs (OcTreeNodeStamped *node, size_t &num_nodes) const
bool deleteNodeRecurs (OcTreeNodeStamped *node, unsigned int depth, unsigned int max_depth, const OcTreeKey &key)
void expandRecurs (OcTreeNodeStamped *node, unsigned int depth, unsigned int max_depth)
size_t getNumLeafNodesRecurs (const OcTreeNodeStamped *parent) const
void init ()
 OcTreeBaseImpl (double resolution, unsigned int tree_depth, unsigned int tree_max_val)
void pruneRecurs (OcTreeNodeStamped *node, unsigned int depth, unsigned int max_depth, unsigned int &num_pruned)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from octomap::AbstractOccupancyOcTree
bool readBinaryLegacyHeader (std::istream &s, unsigned int &size, double &res)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from cNearfieldMapBasePaNode< cOctreeStampedNativeRos >
typedef cOctreeStampedNativeRos MapTypeBase
typedef cNearfieldMapBasePaNode< cOctreeStampedNativeRosMapTypeFull
- Public Types inherited from cOctreeStampedNativeRos
typedef cOctreeBasePaRos< OcTreeStampedTreeTypeBase
- Public Types inherited from cOctreeBasePaRos< octomap::OcTreeStamped >
typedef ::octomap::OcTreeKey OctKey
typedef pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ > PclPointCloud
typedef pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ >::ConstPtr PclPointCloudConstPtr
typedef pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ >::Ptr PclPointCloudPtr
typedef octomap::OcTreeStamped TreeTypeBase
typedef cOctreeBasePaRos< octomap::OcTreeStampedTreeTypeFull
- Public Types inherited from OcTreeBaseImpl< OcTreeNodeStamped, AbstractOccupancyOcTree >
typedef leaf_iterator iterator
typedef OcTreeNodeStamped NodeType
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from octomap::AbstractOcTree
static AbstractOcTreecreateTree (const std::string id, double res)
static AbstractOcTreeread (std::istream &s)
static AbstractOcTreeread (const std::string &filename)
- Public Attributes inherited from cOctreeStampedNativeRos
cOctreeStampedPaRosParameter rosparams_
- Public Attributes inherited from cOctreeBasePaRos< octomap::OcTreeStamped >
cOctreeBasePaRosParameter rosparams_base_
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from octomap::AbstractOcTree
static bool readHeader (std::istream &s, std::string &id, unsigned &size, double &res)
static void registerTreeType (AbstractOcTree *tree)
- Protected Attributes inherited from cNearfieldMapBasePaNode< cOctreeStampedNativeRos >
int count_camera_
 number of inserted depth images from camera (pointclouds) More...
int count_laser_full_
 number of inserted full laserscans (pointclouds) More...
int count_laser_scan_
 number of inserted single laserscans More...
ros::NodeHandle nh_
 node handler for topic subscription and advertising More...
cNearfieldMapPaNodeParameter nodeparams_
 parameters More...
cPcdFilterPaRos output_filter_
cPcdFilterPaRosThrottle output_throttle_
cAddCloudParameter params_addcloud_camera_
 parameter for insertion of depth images from camera More...
cAddCloudParameter params_addcloud_laser_full_
 parameter for insertion of full laserscans More...
cAddCloudParameter params_addcloud_laser_scan_
 parameter for insertion of single laserscans More...
ros::Publisher pub_cloud_free_
 puplisher for free voxels as pointcloud More...
ros::Publisher pub_cloud_occupied_
 puplisher for occupied voxels as pointcloud More...
ros::Publisher pub_nearfield_
 puplisher for requested nearfield map (pointcloud) More...
ros::Publisher pub_octomap_
 puplisher for the octomap (binary data) More...
ros::Publisher pub_octomap_full_
 puplisher for the octomap (full data) More...
ros::ServiceServer srv_change_settings_
 service for changing parameters of the nearfield map More...
ros::ServiceServer srv_clear_
 service for clearing the octomap More...
ros::ServiceServer srv_getsize_
 service for receiving the size of the octomap More...
ros::ServiceServer srv_load_
 service for loading a octomap More...
ros::ServiceServer srv_request_
 service for requesting a nearfield map (pointcloud) via this service More...
ros::ServiceServer srv_save_
 service for saving the octomap More...
ros::ServiceServer srv_send_
 service for requesting a nearfield map (pointcloud) via output topic More...
ros::Subscriber sub_camera_
 subscriber for depth images from camera More...
ros::Subscriber sub_clear_
 subscriber for clearing the octomap More...
ros::Subscriber sub_laser_full_
 subscriber for single laserscans More...
ros::Subscriber sub_laser_scan_
 subscriber for a laserscan More...
tf::TransformListener tf_listener_
 transformation of different frames More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from cOctreeStampedNativeRos
ros::Time last_degrading_time_
- Protected Attributes inherited from cOctreeBasePaRos< octomap::OcTreeStamped >
ros::Time current_output_time_
ros::Time last_insertion_time_
- Protected Attributes inherited from OccupancyOcTreeBase< OcTreeNodeStamped >
point3d bbx_max
OcTreeKey bbx_max_key
point3d bbx_min
OcTreeKey bbx_min_key
KeyBoolMap changed_keys
bool use_bbx_limit
bool use_change_detection
- Protected Attributes inherited from OcTreeBaseImpl< OcTreeNodeStamped, AbstractOccupancyOcTree >
std::vector< KeyRay > keyrays
const leaf_bbx_iterator leaf_iterator_bbx_end
const leaf_iterator leaf_iterator_end
double max_value [3]
double min_value [3]
double resolution
double resolution_factor
OcTreeNodeStamped * root
bool size_changed
std::vector< double > sizeLookupTable
point3d tree_center
const unsigned int tree_depth
const tree_iterator tree_iterator_end
const unsigned int tree_max_val
size_t tree_size
- Protected Attributes inherited from octomap::AbstractOccupancyOcTree
float clamping_thres_max
float clamping_thres_min
float occ_prob_thres_log
float prob_hit_log
float prob_miss_log
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from octomap::OcTreeStamped
static StaticMemberInitializer ocTreeStampedMemberInit
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from octomap::AbstractOccupancyOcTree
static const std::string binaryFileHeader
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from octomap::AbstractOcTree
static const std::string fileHeader

Detailed Description

Definition at line 61 of file nearfield_map_degrading_native_node.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

cNearfieldMapDegradingNativeNode::cNearfieldMapDegradingNativeNode ( )

default constructor

Definition at line 67 of file nearfield_map_degrading_native_node.cpp.

cNearfieldMapDegradingNativeNode::~cNearfieldMapDegradingNativeNode ( )

default destructor

Definition at line 96 of file nearfield_map_degrading_native_node.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void cNearfieldMapDegradingNativeNode::addPcdCameraCallbackSub ( const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &  msg)

callback function for receiving a depth images from camera

Definition at line 101 of file nearfield_map_degrading_native_node.cpp.

void cNearfieldMapDegradingNativeNode::addPcdLaserFullCallbackSub ( const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &  msg)

callback function for single laserscans

Definition at line 139 of file nearfield_map_degrading_native_node.cpp.

void cNearfieldMapDegradingNativeNode::addPcdLaserScanCallbackSub ( const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &  msg)

callback function for receiving a laserscan

Definition at line 120 of file nearfield_map_degrading_native_node.cpp.

bool cNearfieldMapDegradingNativeNode::getSizeCallbackSrv ( nearfield_map::NearfieldMapGetSize::Request &  req,
nearfield_map::NearfieldMapGetSize::Response &  res 

service for receiving the size of the octomap

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

autogenerated on Sat Feb 27 2021 03:09:46