Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
mavros::utils Namespace Reference


using OrientationPair = std::pair< const std::string, const Eigen::Quaterniond >


enum  timesync_mode { timesync_mode::NONE = 0, timesync_mode::MAVLINK, timesync_mode::ONBOARD, timesync_mode::PASSTHROUGH }


template<typename _T >
constexpr std::underlying_type< _T >::type enum_value (_T e)
def fault (args, kvargs)
mavlink::common::LANDING_TARGET_TYPE landing_target_type_from_str (const std::string &landing_target_type)
 Retrieve landing target type from alias name. More...
static const OrientationPair make_orientation (const std::string &name, const double roll, const double pitch, const double yaw)
mavlink::common::MAV_FRAME mav_frame_from_str (const std::string &mav_frame)
 Retreive MAV_FRAME from name. More...
mavlink::minimal::MAV_TYPE mav_type_from_str (const std::string &mav_type)
 Retreive MAV_TYPE from name. More...
def print_if (cond, args, kvargs)
int sensor_orientation_from_str (const std::string &sensor_orientation)
 Retrieve sensor orientation number from alias name. More...
Eigen::Quaterniond sensor_orientation_matching (mavlink::common::MAV_SENSOR_ORIENTATION orientation)
 Function to match the received orientation received by MAVLink msg and the rotation of the sensor relative to the FCU. More...
Eigen::Quaterniond sensor_orientation_matching (MAV_SENSOR_ORIENTATION orientation)
timesync_mode timesync_mode_from_str (const std::string &mode)
 Retrieve timesync mode from name. More...
std::string to_name (MAV_TYPE e)
std::string to_string (timesync_mode e)
std::string to_string (mavlink::common::MAV_SENSOR_ORIENTATION e)
 Retrieve alias of the orientation received by MAVLink msg. More...
std::string to_string (mavlink::minimal::MAV_AUTOPILOT e)
std::string to_string (mavlink::minimal::MAV_TYPE e)
std::string to_string (mavlink::minimal::MAV_STATE e)
std::string to_string (mavlink::minimal::MAV_COMPONENT e)
std::string to_string (mavlink::common::MAV_ESTIMATOR_TYPE e)
std::string to_string (mavlink::common::ADSB_ALTITUDE_TYPE e)
std::string to_string (mavlink::common::ADSB_EMITTER_TYPE e)
std::string to_string (mavlink::common::MAV_MISSION_RESULT e)
std::string to_string (mavlink::common::MAV_FRAME e)
std::string to_string (mavlink::common::MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR e)
std::string to_string (mavlink::common::LANDING_TARGET_TYPE e)
std::string to_string (MAV_SENSOR_ORIENTATION orientation)
std::string to_string (MAV_AUTOPILOT e)
std::string to_string (MAV_TYPE e)
std::string to_string (MAV_STATE e)
std::string to_string (ADSB_ALTITUDE_TYPE e)
std::string to_string (ADSB_EMITTER_TYPE e)
std::string to_string (MAV_ESTIMATOR_TYPE e)
std::string to_string (GPS_FIX_TYPE e)
std::string to_string (MAV_MISSION_RESULT e)
std::string to_string (MAV_FRAME e)
std::string to_string (MAV_COMPONENT e)
std::string to_string (MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR e)
std::string to_string (LANDING_TARGET_TYPE e)
template<typename _T >
std::string to_string_enum (int e)
def wait_fcu_connection (timeout=None)


static const std::array< const std::string, 2 > adsb_altitude_type_strings
 ADSB_ALTITUDE_TYPE values. More...
static const std::array< const std::string, 20 > adsb_emitter_type_strings
 ADSB_EMITTER_TYPE values. More...
static const std::array< const std::string, 9 > gps_fix_type_strings
 GPS_FIX_TYPE values. More...
static const std::array< const std::string, 4 > landing_target_type_strings
 LANDING_TARGET_TYPE values. More...
static const std::array< const std::string, 20 > mav_autopilot_strings
 MAV_AUTOPILOT values. More...
static const std::unordered_map< size_t, const std::string > mav_comp_id_strings
static const std::array< const std::string, 5 > mav_distance_sensor_strings
 MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR values. More...
static const std::array< const std::string, 9 > mav_estimator_type_strings
 MAV_ESTIMATOR_TYPE values. More...
static const std::array< const std::string, 22 > mav_frame_strings
 MAV_FRAME values. More...
static const std::array< const std::string, 16 > mav_mission_result_strings
 MAV_MISSION_RESULT values. More...
static const std::array< const std::string, 9 > mav_state_strings
 MAV_STATE values. More...
static const std::array< const std::string, 37 > mav_type_names
 MAV_TYPE values. More...
static const std::array< const std::string, 37 > mav_type_strings
 MAV_TYPE values. More...
static const std::array< const OrientationPair, 42 > sensor_orientations
static const std::array< const std::string, 4 > timesync_mode_strings
 timesync_mode values More...

Function Documentation

def mavros.utils.fault (   args,

Definition at line 25 of file utils.py.

def mavros.utils.print_if (   cond,

Definition at line 20 of file utils.py.

def mavros.utils.wait_fcu_connection (   timeout = None)
Wait until establishing FCU connection

Definition at line 31 of file utils.py.

Author(s): Vladimir Ermakov
autogenerated on Tue Jun 1 2021 02:36:27