▼Napplication | |
CBasicApplication | |
CLdmrsApp | |
CLdmrsFieldApp | |
CLdmrsNtpTimeApp | |
CLdmrsScanpointCoordinateApp | |
CLdmrsSectorChangeApp | |
Cntp_time_t | |
▼Ncolaa | |
▼Ndatatypes | |
CBasicData | |
CBox2D | A rotated 2-dimensional box in the plane |
CCircle2D | A circle in the plane |
CEllipse2D | A rotated 2-dimensional ellipse in the plane |
CEvalCase | |
CEvalCaseResult | |
CEvalCaseResults | |
CEvalCases | |
CFieldDescription | |
CFieldDynamic | |
CFieldParameter | |
CFieldRadial | |
CFieldRectangle | |
CFields | |
CFieldSegmented | |
CFieldSegmentedPoint | |
CLine2D | A line in the two-dimensional plane, composed out of two points |
CMatrix | |
CMeasurement | |
CMeasurementList | |
CMsg | |
CObject | |
CObjectList | |
CPoint2D | |
CPoint3D | This class defines a point in the three-dimensional plane |
CPolygon2D | A polygon of 2D-points |
CPolygon3D | |
CPosition3D | A Position with orientation |
CPositionWGS84 | |
CScan | |
CScannerInfo | |
CScanPoint | |
CSensorStateInfo | |
CTrigger | Class for a simple serializable trigger signal |
CVector | |
▼Ndevices | |
CBasicDevice | |
CLdmrsSopasLayer | |
CLuxBase | |
CSopasAnswer | Class that encapsulates a buffer that was sent as return to a sync call. (variable / method) |
CSopasBase | |
CSopasEventMessage | Class that represents a message that was sent by a sensor. (Event message) |
CBasicDataBuffer | |
CFile | |
CFloatInt | Internal: Structure for reading/writing a float as an UINT32 |
CManager | |
CMutex | |
CScopedLock | |
CSickThread | Wrapper class for posix threads |
CTcp | |
CThreadWrapperBase | |
CTime | |
CTimeDuration | |
CTimer | A timer object to measure elapsed time |
CWatchdogTimer | A timer object to compare elapsed time against a timeout value |