Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
RTT Namespace Reference




class  Activity
class  Alias
struct  ArgumentDescription
class  Attribute
class  CleanupHandle
class  CmdFunctionWrapper
class  ComponentFactories
class  ComponentFactoryLoader
class  ComponentLoader
class  ConfigurationInterface
class  ConnPolicy
class  Constant
class  DataFlowInterface
class  DemarshallConfiguration
class  EmptyHeaderMarshaller
class  EmptyMarshaller
class  EulerZYXComposer
class  EulerZYXDecomposer
class  ExecutionEngine
struct  FakeAnalogDevice
class  FakeDigitalDevice
class  file_parse_exception
struct  finder
struct  get_capacity
struct  get_size
class  Handle
class  InputPort
struct  invalid_handle_exception
class  Logger
class  MarshallConfiguration
class  MarshallerAdaptor
class  Marshalling
struct  name_not_found_exception
class  NetcdfHeaderMarshaller
class  NetcdfMarshaller
class  NiceHeaderMarshaller
struct  no_asynchronous_operation_exception
struct  non_lvalue_args_exception
class  Operation
class  OperationCaller
class  OperationInterface
class  OperationInterfacePart
class  OutputPort
class  parse_exception
class  Property
class  PropertyAdaptor
class  PropertyBag
struct  RemoveMsg
class  RotationComposer
class  RotationDecomposer
class  RPYComposer
class  RPYDecomposer
class  ScopedHandle
class  Scripting
class  SendHandle
class  Service
class  ServiceRequester
class  SocketMarshaller
class  TableHeaderMarshaller
class  TableMarshaller
class  TaskContext
class  TriggerSlaveActivity
class  VectorComposer
class  VectorDecomposer
struct  wrong_number_of_args_exception
struct  wrong_types_of_args_exception


typedef TaskContext *(* ComponentLoaderSignature) (std::string instance_name)
typedef TaskContext *(* ComponentLoaderSignature) (std::string instance_name)
typedef std::map< std::string, ComponentLoaderSignatureFactoryMap
typedef std::map< std::string, ComponentLoaderSignatureFactoryMap
typedef long msecs
typedef long msecs
typedef long long nsecs
typedef long long nsecs
typedef long long psecs
typedef long long psecs
typedef std::basic_ostringstream< char, std::char_traits< char >, RTT::os::rt_allocator< char > > rt_ostringstream
typedef std::basic_ostringstream< char, std::char_traits< char >, RTT::os::rt_allocator< char > > rt_ostringstream
typedef std::basic_string< char, std::char_traits< char >, RTT::os::rt_allocator< char > > rt_string
typedef std::basic_string< char, std::char_traits< char >, RTT::os::rt_allocator< char > > rt_string
typedef double Seconds
typedef double Seconds
typedef long secs
typedef long secs
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ServiceServicePtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ServiceServicePtr
typedef long usecs
typedef long usecs


enum  BufferPolicy
enum  BufferPolicy
enum  ExecutionThread
enum  ExecutionThread
enum  FlowStatus
enum  FlowStatus
enum  LoggerLevel
enum  LoggerLevel
enum  SendStatus
enum  SendStatus
enum  WriteStatus
enum  WriteStatus


bool composeProperty (const PropertyBag &bag, Joint &joint)
bool composeProperty (const PropertyBag &bag, Segment &segment)
bool composeProperty (const PropertyBag &bag, Chain &chain)
bool composeProperty (const PropertyBag &bag, JntArray &jntarray)
bool composeProperty (const PropertyBag &bag, Jacobian &jacobian)
bool composeProperty (const PropertyBag &bag, Vector &v)
bool composeProperty (const PropertyBag &bag, Rotation &r)
bool composeProperty (const PropertyBag &bag, Twist &t)
bool composeProperty (const PropertyBag &bag, Wrench &w)
bool composeProperty (const PropertyBag &f_bag, KDL::Frame &f)
bool connectPeers (TaskContext *A, TaskContext *B)
bool connectPorts (TaskContext *A, TaskContext *B)
bool copyProperties (PropertyBag &target, const PropertyBag &source)
void decomposeProperty (const Joint &joint, PropertyBag &targetbag)
void decomposeProperty (const Segment &segment, PropertyBag &targetbag)
void decomposeProperty (const Chain &chain, PropertyBag &targetbag)
void decomposeProperty (const JntArray &jntarray, PropertyBag &targetbag)
void decomposeProperty (const Jacobian &jacobian, PropertyBag &targetbag)
void decomposeProperty (const Vector &v, PropertyBag &targetbag)
void decomposeProperty (const Rotation &b, PropertyBag &targetbag)
void decomposeProperty (const Twist &t, PropertyBag &targetbag)
void decomposeProperty (const Wrench &b, PropertyBag &targetbag)
void decomposeProperty (const KDL::Frame &f, PropertyBag &targetbag)
void deleteProperties (PropertyBag &target)
void deletePropertyBag (PropertyBag &target)
static Logger::LogFunction endlog ()
static Logger::LogFunction endlog (LoggerLevel ll)
PropertyBase * findProperty (const PropertyBag &bag, const std::string &nameSequence, const std::string &separator)
void flattenPropertyBag (PropertyBag &target, const std::string &separator)
static Logger::LogFunction flushlog ()
vector< string > listProperties (const PropertyBag &source, const std::string &separator)
vector< string > listPropertyDescriptions (const PropertyBag &source, const std::string &separator)
static Loggerlog ()
static Loggerlog (LoggerLevel ll)
std::string makeString (const RTT::rt_string &str)
nsecs msecs_to_nsecs (const msecs ms)
psecs msecs_to_psecs (const msecs ms)
Seconds msecs_to_Seconds (const msecs ns)
usecs msecs_to_usecs (const msecs ms)
static Logger::LogFunction nlog ()
psecs nsecs_to_psecs (const nsecs ns)
Seconds nsecs_to_Seconds (const nsecs ns)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const BufferPolicy &bp)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, FlowStatus fs)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, SendStatus fs)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, WriteStatus fs)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ConnPolicy &cp)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const PropertyBag &bag)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, Property< T > &p)
bool operator== (const PropertyBag &a, const PropertyBag &b)
static bool operator== (const ConnPolicy &, const ConnPolicy &)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, FlowStatus &fs)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, WriteStatus &fs)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, BufferPolicy &bp)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, SendStatus &fs)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, PropertyBag &bag)
OperatorRepository::shared_ptr operators ()
Seconds psecs_to_Seconds (const psecs ps)
bool refreshProperties (const PropertyBag &target, const PropertyBag &source, bool allprops)
bool refreshProperty (const PropertyBag &target, const PropertyBase &source)
bool refreshProperty (PropertyBag &target, const PropertyBag &source, const std::string &name, const std::string &separator)
bool removeProperty (PropertyBag &bag, const std::string &path, const std::string &separator)
msecs Seconds_to_msecs (const Seconds s)
nsecs Seconds_to_nsecs (const Seconds s)
psecs Seconds_to_psecs (const Seconds s)
usecs Seconds_to_usecs (const Seconds s)
msecs secs_to_msecs (const secs s)
nsecs secs_to_nsecs (const secs s)
psecs secs_to_psecs (const secs s)
usecs secs_to_usecs (const secs s)
bool storeProperty (PropertyBag &bag, const std::string &path, base::PropertyBase *item, const std::string &separator)
bool updateOrRefreshProperty (PropertyBase *source, PropertyBase *target, bool update)
bool updateProperties (PropertyBag &target, const PropertyBag &source)
bool updateProperty (PropertyBag &target, const PropertyBag &source, const std::string &name, const std::string &separator)
nsecs usecs_to_nsecs (const usecs us)
psecs usecs_to_psecs (const usecs us)
Seconds usecs_to_Seconds (const usecs ns)


char const * default_comp_path_build
char const * default_comp_path_build
const long MSECS_IN_SECS
const long MSECS_IN_SECS
const long NSECS_IN_MSECS
const long NSECS_IN_MSECS
const long NSECS_IN_SECS
const long NSECS_IN_SECS
const long NSECS_IN_USECS
const long NSECS_IN_USECS
const long PSECS_IN_MSECS
const long PSECS_IN_MSECS
const long PSECS_IN_NSECS
const long PSECS_IN_NSECS
const long long PSECS_IN_SECS
const long long PSECS_IN_SECS
const long PSECS_IN_USECS
const long PSECS_IN_USECS
static std::vector< TransportPlugin * > Transports
static std::vector< TransportPlugin * > Transports
static std::vector< TypekitPlugin * > Typekits
static std::vector< TypekitPlugin * > Typekits
const long USECS_IN_MSECS
const long USECS_IN_MSECS
const long USECS_IN_SECS
const long USECS_IN_SECS

Function Documentation

bool RTT::composeProperty ( const PropertyBag bag,
Joint joint 

Definition at line 57 of file kinfamproperties.cpp.

bool RTT::composeProperty ( const PropertyBag bag,
Segment segment 

Definition at line 102 of file kinfamproperties.cpp.

bool RTT::composeProperty ( const PropertyBag bag,
Chain chain 

Definition at line 132 of file kinfamproperties.cpp.

bool RTT::composeProperty ( const PropertyBag bag,
JntArray jntarray 

Definition at line 162 of file kinfamproperties.cpp.

bool RTT::composeProperty ( const PropertyBag bag,
Jacobian jacobian 

Definition at line 192 of file kinfamproperties.cpp.

bool RTT::composeProperty ( const PropertyBag bag,
Vector v 

Aim of this kind of functions : given a Property<PropertyBag> with one of the properties being a bag containing a Vector, fill the given non primitive Property<T>.

Definition at line 377 of file motionproperties.cpp.

bool RTT::composeProperty ( const PropertyBag bag,
Rotation r 

Aim of this kind of functions : given a Property<PropertyBag> with one of the properties being a bag containing a Rotation, fill the given non primitive Property<T>.

Definition at line 398 of file motionproperties.cpp.

bool RTT::composeProperty ( const PropertyBag bag,
KDL::Twist t 

Aim of this kind of functions : given a Property<PropertyBag> with one of the properties being a bag containing a Twist, fill the given non primitive Property<T>.

Definition at line 426 of file motionproperties.cpp.

bool RTT::composeProperty ( const PropertyBag bag,
KDL::Wrench w 

Aim of this kind of functions : given a Property<PropertyBag> with one of the properties being a bag containing a Wrench, fill the given non primitive Property<T>.

Definition at line 471 of file motionproperties.cpp.

bool RTT::composeProperty ( const PropertyBag bag,
KDL::Frame f 

Aim of this kind of functions : given a Property<PropertyBag> with one of the properties being a bag containing a KDL::Frame, fill the given non primitive Property<T>.

Definition at line 525 of file motionproperties.cpp.

void RTT::decomposeProperty ( const Joint joint,
PropertyBag targetbag 

Definition at line 51 of file kinfamproperties.cpp.

void RTT::decomposeProperty ( const Segment segment,
PropertyBag targetbag 

Definition at line 91 of file kinfamproperties.cpp.

void RTT::decomposeProperty ( const Chain chain,
PropertyBag targetbag 

Definition at line 122 of file kinfamproperties.cpp.

void RTT::decomposeProperty ( const JntArray jntarray,
PropertyBag targetbag 

Definition at line 152 of file kinfamproperties.cpp.

void RTT::decomposeProperty ( const Jacobian jacobian,
PropertyBag targetbag 

Definition at line 180 of file kinfamproperties.cpp.

void RTT::decomposeProperty ( const Vector v,
PropertyBag targetbag 

Additional functionality for handling a Property<JntArray> Aim of this kind of functions : given a Property<PropertyBag> with one of the properties being a bag containing a JntArray, fill the given non primitive Property<T>. Additional functionality for handling a Property<Vector>

Definition at line 370 of file motionproperties.cpp.

void RTT::decomposeProperty ( const Rotation b,
PropertyBag targetbag 

Additional functionality for handling a Property<Rotation>

Definition at line 383 of file motionproperties.cpp.

void RTT::decomposeProperty ( const KDL::Twist t,
PropertyBag targetbag 

ORO_Geometry::Twist Additional functionality for handling a Property<KDL::Twist>

Definition at line 415 of file motionproperties.cpp.

void RTT::decomposeProperty ( const KDL::Wrench b,
PropertyBag targetbag 

ORO_Geometry::Wrench Additional functionality for handling a Property<KDL::Wrench>

Definition at line 459 of file motionproperties.cpp.

void RTT::decomposeProperty ( const KDL::Frame f,
PropertyBag target 

ORO_Geometry::KDL::Frame Additional functionality for handling a Property<KDL::Frame>

Definition at line 505 of file motionproperties.cpp.

Author(s): Steven Bellens, Ruben Smits
autogenerated on Tue Jan 5 2021 03:41:43