void | pcl::PointCloudDepthAndRGBtoXYZRGBA (PointCloud< Intensity > &depth, PointCloud< RGB > &image, float &focal, PointCloud< PointXYZRGBA > &out) |
| Convert registered Depth image and RGB image to PointCloudXYZRGBA. More...
void | pcl::PointCloudRGBtoI (PointCloud< RGB > &in, PointCloud< Intensity > &out) |
| Convert a RGB point cloud to a Intensity. More...
void | pcl::PointCloudRGBtoI (PointCloud< RGB > &in, PointCloud< Intensity8u > &out) |
| Convert a RGB point cloud to a Intensity. More...
void | pcl::PointCloudRGBtoI (PointCloud< RGB > &in, PointCloud< Intensity32u > &out) |
| Convert a RGB point cloud to a Intensity. More...
void | pcl::PointCloudXYZRGBAtoXYZHSV (PointCloud< PointXYZRGBA > &in, PointCloud< PointXYZHSV > &out) |
| Convert a XYZRGB point cloud to a XYZHSV. More...
void | pcl::PointCloudXYZRGBtoXYZHSV (PointCloud< PointXYZRGB > &in, PointCloud< PointXYZHSV > &out) |
| Convert a XYZRGB point cloud to a XYZHSV. More...
void | pcl::PointCloudXYZRGBtoXYZI (PointCloud< PointXYZRGB > &in, PointCloud< PointXYZI > &out) |
| Convert a XYZRGB point cloud to a XYZI. More...
void | pcl::PointRGBtoI (RGB &in, Intensity &out) |
| Convert a RGB point type to a I. More...
void | pcl::PointRGBtoI (RGB &in, Intensity8u &out) |
| Convert a RGB point type to a I. More...
void | pcl::PointRGBtoI (RGB &in, Intensity32u &out) |
| Convert a RGB point type to a I. More...
void | pcl::PointXYZHSVtoXYZRGB (PointXYZHSV &in, PointXYZRGB &out) |
void | pcl::PointXYZRGBAtoXYZHSV (PointXYZRGBA &in, PointXYZHSV &out) |
| Convert a XYZRGB point type to a XYZHSV. More...
void | pcl::PointXYZRGBtoXYZHSV (PointXYZRGB &in, PointXYZHSV &out) |
| Convert a XYZRGB point type to a XYZHSV. More...
void | pcl::PointXYZRGBtoXYZI (PointXYZRGB &in, PointXYZI &out) |
| Convert a XYZRGB point type to a XYZI. More...