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Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived > Class Template Reference

Base class of any sparse matrices or sparse expressions. More...

#include <ForwardDeclarations.h>

Inheritance diagram for Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >:
Inheritance graph


struct  CastXpr
struct  ConstFixedBlockXpr
struct  ConstFixedSegmentReturnType
struct  ConstNColsBlockXpr
struct  ConstNRowsBlockXpr
struct  ConstSelfAdjointViewReturnType
struct  CwiseProductDenseReturnType
struct  FixedBlockXpr
struct  FixedSegmentReturnType
struct  NColsBlockXpr
struct  NRowsBlockXpr
struct  SelfAdjointViewReturnType

Public Types

enum  {
  RowsAtCompileTime = internal::traits<Derived>::RowsAtCompileTime, ColsAtCompileTime = internal::traits<Derived>::ColsAtCompileTime, SizeAtCompileTime, MaxRowsAtCompileTime = RowsAtCompileTime,
  MaxColsAtCompileTime = ColsAtCompileTime, MaxSizeAtCompileTime, IsVectorAtCompileTime = RowsAtCompileTime == 1 || ColsAtCompileTime == 1, Flags = internal::traits<Derived>::Flags,
  IsRowMajor = Flags&RowMajorBit ? 1 : 0, InnerSizeAtCompileTime, _HasDirectAccess = (int(Flags)&DirectAccessBit) ? 1 : 0
typedef internal::conditional< NumTraits< Scalar >::IsComplex, CwiseUnaryOp< internal::scalar_conjugate_op< Scalar >, Eigen::Transpose< const Derived > >, Transpose< const Derived > >::type AdjointReturnType
typedef EigenBase< Derived > Base
typedef Block< Derived > BlockXpr
typedef internal::conditional< _HasDirectAccess, const Scalar &, Scalar >::type CoeffReturnType
typedef Block< Derived, internal::traits< Derived >::RowsAtCompileTime, Dynamic,!IsRowMajorColsBlockXpr
typedef Block< Derived, internal::traits< Derived >::RowsAtCompileTime, 1,!IsRowMajorColXpr
typedef internal::conditional< NumTraits< Scalar >::IsComplex, const CwiseUnaryOp< internal::scalar_conjugate_op< Scalar >, const Derived >, const Derived & >::type ConjugateReturnType
typedef CwiseNullaryOp< internal::scalar_constant_op< Scalar >, Matrix< Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic > > ConstantReturnType
typedef const Block< const Derived > ConstBlockXpr
typedef const Block< const Derived, internal::traits< Derived >::RowsAtCompileTime, Dynamic,!IsRowMajorConstColsBlockXpr
typedef const Block< const Derived, internal::traits< Derived >::RowsAtCompileTime, 1,!IsRowMajorConstColXpr
typedef Block< const Derived, IsRowMajor?1:Dynamic, IsRowMajor?Dynamic:1, true > ConstInnerVectorReturnType
typedef Block< const Derived, Dynamic, Dynamic, true > ConstInnerVectorsReturnType
typedef const Block< const Derived, Dynamic, internal::traits< Derived >::ColsAtCompileTime, IsRowMajorConstRowsBlockXpr
typedef const Block< const Derived, 1, internal::traits< Derived >::ColsAtCompileTime, IsRowMajorConstRowXpr
typedef const VectorBlock< const Derived > ConstSegmentReturnType
typedef internal::add_const< Transpose< const Derived > >::type ConstTransposeReturnType
typedef CwiseUnaryOp< internal::scalar_abs2_op< Scalar >, const Derived > CwiseAbs2ReturnType
typedef CwiseUnaryOp< internal::scalar_abs_op< Scalar >, const Derived > CwiseAbsReturnType
typedef CwiseUnaryOp< internal::scalar_inverse_op< Scalar >, const Derived > CwiseInverseReturnType
typedef CwiseBinaryOp< internal::scalar_cmp_op< Scalar, Scalar, internal::cmp_EQ >, const Derived, const ConstantReturnTypeCwiseScalarEqualReturnType
typedef CwiseUnaryOp< internal::scalar_sign_op< Scalar >, const Derived > CwiseSignReturnType
typedef CwiseUnaryOp< internal::scalar_sqrt_op< Scalar >, const Derived > CwiseSqrtReturnType
typedef Matrix< Scalar, RowsAtCompileTime, ColsAtCompileTimeDenseMatrixType
typedef CwiseUnaryOp< internal::scalar_imag_op< Scalar >, const Derived > ImagReturnType
typedef Matrix< StorageIndex, Dynamic, 1 > IndexVector
typedef Block< Derived, IsRowMajor?1:Dynamic, IsRowMajor?Dynamic:1, true > InnerVectorReturnType
typedef Block< Derived, Dynamic, Dynamic, true > InnerVectorsReturnType
typedef CwiseUnaryOp< internal::scalar_opposite_op< Scalar >, const Derived > NegativeReturnType
typedef CwiseUnaryView< internal::scalar_imag_ref_op< Scalar >, Derived > NonConstImagReturnType
typedef internal::conditional< NumTraits< Scalar >::IsComplex, CwiseUnaryView< internal::scalar_real_ref_op< Scalar >, Derived >, Derived & >::type NonConstRealReturnType
typedef internal::add_const_on_value_type_if_arithmetic< typename internal::packet_traits< Scalar >::type >::type PacketReturnType
typedef internal::packet_traits< Scalar >::type PacketScalar
typedef SparseMatrix< Scalar, Flags &RowMajorBit?RowMajor:ColMajor, StorageIndexPlainObject
typedef internal::conditional< NumTraits< Scalar >::IsComplex, const CwiseUnaryOp< internal::scalar_real_op< Scalar >, const Derived >, const Derived & >::type RealReturnType
typedef NumTraits< Scalar >::Real RealScalar
typedef Block< Derived, Dynamic, internal::traits< Derived >::ColsAtCompileTime, IsRowMajorRowsBlockXpr
typedef Block< Derived, 1, internal::traits< Derived >::ColsAtCompileTime, IsRowMajorRowXpr
typedef internal::traits< Derived >::Scalar Scalar
typedef Matrix< Scalar, Dynamic, 1 > ScalarVector
typedef VectorBlock< Derived > SegmentReturnType
typedef Matrix< Scalar, EIGEN_SIZE_MAX(RowsAtCompileTime, ColsAtCompileTime), EIGEN_SIZE_MAX(RowsAtCompileTime, ColsAtCompileTime)> SquareMatrixType
typedef SparseMatrixBase StorageBaseType
typedef internal::traits< Derived >::StorageIndex StorageIndex
typedef internal::traits< Derived >::StorageKind StorageKind
typedef Transpose< Derived > TransposeReturnType
typedef Scalar value_type
- Public Types inherited from Eigen::EigenBase< Derived >
typedef Eigen::Index Index
 The interface type of indices. More...
typedef internal::traits< Derived >::StorageKind StorageKind

Public Member Functions

const AdjointReturnType adjoint () const
template<typename CustomBinaryOp , typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseBinaryOp< CustomBinaryOp, const Derived, const OtherDerived > binaryExpr (const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS< OtherDerived > &other, const CustomBinaryOp &func=CustomBinaryOp()) const
EIGEN_DOC_BLOCK_ADDONS_NOT_INNER_PANEL EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC BlockXpr block (Index startRow, Index startCol, Index blockRows, Index blockCols)
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const ConstBlockXpr block (Index startRow, Index startCol, Index blockRows, Index blockCols) const
 This is the const version of block(Index,Index,Index,Index). */. More...
template<int NRows, int NCols>
EIGEN_DOC_BLOCK_ADDONS_NOT_INNER_PANEL EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC FixedBlockXpr< NRows, NCols >::Type block (Index startRow, Index startCol)
template<int NRows, int NCols>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const ConstFixedBlockXpr< NRows, NCols >::Type block (Index startRow, Index startCol) const
 This is the const version of block<>(Index, Index). */. More...
template<int NRows, int NCols>
EIGEN_DOC_BLOCK_ADDONS_NOT_INNER_PANEL FixedBlockXpr< NRows, NCols >::Type block (Index startRow, Index startCol, Index blockRows, Index blockCols)
template<int NRows, int NCols>
const ConstFixedBlockXpr< NRows, NCols >::Type block (Index startRow, Index startCol, Index blockRows, Index blockCols) const
 This is the const version of block<>(Index, Index, Index, Index). More...
RealScalar blueNorm () const
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const ConstBlockXpr bottomLeftCorner (Index cRows, Index cCols) const
 This is the const version of bottomLeftCorner(Index, Index). More...
template<int CRows, int CCols>
template<int CRows, int CCols>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const ConstFixedBlockXpr< CRows, CCols >::Type bottomLeftCorner () const
 This is the const version of bottomLeftCorner<int, int>(). More...
template<int CRows, int CCols>
EIGEN_DOC_BLOCK_ADDONS_NOT_INNER_PANEL FixedBlockXpr< CRows, CCols >::Type bottomLeftCorner (Index cRows, Index cCols)
template<int CRows, int CCols>
const ConstFixedBlockXpr< CRows, CCols >::Type bottomLeftCorner (Index cRows, Index cCols) const
 This is the const version of bottomLeftCorner<int, int>(Index, Index). More...
EIGEN_DOC_BLOCK_ADDONS_NOT_INNER_PANEL EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC BlockXpr bottomRightCorner (Index cRows, Index cCols)
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const ConstBlockXpr bottomRightCorner (Index cRows, Index cCols) const
 This is the const version of bottomRightCorner(Index, Index). More...
template<int CRows, int CCols>
template<int CRows, int CCols>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const ConstFixedBlockXpr< CRows, CCols >::Type bottomRightCorner () const
 This is the const version of bottomRightCorner<int, int>(). More...
template<int CRows, int CCols>
EIGEN_DOC_BLOCK_ADDONS_NOT_INNER_PANEL FixedBlockXpr< CRows, CCols >::Type bottomRightCorner (Index cRows, Index cCols)
template<int CRows, int CCols>
const ConstFixedBlockXpr< CRows, CCols >::Type bottomRightCorner (Index cRows, Index cCols) const
 This is the const version of bottomRightCorner<int, int>(Index, Index). More...
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC RowsBlockXpr bottomRows (Index n)
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstRowsBlockXpr bottomRows (Index n) const
 This is the const version of bottomRows(Index). More...
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC NRowsBlockXpr< N >::Type bottomRows (Index n=N)
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstNRowsBlockXpr< N >::Type bottomRows (Index n=N) const
 This is the const version of bottomRows<int>(). More...
template<typename NewType >
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC CastXpr< NewType >::Type cast () const
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ColXpr col (Index i)
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstColXpr col (Index i) const
 This is the const version of col(). More...
Index cols () const
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConjugateReturnType conjugate () const
Derived & const_cast_derived () const
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseAbsReturnType cwiseAbs () const
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseAbs2ReturnType cwiseAbs2 () const
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const CwiseBinaryOp< std::equal_to< Scalar >, const Derived, const OtherDerived > cwiseEqual (const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS< OtherDerived > &other) const
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const CwiseScalarEqualReturnType cwiseEqual (const Scalar &s) const
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const CwiseInverseReturnType cwiseInverse () const
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseBinaryOp< internal::scalar_max_op< Scalar, Scalar >, const Derived, const OtherDerived > cwiseMax (const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS< OtherDerived > &other) const
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseBinaryOp< internal::scalar_max_op< Scalar, Scalar >, const Derived, const ConstantReturnTypecwiseMax (const Scalar &other) const
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseBinaryOp< internal::scalar_min_op< Scalar, Scalar >, const Derived, const OtherDerived > cwiseMin (const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS< OtherDerived > &other) const
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseBinaryOp< internal::scalar_min_op< Scalar, Scalar >, const Derived, const ConstantReturnTypecwiseMin (const Scalar &other) const
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const CwiseBinaryOp< std::not_equal_to< Scalar >, const Derived, const OtherDerived > cwiseNotEqual (const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS< OtherDerived > &other) const
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseProductDenseReturnType< OtherDerived >::Type cwiseProduct (const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other) const
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::template CwiseProductDenseReturnType< OtherDerived >::Type cwiseProduct (const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other) const
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseBinaryOp< internal::scalar_quotient_op< Scalar >, const Derived, const OtherDerived > cwiseQuotient (const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS< OtherDerived > &other) const
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const CwiseSignReturnType cwiseSign () const
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const CwiseSqrtReturnType cwiseSqrt () const
const Derived & derived () const
Derived & derived ()
template<typename OtherDerived >
internal::traits< Derived >::Scalar dot (const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other) const
template<typename OtherDerived >
internal::traits< Derived >::Scalar dot (const SparseMatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other) const
template<typename OtherDerived >
Scalar dot (const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other) const
template<typename OtherDerived >
Scalar dot (const SparseMatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other) const
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const EIGEN_CWISE_BINARY_RETURN_TYPE (Derived, OtherDerived, product) cwiseProduct(const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS< OtherDerived > &other) const
const internal::eval< Derived >::type eval () const
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC SegmentReturnType head (Index n)
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstSegmentReturnType head (Index n) const
 This is the const version of head(Index). More...
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC FixedSegmentReturnType< N >::Type head (Index n=N)
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstFixedSegmentReturnType< N >::Type head (Index n=N) const
 This is the const version of head<int>(). More...
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const ImagReturnType imag () const
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC NonConstImagReturnType imag ()
Index innerSize () const
InnerVectorReturnType innerVector (Index outer)
const ConstInnerVectorReturnType innerVector (Index outer) const
InnerVectorsReturnType innerVectors (Index outerStart, Index outerSize)
const ConstInnerVectorsReturnType innerVectors (Index outerStart, Index outerSize) const
template<typename OtherDerived >
bool isApprox (const SparseMatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other, const RealScalar &prec=NumTraits< Scalar >::dummy_precision()) const
template<typename OtherDerived >
bool isApprox (const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other, const RealScalar &prec=NumTraits< Scalar >::dummy_precision()) const
bool isRValue () const
bool isVector () const
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ColsBlockXpr leftCols (Index n)
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstColsBlockXpr leftCols (Index n) const
 This is the const version of leftCols(Index). More...
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC NColsBlockXpr< N >::Type leftCols (Index n=N)
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstNColsBlockXpr< N >::Type leftCols (Index n=N) const
 This is the const version of leftCols<int>(). More...
Derived & markAsRValue ()
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ColsBlockXpr middleCols (Index startCol, Index numCols)
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstColsBlockXpr middleCols (Index startCol, Index numCols) const
 This is the const version of middleCols(Index,Index). More...
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC NColsBlockXpr< N >::Type middleCols (Index startCol, Index n=N)
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstNColsBlockXpr< N >::Type middleCols (Index startCol, Index n=N) const
 This is the const version of middleCols<int>(). More...
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC RowsBlockXpr middleRows (Index startRow, Index n)
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstRowsBlockXpr middleRows (Index startRow, Index n) const
 This is the const version of middleRows(Index,Index). More...
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC NRowsBlockXpr< N >::Type middleRows (Index startRow, Index n=N)
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstNRowsBlockXpr< N >::Type middleRows (Index startRow, Index n=N) const
 This is the const version of middleRows<int>(). More...
RealScalar norm () const
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const CwiseBinaryOp< internal::scalar_boolean_and_op, const Derived, const OtherDerived > operator&& (const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS< OtherDerived > &other) const
template<typename OtherDerived >
const Product< Derived, OtherDerived > operator* (const DiagonalBase< OtherDerived > &other) const
template<typename OtherDerived >
const Product< Derived, OtherDerived, AliasFreeProductoperator* (const SparseMatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other) const
template<typename OtherDerived >
const Product< Derived, OtherDerived > operator* (const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other) const
Derived & operator*= (const Scalar &other)
template<typename OtherDerived >
Derived & operator*= (const SparseMatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other)
template<typename OtherDerived >
Derived & operator+= (const SparseMatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other)
template<typename OtherDerived >
Derived & operator+= (const DiagonalBase< OtherDerived > &other)
template<typename OtherDerived >
Derived & operator+= (const EigenBase< OtherDerived > &other)
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Derived & operator+= (const SparseMatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other)
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const NegativeReturnType operator- () const
template<typename OtherDerived >
Derived & operator-= (const SparseMatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other)
template<typename OtherDerived >
Derived & operator-= (const DiagonalBase< OtherDerived > &other)
template<typename OtherDerived >
Derived & operator-= (const EigenBase< OtherDerived > &other)
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Derived & operator-= (const SparseMatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other)
Derived & operator/= (const Scalar &other)
template<typename OtherDerived >
Derived & operator= (const EigenBase< OtherDerived > &other)
template<typename OtherDerived >
Derived & operator= (const ReturnByValue< OtherDerived > &other)
template<typename OtherDerived >
Derived & operator= (const SparseMatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other)
Derived & operator= (const Derived &other)
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const CwiseBinaryOp< internal::scalar_boolean_or_op, const Derived, const OtherDerived > operator|| (const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS< OtherDerived > &other) const
Index outerSize () const
const SparseView< Derived > pruned (const Scalar &reference=Scalar(0), const RealScalar &epsilon=NumTraits< Scalar >::dummy_precision()) const
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC RealReturnType real () const
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC NonConstRealReturnType real ()
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ColsBlockXpr rightCols (Index n)
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstColsBlockXpr rightCols (Index n) const
 This is the const version of rightCols(Index). More...
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC NColsBlockXpr< N >::Type rightCols (Index n=N)
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstNColsBlockXpr< N >::Type rightCols (Index n=N) const
 This is the const version of rightCols<int>(). More...
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC RowXpr row (Index i)
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstRowXpr row (Index i) const
 This is the const version of row(). */. More...
Index rows () const
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC SegmentReturnType segment (Index start, Index n)
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstSegmentReturnType segment (Index start, Index n) const
 This is the const version of segment(Index,Index). More...
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC FixedSegmentReturnType< N >::Type segment (Index start, Index n=N)
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstFixedSegmentReturnType< N >::Type segment (Index start, Index n=N) const
 This is the const version of segment<int>(Index). More...
template<unsigned int UpLo>
SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::template ConstSelfAdjointViewReturnType< UpLo >::Type selfadjointView () const
template<unsigned int UpLo>
SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::template SelfAdjointViewReturnType< UpLo >::Type selfadjointView ()
template<unsigned int UpLo>
ConstSelfAdjointViewReturnType< UpLo >::Type selfadjointView () const
template<unsigned int UpLo>
SelfAdjointViewReturnType< UpLo >::Type selfadjointView ()
Index size () const
 SparseMatrixBase ()
RealScalar squaredNorm () const
Scalar sum () const
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC SegmentReturnType tail (Index n)
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstSegmentReturnType tail (Index n) const
 This is the const version of tail(Index). More...
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC FixedSegmentReturnType< N >::Type tail (Index n=N)
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstFixedSegmentReturnType< N >::Type tail (Index n=N) const
 This is the const version of tail<int>. More...
DenseMatrixType toDense () const
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const ConstBlockXpr topLeftCorner (Index cRows, Index cCols) const
 This is the const version of topLeftCorner(Index, Index). More...
template<int CRows, int CCols>
template<int CRows, int CCols>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const ConstFixedBlockXpr< CRows, CCols >::Type topLeftCorner () const
 This is the const version of topLeftCorner<int, int>(). More...
template<int CRows, int CCols>
EIGEN_DOC_BLOCK_ADDONS_NOT_INNER_PANEL FixedBlockXpr< CRows, CCols >::Type topLeftCorner (Index cRows, Index cCols)
template<int CRows, int CCols>
const ConstFixedBlockXpr< CRows, CCols >::Type topLeftCorner (Index cRows, Index cCols) const
 This is the const version of topLeftCorner<int, int>(Index, Index). More...
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const ConstBlockXpr topRightCorner (Index cRows, Index cCols) const
 This is the const version of topRightCorner(Index, Index). More...
template<int CRows, int CCols>
template<int CRows, int CCols>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const ConstFixedBlockXpr< CRows, CCols >::Type topRightCorner () const
 This is the const version of topRightCorner<int, int>(). More...
template<int CRows, int CCols>
EIGEN_DOC_BLOCK_ADDONS_NOT_INNER_PANEL FixedBlockXpr< CRows, CCols >::Type topRightCorner (Index cRows, Index cCols)
template<int CRows, int CCols>
const ConstFixedBlockXpr< CRows, CCols >::Type topRightCorner (Index cRows, Index cCols) const
 This is the const version of topRightCorner<int, int>(Index, Index). More...
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC RowsBlockXpr topRows (Index n)
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstRowsBlockXpr topRows (Index n) const
 This is the const version of topRows(Index). More...
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC NRowsBlockXpr< N >::Type topRows (Index n=N)
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstNRowsBlockXpr< N >::Type topRows (Index n=N) const
 This is the const version of topRows<int>(). More...
TransposeReturnType transpose ()
const ConstTransposeReturnType transpose () const
template<int Mode>
const TriangularView< const Derived, Mode > triangularView () const
SparseSymmetricPermutationProduct< Derived, Upper|LowertwistedBy (const PermutationMatrix< Dynamic, Dynamic, StorageIndex > &perm) const
template<typename CustomUnaryOp >
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const CwiseUnaryOp< CustomUnaryOp, const Derived > unaryExpr (const CustomUnaryOp &func=CustomUnaryOp()) const
 Apply a unary operator coefficient-wise. More...
template<typename CustomViewOp >
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const CwiseUnaryView< CustomViewOp, const Derived > unaryViewExpr (const CustomViewOp &func=CustomViewOp()) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Eigen::EigenBase< Derived >
template<typename Dest >
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC void addTo (Dest &dst) const
template<typename Dest >
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC void applyThisOnTheLeft (Dest &dst) const
template<typename Dest >
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC void applyThisOnTheRight (Dest &dst) const
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC Index cols () const
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC Derived & const_cast_derived () const
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const Derived & const_derived () const
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC Derived & derived ()
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const Derived & derived () const
template<typename Dest >
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC void evalTo (Dest &dst) const
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC Index rows () const
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC Index size () const
template<typename Dest >
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC void subTo (Dest &dst) const

Protected Member Functions

template<typename OtherDerived >
Derived & assign (const OtherDerived &other)
template<typename OtherDerived >
void assignGeneric (const OtherDerived &other)

Static Protected Member Functions

static StorageIndex convert_index (const Index idx)

Protected Attributes

bool m_isRValue

Private Member Functions

template<typename Dest >
void evalTo (Dest &) const


template<typename OtherDerived >
const Product< OtherDerived, Derived > operator* (const DiagonalBase< OtherDerived > &lhs, const SparseMatrixBase &rhs)
template<typename OtherDerived >
const Product< OtherDerived, Derived > operator* (const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &lhs, const SparseMatrixBase &rhs)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const SparseMatrixBase &m)

Detailed Description

template<typename Derived>
class Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >

Base class of any sparse matrices or sparse expressions.

Template Parameters
Derivedis the derived type, e.g. a sparse matrix type, or an expression, etc.

This class can be extended with the help of the plugin mechanism described on the page Extending MatrixBase (and other classes) by defining the preprocessor symbol EIGEN_SPARSEMATRIXBASE_PLUGIN.

Definition at line 281 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 109 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef EigenBase<Derived> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::Base

Definition at line 143 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef Block<Derived> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::BlockXpr

Definition at line 33 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef internal::conditional<_HasDirectAccess, const Scalar&, Scalar>::type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::CoeffReturnType

Definition at line 127 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef Block<Derived, internal::traits<Derived>::RowsAtCompileTime, Dynamic, !IsRowMajor> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::ColsBlockXpr

Definition at line 21 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef Block<Derived, internal::traits<Derived>::RowsAtCompileTime, 1, !IsRowMajor> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::ColXpr

Definition at line 15 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef internal::conditional<NumTraits<Scalar>::IsComplex, const CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_conjugate_op<Scalar>, const Derived>, const Derived& >::type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::ConjugateReturnType

Definition at line 20 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

Definition at line 130 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef const Block<const Derived> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::ConstBlockXpr

Definition at line 34 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef const Block<const Derived, internal::traits<Derived>::RowsAtCompileTime, Dynamic, !IsRowMajor> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::ConstColsBlockXpr

Definition at line 22 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef const Block<const Derived, internal::traits<Derived>::RowsAtCompileTime, 1, !IsRowMajor> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::ConstColXpr

Definition at line 16 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef Block<const Derived,IsRowMajor?1:Dynamic,IsRowMajor?Dynamic:1,true> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::ConstInnerVectorReturnType

Definition at line 355 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef Block<const Derived,Dynamic,Dynamic,true> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::ConstInnerVectorsReturnType

Definition at line 361 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef const Block<const Derived, Dynamic, internal::traits<Derived>::ColsAtCompileTime, IsRowMajor> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::ConstRowsBlockXpr

Definition at line 25 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef const Block<const Derived, 1, internal::traits<Derived>::ColsAtCompileTime, IsRowMajor> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::ConstRowXpr

Definition at line 19 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef const VectorBlock<const Derived> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::ConstSegmentReturnType

Definition at line 40 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef internal::add_const<Transpose<const Derived> >::type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::ConstTransposeReturnType

Definition at line 111 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_abs2_op<Scalar>, const Derived> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::CwiseAbs2ReturnType

Definition at line 17 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_abs_op<Scalar>, const Derived> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::CwiseAbsReturnType

Definition at line 16 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_inverse_op<Scalar>, const Derived> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::CwiseInverseReturnType

Definition at line 20 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

Definition at line 137 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_sign_op<Scalar>, const Derived> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::CwiseSignReturnType

Definition at line 19 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_sqrt_op<Scalar>, const Derived> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::CwiseSqrtReturnType

Definition at line 18 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

type of the equivalent dense matrix

Definition at line 133 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_imag_op<Scalar>, const Derived> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::ImagReturnType

Definition at line 32 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef Matrix<StorageIndex,Dynamic,1> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::IndexVector

Definition at line 51 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef Block<Derived,IsRowMajor?1:Dynamic,IsRowMajor?Dynamic:1,true> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::InnerVectorReturnType

Definition at line 354 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef Block<Derived,Dynamic,Dynamic,true> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::InnerVectorsReturnType

Definition at line 360 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_opposite_op<Scalar>, const Derived> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::NegativeReturnType

Definition at line 36 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef CwiseUnaryView<internal::scalar_imag_ref_op<Scalar>, Derived> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::NonConstImagReturnType

Definition at line 34 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

Definition at line 30 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

Definition at line 47 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef internal::packet_traits<Scalar>::type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::PacketScalar

Definition at line 38 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef SparseMatrix<Scalar, Flags&RowMajorBit ? RowMajor : ColMajor, StorageIndex> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::PlainObject

Definition at line 114 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef internal::conditional<NumTraits<Scalar>::IsComplex, const CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_real_op<Scalar>, const Derived>, const Derived& >::type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::RealReturnType

Definition at line 25 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef NumTraits<Scalar>::Real Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::RealScalar

This is the "real scalar" type; if the Scalar type is already real numbers (e.g. int, float or double) then RealScalar is just the same as Scalar. If Scalar is std::complex<T> then RealScalar is T.

See also
class NumTraits

Definition at line 123 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef Block<Derived, Dynamic, internal::traits<Derived>::ColsAtCompileTime, IsRowMajor> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::RowsBlockXpr

Definition at line 24 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef Block<Derived, 1, internal::traits<Derived>::ColsAtCompileTime, IsRowMajor> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::RowXpr

Definition at line 18 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef internal::traits<Derived>::Scalar Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::Scalar

Definition at line 31 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,1> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::ScalarVector

Definition at line 52 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef VectorBlock<Derived> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::SegmentReturnType

Definition at line 39 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

type of the equivalent square matrix

Definition at line 136 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef SparseMatrixBase Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::StorageBaseType

Definition at line 49 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef internal::traits<Derived>::StorageIndex Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::StorageIndex

The integer type used to store indices within a SparseMatrix. For a SparseMatrix<Scalar,Options,IndexType> it an alias of the third template parameter IndexType.

Definition at line 43 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef internal::traits<Derived>::StorageKind Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::StorageKind

Definition at line 39 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef Transpose<Derived> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::TransposeReturnType

Definition at line 110 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
typedef Scalar Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::value_type

The numeric type of the expression' coefficients, e.g. float, double, int or std::complex<float>, etc.

It is an alias for the Scalar type

Definition at line 36 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

template<typename Derived>
anonymous enum

The number of rows at compile-time. This is just a copy of the value provided by the Derived type. If a value is not known at compile-time, it is set to the Dynamic constant.

See also
MatrixBase::rows(), MatrixBase::cols(), ColsAtCompileTime, SizeAtCompileTime

The number of columns at compile-time. This is just a copy of the value provided by the Derived type. If a value is not known at compile-time, it is set to the Dynamic constant.

See also
MatrixBase::rows(), MatrixBase::cols(), RowsAtCompileTime, SizeAtCompileTime

This is equal to the number of coefficients, i.e. the number of rows times the number of columns, or to Dynamic if this is not known at compile-time.

See also
RowsAtCompileTime, ColsAtCompileTime

This is set to true if either the number of rows or the number of columns is known at compile-time to be equal to 1. Indeed, in that case, we are dealing with a column-vector (if there is only one column) or with a row-vector (if there is only one row).


This stores expression Flags flags which may or may not be inherited by new expressions constructed from this one. See the list of flags.


Definition at line 57 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename Derived>
Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::SparseMatrixBase ( )

Definition at line 192 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename Derived>
const AdjointReturnType Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::adjoint ( ) const

Definition at line 351 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived >
Derived& Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::assign ( const OtherDerived &  other)
template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived >
void Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::assignGeneric ( const OtherDerived &  other)
template<typename Derived>
template<typename CustomBinaryOp , typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseBinaryOp<CustomBinaryOp, const Derived, const OtherDerived> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::binaryExpr ( const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS< OtherDerived > &  other,
const CustomBinaryOp &  func = CustomBinaryOp() 
) const
an expression of the difference of *this and other
If you want to substract a given scalar from all coefficients, see Cwise::operator-().
See also
class CwiseBinaryOp, operator-=()
an expression of the sum of *this and other
If you want to add a given scalar to all coefficients, see Cwise::operator+().
See also
class CwiseBinaryOp, operator+=()
an expression of a custom coefficient-wise operator func of *this and other

The template parameter CustomBinaryOp is the type of the functor of the custom operator (see class CwiseBinaryOp for an example)

Here is an example illustrating the use of custom functors:

#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <iostream>
using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;
// define a custom template binary functor
template<typename Scalar> struct MakeComplexOp {
typedef complex<Scalar> result_type;
complex<Scalar> operator()(const Scalar& a, const Scalar& b) const { return complex<Scalar>(a,b); }
int main(int, char**)
Matrix4d m1 = Matrix4d::Random(), m2 = Matrix4d::Random();
cout << m1.binaryExpr(m2, MakeComplexOp<double>()) << endl;
return 0;


See also
class CwiseBinaryOp, operator+(), operator-(), cwiseProduct()

Definition at line 44 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DOC_BLOCK_ADDONS_NOT_INNER_PANEL EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC BlockXpr Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::block ( Index  startRow,
Index  startCol,
Index  blockRows,
Index  blockCols 
a dynamic-size expression of a block in *this.
startRowthe first row in the block
startColthe first column in the block
blockRowsthe number of rows in the block
blockColsthe number of columns in the block


Matrix4i m = Matrix4i::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is m.block(1, 1, 2, 2):" << endl << m.block(1, 1, 2, 2) << endl;
m.block(1, 1, 2, 2).setZero();
cout << "Now the matrix m is:" << endl << m << endl;


Even though the returned expression has dynamic size, in the case when it is applied to a fixed-size matrix, it inherits a fixed maximal size, which means that evaluating it does not cause a dynamic memory allocation.
See also
class Block, block(Index,Index)

Definition at line 65 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const ConstBlockXpr Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::block ( Index  startRow,
Index  startCol,
Index  blockRows,
Index  blockCols 
) const

This is the const version of block(Index,Index,Index,Index). */.

Definition at line 72 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int NRows, int NCols>
EIGEN_DOC_BLOCK_ADDONS_NOT_INNER_PANEL EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC FixedBlockXpr<NRows,NCols>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::block ( Index  startRow,
Index  startCol 
a fixed-size expression of a block in *this.

The template parameters NRows and NCols are the number of rows and columns in the block.

startRowthe first row in the block
startColthe first column in the block


Matrix4i m = Matrix4i::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is m.block<2,2>(1,1):" << endl << m.block<2,2>(1,1) << endl;
cout << "Now the matrix m is:" << endl << m << endl;


since block is a templated member, the keyword template has to be used if the matrix type is also a template parameter:
m.template block<3,3>(1,1);
See also
class Block, block(Index,Index,Index,Index)

Definition at line 781 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int NRows, int NCols>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const ConstFixedBlockXpr<NRows,NCols>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::block ( Index  startRow,
Index  startCol 
) const

This is the const version of block<>(Index, Index). */.

Definition at line 789 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int NRows, int NCols>
EIGEN_DOC_BLOCK_ADDONS_NOT_INNER_PANEL FixedBlockXpr<NRows,NCols>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::block ( Index  startRow,
Index  startCol,
Index  blockRows,
Index  blockCols 
an expression of a block in *this.
Template Parameters
NRowsnumber of rows in block as specified at compile-time
NColsnumber of columns in block as specified at compile-time
startRowthe first row in the block
startColthe first column in the block
blockRowsnumber of rows in block as specified at run-time
blockColsnumber of columns in block as specified at run-time

This function is mainly useful for blocks where the number of rows is specified at compile-time and the number of columns is specified at run-time, or vice versa. The compile-time and run-time information should not contradict. In other words, blockRows should equal NRows unless NRows is Dynamic, and the same for the number of columns.


Matrix4i m = Matrix4i::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is the block:" << endl << m.block<2, Dynamic>(1, 1, 2, 3) << endl;
m.block<2, Dynamic>(1, 1, 2, 3).setZero();
cout << "Now the matrix m is:" << endl << m << endl;


Matrix4i m = Matrix4i::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is the block:" << endl << m.block<2, Dynamic>(1, 1, 2, 3) << endl;
m.block<2, Dynamic>(1, 1, 2, 3).setZero();
cout << "Now the matrix m is:" << endl << m << endl;
See also
class Block, block(Index,Index,Index,Index)

Definition at line 816 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int NRows, int NCols>
const ConstFixedBlockXpr<NRows,NCols>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::block ( Index  startRow,
Index  startCol,
Index  blockRows,
Index  blockCols 
) const

This is the const version of block<>(Index, Index, Index, Index).

Definition at line 824 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived >
NumTraits< typename internal::traits< Derived >::Scalar >::Real Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::blueNorm ( ) const

Definition at line 92 of file SparseDot.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DOC_BLOCK_ADDONS_NOT_INNER_PANEL EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC BlockXpr Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::bottomLeftCorner ( Index  cRows,
Index  cCols 
a dynamic-size expression of a bottom-left corner of *this.
cRowsthe number of rows in the corner
cColsthe number of columns in the corner


Matrix4i m = Matrix4i::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is m.bottomLeftCorner(2, 2):" << endl;
cout << m.bottomLeftCorner(2, 2) << endl;
m.bottomLeftCorner(2, 2).setZero();
cout << "Now the matrix m is:" << endl << m << endl;


See also
class Block, block(Index,Index,Index,Index)

Definition at line 349 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const ConstBlockXpr Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::bottomLeftCorner ( Index  cRows,
Index  cCols 
) const

This is the const version of bottomLeftCorner(Index, Index).

Definition at line 356 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int CRows, int CCols>
EIGEN_DOC_BLOCK_ADDONS_NOT_INNER_PANEL EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC FixedBlockXpr<CRows,CCols>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::bottomLeftCorner ( )
an expression of a fixed-size bottom-left corner of *this.

The template parameters CRows and CCols are the number of rows and columns in the corner.


Matrix4i m = Matrix4i::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is m.bottomLeftCorner<2,2>():" << endl;
cout << m.bottomLeftCorner<2,2>() << endl;
cout << "Now the matrix m is:" << endl << m << endl;


See also
class Block, block(Index,Index,Index,Index)

Definition at line 374 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int CRows, int CCols>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const ConstFixedBlockXpr<CRows,CCols>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::bottomLeftCorner ( ) const

This is the const version of bottomLeftCorner<int, int>().

Definition at line 382 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int CRows, int CCols>
EIGEN_DOC_BLOCK_ADDONS_NOT_INNER_PANEL FixedBlockXpr<CRows,CCols>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::bottomLeftCorner ( Index  cRows,
Index  cCols 
an expression of a bottom-left corner of *this.
Template Parameters
CRowsnumber of rows in corner as specified at compile-time
CColsnumber of columns in corner as specified at compile-time
cRowsnumber of rows in corner as specified at run-time
cColsnumber of columns in corner as specified at run-time

This function is mainly useful for corners where the number of rows is specified at compile-time and the number of columns is specified at run-time, or vice versa. The compile-time and run-time information should not contradict. In other words, cRows should equal CRows unless CRows is Dynamic, and the same for the number of columns.


Matrix4i m = Matrix4i::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is m.bottomLeftCorner<2,Dynamic>(2,2):" << endl;
cout << m.bottomLeftCorner<2,Dynamic>(2,2) << endl;
cout << "Now the matrix m is:" << endl << m << endl;


See also
class Block

Definition at line 407 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int CRows, int CCols>
const ConstFixedBlockXpr<CRows,CCols>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::bottomLeftCorner ( Index  cRows,
Index  cCols 
) const

This is the const version of bottomLeftCorner<int, int>(Index, Index).

Definition at line 414 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DOC_BLOCK_ADDONS_NOT_INNER_PANEL EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC BlockXpr Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::bottomRightCorner ( Index  cRows,
Index  cCols 
a dynamic-size expression of a bottom-right corner of *this.
cRowsthe number of rows in the corner
cColsthe number of columns in the corner


Matrix4i m = Matrix4i::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is m.bottomRightCorner(2, 2):" << endl;
cout << m.bottomRightCorner(2, 2) << endl;
m.bottomRightCorner(2, 2).setZero();
cout << "Now the matrix m is:" << endl << m << endl;


See also
class Block, block(Index,Index,Index,Index)

Definition at line 264 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const ConstBlockXpr Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::bottomRightCorner ( Index  cRows,
Index  cCols 
) const

This is the const version of bottomRightCorner(Index, Index).

Definition at line 271 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int CRows, int CCols>
EIGEN_DOC_BLOCK_ADDONS_NOT_INNER_PANEL EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC FixedBlockXpr<CRows,CCols>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::bottomRightCorner ( )
an expression of a fixed-size bottom-right corner of *this.

The template parameters CRows and CCols are the number of rows and columns in the corner.


Matrix4i m = Matrix4i::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is m.bottomRightCorner<2,2>():" << endl;
cout << m.bottomRightCorner<2,2>() << endl;
cout << "Now the matrix m is:" << endl << m << endl;


See also
class Block, block(Index,Index,Index,Index)

Definition at line 289 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int CRows, int CCols>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const ConstFixedBlockXpr<CRows,CCols>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::bottomRightCorner ( ) const

This is the const version of bottomRightCorner<int, int>().

Definition at line 297 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int CRows, int CCols>
EIGEN_DOC_BLOCK_ADDONS_NOT_INNER_PANEL FixedBlockXpr<CRows,CCols>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::bottomRightCorner ( Index  cRows,
Index  cCols 
an expression of a bottom-right corner of *this.
Template Parameters
CRowsnumber of rows in corner as specified at compile-time
CColsnumber of columns in corner as specified at compile-time
cRowsnumber of rows in corner as specified at run-time
cColsnumber of columns in corner as specified at run-time

This function is mainly useful for corners where the number of rows is specified at compile-time and the number of columns is specified at run-time, or vice versa. The compile-time and run-time information should not contradict. In other words, cRows should equal CRows unless CRows is Dynamic, and the same for the number of columns.


Matrix4i m = Matrix4i::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is m.bottomRightCorner<2,Dynamic>(2,2):" << endl;
cout << m.bottomRightCorner<2,Dynamic>(2,2) << endl;
cout << "Now the matrix m is:" << endl << m << endl;


See also
class Block

Definition at line 322 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int CRows, int CCols>
const ConstFixedBlockXpr<CRows,CCols>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::bottomRightCorner ( Index  cRows,
Index  cCols 
) const

This is the const version of bottomRightCorner<int, int>(Index, Index).

Definition at line 329 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC RowsBlockXpr Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::bottomRows ( Index  n)
a block consisting of the bottom rows of *this.
nthe number of rows in the block


Array44i a = Array44i::Random();
cout << "Here is the array a:" << endl << a << endl;
cout << "Here is a.bottomRows(2):" << endl;
cout << a.bottomRows(2) << endl;
cout << "Now the array a is:" << endl << a << endl;


See also
class Block, block(Index,Index,Index,Index)

Definition at line 489 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstRowsBlockXpr Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::bottomRows ( Index  n) const

This is the const version of bottomRows(Index).

Definition at line 496 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC NRowsBlockXpr<N>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::bottomRows ( Index  n = N)
a block consisting of the bottom rows of *this.
Template Parameters
Nthe number of rows in the block as specified at compile-time
nthe number of rows in the block as specified at run-time

The compile-time and run-time information should not contradict. In other words, n should equal N unless N is Dynamic.


Array44i a = Array44i::Random();
cout << "Here is the array a:" << endl << a << endl;
cout << "Here is a.bottomRows<2>():" << endl;
cout << a.bottomRows<2>() << endl;
cout << "Now the array a is:" << endl << a << endl;


See also
class Block, block(Index,Index,Index,Index)

Definition at line 518 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstNRowsBlockXpr<N>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::bottomRows ( Index  n = N) const

This is the const version of bottomRows<int>().

Definition at line 526 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<typename NewType >
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC CastXpr<NewType>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::cast ( ) const
an expression of *this with the Scalar type casted to NewScalar.

The template parameter NewScalar is the type we are casting the scalars to.

See also
class CwiseUnaryOp

Definition at line 63 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ColXpr Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::col ( Index  i)
an expression of the i-th column of *this. Note that the numbering starts at 0.


Matrix3d m = Matrix3d::Identity();
m.col(1) = Vector3d(4,5,6);
cout << m << endl;


See also
row(), class Block

Definition at line 839 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstColXpr Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::col ( Index  i) const

This is the const version of col().

Definition at line 846 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
Index Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::cols ( void  ) const
the number of columns.
See also

Definition at line 173 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConjugateReturnType Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::conjugate ( ) const
an expression of the complex conjugate of *this.
See also
Math functions, MatrixBase::adjoint()

Definition at line 75 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
Derived& Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::const_cast_derived ( ) const

Definition at line 140 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
static StorageIndex Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::convert_index ( const Index  idx)

Definition at line 396 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseAbsReturnType Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::cwiseAbs ( ) const
an expression of the coefficient-wise absolute value of *this


MatrixXd m(2,3);
m << 2, -4, 6,
-5, 1, 0;
cout << m.cwiseAbs() << endl;


See also

Definition at line 33 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseAbs2ReturnType Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::cwiseAbs2 ( ) const
an expression of the coefficient-wise squared absolute value of *this


MatrixXd m(2,3);
m << 2, -4, 6,
-5, 1, 0;
cout << m.cwiseAbs2() << endl;


See also

Definition at line 46 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const CwiseBinaryOp<std::equal_to<Scalar>, const Derived, const OtherDerived> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::cwiseEqual ( const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS< OtherDerived > &  other) const
an expression of the coefficient-wise == operator of *this and other
this performs an exact comparison, which is generally a bad idea with floating-point types. In order to check for equality between two vectors or matrices with floating-point coefficients, it is generally a far better idea to use a fuzzy comparison as provided by isApprox() and isMuchSmallerThan().


MatrixXi m(2,2);
m << 1, 0,
1, 1;
cout << "Comparing m with identity matrix:" << endl;
cout << m.cwiseEqual(MatrixXi::Identity(2,2)) << endl;
Index count = m.cwiseEqual(MatrixXi::Identity(2,2)).count();
cout << "Number of coefficients that are equal: " << count << endl;


See also
cwiseNotEqual(), isApprox(), isMuchSmallerThan()

Definition at line 44 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const CwiseScalarEqualReturnType Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::cwiseEqual ( const Scalar s) const
an expression of the coefficient-wise == operator of *this and a scalar s
this performs an exact comparison, which is generally a bad idea with floating-point types. In order to check for equality between two vectors or matrices with floating-point coefficients, it is generally a far better idea to use a fuzzy comparison as provided by isApprox() and isMuchSmallerThan().
See also
cwiseEqual(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived> &) const

Definition at line 150 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const CwiseInverseReturnType Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::cwiseInverse ( ) const
an expression of the coefficient-wise inverse of *this.


MatrixXd m(2,3);
m << 2, 0.5, 1,
3, 0.25, 1;
cout << m.cwiseInverse() << endl;


See also

Definition at line 84 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_max_op<Scalar,Scalar>, const Derived, const OtherDerived> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::cwiseMax ( const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS< OtherDerived > &  other) const
an expression of the coefficient-wise max of *this and other


Vector3d v(2,3,4), w(4,2,3);
cout << v.cwiseMax(w) << endl;


See also
class CwiseBinaryOp, min()

Definition at line 105 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_max_op<Scalar,Scalar>, const Derived, const ConstantReturnType> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::cwiseMax ( const Scalar other) const
an expression of the coefficient-wise max of *this and scalar other
See also
class CwiseBinaryOp, min()

Definition at line 116 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_min_op<Scalar,Scalar>, const Derived, const OtherDerived> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::cwiseMin ( const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS< OtherDerived > &  other) const
an expression of the coefficient-wise min of *this and other


Vector3d v(2,3,4), w(4,2,3);
cout << v.cwiseMin(w) << endl;


See also
class CwiseBinaryOp, max()

Definition at line 79 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_min_op<Scalar,Scalar>, const Derived, const ConstantReturnType> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::cwiseMin ( const Scalar other) const
an expression of the coefficient-wise min of *this and scalar other
See also
class CwiseBinaryOp, min()

Definition at line 90 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const CwiseBinaryOp<std::not_equal_to<Scalar>, const Derived, const OtherDerived> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::cwiseNotEqual ( const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS< OtherDerived > &  other) const
an expression of the coefficient-wise != operator of *this and other
this performs an exact comparison, which is generally a bad idea with floating-point types. In order to check for equality between two vectors or matrices with floating-point coefficients, it is generally a far better idea to use a fuzzy comparison as provided by isApprox() and isMuchSmallerThan().


MatrixXi m(2,2);
m << 1, 0,
1, 1;
cout << "Comparing m with identity matrix:" << endl;
cout << m.cwiseNotEqual(MatrixXi::Identity(2,2)) << endl;
Index count = m.cwiseNotEqual(MatrixXi::Identity(2,2)).count();
cout << "Number of coefficients that are not equal: " << count << endl;


See also
cwiseEqual(), isApprox(), isMuchSmallerThan()

Definition at line 64 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseProductDenseReturnType<OtherDerived>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::cwiseProduct ( const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &  other) const
template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const SparseMatrixBase<Derived>::template CwiseProductDenseReturnType<OtherDerived>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::cwiseProduct ( const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &  other) const

Definition at line 691 of file SparseCwiseBinaryOp.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_quotient_op<Scalar>, const Derived, const OtherDerived> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::cwiseQuotient ( const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS< OtherDerived > &  other) const
an expression of the coefficient-wise quotient of *this and other


Vector3d v(2,3,4), w(4,2,3);
cout << v.cwiseQuotient(w) << endl;


See also
class CwiseBinaryOp, cwiseProduct(), cwiseInverse()

Definition at line 132 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const CwiseSignReturnType Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::cwiseSign ( ) const
an expression of the coefficient-wise signum of *this.


MatrixXd m(2,3);
m << 2, -4, 6,
-5, 1, 0;
cout << m.cwiseSign() << endl;



Definition at line 70 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const CwiseSqrtReturnType Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::cwiseSqrt ( ) const
an expression of the coefficient-wise square root of *this.


Vector3d v(1,2,4);
cout << v.cwiseSqrt() << endl;


See also
cwisePow(), cwiseSquare()

Definition at line 59 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
const Derived& Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::derived ( ) const

Definition at line 138 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
Derived& Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::derived ( )

Definition at line 139 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived >
internal::traits<Derived>::Scalar Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::dot ( const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &  other) const

Definition at line 18 of file SparseDot.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived >
internal::traits<Derived>::Scalar Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::dot ( const SparseMatrixBase< OtherDerived > &  other) const

Definition at line 43 of file SparseDot.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived >
Scalar Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::dot ( const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &  other) const
template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived >
Scalar Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::dot ( const SparseMatrixBase< OtherDerived > &  other) const
template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived >
OtherDerived  ,
) const
an expression of the Schur product (coefficient wise product) of *this and other


Matrix3i a = Matrix3i::Random(), b = Matrix3i::Random();
Matrix3i c = a.cwiseProduct(b);
cout << "a:\n" << a << "\nb:\n" << b << "\nc:\n" << c << endl;


See also
class CwiseBinaryOp, cwiseAbs2

Definition at line 23 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
const internal::eval<Derived>::type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::eval ( ) const
the matrix or vector obtained by evaluating this expression.

Notice that in the case of a plain matrix or vector (not an expression) this function just returns a const reference, in order to avoid a useless copy.

Definition at line 384 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<typename Dest >
void Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::evalTo ( Dest &  ) const
template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC SegmentReturnType Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::head ( Index  n)
a dynamic-size expression of the first coefficients of *this.
nthe number of coefficients in the segment


RowVector4i v = RowVector4i::Random();
cout << "Here is the vector v:" << endl << v << endl;
cout << "Here is v.head(2):" << endl << v.head(2) << endl;
cout << "Now the vector v is:" << endl << v << endl;


Even though the returned expression has dynamic size, in the case when it is applied to a fixed-size vector, it inherits a fixed maximal size, which means that evaluating it does not cause a dynamic memory allocation.
See also
class Block, block(Index,Index)

Definition at line 920 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstSegmentReturnType Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::head ( Index  n) const

This is the const version of head(Index).

Definition at line 928 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC FixedSegmentReturnType<N>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::head ( Index  n = N)
a fixed-size expression of the first coefficients of *this.
Template Parameters
Nthe number of coefficients in the segment as specified at compile-time
nthe number of coefficients in the segment as specified at run-time

The compile-time and run-time information should not contradict. In other words, n should equal N unless N is Dynamic.


RowVector4i v = RowVector4i::Random();
cout << "Here is the vector v:" << endl << v << endl;
cout << "Here is v.head(2):" << endl << v.head<2>() << endl;
cout << "Now the vector v is:" << endl << v << endl;


See also
class Block

Definition at line 1014 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstFixedSegmentReturnType<N>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::head ( Index  n = N) const

This is the const version of head<int>().

Definition at line 1023 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const ImagReturnType Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::imag ( ) const
an read-only expression of the imaginary part of *this.
See also

Definition at line 96 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC NonConstImagReturnType Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::imag ( )
a non const expression of the imaginary part of *this.
See also

Definition at line 164 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
Index Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::innerSize ( ) const
the size of the inner dimension according to the storage order, i.e., the number of rows for a columns major matrix, and the number of cols otherwise

Definition at line 187 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived >
SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::InnerVectorReturnType Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::innerVector ( Index  outer)
the outer -th column (resp. row) of the matrix *this if *this is col-major (resp. row-major).

Definition at line 333 of file SparseBlock.h.

template<typename Derived >
const SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::ConstInnerVectorReturnType Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::innerVector ( Index  outer) const
the outer -th column (resp. row) of the matrix *this if *this is col-major (resp. row-major). Read-only.

Definition at line 340 of file SparseBlock.h.

template<typename Derived >
SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::InnerVectorsReturnType Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::innerVectors ( Index  outerStart,
Index  outerSize 
the outer -th column (resp. row) of the matrix *this if *this is col-major (resp. row-major).

Definition at line 348 of file SparseBlock.h.

template<typename Derived >
const SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::ConstInnerVectorsReturnType Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::innerVectors ( Index  outerStart,
Index  outerSize 
) const
the outer -th column (resp. row) of the matrix *this if *this is col-major (resp. row-major). Read-only.

Definition at line 361 of file SparseBlock.h.

template<typename Derived >
template<typename OtherDerived >
bool Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::isApprox ( const SparseMatrixBase< OtherDerived > &  other,
const RealScalar prec = NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision() 
) const

Definition at line 17 of file SparseFuzzy.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived >
bool Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::isApprox ( const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &  other,
const RealScalar prec = NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision() 
) const

Definition at line 375 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
bool Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::isRValue ( ) const

Definition at line 189 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
bool Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::isVector ( ) const
true if either the number of rows or the number of columns is equal to 1. In other words, this function returns
rows()==1 || cols()==1
See also
rows(), cols(), IsVectorAtCompileTime.

Definition at line 181 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ColsBlockXpr Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::leftCols ( Index  n)
a block consisting of the left columns of *this.
nthe number of columns in the block


Array44i a = Array44i::Random();
cout << "Here is the array a:" << endl << a << endl;
cout << "Here is a.leftCols(2):" << endl;
cout << a.leftCols(2) << endl;
cout << "Now the array a is:" << endl << a << endl;


See also
class Block, block(Index,Index,Index,Index)

Definition at line 603 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstColsBlockXpr Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::leftCols ( Index  n) const

This is the const version of leftCols(Index).

Definition at line 610 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC NColsBlockXpr<N>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::leftCols ( Index  n = N)
a block consisting of the left columns of *this.
Template Parameters
Nthe number of columns in the block as specified at compile-time
nthe number of columns in the block as specified at run-time

The compile-time and run-time information should not contradict. In other words, n should equal N unless N is Dynamic.


Array44i a = Array44i::Random();
cout << "Here is the array a:" << endl << a << endl;
cout << "Here is a.leftCols<2>():" << endl;
cout << a.leftCols<2>() << endl;
cout << "Now the array a is:" << endl << a << endl;


See also
class Block, block(Index,Index,Index,Index)

Definition at line 632 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstNColsBlockXpr<N>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::leftCols ( Index  n = N) const

This is the const version of leftCols<int>().

Definition at line 640 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
Derived& Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::markAsRValue ( )

Definition at line 190 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ColsBlockXpr Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::middleCols ( Index  startCol,
Index  numCols 
a block consisting of a range of columns of *this.
startColthe index of the first column in the block
numColsthe number of columns in the block


#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <iostream>
using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;
int main(void)
int const N = 5;
MatrixXi A(N,N);
cout << "A =\n" << A << '\n' << endl;
cout << "A(1..3,:) =\n" << A.middleCols(1,3) << endl;
return 0;


See also
class Block, block(Index,Index,Index,Index)

Definition at line 716 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstColsBlockXpr Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::middleCols ( Index  startCol,
Index  numCols 
) const

This is the const version of middleCols(Index,Index).

Definition at line 723 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC NColsBlockXpr<N>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::middleCols ( Index  startCol,
Index  n = N 
a block consisting of a range of columns of *this.
Template Parameters
Nthe number of columns in the block as specified at compile-time
startColthe index of the first column in the block
nthe number of columns in the block as specified at run-time

The compile-time and run-time information should not contradict. In other words, n should equal N unless N is Dynamic.


#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <iostream>
using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;
int main(void)
int const N = 5;
MatrixXi A(N,N);
cout << "A =\n" << A << '\n' << endl;
cout << "A(:,1..3) =\n" << A.middleCols<3>(1) << endl;
return 0;


See also
class Block, block(Index,Index,Index,Index)

Definition at line 746 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstNColsBlockXpr<N>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::middleCols ( Index  startCol,
Index  n = N 
) const

This is the const version of middleCols<int>().

Definition at line 754 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC RowsBlockXpr Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::middleRows ( Index  startRow,
Index  n 
a block consisting of a range of rows of *this.
startRowthe index of the first row in the block
nthe number of rows in the block


#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <iostream>
using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;
int main(void)
int const N = 5;
MatrixXi A(N,N);
cout << "A =\n" << A << '\n' << endl;
cout << "A(2..3,:) =\n" << A.middleRows(2,2) << endl;
return 0;


See also
class Block, block(Index,Index,Index,Index)

Definition at line 546 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstRowsBlockXpr Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::middleRows ( Index  startRow,
Index  n 
) const

This is the const version of middleRows(Index,Index).

Definition at line 553 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC NRowsBlockXpr<N>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::middleRows ( Index  startRow,
Index  n = N 
a block consisting of a range of rows of *this.
Template Parameters
Nthe number of rows in the block as specified at compile-time
startRowthe index of the first row in the block
nthe number of rows in the block as specified at run-time

The compile-time and run-time information should not contradict. In other words, n should equal N unless N is Dynamic.


#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <iostream>
using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;
int main(void)
int const N = 5;
MatrixXi A(N,N);
cout << "A =\n" << A << '\n' << endl;
cout << "A(1..3,:) =\n" << A.middleRows<3>(1) << endl;
return 0;


See also
class Block, block(Index,Index,Index,Index)

Definition at line 576 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstNRowsBlockXpr<N>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::middleRows ( Index  startRow,
Index  n = N 
) const

This is the const version of middleRows<int>().

Definition at line 584 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived >
NumTraits< typename internal::traits< Derived >::Scalar >::Real Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::norm ( ) const

Definition at line 84 of file SparseDot.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_boolean_and_op, const Derived, const OtherDerived> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::operator&& ( const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS< OtherDerived > &  other) const
an expression of the coefficient-wise boolean and operator of *this and other
this operator is for expression of bool only.


Array3d v(-1,2,1), w(-3,2,3);
cout << ((v<w) && (v<0)) << endl;


See also
operator||(), select()

Definition at line 92 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived >
const Product<Derived,OtherDerived> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::operator* ( const DiagonalBase< OtherDerived > &  other) const

Definition at line 297 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived >
template<typename OtherDerived >
const Product< Derived, OtherDerived, AliasFreeProduct > Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::operator* ( const SparseMatrixBase< OtherDerived > &  other) const
an expression of the product of two sparse matrices. By default a conservative product preserving the symbolic non zeros is performed. The automatic pruning of the small values can be achieved by calling the pruned() function in which case a totally different product algorithm is employed:
C = (A*B).pruned(); // supress numerical zeros (exact)
C = (A*B).pruned(ref);
C = (A*B).pruned(ref,epsilon);
where ref is a meaningful non zero reference value.

Definition at line 29 of file SparseProduct.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived >
const Product<Derived,OtherDerived> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::operator* ( const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &  other) const

Definition at line 314 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived >
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Derived & Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::operator*= ( const Scalar other)

Definition at line 124 of file SparseCwiseUnaryOp.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived >
Derived& Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::operator*= ( const SparseMatrixBase< OtherDerived > &  other)
template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived >
Derived& Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::operator+= ( const SparseMatrixBase< OtherDerived > &  other)
template<typename Derived >
template<typename OtherDerived >
Derived & Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::operator+= ( const DiagonalBase< OtherDerived > &  other)

Definition at line 674 of file SparseCwiseBinaryOp.h.

template<typename Derived >
template<typename OtherDerived >
Derived & Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::operator+= ( const EigenBase< OtherDerived > &  other)

Definition at line 642 of file SparseCwiseBinaryOp.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Derived& Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::operator+= ( const SparseMatrixBase< OtherDerived > &  other)

Definition at line 667 of file SparseCwiseBinaryOp.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const NegativeReturnType Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::operator- ( ) const
an expression of the opposite of *this

Definition at line 46 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived >
Derived& Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::operator-= ( const SparseMatrixBase< OtherDerived > &  other)
template<typename Derived >
template<typename OtherDerived >
Derived & Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::operator-= ( const DiagonalBase< OtherDerived > &  other)

Definition at line 682 of file SparseCwiseBinaryOp.h.

template<typename Derived >
template<typename OtherDerived >
Derived & Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::operator-= ( const EigenBase< OtherDerived > &  other)

Definition at line 650 of file SparseCwiseBinaryOp.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Derived& Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::operator-= ( const SparseMatrixBase< OtherDerived > &  other)

Definition at line 659 of file SparseCwiseBinaryOp.h.

template<typename Derived >
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Derived & Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::operator/= ( const Scalar other)

Definition at line 136 of file SparseCwiseUnaryOp.h.

template<typename Derived >
template<typename OtherDerived >
Derived & Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::operator= ( const EigenBase< OtherDerived > &  other)

Definition at line 17 of file SparseAssign.h.

template<typename Derived >
template<typename OtherDerived >
Derived & Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::operator= ( const ReturnByValue< OtherDerived > &  other)

Definition at line 25 of file SparseAssign.h.

template<typename Derived >
template<typename OtherDerived >
Derived & Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::operator= ( const SparseMatrixBase< OtherDerived > &  other)

Definition at line 34 of file SparseAssign.h.

template<typename Derived>
Derived & Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::operator= ( const Derived &  other)

Definition at line 43 of file SparseAssign.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_boolean_or_op, const Derived, const OtherDerived> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::operator|| ( const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS< OtherDerived > &  other) const
an expression of the coefficient-wise boolean or operator of *this and other
this operator is for expression of bool only.


Array3d v(-1,2,1), w(-3,2,3);
cout << ((v<w) || (v<0)) << endl;


See also
operator&&(), select()

Definition at line 111 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
Index Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::outerSize ( ) const
the size of the storage major dimension, i.e., the number of columns for a columns major matrix, and the number of rows otherwise

Definition at line 184 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived >
const SparseView< Derived > Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::pruned ( const Scalar reference = Scalar(0),
const RealScalar epsilon = NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision() 
) const
an expression of *this with values smaller than reference * epsilon removed.

This method is typically used in conjunction with the product of two sparse matrices to automatically prune the smallest values as follows:

C = (A*B).pruned(); // suppress numerical zeros (exact)
C = (A*B).pruned(ref);
C = (A*B).pruned(ref,epsilon);

where ref is a meaningful non zero reference value.

Definition at line 245 of file SparseView.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC RealReturnType Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::real ( ) const
a read-only expression of the real part of *this.
See also

Definition at line 87 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC NonConstRealReturnType Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::real ( )
a non const expression of the real part of *this.
See also

Definition at line 155 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ColsBlockXpr Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::rightCols ( Index  n)
a block consisting of the right columns of *this.
nthe number of columns in the block


Array44i a = Array44i::Random();
cout << "Here is the array a:" << endl << a << endl;
cout << "Here is a.rightCols(2):" << endl;
cout << a.rightCols(2) << endl;
cout << "Now the array a is:" << endl << a << endl;


See also
class Block, block(Index,Index,Index,Index)

Definition at line 659 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstColsBlockXpr Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::rightCols ( Index  n) const

This is the const version of rightCols(Index).

Definition at line 666 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC NColsBlockXpr<N>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::rightCols ( Index  n = N)
a block consisting of the right columns of *this.
Template Parameters
Nthe number of columns in the block as specified at compile-time
nthe number of columns in the block as specified at run-time

The compile-time and run-time information should not contradict. In other words, n should equal N unless N is Dynamic.


Array44i a = Array44i::Random();
cout << "Here is the array a:" << endl << a << endl;
cout << "Here is a.rightCols<2>():" << endl;
cout << a.rightCols<2>() << endl;
cout << "Now the array a is:" << endl << a << endl;


See also
class Block, block(Index,Index,Index,Index)

Definition at line 688 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstNColsBlockXpr<N>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::rightCols ( Index  n = N) const

This is the const version of rightCols<int>().

Definition at line 696 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC RowXpr Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::row ( Index  i)
an expression of the i-th row of *this. Note that the numbering starts at 0.


Matrix3d m = Matrix3d::Identity();
m.row(1) = Vector3d(4,5,6);
cout << m << endl;


See also
col(), class Block

Definition at line 860 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstRowXpr Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::row ( Index  i) const

This is the const version of row(). */.

Definition at line 867 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
Index Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::rows ( void  ) const
the number of rows.
See also

Definition at line 171 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC SegmentReturnType Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::segment ( Index  start,
Index  n 
a dynamic-size expression of a segment (i.e. a vector block) in *this.
startthe first coefficient in the segment
nthe number of coefficients in the segment


RowVector4i v = RowVector4i::Random();
cout << "Here is the vector v:" << endl << v << endl;
cout << "Here is v.segment(1, 2):" << endl << v.segment(1, 2) << endl;
v.segment(1, 2).setZero();
cout << "Now the vector v is:" << endl << v << endl;


Even though the returned expression has dynamic size, in the case when it is applied to a fixed-size vector, it inherits a fixed maximal size, which means that evaluating it does not cause a dynamic memory allocation.
See also
class Block, segment(Index)

Definition at line 889 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstSegmentReturnType Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::segment ( Index  start,
Index  n 
) const

This is the const version of segment(Index,Index).

Definition at line 898 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC FixedSegmentReturnType<N>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::segment ( Index  start,
Index  n = N 
a fixed-size expression of a segment (i.e. a vector block) in *this
Template Parameters
Nthe number of coefficients in the segment as specified at compile-time
startthe index of the first element in the segment
nthe number of coefficients in the segment as specified at compile-time

The compile-time and run-time information should not contradict. In other words, n should equal N unless N is Dynamic.


RowVector4i v = RowVector4i::Random();
cout << "Here is the vector v:" << endl << v << endl;
cout << "Here is v.segment<2>(1):" << endl << v.segment<2>(1) << endl;
cout << "Now the vector v is:" << endl << v << endl;


See also
class Block

Definition at line 982 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstFixedSegmentReturnType<N>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::segment ( Index  start,
Index  n = N 
) const

This is the const version of segment<int>(Index).

Definition at line 991 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<unsigned int UpLo>
SparseMatrixBase<Derived>::template ConstSelfAdjointViewReturnType<UpLo>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::selfadjointView ( ) const

Definition at line 175 of file SparseSelfAdjointView.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<unsigned int UpLo>
SparseMatrixBase<Derived>::template SelfAdjointViewReturnType<UpLo>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::selfadjointView ( )

Definition at line 182 of file SparseSelfAdjointView.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<unsigned int UpLo>
ConstSelfAdjointViewReturnType<UpLo>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::selfadjointView ( ) const
template<typename Derived>
template<unsigned int UpLo>
SelfAdjointViewReturnType<UpLo>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::selfadjointView ( )
template<typename Derived>
Index Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::size ( ) const
the number of coefficients, which is rows()*cols().
See also
rows(), cols().

Definition at line 176 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived >
NumTraits< typename internal::traits< Derived >::Scalar >::Real Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::squaredNorm ( ) const

Definition at line 77 of file SparseDot.h.

template<typename Derived >
internal::traits< Derived >::Scalar Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::sum ( ) const

Definition at line 17 of file SparseRedux.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC SegmentReturnType Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::tail ( Index  n)
a dynamic-size expression of the last coefficients of *this.
nthe number of coefficients in the segment


RowVector4i v = RowVector4i::Random();
cout << "Here is the vector v:" << endl << v << endl;
cout << "Here is v.tail(2):" << endl << v.tail(2) << endl;
cout << "Now the vector v is:" << endl << v << endl;


Even though the returned expression has dynamic size, in the case when it is applied to a fixed-size vector, it inherits a fixed maximal size, which means that evaluating it does not cause a dynamic memory allocation.
See also
class Block, block(Index,Index)

Definition at line 950 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstSegmentReturnType Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::tail ( Index  n) const

This is the const version of tail(Index).

Definition at line 958 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC FixedSegmentReturnType<N>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::tail ( Index  n = N)
a fixed-size expression of the last coefficients of *this.
Template Parameters
Nthe number of coefficients in the segment as specified at compile-time
nthe number of coefficients in the segment as specified at run-time

The compile-time and run-time information should not contradict. In other words, n should equal N unless N is Dynamic.


RowVector4i v = RowVector4i::Random();
cout << "Here is the vector v:" << endl << v << endl;
cout << "Here is v.tail(2):" << endl << v.tail<2>() << endl;
cout << "Now the vector v is:" << endl << v << endl;


See also
class Block

Definition at line 1046 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstFixedSegmentReturnType<N>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::tail ( Index  n = N) const

This is the const version of tail<int>.

Definition at line 1055 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
DenseMatrixType Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::toDense ( ) const

Definition at line 365 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DOC_BLOCK_ADDONS_NOT_INNER_PANEL EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC BlockXpr Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::topLeftCorner ( Index  cRows,
Index  cCols 
a dynamic-size expression of a top-left corner of *this.
cRowsthe number of rows in the corner
cColsthe number of columns in the corner


Matrix4i m = Matrix4i::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is m.topLeftCorner(2, 2):" << endl;
cout << m.topLeftCorner(2, 2) << endl;
m.topLeftCorner(2, 2).setZero();
cout << "Now the matrix m is:" << endl << m << endl;


See also
class Block, block(Index,Index,Index,Index)

Definition at line 179 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const ConstBlockXpr Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::topLeftCorner ( Index  cRows,
Index  cCols 
) const

This is the const version of topLeftCorner(Index, Index).

Definition at line 186 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int CRows, int CCols>
EIGEN_DOC_BLOCK_ADDONS_NOT_INNER_PANEL EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC FixedBlockXpr<CRows,CCols>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::topLeftCorner ( )
an expression of a fixed-size top-left corner of *this.

The template parameters CRows and CCols are the number of rows and columns in the corner.


Matrix4i m = Matrix4i::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is m.topLeftCorner<2,2>():" << endl;
cout << m.topLeftCorner<2,2>() << endl;
cout << "Now the matrix m is:" << endl << m << endl;


See also
class Block, block(Index,Index,Index,Index)

Definition at line 204 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int CRows, int CCols>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const ConstFixedBlockXpr<CRows,CCols>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::topLeftCorner ( ) const

This is the const version of topLeftCorner<int, int>().

Definition at line 212 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int CRows, int CCols>
EIGEN_DOC_BLOCK_ADDONS_NOT_INNER_PANEL FixedBlockXpr<CRows,CCols>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::topLeftCorner ( Index  cRows,
Index  cCols 
an expression of a top-left corner of *this.
Template Parameters
CRowsnumber of rows in corner as specified at compile-time
CColsnumber of columns in corner as specified at compile-time
cRowsnumber of rows in corner as specified at run-time
cColsnumber of columns in corner as specified at run-time

This function is mainly useful for corners where the number of rows is specified at compile-time and the number of columns is specified at run-time, or vice versa. The compile-time and run-time information should not contradict. In other words, cRows should equal CRows unless CRows is Dynamic, and the same for the number of columns.


Matrix4i m = Matrix4i::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is m.topLeftCorner<2,Dynamic>(2,2):" << endl;
cout << m.topLeftCorner<2,Dynamic>(2,2) << endl;
cout << "Now the matrix m is:" << endl << m << endl;


See also
class Block

Definition at line 237 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int CRows, int CCols>
const ConstFixedBlockXpr<CRows,CCols>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::topLeftCorner ( Index  cRows,
Index  cCols 
) const

This is the const version of topLeftCorner<int, int>(Index, Index).

Definition at line 244 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DOC_BLOCK_ADDONS_NOT_INNER_PANEL EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC BlockXpr Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::topRightCorner ( Index  cRows,
Index  cCols 
a dynamic-size expression of a top-right corner of *this.
cRowsthe number of rows in the corner
cColsthe number of columns in the corner


Matrix4i m = Matrix4i::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is m.topRightCorner(2, 2):" << endl;
cout << m.topRightCorner(2, 2) << endl;
m.topRightCorner(2, 2).setZero();
cout << "Now the matrix m is:" << endl << m << endl;


See also
class Block, block(Index,Index,Index,Index)

Definition at line 93 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const ConstBlockXpr Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::topRightCorner ( Index  cRows,
Index  cCols 
) const

This is the const version of topRightCorner(Index, Index).

Definition at line 100 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int CRows, int CCols>
EIGEN_DOC_BLOCK_ADDONS_NOT_INNER_PANEL EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC FixedBlockXpr<CRows,CCols>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::topRightCorner ( )
an expression of a fixed-size top-right corner of *this.
Template Parameters
CRowsthe number of rows in the corner
CColsthe number of columns in the corner


Matrix4i m = Matrix4i::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is m.topRightCorner<2,2>():" << endl;
cout << m.topRightCorner<2,2>() << endl;
cout << "Now the matrix m is:" << endl << m << endl;


See also
class Block, block<int,int>(Index,Index)

Definition at line 119 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int CRows, int CCols>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const ConstFixedBlockXpr<CRows,CCols>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::topRightCorner ( ) const

This is the const version of topRightCorner<int, int>().

Definition at line 127 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int CRows, int CCols>
EIGEN_DOC_BLOCK_ADDONS_NOT_INNER_PANEL FixedBlockXpr<CRows,CCols>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::topRightCorner ( Index  cRows,
Index  cCols 
an expression of a top-right corner of *this.
Template Parameters
CRowsnumber of rows in corner as specified at compile-time
CColsnumber of columns in corner as specified at compile-time
cRowsnumber of rows in corner as specified at run-time
cColsnumber of columns in corner as specified at run-time

This function is mainly useful for corners where the number of rows is specified at compile-time and the number of columns is specified at run-time, or vice versa. The compile-time and run-time information should not contradict. In other words, cRows should equal CRows unless CRows is Dynamic, and the same for the number of columns.


Matrix4i m = Matrix4i::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is m.topRightCorner<2,Dynamic>(2,2):" << endl;
cout << m.topRightCorner<2,Dynamic>(2,2) << endl;
cout << "Now the matrix m is:" << endl << m << endl;


See also
class Block

Definition at line 152 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int CRows, int CCols>
const ConstFixedBlockXpr<CRows,CCols>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::topRightCorner ( Index  cRows,
Index  cCols 
) const

This is the const version of topRightCorner<int, int>(Index, Index).

Definition at line 159 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC RowsBlockXpr Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::topRows ( Index  n)
a block consisting of the top rows of *this.
nthe number of rows in the block


Array44i a = Array44i::Random();
cout << "Here is the array a:" << endl << a << endl;
cout << "Here is a.topRows(2):" << endl;
cout << a.topRows(2) << endl;
cout << "Now the array a is:" << endl << a << endl;


See also
class Block, block(Index,Index,Index,Index)

Definition at line 433 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstRowsBlockXpr Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::topRows ( Index  n) const

This is the const version of topRows(Index).

Definition at line 440 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC NRowsBlockXpr<N>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::topRows ( Index  n = N)
a block consisting of the top rows of *this.
Template Parameters
Nthe number of rows in the block as specified at compile-time
nthe number of rows in the block as specified at run-time

The compile-time and run-time information should not contradict. In other words, n should equal N unless N is Dynamic.


Array44i a = Array44i::Random();
cout << "Here is the array a:" << endl << a << endl;
cout << "Here is a.topRows<2>():" << endl;
cout << a.topRows<2>() << endl;
cout << "Now the array a is:" << endl << a << endl;


See also
class Block, block(Index,Index,Index,Index)

Definition at line 462 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<int N>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ConstNRowsBlockXpr<N>::Type Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::topRows ( Index  n = N) const

This is the const version of topRows<int>().

Definition at line 470 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
TransposeReturnType Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::transpose ( )

Definition at line 349 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
const ConstTransposeReturnType Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::transpose ( ) const

Definition at line 350 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived >
template<int Mode>
const TriangularView< const Derived, Mode > Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::triangularView ( ) const

Definition at line 182 of file SparseTriangularView.h.

template<typename Derived>
SparseSymmetricPermutationProduct<Derived,Upper|Lower> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::twistedBy ( const PermutationMatrix< Dynamic, Dynamic, StorageIndex > &  perm) const
an expression of P H P^-1 where H is the matrix represented by *this

Definition at line 324 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<typename CustomUnaryOp >
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const CwiseUnaryOp<CustomUnaryOp, const Derived> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::unaryExpr ( const CustomUnaryOp &  func = CustomUnaryOp()) const

Apply a unary operator coefficient-wise.

[in]funcFunctor implementing the unary operator
Template Parameters
CustomUnaryOpType of func
An expression of a custom coefficient-wise unary operator func of *this

The function ptr_fun() from the C++ standard library can be used to make functors out of normal functions.


#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <iostream>
using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;
// define function to be applied coefficient-wise
double ramp(double x)
if (x > 0)
return x;
return 0;
int main(int, char**)
Matrix4d m1 = Matrix4d::Random();
cout << m1 << endl << "becomes: " << endl << m1.unaryExpr(ptr_fun(ramp)) << endl;
return 0;


Genuine functors allow for more possibilities, for instance it may contain a state.


#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <iostream>
using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;
// define a custom template unary functor
template<typename Scalar>
struct CwiseClampOp {
CwiseClampOp(const Scalar& inf, const Scalar& sup) : m_inf(inf), m_sup(sup) {}
const Scalar operator()(const Scalar& x) const { return x<m_inf ? m_inf : (x>m_sup ? m_sup : x); }
Scalar m_inf, m_sup;
int main(int, char**)
Matrix4d m1 = Matrix4d::Random();
cout << m1 << endl << "becomes: " << endl << m1.unaryExpr(CwiseClampOp<double>(-0.5,0.5)) << endl;
return 0;


See also
unaryViewExpr, binaryExpr, class CwiseUnaryOp

Definition at line 122 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<typename CustomViewOp >
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const CwiseUnaryView<CustomViewOp, const Derived> Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::unaryViewExpr ( const CustomViewOp &  func = CustomViewOp()) const
an expression of a custom coefficient-wise unary operator func of *this

The template parameter CustomUnaryOp is the type of the functor of the custom unary operator.


#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <iostream>
using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;
// define a custom template unary functor
template<typename Scalar>
struct CwiseClampOp {
CwiseClampOp(const Scalar& inf, const Scalar& sup) : m_inf(inf), m_sup(sup) {}
const Scalar operator()(const Scalar& x) const { return x<m_inf ? m_inf : (x>m_sup ? m_sup : x); }
Scalar m_inf, m_sup;
int main(int, char**)
Matrix4d m1 = Matrix4d::Random();
cout << m1 << endl << "becomes: " << endl << m1.unaryExpr(CwiseClampOp<double>(-0.5,0.5)) << endl;
return 0;


See also
unaryExpr, binaryExpr class CwiseUnaryOp

Definition at line 143 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived >
const Product<OtherDerived,Derived> operator* ( const DiagonalBase< OtherDerived > &  lhs,
const SparseMatrixBase< Derived > &  rhs 

Definition at line 303 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived >
const Product<OtherDerived,Derived> operator* ( const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &  lhs,
const SparseMatrixBase< Derived > &  rhs 

Definition at line 320 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

template<typename Derived>
std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const SparseMatrixBase< Derived > &  m 

Definition at line 213 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

Member Data Documentation

template<typename Derived>
bool Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::m_isRValue

Definition at line 394 of file SparseMatrixBase.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

autogenerated on Sat May 8 2021 02:54:51