Go to the documentation of this file.
18 #include <ros/ros.h>
19 #include <dynamic_reconfigure/server.h>
20 #include <std_msgs/Float64MultiArray.h>
21 #include <std_msgs/Empty.h>
22 #include <std_msgs/UInt32.h>
23 #include <std_msgs/UInt32MultiArray.h>
24 #include <std_msgs/String.h>
26 #include <visualization_msgs/Marker.h>
27 #include <visualization_msgs/MarkerArray.h>
29 #include <ISM/common_type/Point.hpp>
30 #include <ISM/common_type/Track.hpp>
31 #include <ISM/common_type/Tracks.hpp>
32 #include <ISM/common_type/Object.hpp>
33 #include "ISM/recognizer/VotingSpace.hpp"
34 #include "ISM/recorder/Recorder.hpp"
35 #include <ISM/utility/TableHelper.hpp>
36 #include <ISM/utility/MathHelper.hpp>
38 #include <asr_ism/recordGenConfig.h>
40 #include <asr_ism_visualizations/ObjectModelVisualizerRVIZ.hpp>
41 #include "asr_ism_visualizations/VizHelperRVIZ.hpp"
43 #include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>
44 #include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
45 #include <boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp>
46 #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
48 //#include <eigen3/Eigen/Geometry.hpp>
49 #include <eigen3/unsupported/Eigen/Splines>
50 #include <Eigen/Geometry>
52 //#include "visStuff.hpp"
54 #include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>
55 #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
56 #include <boost/random.hpp>
57 #include <boost/random/variate_generator.hpp>
58 #include <boost/random/uniform_real.hpp>
59 #include <random>
60 #include <iostream>
61 #include <fstream>
62 #include <sstream>
64 #include <math.h>
65 #include <stdint.h>
66 #include <tuple>
69 using visualization_msgs::MarkerArray;
70 using namespace VIZ;
72 double frand(double min, double max) {
73  double f = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX;
74  return min + f * (max - min);
75 }
77 enum class RecGenPointType
78 {
79  Fix = 0,
80  MidSpline = 1,
81  MidSplineAlt = 2,
82  Undefined = 3
83 };
85 namespace H
86 {
87  template<class C, class T>
88  auto contains(const C& v, const T& x)
89  -> decltype(end(v), true)
90  {
91  return end(v) != std::find(begin(v), end(v), x);
92  }
93 }
96 {
97  if(s == "Fix")
98  {
99  return RecGenPointType::Fix;
100  } else if(s == "MidSpline")
101  {
103  } else if(s == "MidSplineAlt")
104  {
106  }
109 }
111 enum class OrientCalcType
112 {
113  Fix = 0,
114  Random = 1,
115  Linear = 2,
116  Undefined = 3
117 };
120 {
121  if(s == "Fix")
122  {
123  return OrientCalcType::Fix;
124  } else if (s == "Random")
125  {
126  return OrientCalcType::Random;
127  } else if (s == "Linear")
128  {
129  return OrientCalcType::Linear;
130  }
132 }
135 {
136 public:
137  RecordGenPoint(std::string name, int32_t id, RecGenPointType type, double posX, double posY,
138  double posZ, double orientW, double orientX, double orientY, double orientZ,
139  OrientCalcType orientCalcType, double posErr, double orientDerivation, unsigned int from,
140  unsigned int to, double linearDegX, double linearDegY, double linearDegZ):
141  mTimestep(0),
142  mCurrentApplied(false),
143  mName(name),
144  mId(id),
145  mType(type),
146  mCurrentPosX(posX),
147  mCurrentPosY(posY),
148  mCurrentPosZ(posZ),
149  mCurrentOrientW(orientW),
150  mCurrentOrientX(orientX),
151  mCurrentOrientY(orientY),
152  mCurrentOrientZ(orientZ),
153  mInitOrientW(orientW),
154  mInitOrientX(orientX),
155  mInitOrientY(orientY),
156  mInitOrientZ(orientZ),
157  mOrientCalcType(orientCalcType),
158  mPosErr(posErr),
159  mOrientDer(orientDerivation),
160  mFrom(from),
161  mTo(to),
162  mLinearDegX(linearDegX),
163  mLinearDegY(linearDegY),
164  mLinearDegZ(linearDegZ),
165  mUniform(-1,1),
166  mNormal(0, mOrientDer)
168  {
169  if(mOrientCalcType == OrientCalcType::Undefined)
170  {
171  throw std::runtime_error("Type of OrientCalc is undefined");
172  }
173  if(mType == RecGenPointType::Undefined)
174  {
175  throw std::runtime_error("Type of RecGenPoint is undefined");
176  }
177  mTrack.reset(new ISM::Track(name, boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(id)));
178  std::random_device rd;
179  mRandomGen.seed(rd());
180  mRandomGenOrient.seed(rd());
181  mVariantGen = new boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937, boost::uniform_real<>>
182  (mRandomGen, mUniform);
183  mVarGenOrient = new boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937, boost::normal_distribution<>>
184  (mRandomGenOrient, mNormal);
185  }
186  virtual ~RecordGenPoint()
187  {
188  }
189  virtual bool isVisible() = 0;
190  virtual void calcCurrObPos() = 0;
191  virtual void calcCurrObOrient()
192  {
193  ISM::PointPtr currPos;
194  if(mCurrentO && mCurrentO->pose)
195  {
196  currPos = mCurrentO->pose->point;
197  }
199  switch(mOrientCalcType)
200  {
201  case OrientCalcType::Fix:
202  {
203  mCurrentO.reset(new ISM::Object(mName,
204  new ISM::Pose(currPos,
205  new ISM::Quaternion(mCurrentOrientW, mCurrentOrientX,
206  mCurrentOrientY, mCurrentOrientZ)),
207  boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(mId)));
209  break;
210  }
212  {
213  mCurrentOrientW = (*mVariantGen)();
214  mCurrentOrientX = (*mVariantGen)();
215  mCurrentOrientY = (*mVariantGen)();
216  mCurrentOrientZ = (*mVariantGen)();
218  mCurrentO.reset(new ISM::Object(mName,
219  new ISM::Pose(mCurrentO->pose->point,
220  new ISM::Quaternion(mCurrentOrientW, mCurrentOrientX,
221  mCurrentOrientY, mCurrentOrientZ)),
222  boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(mId)));
223  break;
224  }
226  {
227  if(mTimestep > 0 && mFrom < mTo)
228  {
229  const double pi = boost::math::constants::pi<double>();
230  double totSpan = mTo - mFrom;
231  double currentLinEulX = mLinearDegX * ((double) mTimestep) / totSpan
232  *pi / 180.0;
233  double currentLinEulY = mLinearDegY * ((double) mTimestep) / totSpan
234  *pi / 180.0;
235  double currentLinEulZ = mLinearDegZ * ((double) mTimestep) / totSpan
236  *pi / 180.0;
238  Eigen::Quaterniond linQ = Eigen::AngleAxisd(currentLinEulX, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX())
239  * Eigen::AngleAxisd(currentLinEulY, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY())
240  * Eigen::AngleAxisd(currentLinEulZ, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ());
241  Eigen::Quaterniond q(mInitOrientW, mInitOrientX, mInitOrientY, mInitOrientZ);
242  Eigen::Quaterniond totalQ = q * linQ;
244  mCurrentOrientW = totalQ.w();
245  mCurrentOrientX = totalQ.x();
246  mCurrentOrientY = totalQ.y();
247  mCurrentOrientZ = totalQ.z();
248  }
249  mCurrentO.reset(new ISM::Object(mName,
250  new ISM::Pose(mCurrentO->pose->point,
251  new ISM::Quaternion(mCurrentOrientW, mCurrentOrientX,
252  mCurrentOrientY, mCurrentOrientZ)),
253  boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(mId)));
254  break;
255  }
257  {
258  throw std::runtime_error("OrientCalcType is Undefined");
259  break;
260  }
261  }
262  }
263  virtual void forceInvisible(bool) = 0;
264  virtual void apply()
265  {
266  if(!mCurrentO || !mCurrentO->pose->point ||
267  !mCurrentO->pose->quat)
268  throw "RecordGenPoint: Current Object must always be initialized";
269  if(!mCurrentApplied)
270  {
271  auto point = mCurrentO->pose->point;
272  auto quat = mCurrentO->pose->quat;
273  point->eigen.x() = point->eigen.x() + (*mVariantGen)() * mPosErr;
274  point->eigen.y() = point->eigen.y() + (*mVariantGen)() * mPosErr;
275  point->eigen.z() = point->eigen.z() + (*mVariantGen)() * mPosErr;
276  if(point->eigen.x() < -1.0 || point->eigen.x() > 1.0
277  || point->eigen.y() < -1.0 || point->eigen.y() > 1.0
278  ||point->eigen.z() < -1.0 || point->eigen.z() > 1.0 )
279  {
280  std::cerr << "Warning Point does not lie in range: " << point << std::endl
281  << "type: " << mName << " id: " << mId << std::endl
282  << "at timestep: " << mTimestep << std::endl;
283  std::cin.ignore();
284  }
285  const double pi = boost::math::constants::pi<double>();
287  Eigen::Matrix3d m;
288  m = Eigen::AngleAxisd(pi * (*mVarGenOrient)(), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX())
289  * Eigen::AngleAxisd(pi * (*mVarGenOrient)(), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY())
290  * Eigen::AngleAxisd(pi * (*mVarGenOrient)(), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ());
292  Eigen::Quaterniond errorQ(m);
293  Eigen::Quaterniond q(quat->eigen.w(), quat->eigen.x(), quat->eigen.y(), quat->eigen.z());
294  Eigen::Quaterniond totalQ = q * errorQ;
296  quat->eigen.w() = totalQ.w();
297  quat->eigen.x() = totalQ.x();
298  quat->eigen.y() = totalQ.y();
299  quat->eigen.z() = totalQ.z();
300  /*
301  quat->setW(quat->w);
302  quat->setX(quat->x);
303  quat->setY(quat->y);
304  quat->setZ(quat->z);
305  */
307  if(isVisible())
308  {
309  //TODO not in current ws
310  //mCurrentO->mTimestep = mTimestep;
311  mTrack->objects.push_back(mCurrentO);
312  }
313  else
314  {
315  mTrack->objects.push_back(ISM::ObjectPtr());
316  std::cout << mName << " is not visible" << std::endl;
317  }
319  mCurrentApplied = true;
320  }
321  }
323  {
324  apply();
325  ++mTimestep;
326  mCurrentApplied = false;
327  calcCurrObPos();
328  calcCurrObOrient();
329  }
331  unsigned int mTimestep;
333  std::string mName;
334  int32_t mId;
335  ISM::TrackPtr mTrack;
336  ISM::ObjectPtr mCurrentO;
338  double mCurrentPosX;
339  double mCurrentPosY;
340  double mCurrentPosZ;
345  double mInitOrientW;
346  double mInitOrientX;
347  double mInitOrientY;
348  double mInitOrientZ;
350  double mPosErr;
351  double mOrientDer;
352  unsigned int mFrom;
353  unsigned int mTo;
354  double mLinearDegX;
355  double mLinearDegY;
356  double mLinearDegZ;
357  boost::mt19937 mRandomGen;
358  boost::mt19937 mRandomGenOrient;
359  boost::uniform_real<> mUniform;
360  boost::normal_distribution<> mNormal;
361  boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937, boost::uniform_real<>>* mVariantGen;
362  boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937, boost::normal_distribution<>>* mVarGenOrient;
363  //ISM::PosePtr mCurrentPose;
364 };
367 {
368 private:
369  void setCol(Eigen::MatrixXd &m, int col, Eigen::Vector3d &v, double time)
370  {
371  m(0, col) = time;
372  m(1, col) = v.x();
373  m(2, col) = v.y();
374  m(3, col) = v.z();
375  }
376 public:
377  void calcSpline()
378  {
379  Eigen::Vector3d s = Eigen::Vector3d(mXs, mYs , mZs);
380  Eigen::Vector3d e = Eigen::Vector3d(mXe, mYe , mZe);
381  Eigen::Vector3d sToe = e - s;
382  Eigen::Vector3d m = s + sToe/2;
383  Eigen::Vector3d temp = sToe;
384  temp.normalize();
385  temp = temp * 2;
386  Eigen::Vector3d orthSToe = temp.unitOrthogonal();
387  orthSToe.normalize();
388  orthSToe *= (sToe.norm()/2) * tan(mDegree * (boost::math::constants::pi<double>() / 180.0));
389  Eigen::Vector3d p3 = m + orthSToe;
391  //dimension, num points
392  int numPoints = 3;
393  double timeToNextPoint = mTimeSpan / (double) numPoints;
394  Eigen::MatrixXd points(4, numPoints);
395  setCol(points, 0, s, 0);
396  setCol(points, 1, p3, timeToNextPoint);
397  setCol(points, 2, e, mTimeSpan);
398  mSpline = Eigen::SplineFitting<Eigen::Spline<double, 4>>::Interpolate(points, numPoints - 1);
399  }
400  MidSplinePoint(std::string name, int32_t id, double xs, double ys, double zs,
401  double xe, double ye, double ze, double degree, double timeSpan,
402  double orientW, double orientX, double orientY, double orientZ,
403  OrientCalcType orientCalcType, double posErr, double orientErr,
404  unsigned int from, unsigned int to,
405  double linearDegX, double linearDegY, double linearDegZ) :
406  RecordGenPoint(name, id, RecGenPointType::MidSpline, xs, ys, zs, orientW,
407  orientX, orientY, orientZ, orientCalcType, posErr,
408  orientErr, from, to,
409  linearDegX, linearDegY, linearDegZ),
410  mIsInvisible(false),
411  mXs(xs), mYs(ys), mZs(zs), mXe(xe), mYe(ye), mZe(ze), mDegree(degree), mTimeSpan(timeSpan)
412  {
413  calcSpline();
414  calcCurrObPos();
415  calcCurrObOrient();
416  }
418  void setNewParams(double xs, double ys, double zs,
419  double xe, double ye, double ze, double degree, double timeSpan)
420  {
421  mXs = xs;
422  mYs = ys;
423  mZs = zs;
425  mXe = xe;
426  mYe = ye;
427  mZe = ze;
429  mDegree = degree;
430  mTimeSpan = timeSpan;
431  calcSpline();
432  calcCurrObPos();
433  }
435  virtual ~MidSplinePoint()
436  {
437  }
439  virtual bool isVisible()
440  {
441  return !mIsInvisible;
442  }
444  virtual void forceInvisible(bool b)
445  {
446  mIsInvisible = b;
447  }
449  virtual void calcCurrObPos()
450  {
451  ISM::QuaternionPtr currOrient;
452  if(mCurrentO && mCurrentO->pose)
453  {
454  currOrient = mCurrentO->pose->quat;
455  }
457  Eigen::Vector4d values;
458  if(mTimestep > mTimeSpan)
459  values = mSpline(1);
460  else
461  values = mSpline(mTimestep/mTimeSpan);
463  mCurrentPosX = values(1);
464  mCurrentPosY = values(2);
465  mCurrentPosZ = values(3);
466  mCurrentO.reset(new ISM::Object(mName,
467  new ISM::Pose(new ISM::Point(mCurrentPosX, mCurrentPosY, mCurrentPosZ),
468  currOrient), boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(mId)));
470  }
472  double mXs;
473  double mYs;
474  double mZs;
475  double mXe;
476  double mYe;
477  double mZe;
478  Eigen::Spline<double, 4> mSpline;
479  double mDegree;
480  double mTimeSpan;
481 };
484 {
485 public:
486  MidSplinePointAlt(std::string name, int32_t id, double xs, double ys, double zs,
487  double xe, double ye, double ze, double degree, double timeSpan,
488  double orientW, double orientX, double orientY, double orientZ,
489  OrientCalcType orientCalcType, double posErr, double orientErr,
490  unsigned int from, unsigned int to , double linearDegX, double linearDegY, double linearDegZ) :
491  MidSplinePoint(name, id, xs, ys, zs,
492  xe, ye, ze, degree, timeSpan, orientW, orientX, orientY, orientZ,
493  orientCalcType, posErr, orientErr, from, to, linearDegX, linearDegY, linearDegZ)
494  {
496  }
497  virtual void calcCurrObPos()
498  {
499  ISM::QuaternionPtr currOrient;
500  if(mCurrentO && mCurrentO->pose)
501  {
502  currOrient = mCurrentO->pose->quat;
503  }
505  Eigen::Vector4d values;
506  int timesTimeSpan = mTimestep / mTimeSpan;
507  if((timesTimeSpan % 2) == 0)
508  values = mSpline((mTimestep - (timesTimeSpan * mTimeSpan)) / mTimeSpan);
509  else
510  values = mSpline(1 - (mTimestep - (timesTimeSpan * mTimeSpan)) / mTimeSpan);
512  mCurrentPosX = values(1);
513  mCurrentPosY = values(2);
514  mCurrentPosZ = values(3);
515  mCurrentO.reset(new ISM::Object(mName,
516  new ISM::Pose(new ISM::Point(mCurrentPosX, mCurrentPosY, mCurrentPosZ),
517  currOrient), boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(mId)));
519  }
520 };
522 {
523 public:
524  FixRecordGenPoint(std::string name, int32_t id, double x, double y, double z,
525  double orientW, double orientX, double orientY, double orientZ,
526  OrientCalcType orientCalcType, double posErr, double orientErr,
527  unsigned int from, unsigned int to, double linearDegX, double linearDegY, double linearDegZ):
528  RecordGenPoint(name, id, RecGenPointType::Fix, x, y, z, orientW, orientX, orientY, orientZ,
529  orientCalcType, posErr, orientErr, from, to, linearDegX, linearDegY, linearDegZ),
530  mIsInvisible(false)
531  {
532  calcCurrObPos();
533  calcCurrObOrient();
534 #if 0
535  if(mTimestep > 0)
536  {
537  unsigned int desTs = mTimestep;
538  mTimestep = 0;
539  forceInvisible(true);
540  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < desTs; ++i)
541  {
542  applyAndGotoNextTimestep();
543  }
544  forceInvisible(false);
545  }
546 #endif
547  }
550  {
551  }
553  void setNewParams(double x, double y, double z)
554  {
555  mCurrentPosX = x;
556  mCurrentPosY = y;
557  mCurrentPosZ = z;
558  calcCurrObPos();
559  }
561  virtual bool isVisible()
562  {
563  return !mIsInvisible;
564  }
566  virtual void forceInvisible(bool b)
567  {
568  mIsInvisible = b;
569  }
571  virtual void calcCurrObPos()
572  {
573  ISM::QuaternionPtr currOrient;
574  if(mCurrentO && mCurrentO->pose)
575  {
576  currOrient = mCurrentO->pose->quat;
577  }
578  mCurrentO.reset(new ISM::Object(mName,
579  new ISM::Pose(new ISM::Point(mCurrentPosX, mCurrentPosY, mCurrentPosZ),
580  currOrient), boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(mId)));
582  }
585 };
587 using boost::filesystem::path;
589 typedef std::tuple<uint32_t,uint32_t,RecordGenPointPtr> FromToPointTuple;
590 namespace pt = boost::property_tree;
593  bool operator()(const FromToPointTuple& a, const FromToPointTuple& b) const {
594  if(std::get<2>(a)->mName == std::get<2>(b)->mName &&
595  std::get<2>(a)->mId == std::get<2>(b)->mId)
596  {
597  return std::get<1>(a) < std::get<0>(b);
598  } else
599  {
600  return (uintptr_t)(std::get<2>(a).get()) < (uintptr_t)(std::get<2>(b).get());
601  }
602  }
603 };
606 {
607 public:
608  void parseXml(path xmlFile)
609  {
610  pt::ptree tree;
612  pt::read_xml(xmlFile.string(), tree);
614  for(auto& fstLvlNode : tree)
615  {
616  if(fstLvlNode.first == "object")
617  {
618  std::string name = fstLvlNode.second.get<std::string>("<xmlattr>.name");
619  int32_t id = fstLvlNode.second.get<int32_t>("<xmlattr>.id");
620  ISM::TrackPtr sharedTrack = ISM::TrackPtr(new ISM::Track(name,
621  boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(id)));
622  mTracks.push_back(sharedTrack);
623  for(auto& pointNode : fstLvlNode.second)
624  {
625  if(pointNode.first == "point")
626  {
627  auto& pointAttrs = pointNode.second;
630  (pointAttrs.get<std::string>("<xmlattr>.type", ""));
631  int from = pointAttrs.get<uint32_t>("from");
632  int to = pointAttrs.get<uint32_t>("to");
633  if(from > to)
634  {
635  std::stringstream ss;
636  ss << "At: " << name << "," << id << " from must be less than to";
637  throw std::runtime_error(ss.str());
638  }
639  double posX = pointAttrs.get<double>("posX", 0.0);
640  double posY = pointAttrs.get<double>("posY", 0.0);
641  double posZ = pointAttrs.get<double>("posZ", 0.0);
642  double orientW = pointAttrs.get<double>("orientW", 0.0);
643  double orientX = pointAttrs.get<double>("orientX", 0.0);
644  double orientY = pointAttrs.get<double>("orientY", 0.0);
645  double orientZ = pointAttrs.get<double>("orientZ", 0.0);
646  double xs = pointAttrs.get<double>("xs", 0.0);
647  double ys = pointAttrs.get<double>("ys", 0.0);
648  double zs = pointAttrs.get<double>("zs", 0.0);
649  double xe = pointAttrs.get<double>("xe", 0.0);
650  double ye = pointAttrs.get<double>("ye", 0.0);
651  double ze = pointAttrs.get<double>("ze", 0.0);
652  double degree = pointAttrs.get<double>("degree", 0.0);
653  double timeSpan = pointAttrs.get<double>("timeSpan", 0.0);
654  double posErr = pointAttrs.get<double>("posErr", 0.0);
655  double orientErr = pointAttrs.get<double>("orientErr", 0.0);
656  double linearDegX = pointAttrs.get<double>("linearDegX", 0.0);
657  double linearDegY = pointAttrs.get<double>("linearDegY", 0.0);
658  double linearDegZ = pointAttrs.get<double>("linearDegZ", 0.0);
659  OrientCalcType oCT = orientCalcTypeFromString(pointAttrs.get<std::string>("orientCalcType", ""));
660  std::vector<unsigned int> timestampVisible;
661  for(auto& pointAttr : pointAttrs)
662  {
663  if(pointAttr.first == "visible")
664  {
665  std::string rangeString = pointAttr.second.get_value("");
666  std::vector<std::string> range;
667  boost::split(range, rangeString, boost::is_any_of("-"));
668  if(range.size() == 2)
669  {
670  for(unsigned int i = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(range[0]);
671  i <= boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(range[1]); ++i)
672  {
673  timestampVisible.push_back(i);
674  }
675  } else
676  {
677  timestampVisible.push_back(boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(range[0]));
678  }
679  }
680  }
681  RecordGenPointPtr p;
682  switch(pointType)
683  {
685  {
686  p = RecordGenPointPtr(new FixRecordGenPoint(name, id, posX, posY, posZ, orientW,
687  orientX, orientY, orientZ, oCT, posErr, orientErr, from, to
688  ,linearDegX, linearDegY, linearDegZ));
689  break;
690  }
692  {
693  p = RecordGenPointPtr(new MidSplinePoint(name, id, xs, ys, zs, xe, ye, ze, degree,
694  timeSpan, orientW, orientX, orientY, orientZ, oCT, posErr, orientErr, from, to,
695  linearDegX, linearDegY, linearDegZ));
696  break;
697  }
699  {
700  p = RecordGenPointPtr(new MidSplinePointAlt(name, id, xs, ys, zs, xe, ye, ze, degree,
701  timeSpan, orientW, orientX, orientY, orientZ, oCT, posErr, orientErr, from, to,
702  linearDegX, linearDegY, linearDegZ));
703  break;
704  }
706  default:
707  throw std::runtime_error("Error in parsing xml: RecGenPointType not valid");
708  break;
709  }
710  mTimestampVisibleXmlPoints[p] = timestampVisible;
711  p->mTrack = sharedTrack;
712  auto itToSucceed = mPoints.insert(std::make_tuple(from,to,p));
713  if(!itToSucceed.second)
714  {
715  std::stringstream ss;
716  ss << "At: " << name << "," << id << " point intervals overlapping";
717  throw std::runtime_error(ss.str());
718  }
719  }
720  }
721  }
723  }
724  }
725  void dynamicReconfCallback(asr_ism::recordGenConfig &config, uint32_t level)
726  {
727  mShowFrom = config.from;
728  mShowTo =;
729  }
731  RecordGenerator(std::string dbFile,
732  std::string patternName = "pattern0", bool doPublish = false):
733  mNextId(0),
734  mTimestep(0),
735  mDbFile(dbFile),
736  mFilterViaVgOut(false),
737  mPatternName(patternName),
738  mShowCurrent(false),
739  mDoPublish(doPublish),
740  mShowFrom(0),
741  mShowTo(0)
742  {
743  dynamic_reconfigure::Server<asr_ism::recordGenConfig>::CallbackType f = boost::bind(&RecordGenerator::dynamicReconfCallback, this, _1, _2);
744  mDynReconfServer.setCallback(f);
745  rec.reset(new ISM::Recorder(mDbFile));
746  //TODO drop tables?
747  //rec->dropTables();
748  }
750  void filterViaVgOut(boost::filesystem::path vgOutFile)
751  {
752  mFilterViaVgOut = true;
753  std::ifstream is(vgOutFile.string());
754  std::string line;
755  std::string type;
756  std::string pattern;
757  bool foundRep = true;
758  while(std::getline(is, line))
759  {
760  if(line.find("Ref is:") != std::string::npos)
761  {
762  line.erase(line.begin(), line.begin() + line.find_first_of(":") + 1);
763  mPatternToRef[pattern] = line;
764  }
765  if(line.find("Id for pattern:") != std::string::npos)
766  {
767  line.erase(line.begin(), line.begin() + line.find_first_of(":") + 1);
768  pattern = line;
769  } else if(line.find("Id for type:") != std::string::npos)
770  {
771  line.erase(line.begin(), line.begin() + line.find_first_of(":") + 1);
772  type = line;
773  } else if(line.find("These trackIds are in the same Orient Grid:") != std::string::npos)
774  {
775  foundRep = false;
776  } else if(!foundRep)
777  {
778  uint32_t rep = 0;
779  try
780  {
781  rep = boost::lexical_cast<uint32_t>(line);
782  } catch(boost::bad_lexical_cast& e)
783  {
784  continue;
785  }
786  mPatternTypeToVoxelReps[std::make_pair(pattern,type)].insert(rep);
787  foundRep = true;
788  }
789  }
790  for(auto& patternTypeToVoxelReps : mPatternTypeToVoxelReps)
791  {
792  std::string pattern = patternTypeToVoxelReps.first.first;
793  std::string type = patternTypeToVoxelReps.first.second;
794  for(uint32_t rep : patternTypeToVoxelReps.second)
795  {
796  std::cout << "Rep for p: " << pattern << " t: " << type << " is: " << rep << std::endl;
797  }
798  }
799  }
802  {
803  for(auto& fromToPoint : mPoints)
804  {
805  if(std::get<0>(fromToPoint) <= mTimestep &&
806  std::get<1>(fromToPoint) >= mTimestep)
807  {
808  auto& p = std::get<2>(fromToPoint);
809  std::vector<unsigned int>& visTs = mTimestampVisibleXmlPoints[p];
811  if(std::find(visTs.begin(), visTs.end(), mTimestep) != visTs.end())
812  {
813  p->forceInvisible(false);
814  } else
815  {
816  p->forceInvisible(true);
817  }
818  p->applyAndGotoNextTimestep();
819  }
820  }
821  mTimestep++;
822  }
824  void apply()
825  {
826  for(auto& fromToPoint : mPoints)
827  {
828  if(std::get<0>(fromToPoint) <= mTimestep &&
829  std::get<1>(fromToPoint) >= mTimestep)
830  {
831  auto& p = std::get<2>(fromToPoint);
832  std::vector<unsigned int>& visTs = mTimestampVisibleXmlPoints[p];
834  if(std::find(visTs.begin(), visTs.end(), mTimestep) != visTs.end())
835  {
836  p->forceInvisible(false);
837  } else
838  {
839  p->forceInvisible(true);
840  }
841  p->apply();
842  }
843  }
844  }
846  void applyAndGotoNextTimestep(const uint32_t n)
847  {
848  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
849  {
850  applyAndGotoNextTimestep();
851  }
852  }
854  std::vector<ISM::ObjectPtr> getCurrentVisibleObjects()
855  {
856  std::vector<ISM::ObjectPtr> result;
857  for(auto& fromToPoint : mPoints)
858  {
859  if(std::get<0>(fromToPoint) <= mTimestep &&
860  std::get<1>(fromToPoint) >= mTimestep)
861  {
862  auto& p = std::get<2>(fromToPoint);
863  if(p->isVisible())
864  {
865  result.push_back(p->mCurrentO);
866  }
867  }
868  }
869  return result;
870  }
872  std::vector<ISM::ObjectPtr> getCurrentInvisibleObjects()
873  {
874  std::vector<ISM::ObjectPtr> result;
875  for(auto& fromToPoint : mPoints)
876  {
877  if(std::get<0>(fromToPoint) <= mTimestep &&
878  std::get<1>(fromToPoint) >= mTimestep)
879  {
880  auto& p = std::get<2>(fromToPoint);
881  if(!p->isVisible())
882  {
883  result.push_back(p->mCurrentO);
884  }
885  }
886  }
887  return result;
888  }
890  //void showFromTo(std_msgs::UInt32MultiArray::ConstPtr& msg)
891  void showFromTo(const std_msgs::Float64MultiArray::ConstPtr& msg)
892  {
893  mShowFrom = *msg->data.begin();
894  mShowTo = *(msg->data.begin() + 1);
895  mShowCurrent = false;
896  }
898  std::vector<ISM::ObjectPtr> getObjects(unsigned int from, unsigned int to)
899  {
900  std::vector<ISM::ObjectPtr> result;
901  static unsigned int oldTo = to;
902  if(!mDoPublish)
903  {
904  if(to == oldTo)
905  {
906  return result;
907  } else
908  {
909  oldTo = to;
910  }
911  ROS_INFO_STREAM("from is " << from << " << to: " <<to );
912  }
913  if(mTimestep < to)
914  {
915  //TODO
916  applyAndGotoNextTimestep(to - mTimestep);
917  }
919  if(mTimestep == to)
920  {
921  apply();
922  }
923  if(from <= to)
924  {
925  for(auto& t : mTracks)
926  {
927  bool isRef = false;
928  if(mFilterViaVgOut)
929  {
930  std::vector<std::string> isRefInPatterns;
931  for(auto& patternToRef : mPatternToRef)
932  {
933  if(patternToRef.second == t->type)
934  {
935  isRefInPatterns.push_back(patternToRef.first);
936  }
937  }
938  if(isRefInPatterns.size() > 0)
939  {
940  isRef = true;
941  for(auto& patternTypeToReps : mPatternTypeToVoxelReps)
942  {
943  if(patternTypeToReps.first.second != t->type
944  && H::contains(isRefInPatterns, patternTypeToReps.first.first))
945  {
946  for(uint32_t repTs : patternTypeToReps.second)
947  {
948  if(from <= repTs && repTs <= to && !H::contains(result,
949  t->objects[repTs]))
950  {
951  result.push_back(t->objects[repTs]);
952  }
953  }
954  }
955  }
956  }
957  }
958  if((!isRef && mFilterViaVgOut) || !mFilterViaVgOut)
959  {
960  if(t->objects.size() > to)
961  {
962  {
963  //TODO why did i do this?
964  result.insert(result.end(), t->objects.begin() + from, t->objects.begin() + to + 1);
965  }
966  } else if(t->objects.size() > from)
967  {
968  result.insert(result.end(), t->objects.begin() + from, t->objects.end());
969  }
970  }
971  }
972  }
973  /*
974  ROS_INFO_STREAM("-------");
975  for(auto& o : result)
976  {
977  if(o)
978  {
980  }
981  }
982  ROS_INFO_STREAM("-------");
983  */
984  return result;
985  }
987  std::vector<ISM::ObjectPtr> getOldObjects()
988  {
989  if(mTimestep == 0)
990  {
991  return std::vector<ISM::ObjectPtr>();
992  }
993  return getObjects(0, mTimestep -1);
994  }
996  void writeToDb()
997  {
998  uint32_t maxTimestep = std::get<1>(*mPoints.rbegin());
999  if(maxTimestep > mTimestep)
1000  {
1001  applyAndGotoNextTimestep(maxTimestep - mTimestep);
1002  apply();
1003  }
1004  ROS_INFO_STREAM("Writing to database");
1005  apply();
1006  ISM::TracksPtr tracks(new ISM::Tracks(mTracks));
1007  auto objectSets = tracks->toObjectSetVector();
1008  for (auto objectSet : objectSets) {
1009  rec->insert(objectSet, mPatternName);
1010  }
1011  ROS_INFO_STREAM("Finished");
1012  }
1014  void writeToDb(const std_msgs::Empty)
1015  {
1016  writeToDb();
1017  }
1019 private:
1020  int32_t mNextId;
1021  std::vector<int32_t> mIdXmlPoints;
1022  std::map<RecordGenPointPtr, std::vector<unsigned int> > mTimestampVisibleXmlPoints;
1023  dynamic_reconfigure::Server<asr_ism::recordGenConfig> mDynReconfServer;
1025 public:
1026  unsigned int mTimestep;
1027  std::string mDbFile;
1029  std::map<std::pair<std::string, std::string>, std::set<uint32_t>> mPatternTypeToVoxelReps;
1030  std::map<std::string, std::string> mPatternToRef;
1031  std::string mPatternName;
1033  std::set<std::tuple<uint32_t,uint32_t,RecordGenPointPtr>, cmpFromToPointTuple> mPoints;
1034  std::vector<ISM::TrackPtr> mTracks;
1035  ISM::RecorderPtr rec;
1038  uint32_t mShowFrom;
1039  uint32_t mShowTo;
1040 };
1042 std_msgs::ColorRGBA getColorForTypeId(std::map<std::pair<std::string,std::string>, std_msgs::ColorRGBA >&
1043  typeIdToColor, std::vector<std_msgs::ColorRGBA>& allColors, uint32_t& availColorIndex,
1044  std::string& type, std::string& id)
1045 {
1046  std_msgs::ColorRGBA result;
1047  if(typeIdToColor.find(std::make_pair(type,id)) != typeIdToColor.end())
1048  {
1049  result = typeIdToColor[std::make_pair(type,id)];
1050  } else
1051  {
1052  if(allColors.size() < availColorIndex + 1)
1053  {
1054  std::uniform_real_distribution<float> urd;
1055  std::default_random_engine re;
1056  result = VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ::createColorRGBA(urd(re), urd(re), urd(re), 1);
1057  allColors.push_back(result);
1058  } else
1059  {
1060  result = allColors[availColorIndex];
1061  }
1062  typeIdToColor[std::make_pair(type, id)] = result;
1063  ++availColorIndex;
1064  }
1065  return result;
1066 }
1068 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
1069  ros::init(argc, argv, "recordGen");
1070  ros::NodeHandle n("~");
1071  ros::Rate r(1);
1072  std::string baseFrame = "/camera_left_frame";
1073  std::string visualizationTopic = "/visualization_marker";
1074  std::string dbFile;//("/media/share/data/own/gen1.sqlite");
1075  double bin_size = 0.03;
1076  double maxAngleDeviation = 10;
1077  bool useXml = false;
1078  bool useVgOut = false;
1079  boost::filesystem::path xmlFile;
1080  boost::filesystem::path vgOutFile;
1081  bool detailedBinNS;
1082  bool doPublish;
1084  if (!n.getParam("dbfilename", dbFile)) {
1085  throw std::runtime_error("dbfilename not set");
1086  }
1087  ROS_INFO_STREAM("dbfilename: " << dbFile);
1089  std::string temp;
1090  if (n.getParam("xml", temp)) {
1091  useXml = true;
1092  xmlFile = temp;
1093  }
1094  xmlFile = temp;
1095  ROS_INFO_STREAM("xml: " << temp);
1097  if (n.getParam("vgOut", temp)) {
1098  vgOutFile = temp;
1099  if(boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(vgOutFile))
1100  {
1101  useVgOut = true;
1102  } else
1103  {
1104  useVgOut = false;
1105  }
1106  }
1107  vgOutFile = temp;
1108  if(useVgOut)
1109  {
1110  ROS_INFO_STREAM("vgOut: " << vgOutFile);
1111  }
1113  if (!n.getParam("detailedBinNS", detailedBinNS)) {
1114  detailedBinNS = false;
1115  }
1116  ROS_INFO_STREAM("detailedBinNS: " << detailedBinNS);
1118  if (!n.getParam("doPublish", doPublish)) {
1119  doPublish = false;
1120  }
1121  ROS_INFO_STREAM("doPublish: " << doPublish);
1123  if (!n.getParam("bin_size", bin_size)) {
1124  bin_size = 0.03;
1125  }
1126  ROS_INFO_STREAM("bin_size: " << bin_size);
1128  RecordGenerator rg(dbFile, "pattern0", doPublish);
1129  if(useXml)
1130  {
1131  rg.parseXml(xmlFile);
1132  }
1133  if(useVgOut)
1134  {
1135  rg.filterViaVgOut(vgOutFile);
1136  }
1138  ros::Publisher visPub = n.advertise<visualization_msgs::MarkerArray>(visualizationTopic, 100);
1141  ISM::VotingSpace vs = ISM::VotingSpace(bin_size, maxAngleDeviation);
1142  //std_msgs::ColorRGBA regularBinColor = VizHelperRVIZ::createColorRGBA(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
1143  //std_msgs::ColorRGBA regularObjectColor = VizHelperRVIZ::createColorRGBA(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
1144  //const double sphereRadius = 0.005;
1145  //const double markerLifetime = ros::Duration().toSec();
1147  /*
1148  ros::Subscriber s0 = n.subscribe<std_msgs::Float64MultiArray>("addPoint", 1000, &RecordGenerator::addPoint, &rg);
1149  ros::Subscriber s1 = n.subscribe<std_msgs::UInt32>("applyAndGotoNextTimestep2", 1000, &RecordGenerator::applyAndGotoNextTimestep, &rg);
1150  ros::Subscriber s3 = n.subscribe<std_msgs::Float64MultiArray>("changeParameter", 1000, &RecordGenerator::changeParameter, &rg);
1151  ros::Subscriber s4 = n.subscribe<std_msgs::String>("toogleInvis", 1000, &RecordGenerator::toogleInvisible, &rg);
1152  */
1153  ros::Subscriber s1 = n.subscribe<std_msgs::Float64MultiArray>("showFromTo", 1000, &RecordGenerator::showFromTo, &rg);
1154  //ros::Subscriber s1 = n.subscribe<std_msgs::UInt32MultiArray>("showFromTo", 1000, &RecordGenerator::showFromTo, &rg);
1155  ros::Subscriber s2 = n.subscribe<std_msgs::Empty>("writeToDb", 1000, &RecordGenerator::writeToDb, &rg);
1157  std::vector<std_msgs::ColorRGBA> allColors;
1158  allColors.push_back(VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ::createColorRGBA(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0));
1159  allColors.push_back(VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ::createColorRGBA(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0));
1160  allColors.push_back(VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ::createColorRGBA(0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0));
1161  allColors.push_back(VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ::createColorRGBA(0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0));
1162  allColors.push_back(VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ::createColorRGBA(0.5,0.2,0.9,1.0));
1163  allColors.push_back(VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ::createColorRGBA(0.3,0.8,0.8,1.0));
1164  allColors.push_back(VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ::createColorRGBA(0.3,0.5,0.5,1.0));
1165  allColors.push_back(VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ::createColorRGBA(0.5,0.3,0.1,1.0));
1167  std::map<std::pair<std::string,std::string>, std_msgs::ColorRGBA > typeIdToColor;
1168  //uint32_t availColorIndex = 0;
1170  /*
1171  boost::function< geometry_msgs::Point (int,int,int) > pointF = boost::bind(genCuboidPoint, _1, _2, _3, x, y, z, xwitdh, ywidth, zwidth);
1172 std_msgs::ColorRGBA getColor(std::map<std::pair<std::string,std::string>, std_msgs::ColorRGBA >&
1173  typeIdToColor, std::vector<std_msgs::ColorRGBA>& allColors, uint32_t& availColorIndex,
1174  const std::string& type, const std::string& id)
1175  */
1177  /* boost::function < std_msgs::ColorRGBA (const std::string,const std::string) > getColor =
1178  boost::bind(getColorForTypeId, boost::ref(typeIdToColor), boost::ref(allColors),
1179  boost::ref(availColorIndex), _1, _2);
1180 */
1181  while (ros::ok()) {
1184  /* std::map<std::tuple<int,int,int>,bool> binDrawn;
1186  MarkerArray oBs;
1187  MarkerArray bins;
1188  ros::spinOnce();
1189  //TODO
1190  if(rg.mShowCurrent)
1191  {
1192  for(ISM::ObjectPtr& o : rg.getCurrentVisibleObjects())
1193  {
1194  ISM::PointPtr point = o->pose->point;
1195  std::stringstream ss;
1196  ss << o->getType() << " With X:" << point->eigen.x() << "Y:" << point->eigen.y() << "Z:" << point->eigen.z();
1197  oBs.markers.push_back(VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ::createSphereMarker(point, baseFrame, ss.str(),
1198  boost::lexical_cast<int32_t>(o->getId()), sphereRadius, regularObjectColor, markerLifetime));
1199  //TODO: look for better solution than hard-code binSize; Problem introduced because of deletion of calcBinNum in VotingSpace
1200  int x = vs.discretizeToBins(point->eigen.x(), 0.1);
1201  int y = vs.discretizeToBins(point->eigen.y(), 0.1);
1202  int z = vs.discretizeToBins(point->eigen.z(), 0.1);
1203  std::tuple<int,int,int> t = std::make_tuple(x, y, z);
1204  if(binDrawn[t] == false)
1205  {
1206  std::stringstream ss;
1207  ss << "\nObject" << o->getId() << "Is in Bin: "<< "X:" << x << " Y:" << y << " Z:" << z;
1208  bins.markers.push_back(VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ::getBinMarker(x, y, z, bin_size, ss.str(), 0, baseFrame,
1209  regularBinColor));
1210  binDrawn[t] = true;
1211  }
1212  }
1213  for(ISM::ObjectPtr& o : rg.getCurrentInvisibleObjects())
1214  {
1215  ISM::PointPtr point = o->pose->point;
1216  std::stringstream ss;
1217  ss << "Invis: " << o->getType() << " With X:" << point->eigen.x() << "Y:" << point->eigen.y() << "Z:" << point->eigen.z();
1218  visualization_msgs::Marker s = VizHelperRVIZ::createSphereMarker(point, baseFrame, ss.str(),
1219  boost::lexical_cast<int32_t>(o->getId()), sphereRadius, regularObjectColor, markerLifetime);
1220  s.color.g = 0.0f;
1221  s.color.b = 1.0f;
1222  oBs.markers.push_back(s);
1223  //TODO: look for better solution than hard-code binSize; Problem introduced because of deletion of calcBinNum in VotingSpace
1224  int x = vs.discretizeToBins(point->eigen.x(), 0.1);
1225  int y = vs.discretizeToBins(point->eigen.y(), 0.1);
1226  int z = vs.discretizeToBins(point->eigen.z(), 0.1);
1227  std::tuple<int,int,int> t = std::make_tuple(x, y, z);
1228  if(binDrawn[t] == false)
1229  {
1230  std::stringstream ss;
1231  ss << "\nObject" << o->getId() << "Is in Bin: "<< "X:" << x << " Y:" << y << " Z:" << z;
1232  bins.markers.push_back(VizHelperRVIZ::getBinMarker(x,y,z,bin_size,ss.str(), 0, baseFrame,
1233  regularBinColor));
1234  binDrawn[t] = true;
1235  }
1236  }
1237  int id = 0;
1238  for(ISM::ObjectPtr& o : rg.getOldObjects())
1239  {
1240  if(!o)
1241  continue;
1242  ISM::PointPtr point = o->pose->point;
1243  std::stringstream ss;
1244  //ss << "Old " << o->getType() << " With X:" << point->eigen.x() << "Y:" << point->eigen.y() << "Z:" << point->eigen.z();
1245  ss << "Old " << o->getType();
1246  //visualization_msgs::Marker m = objectToSphere(o, baseFrame, ss.str(), boost::lexical_cast<int32_t>(o->getId()));
1247  visualization_msgs::Marker m = VizHelperRVIZ::createSphereMarker(point, baseFrame, ss.str(),
1248  boost::lexical_cast<int32_t>(id++), sphereRadius, regularObjectColor, markerLifetime);
1249  m.color.r = 1.0f;
1250  oBs.markers.push_back(m);
1251  //TODO: look for better solution than hard-code binSize; Problem introduced because of deletion of calcBinNum in VotingSpace
1252  int x = vs.discretizeToBins(point->eigen.x(), 0.1);
1253  int y = vs.discretizeToBins(point->eigen.y(), 0.1);
1254  int z = vs.discretizeToBins(point->eigen.z(), 0.1);
1255  std::tuple<int,int,int> t = std::make_tuple(x, y, z);
1256  if(binDrawn[t] == false)
1257  {
1258  std::stringstream ss;
1259  ss << "\nObject" << o->getId() << "Is in Bin: "<< "X:" << x << " Y:" << y << " Z:" << z;
1260  bins.markers.push_back(VizHelperRVIZ::getBinMarker(x,y,z,bin_size,ss.str(),0,baseFrame,
1261  regularBinColor));
1262  binDrawn[t] = true;
1263  }
1264  }
1265  } else
1266  {
1267  int objectMarkerId = 0;
1268  int binMarkerId = 0;
1270  for(ISM::ObjectPtr& o : rg.getObjects(rg.mShowFrom, rg.mShowTo))
1271  {
1272  if(!rg.mDoPublish)
1273  {
1274  break;
1275  }
1276  if(!o)
1277  {
1278  continue;
1279  }
1280  ISM::PointPtr point = o->pose->point;
1281  std::stringstream ss;
1282  //ss << o->getType() << " With X:" << point->eigen.x() << "Y:" << point->eigen.y() << "Z:" << point->eigen.z();
1283  ss << o->getType() << " " << o->getId();
1284  auto sphereWithOrient = VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ::createSphereMarkerWithOrientation(
1285  o->pose, baseFrame, ss.str(), objectMarkerId + 1, sphereRadius,
1286  getColor(o->getType(), o->getId()), markerLifetime, objectMarkerId + 2);
1287  objectMarkerId += 4;
1288  oBs.markers.insert(oBs.markers.end(), sphereWithOrient.markers.begin(),
1289  sphereWithOrient.markers.end());
1290  //TODO: look for better solution than hard-code binSize; Problem introduced because of deletion of calcBinNum in VotingSpace
1291  int x = vs.discretizeToBins(point->eigen.x(), 0.1);
1292  int y = vs.discretizeToBins(point->eigen.y(), 0.1);
1293  int z = vs.discretizeToBins(point->eigen.z(), 0.1);
1294  std::tuple<int,int,int> t = std::make_tuple(x, y, z);
1295  if(binDrawn[t] == false)
1296  {
1297  std::stringstream ss;
1298  //ss << "\nObject" << o->getId() << "Is in Bin: "<< "X:" << x << " Y:" << y << " Z:" << z;
1299  if(detailedBinNS)
1300  {
1301  ss << "Bin: "<< "X:" << x << " Y:" << y << " Z:" << z;
1302  } else
1303  {
1304  ss << "Bins";
1305  }
1306  bins.markers.push_back(VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ::getBinMarker(x, y, z, bucketSize, ss.str(),
1307  binMarkerId++, baseFrame, regularBinColor));
1308  binDrawn[t] = true;
1309  }
1310  }
1312  }
1313  visPub.publish(oBs);
1314  visPub.publish(bins);*/
1316  r.sleep();
1317  }
1319 }
std::map< std::string, std::string > mPatternToRef
Definition: recordGen.cpp:1030
double mCurrentOrientX
Definition: recordGen.cpp:342
virtual void applyAndGotoNextTimestep()
Definition: recordGen.cpp:322
std::vector< ISM::TrackPtr > mTracks
Definition: recordGen.cpp:1034
OrientCalcType orientCalcTypeFromString(const std::string &s)
Definition: recordGen.cpp:119
boost::mt19937 mRandomGenOrient
Definition: recordGen.cpp:358
ISM::RecorderPtr rec
Definition: recordGen.cpp:1035
RecordGenPoint(std::string name, int32_t id, RecGenPointType type, double posX, double posY, double posZ, double orientW, double orientX, double orientY, double orientZ, OrientCalcType orientCalcType, double posErr, double orientDerivation, unsigned int from, unsigned int to, double linearDegX, double linearDegY, double linearDegZ)
Definition: recordGen.cpp:137
void parseXml(path xmlFile)
Definition: recordGen.cpp:608
ISM::ObjectPtr mCurrentO
Definition: recordGen.cpp:336
dynamic_reconfigure::Server< asr_ism::recordGenConfig > mDynReconfServer
Definition: recordGen.cpp:1023
ISM::TrackPtr mTrack
Definition: recordGen.cpp:335
std::vector< double > values
boost::shared_ptr< RecordGenPoint > RecordGenPointPtr
Definition: recordGen.cpp:588
double mCurrentOrientW
Definition: recordGen.cpp:341
virtual void calcCurrObPos()
Definition: recordGen.cpp:571
unsigned int mFrom
Definition: recordGen.cpp:352
Subscriber subscribe(const std::string &topic, uint32_t queue_size, void(T::*fp)(M), T *obj, const TransportHints &transport_hints=TransportHints())
double mLinearDegZ
Definition: recordGen.cpp:356
virtual ~RecordGenPoint()
Definition: recordGen.cpp:186
void applyAndGotoNextTimestep(const uint32_t n)
Definition: recordGen.cpp:846
XmlRpcServer s
double mTimeSpan
Definition: recordGen.cpp:480
virtual void calcCurrObPos()
Definition: recordGen.cpp:497
virtual bool isVisible()
Definition: recordGen.cpp:439
ROSCPP_DECL void init(int &argc, char **argv, const std::string &name, uint32_t options=0)
double mInitOrientW
Definition: recordGen.cpp:345
std::string mDbFile
Definition: recordGen.cpp:1027
boost::uniform_real mUniform
Definition: recordGen.cpp:359
Definition: recordGen.cpp:85
std::tuple< uint32_t, uint32_t, RecordGenPointPtr > FromToPointTuple
Definition: recordGen.cpp:589
RecGenPointType recGenPointTypeFromString(const std::string &s)
Definition: recordGen.cpp:95
std::vector< ISM::ObjectPtr > getCurrentInvisibleObjects()
Definition: recordGen.cpp:872
MidSplinePoint(std::string name, int32_t id, double xs, double ys, double zs, double xe, double ye, double ze, double degree, double timeSpan, double orientW, double orientX, double orientY, double orientZ, OrientCalcType orientCalcType, double posErr, double orientErr, unsigned int from, unsigned int to, double linearDegX, double linearDegY, double linearDegZ)
Definition: recordGen.cpp:400
virtual bool isVisible()
Definition: recordGen.cpp:561
unsigned int mTimestep
Definition: recordGen.cpp:1026
void applyAndGotoNextTimestep()
Definition: recordGen.cpp:801
std::map< std::pair< std::string, std::string >, std::set< uint32_t > > mPatternTypeToVoxelReps
Definition: recordGen.cpp:1029
double frand(double min, double max)
Definition: recordGen.cpp:72
void showFromTo(const std_msgs::Float64MultiArray::ConstPtr &msg)
Definition: recordGen.cpp:891
virtual void calcCurrObOrient()
Definition: recordGen.cpp:191
void setNewParams(double xs, double ys, double zs, double xe, double ye, double ze, double degree, double timeSpan)
Definition: recordGen.cpp:418
MidSplinePointAlt(std::string name, int32_t id, double xs, double ys, double zs, double xe, double ye, double ze, double degree, double timeSpan, double orientW, double orientX, double orientY, double orientZ, OrientCalcType orientCalcType, double posErr, double orientErr, unsigned int from, unsigned int to, double linearDegX, double linearDegY, double linearDegZ)
Definition: recordGen.cpp:486
void filterViaVgOut(boost::filesystem::path vgOutFile)
Definition: recordGen.cpp:750
RecGenPointType mType
Definition: recordGen.cpp:337
uint32_t mShowFrom
Definition: recordGen.cpp:1038
virtual void apply()
Definition: recordGen.cpp:264
double mCurrentPosY
Definition: recordGen.cpp:339
boost::variate_generator< boost::mt19937, boost::uniform_real<> > * mVariantGen
Definition: recordGen.cpp:361
virtual ~MidSplinePoint()
Definition: recordGen.cpp:435
double mInitOrientZ
Definition: recordGen.cpp:348
double mCurrentPosX
Definition: recordGen.cpp:338
std::set< std::tuple< uint32_t, uint32_t, RecordGenPointPtr >, cmpFromToPointTuple > mPoints
Definition: recordGen.cpp:1033
double mCurrentOrientY
Definition: recordGen.cpp:343
ROSCPP_DECL bool ok()
Definition: recordGen.cpp:77
uint32_t mShowTo
Definition: recordGen.cpp:1039
void calcSpline()
Definition: recordGen.cpp:377
TFSIMD_FORCE_INLINE const tfScalar & x() const
void dynamicReconfCallback(asr_ism::recordGenConfig &config, uint32_t level)
Definition: recordGen.cpp:725
virtual void calcCurrObPos()
Definition: recordGen.cpp:449
Publisher advertise(const std::string &topic, uint32_t queue_size, bool latch=false)
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Definition: recordGen.cpp:1068
std::vector< int32_t > mIdXmlPoints
Definition: recordGen.cpp:1021
OrientCalcType mOrientCalcType
Definition: recordGen.cpp:349
std_msgs::ColorRGBA getColorForTypeId(std::map< std::pair< std::string, std::string >, std_msgs::ColorRGBA > &typeIdToColor, std::vector< std_msgs::ColorRGBA > &allColors, uint32_t &availColorIndex, std::string &type, std::string &id)
Definition: recordGen.cpp:1042
bool sleep()
auto contains(const C &v, const T &x) -> decltype(end(v), true)
Definition: recordGen.cpp:88
unsigned int mTo
Definition: recordGen.cpp:353
double mCurrentOrientZ
Definition: recordGen.cpp:344
void writeToDb(const std_msgs::Empty)
Definition: recordGen.cpp:1014
#define ROS_INFO_STREAM(args)
FixRecordGenPoint(std::string name, int32_t id, double x, double y, double z, double orientW, double orientX, double orientY, double orientZ, OrientCalcType orientCalcType, double posErr, double orientErr, unsigned int from, unsigned int to, double linearDegX, double linearDegY, double linearDegZ)
Definition: recordGen.cpp:524
bool getParam(const std::string &key, std::string &s) const
double mCurrentPosZ
Definition: recordGen.cpp:340
bool mCurrentApplied
Definition: recordGen.cpp:332
virtual ~FixRecordGenPoint()
Definition: recordGen.cpp:549
boost::normal_distribution mNormal
Definition: recordGen.cpp:360
double mLinearDegY
Definition: recordGen.cpp:355
std::string mPatternName
Definition: recordGen.cpp:1031
std::vector< ISM::ObjectPtr > getOldObjects()
Definition: recordGen.cpp:987
std::vector< ISM::ObjectPtr > getCurrentVisibleObjects()
Definition: recordGen.cpp:854
double mOrientDer
Definition: recordGen.cpp:351
std::string mName
Definition: recordGen.cpp:333
virtual void forceInvisible(bool b)
Definition: recordGen.cpp:444
void setCol(Eigen::MatrixXd &m, int col, Eigen::Vector3d &v, double time)
Definition: recordGen.cpp:369
double mInitOrientX
Definition: recordGen.cpp:346
std::map< RecordGenPointPtr, std::vector< unsigned int > > mTimestampVisibleXmlPoints
Definition: recordGen.cpp:1022
Eigen::Spline< double, 4 > mSpline
Definition: recordGen.cpp:478
double mLinearDegX
Definition: recordGen.cpp:354
Definition: recordGen.cpp:111
std::vector< ISM::ObjectPtr > getObjects(unsigned int from, unsigned int to)
Definition: recordGen.cpp:898
double mInitOrientY
Definition: recordGen.cpp:347
boost::mt19937 mRandomGen
Definition: recordGen.cpp:357
RecordGenerator(std::string dbFile, std::string patternName="pattern0", bool doPublish=false)
Definition: recordGen.cpp:731
boost::variate_generator< boost::mt19937, boost::normal_distribution<> > * mVarGenOrient
Definition: recordGen.cpp:362
bool operator()(const FromToPointTuple &a, const FromToPointTuple &b) const
Definition: recordGen.cpp:593
void setNewParams(double x, double y, double z)
Definition: recordGen.cpp:553
unsigned int mTimestep
Definition: recordGen.cpp:331
virtual void forceInvisible(bool b)
Definition: recordGen.cpp:566

Author(s): Borella Jocelyn, Hanselmann Fabian, Heller Florian, Heizmann Heinrich, Kübler Marcel, Mehlhaus Jonas, Meißner Pascal, Qattan Mohamad, Reckling Reno, Stroh Daniel
autogenerated on Thu Jan 9 2020 07:20:58