▼Nboost | The namespace threadpool contains a thread pool and related utility classes |
▼Nthreadpool | |
▼Ndetail | |
Cfuture_impl | |
Cfuture_impl_task_func | |
Clocking_ptr | Smart pointer with a scoped locking mechanism |
Cpool_core | Thread pool |
Cscope_guard | |
Cworker_thread | Thread pool worker |
Cempty_controller | SizePolicyController which provides no functionality |
Cfifo_scheduler | SchedulingPolicy which implements FIFO ordering |
Cfuture | Experimental. Do not use in production code. TODO |
Cimmediately | ShutdownPolicy which does not wait for any tasks or worker termination |
Clifo_scheduler | SchedulingPolicy which implements LIFO ordering |
Clooped_task_func | Looped task function object |
Cprio_scheduler | SchedulingPolicy which implements prioritized ordering |
Cprio_task_func | Prioritized task function object |
Cresize_controller | SizePolicyController which allows resizing |
Cstatic_size | SizePolicy which preserves the thread count |
Cthread_pool | Thread pool |
Cwait_for_active_tasks | ShutdownPolicy which waits for the completion of all active tasks and the worker termination afterwards |
Cwait_for_all_tasks | ShutdownPolicy which waits for the completion of all tasks and the worker termination afterwards |
▼Ndescriptor_surface_based_recognition | |
CDescriptorSurfaceBasedRecognition | |
Chsv | |
CObject2DPositions | |
CObjectDescriptor | |
CObjectViewDescriptor | |
CPoseRecognition | |
CPoseValidation | |
CRecognitionResult | |
Crgb | |
CRotationAxis | |
CCreate_Output_Files_Dialog_Base | |
CCreate_Test_Model_Dialog_Base | |
CCreateOutputFilesDialog | |
CCreateTestModelDialog | |
CDescModelsDialog | |
CDescModelsDialogBase | |
CDescriptor_Surface_Based_Trainer | |
CMain_Dialog | |
CMainDialogBase | |
CViewCreatorDialog | |
CViewCreatorDialogBase | |
CViewParamsWrapper | |
CwxImagePanel |