36 #ifndef QPOASES_WRAPPER_H 37 #define QPOASES_WRAPPER_H 40 #ifndef QPOASES_TYPES_HPP 43 #ifdef __USE_SINGLE_PRECISION__ 50 #ifdef __USE_LONG_INTEGERS__ 52 typedef unsigned long uint_t;
59 #define QProblemBClass int_t 60 #define OptionsClass int_t 61 #define returnValue int_t 65 #define HST_IDENTITY 1 67 #define HST_POSDEF_NULLSPACE 3 76 #define ST_INFEASIBLE_LOWER 2 77 #define ST_INFEASIBLE_UPPER 3 78 #define ST_UNDEFINED 4 81 #define PL_DEBUG_ITER -2 90 #define QProblemBClass QProblemB 91 #define OptionsClass REFER_NAMESPACE_QPOASES Options 94 static QProblem* globalQProblemObject = 0;
95 static QProblemB* globalQProblemBObject = 0;
96 static SQProblem* globalSQProblemObject = 0;
97 static Options globalOptionsObject;
int_t initialStatusBounds
int_t qpOASES_obtainOutputs(const QProblemBClass *const globalQpObject, returnValue returnvalue, real_t *const x, real_t *const y, real_t *const obj, int_t *const status)
int_t SQProblem_cleanup()
int_t enableCholeskyRefactorisation
Implements the online active set strategy for box-constrained QPs.
int_t QProblem_init(const real_t *const H, const real_t *const g, const real_t *const A, const real_t *const lb, const real_t *const ub, const real_t *const lbA, const real_t *const ubA, int_t *const nWSR, real_t *const cputime, const qpOASES_Options *const options, real_t *const x, real_t *const y, real_t *const obj, int_t *const status)
Implements the online active set strategy for QPs with varying matrices.
Manages all user-specified options for solving QPs.
Allows to pass back messages to the calling function.
int_t QProblemB_setup(int_t nV, int_t hessianType)
int_t SQProblem_setup(int_t nV, int_t nC, int_t hessianType)
int_t qpOASES_Options_copy(const qpOASES_Options *const from, OptionsClass *const to)
int_t enableRegularisation
int_t SQProblem_init(const real_t *const H, const real_t *const g, const real_t *const A, const real_t *const lb, const real_t *const ub, const real_t *const lbA, const real_t *const ubA, int_t *const nWSR, real_t *const cputime, const qpOASES_Options *const options, real_t *const x, real_t *const y, real_t *const obj, int_t *const status)
int_t enableDropInfeasibles
Provides a generic way to set and pass user-specified options.
int_t SQProblem_hotstart(const real_t *const H, const real_t *const g, const real_t *const A, const real_t *const lb, const real_t *const ub, const real_t *const lbA, const real_t *const ubA, int_t *const nWSR, real_t *const cputime, real_t *const x, real_t *const y, real_t *const obj, int_t *const status)
int_t enableDriftCorrection
int_t qpOASES_Options_init(qpOASES_Options *const options, int_t mode)
int_t QProblemB_init(const real_t *const H, const real_t *const g, const real_t *const lb, const real_t *const ub, int_t *const nWSR, real_t *const cputime, const qpOASES_Options *const options, real_t *const x, real_t *const y, real_t *const obj, int_t *const status)
int_t dropIneqConPriority
int_t numRegularisationSteps
int_t QProblem_hotstart(const real_t *const g, const real_t *const lb, const real_t *const ub, const real_t *const lbA, const real_t *const ubA, int_t *const nWSR, real_t *const cputime, real_t *const x, real_t *const y, real_t *const obj, int_t *const status)
int_t QProblem_setup(int_t nV, int_t nC, int_t hessianType)
int_t enableFlippingBounds
int_t QProblemB_cleanup()
real_t terminationTolerance
int_t QProblemB_hotstart(const real_t *const g, const real_t *const lb, const real_t *const ub, int_t *const nWSR, real_t *const cputime, real_t *const x, real_t *const y, real_t *const obj, int_t *const status)
Implements the online active set strategy for QPs with general constraints.
int_t enableInertiaCorrection