36 #ifndef QPOASES_OPTIONS_HPP 37 #define QPOASES_OPTIONS_HPP 40 #include <qpOASES/Utils.hpp>
returnValue setToDefault()
BooleanType enableFarBounds
returnValue copy(const Options &rhs)
Allows to pass back messages to the calling function.
returnValue print() const
BooleanType enableFullLITests
BooleanType enableEqualities
BooleanType enableRamping
BooleanType enableFlippingBounds
Provides a generic way to set and pass user-specified options.
Options & operator=(const Options &rhs)
int enableDriftCorrection
BooleanType enableRegularisation
void rhs(const real_t *x, real_t *f)
real_t terminationTolerance
int numRegularisationSteps
int enableCholeskyRefactorisation
BooleanType enableNZCTests
returnValue setToReliable()
SubjectToStatus initialStatusBounds
returnValue ensureConsistency()