33 #ifndef ACADO_TOOLKIT_PLOTTING_HPP 34 #define ACADO_TOOLKIT_PLOTTING_HPP 201 #include <acado/user_interaction/plotting.ipp> 204 #endif // ACADO_TOOLKIT_PLOTTING_HPP virtual returnValue plot(PlotFrequency _frequency=PLOT_IN_ANY_CASE)
virtual returnValue replot(PlotFrequency _frequency=PLOT_IN_ANY_CASE)
returnValue getPlotWindow(uint idx, PlotWindow &_window) const
Plotting & operator=(const Plotting &rhs)
virtual returnValue getPlotDataFromMemberLoggings(PlotWindow &_window) const
Provides a generic way to plot algorithmic outputs during runtime.
Allows to pass back messages to the calling function.
Base class for all algorithmic modules within the ACADO Toolkit providing some basic functionality...
BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ACADO typedef unsigned int uint
int operator<<(PlotWindow &_window)
PlotCollection plotCollection
uint getNumPlotWindows() const
Allows to setup and plot user-specified plot windows for algorithmic outputs.
int addPlotWindow(PlotWindow &_window)
static BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ACADO PlotWindow emptyPlotWindow
void rhs(const real_t *x, real_t *f)
Provides a generic list of plot windows (for internal use).