33 #ifndef ACADO_TOOLKIT_ALGORITHMIC_BASE_HPP 34 #define ACADO_TOOLKIT_ALGORITHMIC_BASE_HPP 159 const std::string& value
607 #include <acado/user_interaction/algorithmic_base.ipp> 610 #endif // ACADO_TOOLKIT_ALGORITHMIC_BASE_HPP returnValue setLast(LogName _name, int lastValue, double time=-INFTY)
returnValue setOptions(const Options &arg)
returnValue getAll(LogName _name, MatrixVariablesGrid &values) const
returnValue getFirst(LogName _name, DMatrix &firstValue) const
UserInteraction * userInteraction
Provides a time grid consisting of vector-valued optimization variables at each grid point...
Allows to pass back messages to the calling function.
AlgorithmicBase & operator=(const AlgorithmicBase &rhs)
Base class for all algorithmic modules within the ACADO Toolkit providing some basic functionality...
BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ACADO typedef unsigned int uint
returnValue addOptionsList()
Provides a time grid consisting of matrix-valued optimization variables at each grid point...
Provides a generic way to set and pass user-specified options.
returnValue printLogRecord(std::ostream &_stream, int idx, LogPrintMode _mode=PRINT_ITEM_BY_ITEM) const
virtual ~AlgorithmicBase()
returnValue replot(PlotFrequency _frequency=PLOT_IN_ANY_CASE)
Encapsulates all user interaction for setting options, logging data and plotting results.
void rhs(const real_t *x, real_t *f)
returnValue plot(PlotFrequency _frequency=PLOT_IN_ANY_CASE)
Options getOptions(uint idx) const
Allows to setup and store user-specified log records of algorithmic information.
int addLogRecord(LogRecord &_record)
BooleanType haveOptionsChanged() const
BooleanType useModuleStandalone
returnValue addOption(OptionsName name, int value)
returnValue setAll(LogName _name, const MatrixVariablesGrid &values)
returnValue getLast(LogName _name, DMatrix &lastValue) const