112 A[3][1] = -56.0/15.0;
119 A[4][0] = 19372.0/6561.0;
120 A[4][1] = -25360.0/2187.0;
121 A[4][2] = 64448.0/6561.0;
122 A[4][3] = -212.0/729.0;
127 A[5][0] = 9017.0/3168.0;
128 A[5][1] = -355.0/33.0;
129 A[5][2] = 46732.0/5247.0;
130 A[5][3] = 49.0/176.0;
131 A[5][4] = -5103.0/18656.0;
135 A[6][0] = 35.0/384.0;
137 A[6][2] = 500.0/1113.0;
138 A[6][3] = 125.0/192.0;
139 A[6][4] = -2187.0/6784.0;
143 b4[0] = 5179.0/57600.0;
145 b4[2] = 7571.0/16695.0;
147 b4[4] = -92097.0/339200.0;
148 b4[5] = 187.0/2100.0;
153 b5[2] = 500.0/1113.0;
155 b5[4] = -2187.0/6784.0;
Implements the Runge-Kutta-45 scheme for integrating ODEs.
virtual ~IntegratorLYAPUNOV45()
virtual IntegratorLYAPUNOV & operator=(const IntegratorLYAPUNOV &arg)
Abstract base class for all kinds of algorithms for integrating differential equations (ODEs or DAEs)...
virtual IntegratorLYAPUNOV45 & operator=(const IntegratorLYAPUNOV45 &arg)
virtual void initializeButcherTableau()
virtual Integrator * clone() const
Base class for all kinds of Runge-Kutta schemes for integrating ODEs.
Allows to setup and evaluate differential equations (ODEs and DAEs) based on SymbolicExpressions.