Auxiliary Functionality -- internally used by Numerical Algorithms or User Interfaces


class  AlgorithmicBase
 Base class for all algorithmic modules within the ACADO Toolkit providing some basic functionality. More...
class  ClippingFunctionality
 Allows to transform the output of the ControlLaw before passing it to the Process. More...
class  ConstraintComponent
 Data class for symbolically formulating constraints within optimal control problems. More...
class  ExportAcadoFunction
 Allows to export code of an ACADO function. More...
class  ExportArgument
 Defines a matrix-valued variable that can be passed as argument to exported functions. More...
class  ExportArgumentInternal
 Defines a matrix-valued variable that can be passed as argument to exported functions. More...
class  ExportArgumentList
 Allows to store a list of calling arguments of an ExportFunction. More...
class  ExportArithmeticStatement
 Allows to export code of different arithmetic statements. More...
class  ExportAuxiliaryFunctions
 A class for generating some helper functions. More...
class  ExportAuxiliarySimFunctions
 A class for generating some helper functions. More...
class  ExportCommonHeader
 Centralized place to export the common header for a generated module. More...
class  ExportData
 Abstract base class to define variables to be used for exporting code. More...
class  ExportDataDeclaration
 Allows to export code containing variable declarations. More...
class  ExportForcesGenerator
 Generator of the FORCES interface, the to, be called from MATLAB. More...
class  ExportForcesInterface
 A class for configuration and export for interface to the FORCES QP solver. More...
class  ExportForLoop
 Allows to export code of a for-loop. More...
class  ExportFunction
 Allows to export code of an arbitrary function. More...
class  ExportFunctionCall
 Allows to export code of a function call. More...
class  ExportFunctionDeclaration
 Allows to export code containing function (forward) declarations. More...
class  ExportHpmpcInterface
 Interface generator for the HPMPC QP solver. More...
class  ExportIndex
 Defines a scalar-valued index variable to be used for exporting code. More...
class  ExportQpDunesInterface
 Interface generator for the qpDUNES QP solver. More...
class  ExportQpOases3Interface
 A class for generating the glue code for interfacing qpOASES. More...
class  ExportQpOasesInterface
 A class for generating the glue code for interfacing qpOASES. More...
class  ExportSimulinkInterface
 A class for generating the glue code and makefile for interfacing generated code and Simulink. More...
class  ExportSplitQpDunesInterface
 Interface generator for the qpDUNES QP solver. More...
class  ExportStatement
 Base class for all kind of statements to be exported by the code generation tool. More...
class  ExportStatementBlock
 Allows to export code for a block of statements. More...
class  ExportStatementString
 Allows to export code writing a string. More...
class  ExportTemplatedFile
 Allows export of template files. More...
class  Logging
 Provides a generic way to store algorithmic information during runtime. More...
class  MultiObjectiveFunctionality
 Encapsulates functionality for defining OCPs having multiple objectives. More...
class  OptimizationAlgorithmBase
 Base class for user-interfaces to formulate and solve optimal control problems and static NLPs. More...
struct  Options
 Provides a generic way to set and pass user-specified options. More...
class  OptionsList
 Provides a generic list of options (for internal use). More...
class  PlotCollection
 Provides a generic list of plot windows (for internal use). More...
class  Plotting
 Provides a generic way to plot algorithmic outputs during runtime. More...
class  PlotWindowSubplot
 Allows to manage sub-windows of user-specified plot windows for algorithmic outputs (for internal use). More...
class  SimulationBlock
 Base class for building-blocks of the SimulationEnvironment. More...
class  UserInteraction
 Encapsulates all user interaction for setting options, logging data and plotting results. More...
class  WeightGeneration
 Generates weights for solving OCPs having multiple objectives. More...

Detailed Description

Author(s): Milan Vukov, Rien Quirynen
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 12:35:22