Algorithm Interfaces -- allow to link existing (numerical) algorithms to the package


class  BandedCPsolver
 Base class for algorithms solving banded conic programs arising in optimal control. More...
class  DenseCPsolver
 Base class for algorithms solving conic programs. More...
class  DenseQPsolver
 Abstract base class for algorithms solving quadratic programs. More...
class  Integrator
 Abstract base class for all kinds of algorithms for integrating differential equations (ODEs or DAEs). More...
class  NLPderivativeApproximation
 Base class for techniques of approximating second-order derivatives within NLPsolvers. More...
class  NLPsolver
 Base class for different algorithms for solving nonlinear programming (NLP) problems. More...
class  SparseSolver
 Generic interface for sparse solvers to be coupled with ACADO Toolkit. More...

Detailed Description

Author(s): Milan Vukov, Rien Quirynen
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 12:35:22