This tutorial explains how to setup a simple Process for MPC simulations. As a guiding example, we consider a simple actively damped quarter car model.
In this section we consider a first principle quarter car model with active suspension. The four differential states of this model xB , vB , xW , and vW are the position/velocity of the body/wheel, respectively. Our control input is a limited damping force F acting between the body and the wheel. The road, denoted by the variable R , is considered as an (unknown) external disturbance. The dynamic equations have the following form:
Within our simulation, we start at xB = 0.01 and all other states at zero. Moreover, we treat the mass of the body mB as manipulatable (time-constant) parameter, whereas fixed values are assigned to all other quantities.
In order to illustrate the concept, let us assume that not all states can be measured directly but only the first one together with a combination of the third one and the control input. For realizing this, we introduce the following output function:
The following piece of code shows how to implement a Process simulation based on this quarter car model. It comprises four main steps:
The file "road.txt" containing the disturbance data:
If we run the above piece of code in ACADO, the corresponding Gnuplot output should be as follows:
Note that this is only a simulation with user-specified control inputs; no feedback control is applied.
We end this tutorial with proving a list of all results that can be obtained from the Process after simulation:
Logging Name: | Short Description: |
LOG_PROCESS_OUTPUT | All process outputs as specified via the output function |
LOG_SIMULATED_DIFFERENTIAL_STATES | All differential states as simulated within the Process |
LOG_SIMULATED_ALGEBRAIC_STATES | All algebraic states as simulated within the Process |
LOG_SIMULATED_CONTROLS | All control inputs as simulated within the Process |
LOG_SIMULATED_PARAMETERS | All parameter inputs as simulated within the Process |
LOG_SIMULATED_DISTURBANCES | All external disturbances as simulated within the Process |
LOG_NOMINAL_CONTROLS | All nominal control inputs as given to the Process |
LOG_NOMINAL_PARAMETERS | All nominal parameter inputs as given to the Process |
Next example: Advanced Features for Simulating a Process