35 const double k10 = 1.287e12;
36 const double k20 = 1.287e12;
37 const double k30 = 9.043e09;
38 const double E1 = -9758.3;
39 const double E2 = -9758.3;
40 const double E3 = -8560.0;
41 const double H1 = 4.2;
42 const double H2 = -11.0;
43 const double H3 = -41.85;
44 const double rho = 0.9342;
45 const double Cp = 3.01;
46 const double kw = 4032.0;
47 const double AR = 0.215;
48 const double VR = 10.0;
49 const double mK = 5.0;
50 const double CPK = 2.0;
52 const double cA0 = 5.1;
55 const double FFs = 14.19;
58 const double cAs = 2.1402105301746182e00;
59 const double cBs = 1.0903043613077321e00;
60 const double thetas = 1.1419108442079495e02;
61 const double thetaKs = 1.1290659291045561e02;
67 const double P11 = 3278.78;
68 const double P21 = 1677.31;
69 const double P31 = 681.02;
70 const double P41 = 271.50;
72 const double P12 = 1677.31;
73 const double P22 = 919.78;
74 const double P32 = 344.19;
75 const double P42 = 137.27;
77 const double P13 = 681.02;
78 const double P23 = 344.19;
79 const double P33 = 172.45;
80 const double P43 = 65.53;
82 const double P14 = 271.50;
83 const double P24 = 137.27;
84 const double P34 = 65.53;
85 const double P44 = 29.28;
114 h << cA << cB << theta << thetaK << u;
115 hN << cA << cB << theta << thetaK;
120 W(0, 0) = WN(0, 0) =
121 W(1, 1) = WN(1, 1) =
122 W(2, 2) = WN(2, 2) =
123 W(3, 3) = WN(3, 3) =
131 OCP ocp(0.0, 1500.0, 22);
150 exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
Allows to setup and evaluate a general function based on SymbolicExpressions.
IntermediateState sqrt(const Expression &arg)
virtual returnValue exportCode(const std::string &dirName, const std::string &_realString="real_t", const std::string &_intString="int", int _precision=16)
returnValue subjectTo(const DifferentialEquation &differentialEquation_)
returnValue set(OptionsName name, int value)
returnValue minimizeLSQ(const DMatrix &S, const Function &h, const DVector &r)
returnValue minimizeLSQEndTerm(const DMatrix &S, const Function &m, const DVector &r)
Data class for defining optimal control problems.
Expression dot(const Expression &arg)
A user class for auto-generation of OCP solvers.
returnValue printDimensionsQP()
IntermediateState exp(const Expression &arg)
Allows to setup and evaluate differential equations (ODEs and DAEs) based on SymbolicExpressions.