This is a ROS message definition.
## Severity level constants
## These logging levels follow the Python Standard
## https://docs.python.org/3/library/logging.html#logging-levels
## And are implemented in rcutils as well
## https://github.com/ros2/rcutils/blob/35f29850064e0c33a4063cbc947ebbfeada11dba/include/rcutils/logging.h#L164-L172
## This leaves space for other standard logging levels to be inserted in the middle in the future,
## as well as custom user defined levels.
## Since there are several other logging enumeration standard for different implementations,
## other logging implementations may need to provide level mappings to match their internal implementations.
# Debug is for pedantic information, which is useful when debugging issues.
uint8 DEBUG=10
# Info is the standard informational level and is used to report expected
# information.
uint8 INFO=20
# Warning is for information that may potentially cause issues or possibly unexpected
# behavior.
uint8 WARN=30
# Error is for information that this node cannot resolve.
uint8 ERROR=40
# Information about a impending node shutdown.
uint8 FATAL=50
## Fields
# Timestamp when this message was generated by the node.
builtin_interfaces/Time stamp
# Corresponding log level, see above definitions.
uint8 level
# The name representing the logger this message came from.
string name
# The full log message.
string msg
# The file the message came from.
string file
# The function the message came from.
string function
# The line in the file the message came from.
uint32 line