Function ouster_ros::lidar_scan_to_laser_scan_msg

Function Documentation

sensor_msgs::msg::LaserScan ouster_ros::lidar_scan_to_laser_scan_msg(const ouster::LidarScan &ls, const rclcpp::Time &timestamp, const std::string &frame, const ouster::sensor::lidar_mode lidar_mode, const uint16_t ring, const int return_index)

Convert transformation matrix return by sensor to ROS transform

  • ls[in] lidar scan object

  • timestamp[in] value to set as the timestamp of the generated

  • frame[in] the parent frame of the generated laser scan message

  • lidar_mode[in] lidar mode (width x frequency)

  • ring[in] selected ring to be published


ROS message suitable for publishing as a LaserScan