Program Listing for File OcTreeDrawer.h
↰ Return to documentation for file (include/octovis/OcTreeDrawer.h
* This file is part of OctoMap - An Efficient Probabilistic 3D Mapping
* Framework Based on Octrees
* Copyright (c) 2009-2014, K.M. Wurm and A. Hornung, University of Freiburg
* All rights reserved. License for the viewer octovis: GNU GPL v2
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see
#include "SceneObject.h"
namespace octomap {
class OcTreeDrawer: public octomap::SceneObject {
virtual ~OcTreeDrawer();
void clear();
void draw() const;
// initialization of drawer -------------------------
void setOcTree(const AbstractOcTree& octree){
octomap::pose6d o; // initialized to (0,0,0) , (0,0,0,1) by default
setOcTree(octree, o, 0);
virtual void setOcTree(const AbstractOcTree& octree, const octomap::pose6d& origin, int map_id_);
// modification of existing drawer ------------------
void setOcTreeSelection(const std::list<octomap::OcTreeVolume>& selectedPoints);
void clearOcTreeSelection();
void setAlphaOccupied(double alpha);
void setAlternativeDrawing(bool flag){m_alternativeDrawing = flag;}
void enableOcTree(bool enabled = true);
void enableOcTreeCells(bool enabled = true) { m_update = true; m_drawOccupied = enabled; }
void enableFreespace(bool enabled = true) { m_update = true; m_drawFree = enabled; }
void enableSelection(bool enabled = true) { m_update = true; m_drawSelection = enabled; }
void setMax_tree_depth(unsigned int max_tree_depth) { m_update = true; m_max_tree_depth = max_tree_depth;}
// set new origin (move object)
void setOrigin(octomap::pose6d t);
void enableAxes(bool enabled = true) { m_update = true; m_displayAxes = enabled; }
//void clearOcTree();
void clearOcTreeStructure();
void drawOctreeGrid() const;
void drawOccupiedVoxels() const;
void drawFreeVoxels() const;
void drawSelection() const;
void drawCubes(GLfloat** cubeArray, unsigned int cubeArraySize,
GLfloat* cubeColorArray = NULL) const;
void drawAxes() const;
void generateCubes(const std::list<octomap::OcTreeVolume>& voxels,
GLfloat*** glArray, unsigned int& glArraySize,
octomath::Pose6D& origin,
GLfloat** glColorArray = NULL);
void clearCubes(GLfloat*** glArray, unsigned int& glArraySize,
GLfloat** glColorArray = NULL);
void initGLArrays(const unsigned int& num_cubes, unsigned int& glArraySize,
GLfloat*** glArray, GLfloat** glColorArray);
void initCubeTemplate(const octomath::Pose6D& origin,
std::vector<octomath::Vector3>& cube_template);
unsigned int generateCube(const octomap::OcTreeVolume& v,
const std::vector<octomath::Vector3>& cube_template,
const unsigned int& current_array_idx,
GLfloat*** glArray);
unsigned int setCubeColorHeightmap(const octomap::OcTreeVolume& v,
const unsigned int& current_array_idx,
GLfloat** glColorArray);
unsigned int setCubeColorRGBA(const unsigned char& r, const unsigned char& g,
const unsigned char& b, const unsigned char& a,
const unsigned int& current_array_idx,
GLfloat** glColorArray);
void initOctreeGridVis();
GLfloat** m_occupiedThresArray;
unsigned int m_occupiedThresSize;
GLfloat** m_freeThresArray;
unsigned int m_freeThresSize;
GLfloat** m_occupiedArray;
unsigned int m_occupiedSize;
GLfloat** m_freeArray;
unsigned int m_freeSize;
GLfloat** m_selectionArray;
unsigned int m_selectionSize;
GLfloat* m_occupiedThresColorArray;
GLfloat* m_occupiedColorArray;
// TODO: put in its own drawer object!
GLfloat* octree_grid_vertex_array;
unsigned int octree_grid_vertex_size;
std::list<octomap::OcTreeVolume> m_grid_voxels;
bool m_drawOccupied;
bool m_drawOcTreeGrid;
bool m_drawFree;
bool m_drawSelection;
bool m_octree_grid_vis_initialized;
bool m_displayAxes;
bool m_alternativeDrawing;
mutable bool m_update;
unsigned int m_max_tree_depth;
double m_alphaOccupied;
octomap::pose6d origin;
octomap::pose6d initial_origin;
int map_id;
#endif /* OCTREEDRAWER_H_ */