Package roslib
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Package roslib

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roslib is largely deprecated starting in the ROS Fuerte release.

roslib has a very important role in all Python code written for ROS: it contains the load_manifest() method, which updates the PYTHONPATH based on a set of ROS Package manifest.xml files.

Beyond the important load_manifest() call, most of the rest of roslib consists of low-level libraries that 99% of ROS users need not interact with. These libraries are primarily to support higher-level ROS Python libraries, such as the rospy client library, as well as numerous ROS tools (e.g. rostopic).

Version: 1.7.0


General API for a script specifying that it is being run in an interactive environment.
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General API for a script specifying that it is being run in an interactive environment.
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  __package__ = 'roslib'
Function Details


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General API for a script specifying that it is being run in an interactive environment. Many libraries may wish to change their behavior based on being interactive (e.g. disabling signal handlers on Ctrl-C).

Returns: bool
True if interactive flag has been set


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General API for a script specifying that it is being run in an interactive environment. Many libraries may wish to change their behavior based on being interactive (e.g. disabling signal handlers on Ctrl-C).

  • interactive (bool) - True if current script is being run in an interactive shell