KNI._object | |
KNI::KatanaKinematics5M180::angles_calc | |
KNI::KatanaKinematics6M180::angles_calc | |
KNI::KatanaKinematics6M90G::angles_calc | |
KNI::KatanaKinematics6M90T::angles_calc | |
AnaGuess::Kinematics6M180::angles_calc | |
AnaGuess::Kinematics6M90G::angles_calc | |
AnaGuess::Kinematics6M90T::angles_calc | |
Bad_alloc | |
BaseException | |
CannotGetSetPortAttributesException | |
CannotOpenPortException | |
CCdlBase | Abstract base class for devices |
CCdlCOM | Encapsulates the serial port device |
CCdlSocket | Encapsulates the socket communication device |
CCplBase | Abstract base class for protocol definiton |
CCplSerial | Base class of two different serial protocols |
CCplSerialCRC | Implement the Serial-Zero protocol |
CikBase | |
CKatana | Extended Katana class with additional functions |
CKatBase | Base Katana class |
Clik | Handle Closed Loop Inverse Kinematics scheme |
CLMBase | Linear movement Class |
CMotBase | Motor class |
Computed_torque_method | Computer torque method controller class |
Config | Handle configuration files |
ConfigFileEntryNotFoundException | |
ConfigFileOpenException | |
ConfigFileSectionNotFoundException | |
ConfigFileStateException | |
ConfigFileSubsectionNotFoundException | |
ConfigFileSyntaxErrorException | |
Context | |
Control_Select | Select controller class |
CSctBase | Sensor Controller class |
Cube | |
Data | Basic data element used in Config class |
DeviceReadException | |
DeviceWriteException | |
Domain_error | |
Dynamics | Dynamics simulation handling class |
ErrorException | |
Exception | |
AnaGuess::Exception | |
FirmwareException | |
FloatVector | |
GARCH11_LL | |
GNUcurve | Object for one curve |
Impedance | Impedance controller class |
IntVector | |
Invalid_argument | |
IO_matrix_file | Read and write data at every iterations in a file |
Janitor | |
JointSpeedException | |
KNInet::Katana | |
KNI::KatanaKinematics | |
KNI::KatanaKinematics5M180 | |
KNI::KatanaKinematics6M180 | |
KNI::KatanaKinematics6M90G | |
KNI::KatanaKinematics6M90T | |
KNI::KinematicParameters | |
AnaGuess::Kinematics | Base Class for the kinematics implementations |
AnaGuess::Kinematics6M180 | Implements the kinematics for the Katana6M180 |
AnaGuess::Kinematics6M90G | Implements the kinematics for the Katana6M90G |
AnaGuess::Kinematics6M90T | Implements the kinematics for the Katana6M90T |
KNI::KinematicsDefaultEncMinAlgorithm | |
AnaGuess::KinematicsDefaultEncMinAlgorithm | |
AnaGuess::KinematicsDefaultRadMinAlgorithm | |
KinematicsLib | Kinematics class using the kinematics lib |
KNI::kmlFactory | |
Length_error | |
Link | Link definitions |
LinkStewart | LinkStewart definitions |
Logic_error | |
Model_3pe | |
MotorCrashException | |
MotorOutOfRangeException | |
MotorTimeoutException | |
mRobot | Modified DH notation robot class |
mRobot_min_para | Modified DH notation and minimal inertial parameters robot class |
MultWithCarry | |
New_dynamics | This is an example of customize Dynamics class |
KNI::NoSolutionException | |
AnaGuess::NoSolutionException | |
OneDimSolve | |
Out_of_range | |
Overflow_error | |
ParameterReadingException | |
ParameterWritingException | |
Plot2d | 2d plot object |
Plot3d | 3d plot object |
Plot_file | Creates a graphic from a data file |
PortNotOpenException | |
KNI::KatanaKinematics5M180::position | |
KNI::KatanaKinematics6M180::position | |
KNI::KatanaKinematics6M90G::position | |
KNI::KatanaKinematics6M90T::position | |
AnaGuess::Kinematics6M180::position | Structs, type and constants used in inverse kinematics calculation |
AnaGuess::Kinematics6M90G::position | Structs, type and constants used in inverse kinematics calculation |
AnaGuess::Kinematics6M90T::position | Structs, type and constants used in inverse kinematics calculation |
PrintCounter | |
Proportional_Derivative | Proportional derivative controller class |
pthread_once_t_ | |
ptw32_cleanup_t | |
ptw32_handle_t | |
Quaternion | Quaternion class definition |
R1_R1 | |
Range_error | |
ReadNotCompleteException | |
ReadWriteNotCompleteException | |
Resolved_acc | Resolved rate acceleration controller class |
Robot | DH notation robot class |
Robot_basic | Virtual base robot class |
Runtime_error | |
sched_param | |
SlaveErrorException | |
SolutionException | |
Spl_cubic | Natural cubic splines class |
Spl_path | Cartesian or joint space trajectory |
Spl_Quaternion | Cubic quaternions spline |
Stewart | Stewart definitions |
TCdlCOMDesc | This structrue stores the attributes for a serial port device |
KNI.TCurrentMot | |
TCurrentMot | Structure for the currently active axis |
TestClass | |
TestUpdateQRZ | |
THeader | Header of a communication packet |
time_lapse | |
KNI::Timer | |
timespec | |
TKatCBX | [CBX] connector box |
TKatCTB | [CTB] command table defined in the firmware |
TKatECH | [ECH] echo |
TKatEFF | Inverse Kinematics structure of the endeffektor |
TKatGNL | [GNL] general robot attributes |
TKatIDS | [IDS] identification string |
TKatMFW | [MFW] master firmware version/revision number |
TKatMOT | [MOT] every motor's attributes |
TKatSCT | [SCT] every sens ctrl's attributes |
TMotAPS | [APS] actual position |
TMotCLB | Calibration structure for single motors |
TMotDesc | Motor description (partly) |
TMotDYL | [DYL] dynamic limits |
TMotENL | [ENL] limits in encoder values (INTERNAL STRUCTURE!) |
TMotGNL | [GNL] motor generals |
TMotInit | Initial motor parameters |
TMotPVP | [PVP] position, velocity, pulse width modulation |
TMotSCP | [SCP] static controller parameters |
TMotSFW | [SFW] slave firmware |
TMotTPS | [TPS] target position |
TMovement | Structure for the |
KNI.TMovement | |
TPacket | Communication packet |
TPoint | |
KNI.TPos | |
Tpos | |
TPos | Extern C because we want to access these interfaces from anywhere: |
Tracer | |
Trajectory_Select | Trajectory class selection |
TSctDAT | [DAT] sensor data |
TSctDesc | Sensor controller description (partly) |
TSctGNL | [GNL] controller generals |
KNI_MHF::unary_deg2rad< _T > | |
MHF::unary_deg2rad< _T > | |
KNI_MHF::unary_precalc_cos< _T > | |
MHF::unary_precalc_cos< _T > | |
KNI_MHF::unary_precalc_sin< _T > | |
MHF::unary_precalc_sin< _T > | |
MHF::unary_rad2deg< _T > | |
KNI_MHF::unary_rad2deg< _T > | |
WaitParameterException | |
WriteNotCompleteException | |
WrongCRCException | |
WrongParameterException | |