Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
00003 # Author: Yuki Furuta <furushchev@jsk.imi.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
00006 import lxml.etree
00007 import lxml.builder
00008 import os
00009 import rospkg
00010 import subprocess
00011 import sys
00013 class InvalidURDFException(Exception):
00014     pass
00016 def printf(*args):
00017     print "[urdf_to_xacro.py] " + ' '.join(args)
00019 class GazeboModelPathResolver(object):
00020     def __init__(self):
00021         self.rospack = rospkg.RosPack()
00022         self.paths = []
00023         self.rospkgs = {}
00024         self.cached_path = {}
00025         self.load_path_from_env()
00026         self.load_path_from_plugin()
00028     def add_path(self, path):
00029         self.paths.insert(0, path)
00031     def add_ros_pkg(self, pkg, path):
00032         if pkg in self.rospkgs:
00033             self.rospkgs[pkg].insert(0, path)
00034         else:
00035             self.rospkgs[pkg] = [path]
00037     def load_path_from_env(self):
00038         env_str = os.environ.get("GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH", None)
00039         if env_str is None:
00040             return
00041         for path in env_str.split(':'):
00042             if os.path.isdir(path):
00043                 self.add_path(path)
00045     def load_path_from_plugin(self):
00046         cmd = "rospack plugins --attrib=gazebo_model_path gazebo_ros"
00047         lines = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True)
00048         if lines:
00049             for line in lines.split(os.linesep):
00050                 if not line:
00051                     continue
00052                 pkg, path = line.split()
00053                 if os.path.isdir(path):
00054                     self.add_path(path)
00055                     if pkg not in self.rospkgs:
00056                         self.rospkgs[pkg] = self.rospack.get_path(pkg)
00058     def parse_model_path(self, path):
00059         key = None
00060         if path.startswith("model://"):
00061             spath = path[len("model://"):].split('/')
00062             key = spath[0]
00063             path = '/'.join(spath[1:])
00064         return key, path
00066     def search_path(self, key):
00067         for base_path in self.paths:
00068             path = os.path.join(base_path, key)
00069             if os.path.isdir(path):
00070                 self.cached_path[key] = path
00072     def pack_ros_path(self, path):
00073         for pkg, pkg_path in self.rospkgs.items():
00074             if path.startswith(pkg_path):
00075                 return "package://" + pkg + path[len(pkg_path):]
00076         return path
00078     def resolve_path(self, path):
00079         key, path = self.parse_model_path(path)
00080         if not key:
00081             return path
00082         if key not in self.cached_path:
00083             self.search_path(key)
00084         if key in self.cached_path:
00085             path = os.path.join(self.cached_path[key], path)
00086         else:
00087             raise Exception("path %s is not found" % path)
00088         return self.pack_ros_path(path)
00090 _gazebo = GazeboModelPathResolver()
00092 def resolve_gazebo_model_path(path):
00093     return _gazebo.resolve_path(path)
00095 class URDF2XACRO(object):
00096     def __init__(self, urdf_path, xacro_path, force_rename=None):
00097         printf("loading", urdf_path)
00098         self.root = lxml.etree.parse(urdf_path,
00099                                      parser=lxml.etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True))
00100         self.xacro_path = xacro_path
00101         self.force_rename = None
00103     def find_root_link(self):
00104         links = self.root.xpath("//robot/link")
00105         if len(links) == 0:
00106             raise InvalidURDFException("No link found in model")
00107         elif len(links) == 1:
00108             return links[0]
00109         else:
00110             link_names = [l.get("name") for l in links]
00111             joints = self.root.xpath("//robot/joint")
00112             for j in joints:
00113                 child_link_name = j.find("child").get("link")
00114                 if child_link_name in link_names:
00115                     link_names.remove(child_link_name)
00116             if len(link_names) != 1:
00117                 raise InvalidURDFException("Links are not connected with joints: %s" % link_names)
00118             return self.root.xpath("//robot/link[@name='%s']" % link_names[0])[0]
00120     def add_namespace(self, ns):
00121         ns_str = "${%s}_" % ns
00123         links = self.root.xpath("//robot/link")
00124         for l in links:
00125             l.set("name", ns_str + l.get("name"))
00127         gazebo = self.root.xpath("//robot/gazebo")
00128         for g in gazebo:
00129             if g.get("reference") is not None:
00130                 g.set("reference", ns_str + g.get("reference"))
00132         joints = self.root.xpath("//robot/joint")
00133         for j in joints:
00134             j.set("name", ns_str + j.get("name"))
00135             j_parent = j.find("parent")
00136             j_parent.set("link", ns_str +  j_parent.get("link"))
00137             j_child = j.find("child")
00138             j_child.set("link", ns_str + j_child.get("link"))
00140         transmissions = self.root.xpath("//robot/transmission")
00141         for t in transmissions:
00142             t.set("name", ns_str + t.get("name"))
00143             t_joint = t.find("joint")
00144             t_joint.set("name", ns_str + t_joint.get("name"))
00145             t_actuator = t.find("actuator")
00146             t_actuator.set("name", ns_str + t_actuator.get("name"))
00148     def replace_model_path(self):
00149         try:
00150             for param in ["visual", "collision", "inertial"]:
00151                 for m in self.root.xpath("//robot/link/%s/geometry/mesh" % param):
00152                     if "filename" in m.attrib:
00153                         modelpath = m.attrib["filename"]
00154                         if self.force_rename and modelpath.startswith("model://"):
00155                             pkgpath = self.force_rename + modelpath[len("model://"):]
00156                         else:
00157                             pkgpath = resolve_gazebo_model_path(modelpath)
00158                         printf(modelpath, "->", pkgpath)
00159                         m.attrib["filename"] = pkgpath
00160         except:
00161             pass
00163     def inject_macro(self):
00164         self.add_namespace("name")
00165         root_link = self.find_root_link()
00166         robot = self.root.getroot()
00167         robot_name = robot.get("name")
00168         first_joint = robot.find("joint")
00169         virtual_joint = lxml.etree.Element("joint",
00170                                            attrib={"name": "${name}_root_parent_joint", "type": "fixed"})
00171         virtual_joint.append(lxml.etree.Element("parent", attrib={"link": "${parent}"}))
00172         virtual_joint.append(lxml.etree.Element("child", attrib={"link": root_link.get("name")}))
00173         virtual_joint.append(lxml.etree.Element("insert_block", attrib={"name": "origin"}))
00174         if first_joint is not None:
00175             first_joint.addprevious(virtual_joint)
00176         else:
00177             robot.append(virtual_joint)
00178         macro = lxml.etree.Element("macro",
00179                                    attrib={"name": robot_name, "params": "name parent *origin"})
00180         for e in robot.getchildren():
00181             macro.append(e)
00182         for e in robot.getchildren():
00183             robot.remove(e)
00184         robot.append(macro)
00186     def save(self):
00187         out_path = os.path.abspath(self.xacro_path)
00188         if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(out_path)):
00189             os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(out_path))
00190         xmlstring = lxml.etree.tostring(self.root,
00191                                         encoding="utf-8",
00192                                         xml_declaration=True,
00193                                         pretty_print=True,
00194                                         with_comments=True)
00195         with open(out_path, "w") as f:
00196             f.write(xmlstring)
00197         printf("saved to", out_path)
00198     def convert(self):
00199         self.replace_model_path()
00200         self.inject_macro()
00201         self.save()
00203 if __name__ == '__main__':
00204     import argparse
00205     p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="xacrify urdf file")
00206     p.add_argument("urdf", type=str, help="path to input urdf file")
00207     p.add_argument("xacro", type=str, help="path to output xacro file")
00208     p.add_argument("-f", "--force-rename", type=str,
00209                    default=None, help="force replace model:// tag with specified name")
00210     args = p.parse_args()
00212     c = URDF2XACRO(args.urdf, args.xacro, args.force_rename)
00213     c.convert()

Author(s): Kei Okada , Youhei Kakiuchi , Masaki Murooka
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 20:57:50