Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Copyright 2016 The Cartographer Authors
00003  *
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  */
00017 #include "cartographer/mapping/internal/optimization/optimization_problem_3d.h"
00019 #include <algorithm>
00020 #include <array>
00021 #include <cmath>
00022 #include <iterator>
00023 #include <map>
00024 #include <memory>
00025 #include <string>
00026 #include <vector>
00028 #include "Eigen/Core"
00029 #include "absl/memory/memory.h"
00030 #include "cartographer/common/ceres_solver_options.h"
00031 #include "cartographer/common/math.h"
00032 #include "cartographer/common/time.h"
00033 #include "cartographer/mapping/internal/3d/imu_integration.h"
00034 #include "cartographer/mapping/internal/3d/rotation_parameterization.h"
00035 #include "cartographer/mapping/internal/optimization/ceres_pose.h"
00036 #include "cartographer/mapping/internal/optimization/cost_functions/acceleration_cost_function_3d.h"
00037 #include "cartographer/mapping/internal/optimization/cost_functions/landmark_cost_function_3d.h"
00038 #include "cartographer/mapping/internal/optimization/cost_functions/rotation_cost_function_3d.h"
00039 #include "cartographer/mapping/internal/optimization/cost_functions/spa_cost_function_3d.h"
00040 #include "cartographer/transform/timestamped_transform.h"
00041 #include "cartographer/transform/transform.h"
00042 #include "ceres/ceres.h"
00043 #include "ceres/jet.h"
00044 #include "ceres/rotation.h"
00045 #include "glog/logging.h"
00047 namespace cartographer {
00048 namespace mapping {
00049 namespace optimization {
00050 namespace {
00052 using LandmarkNode = ::cartographer::mapping::PoseGraphInterface::LandmarkNode;
00053 using TrajectoryData =
00054     ::cartographer::mapping::PoseGraphInterface::TrajectoryData;
00056 // For odometry.
00057 std::unique_ptr<transform::Rigid3d> Interpolate(
00058     const sensor::MapByTime<sensor::OdometryData>& map_by_time,
00059     const int trajectory_id, const common::Time time) {
00060   const auto it = map_by_time.lower_bound(trajectory_id, time);
00061   if (it == map_by_time.EndOfTrajectory(trajectory_id)) {
00062     return nullptr;
00063   }
00064   if (it == map_by_time.BeginOfTrajectory(trajectory_id)) {
00065     if (it->time == time) {
00066       return absl::make_unique<transform::Rigid3d>(it->pose);
00067     }
00068     return nullptr;
00069   }
00070   const auto prev_it = std::prev(it);
00071   return absl::make_unique<transform::Rigid3d>(
00072       Interpolate(transform::TimestampedTransform{prev_it->time, prev_it->pose},
00073                   transform::TimestampedTransform{it->time, it->pose}, time)
00074           .transform);
00075 }
00077 // For fixed frame pose.
00078 std::unique_ptr<transform::Rigid3d> Interpolate(
00079     const sensor::MapByTime<sensor::FixedFramePoseData>& map_by_time,
00080     const int trajectory_id, const common::Time time) {
00081   const auto it = map_by_time.lower_bound(trajectory_id, time);
00082   if (it == map_by_time.EndOfTrajectory(trajectory_id) ||
00083       !it->pose.has_value()) {
00084     return nullptr;
00085   }
00086   if (it == map_by_time.BeginOfTrajectory(trajectory_id)) {
00087     if (it->time == time) {
00088       return absl::make_unique<transform::Rigid3d>(it->pose.value());
00089     }
00090     return nullptr;
00091   }
00092   const auto prev_it = std::prev(it);
00093   if (prev_it->pose.has_value()) {
00094     return absl::make_unique<transform::Rigid3d>(
00095         Interpolate(transform::TimestampedTransform{prev_it->time,
00096                                                     prev_it->pose.value()},
00097                     transform::TimestampedTransform{it->time, it->pose.value()},
00098                     time)
00099             .transform);
00100   }
00101   return nullptr;
00102 }
00104 // Selects a trajectory node closest in time to the landmark observation and
00105 // applies a relative transform from it.
00106 transform::Rigid3d GetInitialLandmarkPose(
00107     const LandmarkNode::LandmarkObservation& observation,
00108     const NodeSpec3D& prev_node, const NodeSpec3D& next_node,
00109     const CeresPose& prev_node_pose, const CeresPose& next_node_pose) {
00110   const double interpolation_parameter =
00111       common::ToSeconds(observation.time - prev_node.time) /
00112       common::ToSeconds(next_node.time - prev_node.time);
00114   const std::tuple<std::array<double, 4>, std::array<double, 3>>
00115       rotation_and_translation = InterpolateNodes3D(
00116           prev_node_pose.rotation(), prev_node_pose.translation(),
00117           next_node_pose.rotation(), next_node_pose.translation(),
00118           interpolation_parameter);
00119   return transform::Rigid3d::FromArrays(std::get<0>(rotation_and_translation),
00120                                         std::get<1>(rotation_and_translation)) *
00121          observation.landmark_to_tracking_transform;
00122 }
00124 void AddLandmarkCostFunctions(
00125     const std::map<std::string, LandmarkNode>& landmark_nodes,
00126     const MapById<NodeId, NodeSpec3D>& node_data,
00127     MapById<NodeId, CeresPose>* C_nodes,
00128     std::map<std::string, CeresPose>* C_landmarks, ceres::Problem* problem,
00129     double huber_scale) {
00130   for (const auto& landmark_node : landmark_nodes) {
00131     // Do not use landmarks that were not optimized for localization.
00132     for (const auto& observation : landmark_node.second.landmark_observations) {
00133       const std::string& landmark_id = landmark_node.first;
00134       const auto& begin_of_trajectory =
00135           node_data.BeginOfTrajectory(observation.trajectory_id);
00136       // The landmark observation was made before the trajectory was created.
00137       if (observation.time < begin_of_trajectory->data.time) {
00138         continue;
00139       }
00140       // Find the trajectory nodes before and after the landmark observation.
00141       auto next =
00142           node_data.lower_bound(observation.trajectory_id, observation.time);
00143       // The landmark observation was made, but the next trajectory node has
00144       // not been added yet.
00145       if (next == node_data.EndOfTrajectory(observation.trajectory_id)) {
00146         continue;
00147       }
00148       if (next == begin_of_trajectory) {
00149         next = std::next(next);
00150       }
00151       auto prev = std::prev(next);
00152       // Add parameter blocks for the landmark ID if they were not added before.
00153       CeresPose* prev_node_pose = &C_nodes->at(prev->id);
00154       CeresPose* next_node_pose = &C_nodes->at(next->id);
00155       if (!C_landmarks->count(landmark_id)) {
00156         const transform::Rigid3d starting_point =
00157             landmark_node.second.global_landmark_pose.has_value()
00158                 ? landmark_node.second.global_landmark_pose.value()
00159                 : GetInitialLandmarkPose(observation, prev->data, next->data,
00160                                          *prev_node_pose, *next_node_pose);
00161         C_landmarks->emplace(
00162             landmark_id,
00163             CeresPose(starting_point, nullptr /* translation_parametrization */,
00164                       absl::make_unique<ceres::QuaternionParameterization>(),
00165                       problem));
00166         // Set landmark constant if it is frozen.
00167         if (landmark_node.second.frozen) {
00168           problem->SetParameterBlockConstant(
00169               C_landmarks->at(landmark_id).translation());
00170           problem->SetParameterBlockConstant(
00171               C_landmarks->at(landmark_id).rotation());
00172         }
00173       }
00174       problem->AddResidualBlock(
00175           LandmarkCostFunction3D::CreateAutoDiffCostFunction(
00176               observation, prev->data, next->data),
00177           new ceres::HuberLoss(huber_scale), prev_node_pose->rotation(),
00178           prev_node_pose->translation(), next_node_pose->rotation(),
00179           next_node_pose->translation(),
00180           C_landmarks->at(landmark_id).rotation(),
00181           C_landmarks->at(landmark_id).translation());
00182     }
00183   }
00184 }
00186 }  // namespace
00188 OptimizationProblem3D::OptimizationProblem3D(
00189     const optimization::proto::OptimizationProblemOptions& options)
00190     : options_(options) {}
00192 OptimizationProblem3D::~OptimizationProblem3D() {}
00194 void OptimizationProblem3D::AddImuData(const int trajectory_id,
00195                                        const sensor::ImuData& imu_data) {
00196   imu_data_.Append(trajectory_id, imu_data);
00197 }
00199 void OptimizationProblem3D::AddOdometryData(
00200     const int trajectory_id, const sensor::OdometryData& odometry_data) {
00201   odometry_data_.Append(trajectory_id, odometry_data);
00202 }
00204 void OptimizationProblem3D::AddFixedFramePoseData(
00205     const int trajectory_id,
00206     const sensor::FixedFramePoseData& fixed_frame_pose_data) {
00207   fixed_frame_pose_data_.Append(trajectory_id, fixed_frame_pose_data);
00208 }
00210 void OptimizationProblem3D::AddTrajectoryNode(const int trajectory_id,
00211                                               const NodeSpec3D& node_data) {
00212   node_data_.Append(trajectory_id, node_data);
00213   trajectory_data_[trajectory_id];
00214 }
00216 void OptimizationProblem3D::SetTrajectoryData(
00217     int trajectory_id, const TrajectoryData& trajectory_data) {
00218   trajectory_data_[trajectory_id] = trajectory_data;
00219 }
00221 void OptimizationProblem3D::InsertTrajectoryNode(const NodeId& node_id,
00222                                                  const NodeSpec3D& node_data) {
00223   node_data_.Insert(node_id, node_data);
00224   trajectory_data_[node_id.trajectory_id];
00225 }
00227 void OptimizationProblem3D::TrimTrajectoryNode(const NodeId& node_id) {
00228   imu_data_.Trim(node_data_, node_id);
00229   odometry_data_.Trim(node_data_, node_id);
00230   fixed_frame_pose_data_.Trim(node_data_, node_id);
00231   node_data_.Trim(node_id);
00232   if (node_data_.SizeOfTrajectoryOrZero(node_id.trajectory_id) == 0) {
00233     trajectory_data_.erase(node_id.trajectory_id);
00234   }
00235 }
00237 void OptimizationProblem3D::AddSubmap(
00238     const int trajectory_id, const transform::Rigid3d& global_submap_pose) {
00239   submap_data_.Append(trajectory_id, SubmapSpec3D{global_submap_pose});
00240 }
00242 void OptimizationProblem3D::InsertSubmap(
00243     const SubmapId& submap_id, const transform::Rigid3d& global_submap_pose) {
00244   submap_data_.Insert(submap_id, SubmapSpec3D{global_submap_pose});
00245 }
00247 void OptimizationProblem3D::TrimSubmap(const SubmapId& submap_id) {
00248   submap_data_.Trim(submap_id);
00249 }
00251 void OptimizationProblem3D::SetMaxNumIterations(
00252     const int32 max_num_iterations) {
00253   options_.mutable_ceres_solver_options()->set_max_num_iterations(
00254       max_num_iterations);
00255 }
00257 void OptimizationProblem3D::Solve(
00258     const std::vector<Constraint>& constraints,
00259     const std::map<int, PoseGraphInterface::TrajectoryState>&
00260         trajectories_state,
00261     const std::map<std::string, LandmarkNode>& landmark_nodes) {
00262   if (node_data_.empty()) {
00263     // Nothing to optimize.
00264     return;
00265   }
00267   std::set<int> frozen_trajectories;
00268   for (const auto& it : trajectories_state) {
00269     if (it.second == PoseGraphInterface::TrajectoryState::FROZEN) {
00270       frozen_trajectories.insert(it.first);
00271     }
00272   }
00274   ceres::Problem::Options problem_options;
00275   ceres::Problem problem(problem_options);
00277   const auto translation_parameterization =
00278       [this]() -> std::unique_ptr<ceres::LocalParameterization> {
00279     return options_.fix_z_in_3d()
00280                ? absl::make_unique<ceres::SubsetParameterization>(
00281                      3, std::vector<int>{2})
00282                : nullptr;
00283   };
00285   // Set the starting point.
00286   CHECK(!submap_data_.empty());
00287   MapById<SubmapId, CeresPose> C_submaps;
00288   MapById<NodeId, CeresPose> C_nodes;
00289   std::map<std::string, CeresPose> C_landmarks;
00290   bool first_submap = true;
00291   for (const auto& submap_id_data : submap_data_) {
00292     const bool frozen =
00293         frozen_trajectories.count(submap_id_data.id.trajectory_id) != 0;
00294     if (first_submap) {
00295       first_submap = false;
00296       // Fix the first submap of the first trajectory except for allowing
00297       // gravity alignment.
00298       C_submaps.Insert(
00299           submap_id_data.id,
00300           CeresPose(submap_id_data.data.global_pose,
00301                     translation_parameterization(),
00302                     absl::make_unique<ceres::AutoDiffLocalParameterization<
00303                         ConstantYawQuaternionPlus, 4, 2>>(),
00304                     &problem));
00305       problem.SetParameterBlockConstant(
00306           C_submaps.at(submap_id_data.id).translation());
00307     } else {
00308       C_submaps.Insert(
00309           submap_id_data.id,
00310           CeresPose(submap_id_data.data.global_pose,
00311                     translation_parameterization(),
00312                     absl::make_unique<ceres::QuaternionParameterization>(),
00313                     &problem));
00314     }
00315     if (frozen) {
00316       problem.SetParameterBlockConstant(
00317           C_submaps.at(submap_id_data.id).rotation());
00318       problem.SetParameterBlockConstant(
00319           C_submaps.at(submap_id_data.id).translation());
00320     }
00321   }
00322   for (const auto& node_id_data : node_data_) {
00323     const bool frozen =
00324         frozen_trajectories.count(node_id_data.id.trajectory_id) != 0;
00325     C_nodes.Insert(
00326         node_id_data.id,
00327         CeresPose(node_id_data.data.global_pose, translation_parameterization(),
00328                   absl::make_unique<ceres::QuaternionParameterization>(),
00329                   &problem));
00330     if (frozen) {
00331       problem.SetParameterBlockConstant(C_nodes.at(node_id_data.id).rotation());
00332       problem.SetParameterBlockConstant(
00333           C_nodes.at(node_id_data.id).translation());
00334     }
00335   }
00336   // Add cost functions for intra- and inter-submap constraints.
00337   for (const Constraint& constraint : constraints) {
00338     problem.AddResidualBlock(
00339         SpaCostFunction3D::CreateAutoDiffCostFunction(constraint.pose),
00340         // Loop closure constraints should have a loss function.
00341         constraint.tag == Constraint::INTER_SUBMAP
00342             ? new ceres::HuberLoss(options_.huber_scale())
00343             : nullptr /* loss function */,
00344         C_submaps.at(constraint.submap_id).rotation(),
00345         C_submaps.at(constraint.submap_id).translation(),
00346         C_nodes.at(constraint.node_id).rotation(),
00347         C_nodes.at(constraint.node_id).translation());
00348   }
00349   // Add cost functions for landmarks.
00350   AddLandmarkCostFunctions(landmark_nodes, node_data_, &C_nodes, &C_landmarks,
00351                            &problem, options_.huber_scale());
00352   // Add constraints based on IMU observations of angular velocities and
00353   // linear acceleration.
00354   if (!options_.fix_z_in_3d()) {
00355     for (auto node_it = node_data_.begin(); node_it != node_data_.end();) {
00356       const int trajectory_id = node_it->id.trajectory_id;
00357       const auto trajectory_end = node_data_.EndOfTrajectory(trajectory_id);
00358       if (frozen_trajectories.count(trajectory_id) != 0) {
00359         // We skip frozen trajectories.
00360         node_it = trajectory_end;
00361         continue;
00362       }
00363       TrajectoryData& trajectory_data = trajectory_data_.at(trajectory_id);
00365       problem.AddParameterBlock(trajectory_data.imu_calibration.data(), 4,
00366                                 new ceres::QuaternionParameterization());
00367       if (!options_.use_online_imu_extrinsics_in_3d()) {
00368         problem.SetParameterBlockConstant(
00369             trajectory_data.imu_calibration.data());
00370       }
00371       CHECK(imu_data_.HasTrajectory(trajectory_id));
00372       const auto imu_data = imu_data_.trajectory(trajectory_id);
00373       CHECK(imu_data.begin() != imu_data.end());
00375       auto imu_it = imu_data.begin();
00376       auto prev_node_it = node_it;
00377       for (++node_it; node_it != trajectory_end; ++node_it) {
00378         const NodeId first_node_id = prev_node_it->id;
00379         const NodeSpec3D& first_node_data = prev_node_it->data;
00380         prev_node_it = node_it;
00381         const NodeId second_node_id = node_it->id;
00382         const NodeSpec3D& second_node_data = node_it->data;
00384         if (second_node_id.node_index != first_node_id.node_index + 1) {
00385           continue;
00386         }
00388         // Skip IMU data before the node.
00389         while (std::next(imu_it) != imu_data.end() &&
00390                std::next(imu_it)->time <= first_node_data.time) {
00391           ++imu_it;
00392         }
00394         auto imu_it2 = imu_it;
00395         const IntegrateImuResult<double> result = IntegrateImu(
00396             imu_data, first_node_data.time, second_node_data.time, &imu_it);
00397         const auto next_node_it = std::next(node_it);
00398         if (next_node_it != trajectory_end &&
00399             next_node_it->id.node_index == second_node_id.node_index + 1) {
00400           const NodeId third_node_id = next_node_it->id;
00401           const NodeSpec3D& third_node_data = next_node_it->data;
00402           const common::Time first_time = first_node_data.time;
00403           const common::Time second_time = second_node_data.time;
00404           const common::Time third_time = third_node_data.time;
00405           const common::Duration first_duration = second_time - first_time;
00406           const common::Duration second_duration = third_time - second_time;
00407           const common::Time first_center = first_time + first_duration / 2;
00408           const common::Time second_center = second_time + second_duration / 2;
00409           const IntegrateImuResult<double> result_to_first_center =
00410               IntegrateImu(imu_data, first_time, first_center, &imu_it2);
00411           const IntegrateImuResult<double> result_center_to_center =
00412               IntegrateImu(imu_data, first_center, second_center, &imu_it2);
00413           // 'delta_velocity' is the change in velocity from the point in time
00414           // halfway between the first and second poses to halfway between
00415           // second and third pose. It is computed from IMU data and still
00416           // contains a delta due to gravity. The orientation of this vector is
00417           // in the IMU frame at the second pose.
00418           const Eigen::Vector3d delta_velocity =
00419               (result.delta_rotation.inverse() *
00420                result_to_first_center.delta_rotation) *
00421               result_center_to_center.delta_velocity;
00422           problem.AddResidualBlock(
00423               AccelerationCostFunction3D::CreateAutoDiffCostFunction(
00424                   options_.acceleration_weight(), delta_velocity,
00425                   common::ToSeconds(first_duration),
00426                   common::ToSeconds(second_duration)),
00427               nullptr /* loss function */,
00428               C_nodes.at(second_node_id).rotation(),
00429               C_nodes.at(first_node_id).translation(),
00430               C_nodes.at(second_node_id).translation(),
00431               C_nodes.at(third_node_id).translation(),
00432               &trajectory_data.gravity_constant,
00433               trajectory_data.imu_calibration.data());
00434         }
00435         problem.AddResidualBlock(
00436             RotationCostFunction3D::CreateAutoDiffCostFunction(
00437                 options_.rotation_weight(), result.delta_rotation),
00438             nullptr /* loss function */, C_nodes.at(first_node_id).rotation(),
00439             C_nodes.at(second_node_id).rotation(),
00440             trajectory_data.imu_calibration.data());
00441       }
00442     }
00443   }
00445   if (options_.fix_z_in_3d()) {
00446     // Add penalties for violating odometry (if available) and changes between
00447     // consecutive nodes.
00448     for (auto node_it = node_data_.begin(); node_it != node_data_.end();) {
00449       const int trajectory_id = node_it->id.trajectory_id;
00450       const auto trajectory_end = node_data_.EndOfTrajectory(trajectory_id);
00451       if (frozen_trajectories.count(trajectory_id) != 0) {
00452         node_it = trajectory_end;
00453         continue;
00454       }
00456       auto prev_node_it = node_it;
00457       for (++node_it; node_it != trajectory_end; ++node_it) {
00458         const NodeId first_node_id = prev_node_it->id;
00459         const NodeSpec3D& first_node_data = prev_node_it->data;
00460         prev_node_it = node_it;
00461         const NodeId second_node_id = node_it->id;
00462         const NodeSpec3D& second_node_data = node_it->data;
00464         if (second_node_id.node_index != first_node_id.node_index + 1) {
00465           continue;
00466         }
00468         // Add a relative pose constraint based on the odometry (if available).
00469         const std::unique_ptr<transform::Rigid3d> relative_odometry =
00470             CalculateOdometryBetweenNodes(trajectory_id, first_node_data,
00471                                           second_node_data);
00472         if (relative_odometry != nullptr) {
00473           problem.AddResidualBlock(
00474               SpaCostFunction3D::CreateAutoDiffCostFunction(Constraint::Pose{
00475                   *relative_odometry, options_.odometry_translation_weight(),
00476                   options_.odometry_rotation_weight()}),
00477               nullptr /* loss function */, C_nodes.at(first_node_id).rotation(),
00478               C_nodes.at(first_node_id).translation(),
00479               C_nodes.at(second_node_id).rotation(),
00480               C_nodes.at(second_node_id).translation());
00481         }
00483         // Add a relative pose constraint based on consecutive local SLAM poses.
00484         const transform::Rigid3d relative_local_slam_pose =
00485             first_node_data.local_pose.inverse() * second_node_data.local_pose;
00486         problem.AddResidualBlock(
00487             SpaCostFunction3D::CreateAutoDiffCostFunction(
00488                 Constraint::Pose{relative_local_slam_pose,
00489                                  options_.local_slam_pose_translation_weight(),
00490                                  options_.local_slam_pose_rotation_weight()}),
00491             nullptr /* loss function */, C_nodes.at(first_node_id).rotation(),
00492             C_nodes.at(first_node_id).translation(),
00493             C_nodes.at(second_node_id).rotation(),
00494             C_nodes.at(second_node_id).translation());
00495       }
00496     }
00497   }
00499   // Add fixed frame pose constraints.
00500   std::map<int, CeresPose> C_fixed_frames;
00501   for (auto node_it = node_data_.begin(); node_it != node_data_.end();) {
00502     const int trajectory_id = node_it->id.trajectory_id;
00503     const auto trajectory_end = node_data_.EndOfTrajectory(trajectory_id);
00504     if (!fixed_frame_pose_data_.HasTrajectory(trajectory_id)) {
00505       node_it = trajectory_end;
00506       continue;
00507     }
00509     const TrajectoryData& trajectory_data = trajectory_data_.at(trajectory_id);
00510     bool fixed_frame_pose_initialized = false;
00511     for (; node_it != trajectory_end; ++node_it) {
00512       const NodeId node_id = node_it->id;
00513       const NodeSpec3D& node_data = node_it->data;
00515       const std::unique_ptr<transform::Rigid3d> fixed_frame_pose =
00516           Interpolate(fixed_frame_pose_data_, trajectory_id, node_data.time);
00517       if (fixed_frame_pose == nullptr) {
00518         continue;
00519       }
00521       const Constraint::Pose constraint_pose{
00522           *fixed_frame_pose, options_.fixed_frame_pose_translation_weight(),
00523           options_.fixed_frame_pose_rotation_weight()};
00525       if (!fixed_frame_pose_initialized) {
00526         transform::Rigid3d fixed_frame_pose_in_map;
00527         if (trajectory_data.fixed_frame_origin_in_map.has_value()) {
00528           fixed_frame_pose_in_map =
00529               trajectory_data.fixed_frame_origin_in_map.value();
00530         } else {
00531           fixed_frame_pose_in_map =
00532               node_data.global_pose * constraint_pose.zbar_ij.inverse();
00533         }
00534         C_fixed_frames.emplace(
00535             std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(trajectory_id),
00536             std::forward_as_tuple(
00537                 transform::Rigid3d(
00538                     fixed_frame_pose_in_map.translation(),
00539                     Eigen::AngleAxisd(
00540                         transform::GetYaw(fixed_frame_pose_in_map.rotation()),
00541                         Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ())),
00542                 nullptr,
00543                 absl::make_unique<ceres::AutoDiffLocalParameterization<
00544                     YawOnlyQuaternionPlus, 4, 1>>(),
00545                 &problem));
00546         fixed_frame_pose_initialized = true;
00547       }
00549       problem.AddResidualBlock(
00550           SpaCostFunction3D::CreateAutoDiffCostFunction(constraint_pose),
00551           nullptr /* loss function */,
00552           C_fixed_frames.at(trajectory_id).rotation(),
00553           C_fixed_frames.at(trajectory_id).translation(),
00554           C_nodes.at(node_id).rotation(), C_nodes.at(node_id).translation());
00555     }
00556   }
00557   // Solve.
00558   ceres::Solver::Summary summary;
00559   ceres::Solve(
00560       common::CreateCeresSolverOptions(options_.ceres_solver_options()),
00561       &problem, &summary);
00562   if (options_.log_solver_summary()) {
00563     LOG(INFO) << summary.FullReport();
00564     for (const auto& trajectory_id_and_data : trajectory_data_) {
00565       const int trajectory_id = trajectory_id_and_data.first;
00566       const TrajectoryData& trajectory_data = trajectory_id_and_data.second;
00567       if (trajectory_id != 0) {
00568         LOG(INFO) << "Trajectory " << trajectory_id << ":";
00569       }
00570       LOG(INFO) << "Gravity was: " << trajectory_data.gravity_constant;
00571       const auto& imu_calibration = trajectory_data.imu_calibration;
00572       LOG(INFO) << "IMU correction was: "
00573                 << common::RadToDeg(2. *
00574                                     std::acos(std::abs(imu_calibration[0])))
00575                 << " deg (" << imu_calibration[0] << ", " << imu_calibration[1]
00576                 << ", " << imu_calibration[2] << ", " << imu_calibration[3]
00577                 << ")";
00578     }
00579   }
00581   // Store the result.
00582   for (const auto& C_submap_id_data : C_submaps) {
00583     submap_data_.at(C_submap_id_data.id).global_pose =
00584         C_submap_id_data.data.ToRigid();
00585   }
00586   for (const auto& C_node_id_data : C_nodes) {
00587     node_data_.at(C_node_id_data.id).global_pose =
00588         C_node_id_data.data.ToRigid();
00589   }
00590   for (const auto& C_fixed_frame : C_fixed_frames) {
00591     trajectory_data_.at(C_fixed_frame.first).fixed_frame_origin_in_map =
00592         C_fixed_frame.second.ToRigid();
00593   }
00594   for (const auto& C_landmark : C_landmarks) {
00595     landmark_data_[C_landmark.first] = C_landmark.second.ToRigid();
00596   }
00597 }
00599 std::unique_ptr<transform::Rigid3d>
00600 OptimizationProblem3D::CalculateOdometryBetweenNodes(
00601     const int trajectory_id, const NodeSpec3D& first_node_data,
00602     const NodeSpec3D& second_node_data) const {
00603   if (odometry_data_.HasTrajectory(trajectory_id)) {
00604     const std::unique_ptr<transform::Rigid3d> first_node_odometry =
00605         Interpolate(odometry_data_, trajectory_id, first_node_data.time);
00606     const std::unique_ptr<transform::Rigid3d> second_node_odometry =
00607         Interpolate(odometry_data_, trajectory_id, second_node_data.time);
00608     if (first_node_odometry != nullptr && second_node_odometry != nullptr) {
00609       const transform::Rigid3d relative_odometry =
00610           first_node_odometry->inverse() * (*second_node_odometry);
00611       return absl::make_unique<transform::Rigid3d>(relative_odometry);
00612     }
00613   }
00614   return nullptr;
00615 }
00617 }  // namespace optimization
00618 }  // namespace mapping
00619 }  // namespace cartographer

Author(s): The Cartographer Authors
autogenerated on Thu May 9 2019 02:27:35