circle_provider.cpp [code] | Implementation for circle_provider.h |
circle_provider.h [code] | |
connected_components.cpp [code] | |
connected_components.h [code] | Connected Components implementation to get all the points in a critical region, along with neighbouring critical points to form the topological graph |
directed_dfs.cpp [code] | Implementation of the Directed DFS class |
directed_dfs.h [code] | A specific implementation of Directed DFS (DFS with a priority queue) to find whether 2 points are close in obstacle space. Priority is done on using the Euclidean distance to the goal as a heuristic |
generate_graph.cpp [code] | |
graph.cpp [code] | Implementation for graph functions |
graph.h [code] | Contains some simple data structures for holding the graph |
map_inflator.cpp [code] | Provides an implementation for map_inflator.h |
map_inflator.h [code] | Provides a simple costmap inflation function |
map_loader.cpp [code] | Implementation for map_loader.h |
map_loader.h [code] | Simple wrapper around the map_server code to read maps from a the supplied yaml file. This class itself is based on the map_server node inside the map_server package (written by Brian Gerkey) |
map_utils.cpp [code] | Implementation for map utilities |
map_utils.h [code] | |
path_finder.cpp [code] | |
path_finder.h [code] | |
point.cpp [code] | Implementations for the basic point data structures |
point.h [code] | Contains basic point data structures for bwi_mapper |
point_utils.cpp [code] | |
point_utils.h [code] | Some helpful utilities while dealing with points |
prepare_graph.cpp [code] | |
test_circle.cpp [code] | Simple command line test for the circle provider |
test_dfs.cpp [code] | Simple test for the graph generator. Reads a map and displays information from the topological mapper on to the screen |
test_graph.cpp [code] | |
test_map_loader.cpp [code] | Simple test for the map loader. Reads a map and displays it on the screen using opencv highgui |
test_voronoi.cpp [code] | Simple test for the voronoi approximator. Reads a map and displays information from the voronoi approximator on to the screen |
topological_mapper.cpp [code] | Implementation for the topological mapper |
topological_mapper.h [code] | Constructs the topological graph using the voronoi approximation |
view_graph.cpp [code] | |
voronoi_approximator.cpp [code] | Implementation for the voronoi approximator |
voronoi_approximator.h [code] | Constructs a voronoi approximation given a map of the world. The map is a discrete grid world with each cell set to occupied or not, and the voronoi approximation is done in this discrete space |
voronoi_point.cpp [code] | Implementation of the voronoi point class |
voronoi_point.h [code] | Base class for a voronoi point. Simple wrapper around Point2d that maintains a given separation between basis points |