Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <ExplorationPlanner.h>
00002 #include "ros/ros.h"
00003 #include "hungarian.h"
00004 #include "munkres.h"
00005 #include "boost_matrix.h"
00006 #include <ros/console.h>
00007 #include <costmap_2d/costmap_2d_ros.h>
00008 #include <costmap_2d/costmap_2d.h>
00009 #include <navfn/navfn_ros.h>
00010 #include <visualization_msgs/Marker.h>
00011 #include <visualization_msgs/MarkerArray.h>
00012 #include <dynamic_reconfigure/server.h>
00013 #include <string.h>
00014 #include <stdlib.h>
00015 #include <geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped.h>
00016 #include <nav_msgs/GridCells.h>
00017 #include <adhoc_communication/ExpCluster.h>
00018 #include <adhoc_communication/ExpClusterElement.h>
00019 #include <adhoc_communication/ExpAuction.h>
00020 #include <adhoc_communication/ExpFrontier.h>
00021 #include <adhoc_communication/ExpFrontierElement.h>
00022 #include <adhoc_communication/SendExpFrontier.h>
00023 #include <adhoc_communication/SendExpAuction.h>
00024 #include <adhoc_communication/SendExpCluster.h>
00025 #include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp>
00026 #include <boost/numeric/ublas/io.hpp>
00027 //#include <explorer/Frontier.h> //<simple_navigation/Frontier.h>>
00028 //#include <map_merger/pointFromOtherRobot.h>
00029 #include <adhoc_communication/MmListOfPoints.h>
00030 #include <map_merger/TransformPoint.h>
00031 #include <base_local_planner/trajectory_planner_ros.h>
00032 #include <math.h>
00034 #define STRAIGHT_COST 100
00035 #define MAX_DISTANCE 2000
00036 #define MAX_GOAL_RANGE 0.2 //0.8
00037 #define MINIMAL_FRONTIER_RANGE 0.2
00038 #define INNER_DISTANCE 5
00039 #define MAX_NEIGHBOR_DIST 1
00040 #define CLUSTER_MERGING_DIST 0.8 //3
00042 using namespace explorationPlanner;
00044 template <typename T>
00045   std::string NumberToString ( T Number )
00046   {
00047      std::ostringstream ss;
00048      ss << Number;
00049      return ss.str();
00050   }
00052 ExplorationPlanner::ExplorationPlanner(int robot_id, bool robot_prefix_empty, std::string robot_name_parameter):
00053                 costmap_ros_(0), occupancy_grid_array_(0), exploration_trans_array_(0), obstacle_trans_array_(
00054                                 0), frontier_map_array_(0), is_goal_array_(0), map_width_(0), map_height_(
00055                                 0), num_map_cells_(0), initialized_(false), last_mode_(
00056                                 FRONTIER_EXPLORE), p_alpha_(0), p_dist_for_goal_reached_(1), p_goal_angle_penalty_(
00057                                 0), p_min_frontier_size_(0), p_min_obstacle_dist_(0), p_plan_in_unknown_(
00058                                 true), p_same_frontier_dist_(0), p_use_inflated_obs_(false), previous_goal_(
00059                                 0), inflated(0), lethal(0), free(0), threshold_free(127) 
00060                                 , threshold_inflated(252), threshold_lethal(253),frontier_id_count(0), 
00061                                 exploration_travel_path_global(0), cluster_id(0), initialized_planner(false), 
00062                                 auction_is_running(false), auction_start(false), auction_finished(true), 
00063                                 start_thr_auction(false), auction_id_number(1), next_auction_position_x(0), 
00064                                 next_auction_position_y(0), other_robots_position_x(0), other_robots_position_y(0),
00065                                 number_of_completed_auctions(0), number_of_uncompleted_auctions(0), first_run(true),
00066                                 first_negotiation_run(true), robot_prefix_empty_param(false){
00069     trajectory_strategy = "euclidean";
00070     robot_prefix_empty_param = robot_prefix_empty;
00073     responded_t init_responded;
00074     init_responded.auction_number = 0;
00075     init_responded.robot_number = 0;
00076     robots_already_responded.push_back(init_responded);
00078     auction_running = false;
00079     std::stringstream robot_number;
00080     robot_number << robot_id;
00082     std::string prefix = "/robot_";
00083     std::string robo_name = prefix.append(robot_number.str());   
00085     if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
00086     {
00087         /*NO SIMULATION*/
00088         robo_name = "";
00089         robot_str = robot_name_parameter;
00090     }
00091     std::string sendFrontier_msgs = robo_name +"/adhoc_communication/send_frontier";
00092     std::string sendAuction_msgs  = robo_name +"/adhoc_communication/send_auction";
00094     ros::NodeHandle tmp;
00095     nh_service = &tmp;
00097     ROS_ERROR("SendFrontier: %s     SendAuction: %s", sendFrontier_msgs.c_str(), sendAuction_msgs.c_str());
00099     ssendFrontier = nh_service->serviceClient<adhoc_communication::SendExpFrontier>(sendFrontier_msgs);
00100     ssendAuction = nh_service->serviceClient<adhoc_communication::SendExpAuction>(sendAuction_msgs);
00103 //    pub_negotion_first = nh_negotiation_first.advertise <adhoc_communication::Frontier> ("negotiation_list_first", 10000);
00105 //    pub_frontiers = nh_frontier.advertise <adhoc_communication::Frontier> ("frontiers", 10000);
00106 //    pub_visited_frontiers = nh_visited_frontier.advertise <adhoc_communication::Frontier> ("visited_frontiers", 10000);
00108     pub_visited_frontiers_points = nh_visited_Point.advertise <visualization_msgs::MarkerArray> ("visitedfrontierPoints", 2000, true);
00110     pub_Point = nh_Point.advertise < geometry_msgs::PointStamped> ("goalPoint", 100, true);
00111     pub_frontiers_points = nh_frontiers_points.advertise <visualization_msgs::MarkerArray> ("frontierPoints", 2000, true);
00113 //    pub_auctioning_status = nh_auction_status.advertise<adhoc_communication::AuctionStatus> ("auctionStatus", 1000);
00114 //    pub_auctioning_first = nh_auction_first.advertise<adhoc_communication::Auction> ("auction_first", 1000);
00116     //pub_clusters = nh_cluster.advertise<geometry_msgs::PolygonStamped>("clusters", 2000, true);
00120     pub_cluster_grid_0 = nh_cluster_grid.advertise<nav_msgs::GridCells>("cluster_grid_0", 2000, true);
00121     pub_cluster_grid_1 = nh_cluster_grid.advertise<nav_msgs::GridCells>("cluster_grid_1", 2000, true);
00122     pub_cluster_grid_2 = nh_cluster_grid.advertise<nav_msgs::GridCells>("cluster_grid_2", 2000, true);
00123     pub_cluster_grid_3 = nh_cluster_grid.advertise<nav_msgs::GridCells>("cluster_grid_3", 2000, true);
00124     pub_cluster_grid_4 = nh_cluster_grid.advertise<nav_msgs::GridCells>("cluster_grid_4", 2000, true);
00125     pub_cluster_grid_5 = nh_cluster_grid.advertise<nav_msgs::GridCells>("cluster_grid_5", 2000, true);
00126     pub_cluster_grid_6 = nh_cluster_grid.advertise<nav_msgs::GridCells>("cluster_grid_6", 2000, true);
00127     pub_cluster_grid_7 = nh_cluster_grid.advertise<nav_msgs::GridCells>("cluster_grid_7", 2000, true);
00128     pub_cluster_grid_8 = nh_cluster_grid.advertise<nav_msgs::GridCells>("cluster_grid_8", 2000, true);
00129     pub_cluster_grid_9 = nh_cluster_grid.advertise<nav_msgs::GridCells>("cluster_grid_9", 2000, true);
00130     pub_cluster_grid_10 = nh_cluster_grid.advertise<nav_msgs::GridCells>("cluster_grid_10", 2000, true);
00131     pub_cluster_grid_11 = nh_cluster_grid.advertise<nav_msgs::GridCells>("cluster_grid_11", 2000, true);
00132     pub_cluster_grid_12 = nh_cluster_grid.advertise<nav_msgs::GridCells>("cluster_grid_12", 2000, true);
00133     pub_cluster_grid_13 = nh_cluster_grid.advertise<nav_msgs::GridCells>("cluster_grid_13", 2000, true);
00134     pub_cluster_grid_14 = nh_cluster_grid.advertise<nav_msgs::GridCells>("cluster_grid_14", 2000, true);
00135     pub_cluster_grid_15 = nh_cluster_grid.advertise<nav_msgs::GridCells>("cluster_grid_15", 2000, true);
00136     pub_cluster_grid_16 = nh_cluster_grid.advertise<nav_msgs::GridCells>("cluster_grid_16", 2000, true);
00137     pub_cluster_grid_17 = nh_cluster_grid.advertise<nav_msgs::GridCells>("cluster_grid_17", 2000, true);
00138     pub_cluster_grid_18 = nh_cluster_grid.advertise<nav_msgs::GridCells>("cluster_grid_18", 2000, true);
00139     pub_cluster_grid_19 = nh_cluster_grid.advertise<nav_msgs::GridCells>("cluster_grid_19", 2000, true);
00144 //    std::string frontier_sub = robo_name+"/frontiers";
00145 //    std::string visited_frontiers_sub = robo_name+"/visited_frontiers";
00146 //    std::string auction_sub = robo_name+"/auction";
00147 //    std::string all_positions_sub = robo_name+"/all_positions";
00148 //    ROS_INFO("Subscribing to: ");
00149 //    ROS_INFO("%s  %s  %s  %s", frontier_sub.c_str(), visited_frontiers_sub.c_str(), auction_sub.c_str(), all_positions_sub.c_str());
00152 //    sub_control = nh_control.subscribe("/control", 10000, &ExplorationPlanner::controlCallback, this);
00153     sub_frontiers = nh_frontier.subscribe(robo_name+"/frontiers", 10000, &ExplorationPlanner::frontierCallback, this);
00154     sub_visited_frontiers = nh_visited_frontier.subscribe(robo_name+"/visited_frontiers", 10000, &ExplorationPlanner::visited_frontierCallback, this);
00155     sub_negotioation = nh_negotiation.subscribe(robo_name+"/negotiation_list", 10000, &ExplorationPlanner::negotiationCallback, this); 
00156     sub_auctioning = nh_auction.subscribe(robo_name+"/auction", 1000, &ExplorationPlanner::auctionCallback, this); 
00157     sub_position = nh_position.subscribe(robo_name+"/all_positions", 1000, &ExplorationPlanner::positionCallback, this);
00159     // TODO
00160 //    sub_robot = nh_robot.subscribe(robo_name+"/adhoc_communication/new_robot", 1000, &ExplorationPlanner::new_robot_callback, this);
00163 //    adhoc_communication::Auction auction_init_status_msg;
00164 //    auction_init_status_msg.start_auction = false; 
00165 //    auction_init_status_msg.auction_finished = true;
00166 //    auction_init_status_msg.auction_status_message = true;
00167 //    sendToMulticast("mc_", auction_init_status_msg, "auction");
00168 //    
00169 //    adhoc_communication::Auction auction_init_msg;
00170 //    auction_init_msg.start_auction = false; 
00171 //    auction_init_msg.auction_finished = true;
00172 //    auction_init_msg.auction_status_message = false;
00173 //    sendToMulticast("mc_", auction_init_msg, "auction");
00177 //    if(robot_id == 1)
00178 //    {
00179 //        sub_frontiers = nh_frontier.subscribe("/robot_1/frontiers", 10000, &ExplorationPlanner::frontierCallback, this);
00180 //        sub_visited_frontiers = nh_visited_frontier.subscribe("/robot_1/visited_frontiers", 10000, &ExplorationPlanner::visited_frontierCallback, this);
00181 //        sub_negotioation_first = nh_negotiation_first.subscribe("/robot_0/negotiation_list_first", 10000, &ExplorationPlanner::negotiationCallback, this);
00182 //        sub_auctioning_first = nh_auction_first.subscribe("/robot_0/auction_first", 1000, &ExplorationPlanner::auctionCallback, this);
00183 //        sub_position = nh_position.subscribe("/robot_1/all_positions", 1000, &ExplorationPlanner::positionCallback, this);
00184 //        sub_auctioning_status = nh_auction_status.subscribe("/robot_0/auctionStatus", 1000, &ExplorationPlanner::auctionStatusCallback, this);
00185 //    }else if(robot_id == 0)
00186 //    {
00187 //        sub_frontiers = nh_frontier.subscribe("/robot_0/frontiers", 10000, &ExplorationPlanner::frontierCallback, this);
00188 //        sub_visited_frontiers = nh_visited_frontier.subscribe("/robot_0/visited_frontiers", 10000, &ExplorationPlanner::visited_frontierCallback, this);
00189 //        sub_negotioation_first = nh_negotiation_first.subscribe("/robot_1/negotiation_list_first", 10000, &ExplorationPlanner::negotiationCallback, this);
00190 //        sub_auctioning_first = nh_auction_first.subscribe("/robot_1/auction_first", 1000, &ExplorationPlanner::auctionCallback, this);
00191 //        sub_position = nh_position.subscribe("/robot_0/all_positions", 1000, &ExplorationPlanner::positionCallback, this);
00192 //        sub_auctioning_status = nh_auction_status.subscribe("/robot_1/auctionStatus", 1000, &ExplorationPlanner::auctionStatusCallback, this);
00193 //    }
00195     srand((unsigned)time(0));
00196 }
00198 void ExplorationPlanner::Callbacks()
00199 {
00200     ros::Rate r(10);
00201     while(ros::ok())
00202     {
00203 //        publish_subscribe_mutex.lock();
00205         if(robot_name == 1)
00206         {
00207                 sub_frontiers = nh_frontier.subscribe("/robot_0/frontiers", 10000, &ExplorationPlanner::frontierCallback, this);
00208                 sub_visited_frontiers = nh_visited_frontier.subscribe("/robot_0/visited_frontiers", 10000, &ExplorationPlanner::visited_frontierCallback, this);
00209                 sub_negotioation = nh_negotiation.subscribe("/robot_0/negotiation_list", 10000, &ExplorationPlanner::negotiationCallback, this);
00210                 sub_auctioning = nh_auction.subscribe("/robot_1/auction", 1000, &ExplorationPlanner::auctionCallback, this);
00212 //                sub_frontiers = nh_frontier.subscribe("/robot_2/frontiers", 10000, &ExplorationPlanner::frontierCallback, this);
00213 //                sub_visited_frontiers = nh_visited_frontier.subscribe("/robot_2/visited_frontiers", 10000, &ExplorationPlanner::visited_frontierCallback, this);
00214 //                sub_negotioation = nh_negotiation.subscribe("/robot_2/negotiation_list", 10000, &ExplorationPlanner::negotiationCallback, this);
00215 //        
00216 //                sub_frontiers = nh_frontier.subscribe("/robot_3/frontiers", 10000, &ExplorationPlanner::frontierCallback, this);
00217 //                sub_visited_frontiers = nh_visited_frontier.subscribe("/robot_3/visited_frontiers", 10000, &ExplorationPlanner::visited_frontierCallback, this);
00218 //                sub_negotioation = nh_negotiation.subscribe("/robot_3/negotiation_list", 10000, &ExplorationPlanner::negotiationCallback, this);
00220         }
00221         else if(robot_name == 0)
00222         {
00223                 sub_frontiers = nh_frontier.subscribe("/robot_1/frontiers", 10000, &ExplorationPlanner::frontierCallback, this);
00224                 sub_visited_frontiers = nh_visited_frontier.subscribe("/robot_1/visited_frontiers", 10000, &ExplorationPlanner::visited_frontierCallback, this);
00225                 sub_negotioation = nh_negotiation.subscribe("/robot_1/negotiation_list", 10000, &ExplorationPlanner::negotiationCallback, this);
00226                 sub_auctioning = nh_auction.subscribe("/robot_0/auction", 1000, &ExplorationPlanner::auctionCallback, this);
00227 //                sub_frontiers = nh_frontier.subscribe("/robot_2/frontiers", 10000, &ExplorationPlanner::frontierCallback, this);
00228 //                sub_visited_frontiers = nh_visited_frontier.subscribe("/robot_2/visited_frontiers", 10000, &ExplorationPlanner::visited_frontierCallback, this);
00229 //                sub_negotioation = nh_negotiation.subscribe("/robot_2/negotiation_list", 10000, &ExplorationPlanner::negotiationCallback, this);
00230 //                
00231 //                sub_frontiers = nh_frontier.subscribe("/robot_3/frontiers", 10000, &ExplorationPlanner::frontierCallback, this);
00232 //                sub_visited_frontiers = nh_visited_frontier.subscribe("/robot_3/visited_frontiers", 10000, &ExplorationPlanner::visited_frontierCallback, this);
00233 //                sub_negotioation = nh_negotiation.subscribe("/robot_3/negotiation_list", 10000, &ExplorationPlanner::negotiationCallback, this);
00235         }
00236 //        publish_subscribe_mutex.unlock();
00238         r.sleep();
00239 //        ros::spinOnce();     
00240     }
00241 }
00243 //void ExplorationPlanner::new_robot_callback(const std_msgs::StringConstPtr &msg)
00244 //{
00245 //    std::string newRobotName = msg.get()->data;
00246 //    for(int i = 0; i < new_robots->size(); i++)
00247 //    {
00248 //        if(new_robots->at(i) == newRobotName)
00249 //        {          
00250 //            return;
00251 //        }
00252 //    }
00253 //    new_robots.push_back(newRobotName);
00254 //    ROS_ERROR("New robot:%s",newRobotName.c_str());
00255 //}
00257 void ExplorationPlanner::initialize_planner(std::string name,
00258                 costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS *costmap, costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS *costmap_global) {
00260         ROS_INFO("Initializing the planner");
00262         //copy the pointed costmap to be available in ExplorationPlanner
00264         this->costmap_ros_ = costmap;
00265         this->costmap_global_ros_ = costmap_global;
00267         if(initialized_planner == false)
00268         {
00269                 nav.initialize("navigation_path", costmap_global_ros_);
00270                 initialized_planner = true;
00271         }
00272         //Occupancy_grid_array is updated here
00273         this->setupMapData();
00275         last_mode_ = FRONTIER_EXPLORE;
00276         this->initialized_ = true;
00278         /*
00279          * reset all counter variables, used to count the number of according blocks
00280          * within the occupancy grid.
00281          */
00282         unknown = 0, free = 0, lethal = 0, inflated = 0;
00284 }
00287 bool ExplorationPlanner::clusterFrontiers()
00288 {
00289 //    ROS_INFO("Clustering frontiers");
00291     int strategy = 1;
00292     /*
00293      * Strategy:
00294      * 1 ... merge clusters close together
00295      * 2 ... merge clusters based on model
00296      */
00298     bool cluster_found_flag = false, same_id = false;
00300         for(int i = 0; i < frontiers.size(); i++)
00301         {
00302             ROS_DEBUG("Frontier at: %d   and cluster size: %lu",i, clusters.size());
00303             cluster_found_flag = false;
00304             bool frontier_used = false;
00305             same_id = false;
00307             for(int j = 0; j < clusters.size(); j++)
00308             {
00309                 ROS_DEBUG("cluster %d contains %lu elements", j, clusters.at(j).cluster_element.size());
00310                 for(int n = 0; n < clusters.at(j).cluster_element.size(); n++)
00311                 {
00312                    ROS_DEBUG("accessing cluster %d  and element: %d", j, n);
00314                    if(fabs(frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate - clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(n).x_coordinate) < MAX_NEIGHBOR_DIST && fabs(frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate - clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(n).y_coordinate) < MAX_NEIGHBOR_DIST) 
00315                    {    
00316                        for(int m = 0; m < clusters.at(j).cluster_element.size(); m++)
00317                        {    
00318                           ROS_DEBUG("checking id %d with element id: %d",frontiers.at(i).id,clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(m).id);
00320                           if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
00321                           {
00322                               if(frontiers.at(i).id == clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(m).id && frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot_str.compare(clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(m).detected_by_robot_str) == 0)
00323                               {
00324                                   ROS_DEBUG("SAME ID FOUND !!!!!!!");
00325                                   frontier_used = true;
00326                                   same_id = true;
00327                                   break;
00328                               } 
00329                           }else
00330                           {
00331                               if(frontiers.at(i).id == clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(m).id)
00332                               {
00333                                   ROS_DEBUG("SAME ID FOUND !!!!!!!");
00334                                   frontier_used = true;
00335                                   same_id = true;
00336                                   break;
00337                               } 
00338                           }
00341                        }  
00342                        if(same_id == false)
00343                        {
00344                           cluster_found_flag = true; 
00345                        }                 
00346                    }
00347                    if(same_id == true || cluster_found_flag == true)
00348                    {
00349                        break;
00350                    }
00351                 } 
00352                 if(same_id == true)
00353                 {
00354                     break;
00355                 }else
00356                 {
00357                     if(cluster_found_flag == true)
00358                     {                    
00359                         ROS_DEBUG("Frontier: %d attached", frontiers.at(i).id);
00360                         clusters.at(j).cluster_element.push_back(frontiers.at(i));  
00361                         frontier_used = true;
00362                         break;
00363                     }    
00364                 }
00365             }
00366             if(cluster_found_flag == false && same_id == false)
00367             {
00368                 ROS_DEBUG("ADD CLUSTER");
00369                 cluster_t cluster_new;
00370                 cluster_new.cluster_element.push_back(frontiers.at(i));
00371                 cluster_new.id = (robot_name * 10000) + cluster_id++;
00373                 cluster_mutex.lock();
00374                 clusters.push_back(cluster_new); 
00375                 cluster_mutex.unlock();
00377                 ROS_DEBUG("Frontier: %d in new cluster", frontiers.at(i).id);
00378                 frontier_used = true;
00379             }   
00380             if(frontier_used == false)
00381             {
00382                 ROS_ERROR("FRONTIER: %d NOT USED", frontiers.at(i).id);
00383             }
00384         }  
00387     /*
00388      * To finish the process finally check whether a cluster is close to another one.
00389      * If so, merge them.
00390      */
00391     bool run_without_merging = false; 
00393     if(strategy == 1)
00394     {
00395         while(run_without_merging == false)
00396         {
00397             bool merge_clusters = false; 
00398             for(int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++)
00399             {
00400                 for(int m = 0; m < clusters.at(i).cluster_element.size(); m ++)
00401                 {   
00402                     if(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.size() > 1)
00403                     {
00404                         for(int j = 0; j < clusters.size(); j++)
00405                         {
00406                             if(clusters.at(i).id != clusters.at(j).id)
00407                             {
00408                                 if(clusters.at(j).cluster_element.size() > 1)
00409                                 {                            
00410                                     for(int n = 0; n < clusters.at(j).cluster_element.size(); n++)
00411                                     { 
00412                                         if(fabs(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(m).x_coordinate - clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(n).x_coordinate) < CLUSTER_MERGING_DIST && fabs(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(m).y_coordinate - clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(n).y_coordinate) < CLUSTER_MERGING_DIST)
00413                                         {                   
00414     //                                        ROS_INFO("Merge cluster %d", clusters.at(j).id);
00415                                             merge_clusters = true; 
00416                                             break;                                   
00417                                         }
00418                                     }
00419                                     if(merge_clusters == true)
00420                                     {
00421                                         /*
00422                                          * Now merge cluster i with cluster j.
00423                                          * afterwards delete cluster j.
00424                                          */
00425                                         for(int n = 0; n < clusters.at(j).cluster_element.size(); n++)
00426                                         {
00427                                             frontier_t frontier_to_merge;
00428                                             frontier_to_merge = clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(n);
00429                                             clusters.at(i).cluster_element.push_back(frontier_to_merge);
00430                                         }
00431     //                                    ROS_INFO("Erasing cluster %d", clusters.at(j).id);
00432                                         clusters.erase(clusters.begin() + j);
00433                                         break;
00434                                     }
00435                                 }
00436                             }
00437                         }
00438                     }
00439                     if(merge_clusters == true)
00440                         break;
00441                 }
00442                 if(merge_clusters == true)
00443                     break;
00444             }
00445             if(merge_clusters == false)
00446             {
00447                 run_without_merging = true;
00448             }  
00449     //        ROS_INFO("RUN WITHOUT MERGING: %d", run_without_merging);
00450         } 
00451     }
00452     else if(strategy == 2)
00453     {
00454         int MAX_NEIGHBOURS = 4;
00455         double costmap_resolution = costmap_ros_->getCostmap()->getResolution();
00457         while(run_without_merging == false)
00458         {
00459             bool merge_clusters = false; 
00460             for(int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++)
00461             {
00462                 for(int m = 0; m < clusters.at(i).cluster_element.size(); m ++)
00463                 {   
00464                     if(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.size() > 1)
00465                     {
00466                         for(int j = 0; j < clusters.size(); j++)
00467                         {
00468                             if(clusters.at(i).id != clusters.at(j).id)
00469                             {
00470                                 if(clusters.at(j).cluster_element.size() > 1)
00471                                 {                            
00472                                     for(int n = 0; n < clusters.at(j).cluster_element.size(); n++)
00473                                     { 
00474                                         unsigned char cost;
00475                                         unsigned int mx,my;
00476                                         int freespace_detected = 0;
00477                                         int obstacle_detected  = 0;
00478                                         int elements_detected = 0; 
00480                                         ROS_INFO("Calculating ...");
00481                                         int x_length = abs(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(m).x_coordinate - clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(n).x_coordinate);
00482                                         int y_length = abs(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(m).y_coordinate - clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(n).y_coordinate);
00484                                         ROS_INFO("x_length: %d    y_length: %d   resolution: %f", x_length, y_length,costmap_resolution);
00485                                         int x_elements = abs(x_length / costmap_resolution);
00486                                         int y_elements = abs(y_length / costmap_resolution);
00488                                         ROS_INFO("alpha");
00489                                         double alpha; 
00490                                         if(x_length == 0)
00491                                         {
00492                                             alpha = 0;
00493                                         }
00494                                         else
00495                                         {
00496                                             alpha = atan(y_length/x_length);
00497                                         }
00499                                         ROS_INFO("atan: %f   x_length: %d    y_length: %d", alpha, x_length, y_length);
00501                                         for(int x = 0; x <= x_elements; x++)
00502                                         {      
00503                                             /* increase neighbor size*/
00504                                             for(int neighbour = 0; neighbour < MAX_NEIGHBOURS; neighbour++)
00505                                             {
00506                                                 int y = tan(alpha) * x * costmap_ros_->getCostmap()->getResolution();
00507                                                 ROS_INFO("x: %d    y: %d", x, y);
00508                                                 if(!costmap_global_ros_->getCostmap()->worldToMap(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(m).x_coordinate + x, clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(m).y_coordinate + y + neighbour,mx,my))
00509                                                 {
00510                                                     ROS_ERROR("Cannot convert coordinates successfully.");
00511                                                     continue;
00512                                                 }
00513                                                 cost = costmap_global_ros_->getCostmap()->getCost(mx, my);  
00515                                                 if(cost == costmap_2d::FREE_SPACE)
00516                                                 {
00517                                                     freespace_detected = true;
00518                                                 }
00519                                                 else if(cost == costmap_2d::LETHAL_OBSTACLE)
00520                                                 {
00521                                                     obstacle_detected = true;
00522                                                 }
00523                                                 elements_detected++;
00524                                             }  
00526                                             /* decrease neighbor size*/
00527                                             for(int neighbour = 0; neighbour < MAX_NEIGHBOURS; neighbour++)
00528                                             {
00529                                                 int y = tan(alpha) * x * costmap_ros_->getCostmap()->getResolution();
00530                                                 ROS_INFO("x: %d    y: %d", x, y);
00531                                                 if(!costmap_global_ros_->getCostmap()->worldToMap(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(m).x_coordinate + x, clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(m).y_coordinate + y - neighbour,mx,my))
00532                                                 {
00533                                                     ROS_ERROR("Cannot convert coordinates successfully.");
00534                                                     continue;
00535                                                 }
00536                                                 cost = costmap_global_ros_->getCostmap()->getCost(mx, my);  
00538                                                 if(cost == costmap_2d::FREE_SPACE)
00539                                                 {
00540                                                     freespace_detected = true;
00541                                                 }
00542                                                 else if(cost == costmap_2d::LETHAL_OBSTACLE)
00543                                                 {
00544                                                     obstacle_detected = true;
00545                                                 }
00546                                                 elements_detected++;
00547                                             }  
00548                                         }
00551                                         ROS_INFO("*******************************");
00552                                         ROS_INFO("elements: %d    obstacle: %d", elements_detected, obstacle_detected);
00553                                         ROS_INFO("*******************************");
00554                                         if(elements_detected * 0.25 < obstacle_detected)
00555                                         {
00556                                             ROS_INFO("Merging clusters");
00557                                             merge_clusters = true; 
00558                                             break; 
00559                                         }
00560                                         break;
00561 //                                        if(fabs(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(m).x_coordinate - clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(n).x_coordinate) < CLUSTER_MERGING_DIST && fabs(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(m).y_coordinate - clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(n).y_coordinate) < CLUSTER_MERGING_DIST)
00562 //                                        {                   
00563 //    //                                        ROS_INFO("Merge cluster %d", clusters.at(j).id);
00564 //                                            merge_clusters = true; 
00565 //                                            break;                                   
00566 //                                        }
00567                                     }
00568                                     if(merge_clusters == true)
00569                                     {
00570                                         ROS_INFO("Merging");
00571                                         /*
00572                                          * Now merge cluster i with cluster j.
00573                                          * afterwards delete cluster j.
00574                                          */
00575                                         for(int n = 0; n < clusters.at(j).cluster_element.size(); n++)
00576                                         {
00577                                             frontier_t frontier_to_merge;
00578                                             frontier_to_merge = clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(n);
00579                                             clusters.at(i).cluster_element.push_back(frontier_to_merge);
00580                                         }
00581     //                                    ROS_INFO("Erasing cluster %d", clusters.at(j).id);
00582                                         clusters.erase(clusters.begin() + j);
00583                                         j--;
00584                                         ROS_INFO("Done merging");
00585                                         break;
00586                                     }
00587                                 }
00588                             }
00589                             break;
00590                         }
00591                     }
00592                     if(merge_clusters == true)
00593                         break;
00594                 }
00595                 if(merge_clusters == true)
00596                     break;
00597             }
00598             if(merge_clusters == false)
00599             {
00600                 run_without_merging = true;
00601             }  
00602     //        ROS_INFO("RUN WITHOUT MERGING: %d", run_without_merging);
00603         } 
00604     }   
00605 }
00607 void ExplorationPlanner::visualizeClustersConsole()
00608 {
00609     ROS_INFO("------------------------------------------------------------------");
00610     for(int j = 0; j < clusters.size(); j++)
00611     {
00612         for(int n = 0; n < clusters.at(j).cluster_element.size(); n++)
00613         {
00614             if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
00615             {
00616                 ROS_INFO("ID: %6d  x: %5.2f  y: %5.2f  cluster: %5d   robot: %s", clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(n).id, clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(n).x_coordinate, clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(n).y_coordinate, clusters.at(j).id, clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(n).detected_by_robot_str.c_str());
00617             }else
00618             {
00619                 ROS_INFO("ID: %6d  x: %5.2f  y: %5.2f  cluster: %5d   dist: %d", clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(n).id, clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(n).x_coordinate, clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(n).y_coordinate, clusters.at(j).id, clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(n).dist_to_robot);
00620             }            
00621         }           
00622     }
00623     ROS_INFO("------------------------------------------------------------------");
00624 }
00626 //std::string ExplorationPlanner::lookupRobotName(int robot_name_int)
00627 //{
00628 //    if(robot_name_int == 0)
00629 //        return ("turtlebot");
00630 //    if(robot_name_int == 1)
00631 //        return ("joy");
00632 //    if(robot_name_int == 2)
00633 //        return ("marley");
00634 //    if(robot_name_int == 3)
00635 //        return ("bob"); 
00636 //    if(robot_name_int == 4)
00637 //        return ("hans"); 
00638 //}
00640 bool ExplorationPlanner::transformToOwnCoordinates_frontiers()
00641 {
00642     ROS_INFO("Transform frontier coordinates");
00644     store_frontier_mutex.lock();
00646     for(int i = 0; i < frontiers.size(); i++)
00647     {        
00648         bool same_robot = false;
00649         if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
00650         {
00651             if(frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot_str.compare(robot_str) == 0)
00652                 same_robot = true;
00653 //                ROS_ERROR("Same Robot Detected");
00654         }else
00655         {
00656             if(frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot == robot_name)
00657                 same_robot = true; 
00658         }
00659         if(same_robot == false)
00660         {
00661 //            ROS_ERROR("Same robot is false");
00662             bool transform_flag = false;
00663             for(int j=0; j < transformedPointsFromOtherRobot_frontiers.size(); j++)
00664             {
00665                 if(robot_prefix_empty_param == 0)
00666                 {
00667                     if(transformedPointsFromOtherRobot_frontiers.at(j).id == frontiers.at(i).id && frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot_str.compare(transformedPointsFromOtherRobot_frontiers.at(j).robot_str)== 0)
00668                     {
00669                         transform_flag = true;
00670                         break;
00671                     }
00672                 }else
00673                 {
00674                     if(transformedPointsFromOtherRobot_frontiers.at(j).id == frontiers.at(i).id)
00675                     {
00676                         transform_flag = true;
00677                         break;
00678                     }
00679                 }     
00680             }
00682             if(transform_flag != true)
00683             {
00684                 std::string robo_name, robo_name2;
00686                 if(robot_prefix_empty_param == false)
00687                 {
00688                     std::stringstream robot_number;
00689                     robot_number << frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot;
00691                     std::string prefix = "robot_";
00692                     robo_name = prefix.append(robot_number.str());                
00693                     ROS_DEBUG("Robots name is        %s", robo_name.c_str());
00695                     std::stringstream robot_number2;
00696                     robot_number2 << robot_name;
00698                     std::string prefix2 = "/robot_";
00699                     robo_name2 = prefix2.append(robot_number2.str());
00700                 }
00701                 else
00702                 {      
00703 //                    ROS_ERROR("Get Robot Name ... ");
00704 //                    robo_name = lookupRobotName(frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot);                  
00705 //                    robo_name2 = lookupRobotName(robot_name);
00706                     robo_name = frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot_str;
00707                     robo_name2 = robot_str;
00708                     ROS_DEBUG("Robot: %s   transforms from robot: %s", robo_name2.c_str(), robo_name.c_str());
00709                 }
00713                 std::string service_topic = robo_name2.append("/map_merger/transformPoint"); // FIXME for real scenario!!! robot_might not be used here
00715 //              ROS_INFO("Robo name: %s   Service to subscribe to: %s", robo_name.c_str(), service_topic.c_str());
00717                 client = nh_transform.serviceClient<map_merger::TransformPoint>(service_topic);
00719                 service_message.request.point.x = frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate;
00720                 service_message.request.point.y = frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate;
00721                 service_message.request.point.src_robot = robo_name;
00723                 ROS_DEBUG("Robot name:  %s", service_message.request.point.src_robot.c_str());
00724                 ROS_DEBUG("Old x: %f   y: %f", frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate, frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate);
00726                 if(client.call(service_message))
00727                 {
00728                     frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate = service_message.response.point.x; 
00729                     frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate = service_message.response.point.y;
00731                     transform_point_t transform_point;
00732                     transform_point.id = frontiers.at(i).id;
00734                     if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
00735                     {
00736                         transform_point.robot_str = frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot_str;
00737                     }
00738                     transformedPointsFromOtherRobot_frontiers.push_back(transform_point);
00739                     ROS_DEBUG("New x: %.1f   y: %.1f",service_message.response.point.x, service_message.response.point.y);                   
00740                 }
00741             }
00742         }
00743     }
00744     store_frontier_mutex.unlock();
00745     ROS_INFO(" Transform frontier coordinates DONE");
00746 }
00749 bool ExplorationPlanner::transformToOwnCoordinates_visited_frontiers()
00750 {
00751     ROS_INFO("Transform Visited Frontier Coordinates");
00753     for(int i = 0; i < visited_frontiers.size(); i++)
00754     {
00755         bool same_robot = false;
00756         if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
00757         {
00758             if(visited_frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot_str.compare(robot_str) == 0)
00759                 same_robot = true;
00760 //                ROS_ERROR("Same Robot Detected");
00761         }else
00762         {
00763             if(visited_frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot == robot_name)
00764                 same_robot = true; 
00765         }
00766         if(same_robot == false)
00767         {
00768             bool transform_flag = false;
00769             for(int j=0; j < transformedPointsFromOtherRobot_visited_frontiers.size(); j++)
00770             {
00771                 if(robot_prefix_empty_param == 0)
00772                 {
00773                     if(transformedPointsFromOtherRobot_visited_frontiers.at(j).id == visited_frontiers.at(i).id && visited_frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot_str.compare(transformedPointsFromOtherRobot_visited_frontiers.at(j).robot_str)== 0)
00774                     {
00775                         transform_flag = true;
00776                         break;
00777                     }
00778                 }else
00779                 {
00780                     if(transformedPointsFromOtherRobot_visited_frontiers.at(j).id == visited_frontiers.at(i).id)
00781                     {
00782                         transform_flag = true;
00783                         break;
00784                     }
00785                 }
00786             }
00788             if(transform_flag != true)
00789             {
00791                 std::string robo_name, robo_name2;
00793                 if(robot_prefix_empty_param == false)
00794                 {
00795                     std::stringstream robot_number;
00796                     robot_number << visited_frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot;
00798                     std::string prefix = "robot_";
00799                     robo_name = prefix.append(robot_number.str());                
00800                     ROS_DEBUG("Robots name is        %s", robo_name.c_str());
00802                     std::stringstream robot_number2;
00803                     robot_number2 << robot_name;
00805                     std::string prefix2 = "/robot_";
00806                     robo_name2 = prefix2.append(robot_number2.str());
00807                 }
00808                 else
00809                 {                   
00810 //                    robo_name = lookupRobotName(visited_frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot);                  
00811 //                    robo_name2 = lookupRobotName(robot_name);
00813                     robo_name = visited_frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot_str;
00814                     robo_name2 = robot_str;
00815                      ROS_DEBUG("Robot: %s   transforms from robot: %s", robo_name2.c_str(), robo_name.c_str());
00816                 }
00819                 std::string service_topic = robo_name2.append("/map_merger/transformPoint"); // FIXME for real scenario!!! robot_ might not be used here
00821                 client = nh_transform.serviceClient<map_merger::TransformPoint>(service_topic);
00823                 service_message.request.point.x = visited_frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate;
00824                 service_message.request.point.y = visited_frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate;
00825                 service_message.request.point.src_robot = robo_name;
00827                 ROS_DEBUG("Old visited x: %f   y: %f", visited_frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate, visited_frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate);
00829                 if(client.call(service_message))
00830                 {
00831                     visited_frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate = service_message.response.point.x;
00832                     visited_frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate = service_message.response.point.y;
00834                     transform_point_t transform_point;
00835                     transform_point.id = visited_frontiers.at(i).id;
00837                     if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
00838                     {
00839                         transform_point.robot_str = visited_frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot_str;
00840                     }
00841                     transformedPointsFromOtherRobot_visited_frontiers.push_back(transform_point);
00842                     ROS_DEBUG("New visited x: %.1f   y: %.1f",service_message.response.point.x, service_message.response.point.y);                   
00843                 }
00844             }
00845         }
00846     }
00847     ROS_INFO(" Transform visited frontier coordinates DONE");
00848 }
00852 bool ExplorationPlanner::check_trajectory_plan()
00853 {       
00854     geometry_msgs::PoseStamped goalPointSimulated, startPointSimulated;
00855     int distance; 
00857     ROS_INFO("Check Trajectory Length");
00858     if (!costmap_global_ros_->getRobotPose(robotPose))
00859     {
00860             ROS_ERROR("Failed to get RobotPose");
00861     }
00863     startPointSimulated.header.seq = start_point_simulated_message++;   // increase the sequence number
00864     startPointSimulated.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
00865     startPointSimulated.header.frame_id = move_base_frame;
00866     startPointSimulated.pose.position.x = robotPose.getOrigin().getX();
00867     startPointSimulated.pose.position.y = robotPose.getOrigin().getY();
00868     startPointSimulated.pose.position.z = 0;
00869     startPointSimulated.pose.orientation.x = robotPose.getRotation().getX();
00870     startPointSimulated.pose.orientation.y = robotPose.getRotation().getY();
00871     startPointSimulated.pose.orientation.z = robotPose.getRotation().getZ();
00872     startPointSimulated.pose.orientation.w = 1;
00874     for(int i = 0; i<10; i++)
00875     {
00876         if(frontiers.size() > i)
00877         {   
00878             std::vector<double> backoffGoal;
00879             bool backoff_flag = smartGoalBackoff(frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate,frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate, costmap_global_ros_, &backoffGoal);
00882             goalPointSimulated.header.seq = goal_point_simulated_message++;     // increase the sequence number
00883             goalPointSimulated.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
00884             goalPointSimulated.header.frame_id = move_base_frame;
00886 //            backoff_flag = false; // TODO
00887             if(backoff_flag == true)
00888             {
00889                 goalPointSimulated.pose.position.x = backoffGoal.at(0);
00890                 goalPointSimulated.pose.position.y = backoffGoal.at(1);
00891             }else
00892             {
00893                 goalPointSimulated.pose.position.x = frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate;
00894                 goalPointSimulated.pose.position.y = frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate;
00895             }
00896             goalPointSimulated.pose.position.z = 0;
00897             goalPointSimulated.pose.orientation.x = 0;
00898             goalPointSimulated.pose.orientation.y = 0;
00899             goalPointSimulated.pose.orientation.z = 0;
00900             goalPointSimulated.pose.orientation.w = 1;
00902             std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped> global_plan;
00904             nav.makePlan(startPointSimulated, goalPointSimulated, global_plan);
00905             distance =  global_plan.size();
00906             frontiers.at(i).distance_to_robot = distance;
00908             ROS_DEBUG("Distance: %d Frontier: %d",distance, frontiers.at(i).id);
00909         }else
00910         {
00911             break;
00912         }
00913     }
00914     ROS_DEBUG("trajectory finished");
00915     return(true);
00916 }
00919 int ExplorationPlanner::calculate_travel_path(double x, double y)
00920 {
00921         geometry_msgs::PoseStamped goalPointSimulated, startPointSimulated;
00922     double distance; 
00924     ROS_DEBUG("Check Trajectory");
00925     if (!costmap_global_ros_->getRobotPose(robotPose))
00926     {       
00927             ROS_ERROR("Failed to get RobotPose");
00928     }
00930     std::vector<double> backoffGoal;
00931     bool backoff_flag = smartGoalBackoff(x,y, costmap_global_ros_, &backoffGoal);
00933     startPointSimulated.header.seq = start_point_simulated_message++;   // increase the sequence number
00934     startPointSimulated.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
00935     startPointSimulated.header.frame_id = move_base_frame;
00936     startPointSimulated.pose.position.x = robotPose.getOrigin().getX();
00937     startPointSimulated.pose.position.y = robotPose.getOrigin().getY();
00938     startPointSimulated.pose.position.z = 0;
00939     startPointSimulated.pose.orientation.x = 0;
00940     startPointSimulated.pose.orientation.y = 0;
00941     startPointSimulated.pose.orientation.z = 0;
00942     startPointSimulated.pose.orientation.w = 1;
00945     goalPointSimulated.header.seq = goal_point_simulated_message++;     // increase the sequence number
00946     goalPointSimulated.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
00947     goalPointSimulated.header.frame_id = move_base_frame;
00949 //    backoff_flag = false; // TODO
00950     if(backoff_flag == true)
00951     {
00952         goalPointSimulated.pose.position.x = backoffGoal.at(0);
00953         goalPointSimulated.pose.position.y = backoffGoal.at(1);
00954     }else
00955     {
00956         goalPointSimulated.pose.position.x = x;
00957         goalPointSimulated.pose.position.y = y;
00958     }
00959     goalPointSimulated.pose.position.z = 0;
00960     goalPointSimulated.pose.orientation.x = 0;
00961     goalPointSimulated.pose.orientation.y = 0;
00962     goalPointSimulated.pose.orientation.z = 0;
00963     goalPointSimulated.pose.orientation.w = 1;
00965     std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped> global_plan;
00967     bool successful = nav.makePlan(startPointSimulated, goalPointSimulated, global_plan);
00969     ROS_INFO("Plan elements: %f", (double)global_plan.size()*0.02);
00971     if(successful == true)
00972     {
00973         distance =  global_plan.size();   
00974         exploration_travel_path_global = exploration_travel_path_global + distance;  
00975         return distance;
00976     }else
00977     {
00978         return 0;
00979     }
00980 }
00982 int ExplorationPlanner::check_trajectory_plan(double x, double y)
00983 {       
00984     geometry_msgs::PoseStamped goalPointSimulated, startPointSimulated;
00985     int distance; 
00987     ROS_DEBUG("Check Trajectory");
00988     if (!costmap_global_ros_->getRobotPose(robotPose))
00989     {       
00990             ROS_ERROR("Failed to get RobotPose");
00991     }
00993     std::vector<double> backoffGoal;
00994     bool backoff_flag = smartGoalBackoff(x,y, costmap_global_ros_, &backoffGoal);
00996     startPointSimulated.header.seq = start_point_simulated_message++;   // increase the sequence number
00997     startPointSimulated.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
00998     startPointSimulated.header.frame_id = move_base_frame;
00999     startPointSimulated.pose.position.x = robotPose.getOrigin().getX();
01000     startPointSimulated.pose.position.y = robotPose.getOrigin().getY();
01001     startPointSimulated.pose.position.z = 0;
01002     startPointSimulated.pose.orientation.x = 0;
01003     startPointSimulated.pose.orientation.y = 0;
01004     startPointSimulated.pose.orientation.z = 0;
01005     startPointSimulated.pose.orientation.w = 1;
01008     goalPointSimulated.header.seq = goal_point_simulated_message++;     // increase the sequence number
01009     goalPointSimulated.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
01010     goalPointSimulated.header.frame_id = move_base_frame;
01012 //    backoff_flag = false; // TODO
01013     if(backoff_flag == true)
01014     {
01015         goalPointSimulated.pose.position.x = backoffGoal.at(0);
01016         goalPointSimulated.pose.position.y = backoffGoal.at(1);
01017     }else
01018     {
01019         goalPointSimulated.pose.position.x = x;
01020         goalPointSimulated.pose.position.y = y;
01021     }
01022     goalPointSimulated.pose.position.z = 0;
01023     goalPointSimulated.pose.orientation.x = 0;
01024     goalPointSimulated.pose.orientation.y = 0;
01025     goalPointSimulated.pose.orientation.z = 0;
01026     goalPointSimulated.pose.orientation.w = 1;
01028     std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped> global_plan;
01030 //    tf::TransformListener tf_planner(ros::Duration(10));
01031 //    base_local_planner::TrajectoryPlannerROS tp;
01032 //    tp.initialize("my_trajectory_planner", &tf_planner, &costmap_global_ros_);
01034     bool successful = nav.makePlan(startPointSimulated, goalPointSimulated, global_plan);
01036     if(successful == true)
01037     {       
01038         distance =  global_plan.size();          
01039         return distance;
01040     }else
01041     {
01042 //        ROS_ERROR("Distance calculated wrongly");
01043         return -1;
01044     }
01045 }
01047 int ExplorationPlanner::estimate_trajectory_plan(double start_x, double start_y, double target_x, double target_y)
01048 {       
01049     geometry_msgs::PoseStamped goalPointSimulated, startPointSimulated;
01050     int distance; 
01052     ROS_DEBUG("Check Trajectory");
01053     if (!costmap_ros_->getRobotPose(robotPose))
01054     {       
01055             ROS_ERROR("Failed to get RobotPose");
01056     }
01058     std::vector<double> backoffGoal;
01059     bool backoff_flag = smartGoalBackoff(target_x,target_y, costmap_global_ros_, &backoffGoal);
01061     startPointSimulated.header.seq = start_point_simulated_message++;   // increase the sequence number
01062     startPointSimulated.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
01063     startPointSimulated.header.frame_id = move_base_frame;
01064     startPointSimulated.pose.position.x = start_x;
01065     startPointSimulated.pose.position.y = start_y;
01066     startPointSimulated.pose.position.z = 0;
01067     startPointSimulated.pose.orientation.x = 0;
01068     startPointSimulated.pose.orientation.y = 0;
01069     startPointSimulated.pose.orientation.z = 0;
01070     startPointSimulated.pose.orientation.w = 1;
01073     goalPointSimulated.header.seq = goal_point_simulated_message++;     // increase the sequence number
01074     goalPointSimulated.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
01075     goalPointSimulated.header.frame_id = move_base_frame;
01076     if(backoff_flag == true)
01077     {
01078         goalPointSimulated.pose.position.x = backoffGoal.at(0);
01079         goalPointSimulated.pose.position.y = backoffGoal.at(1);
01080     }else
01081     {
01082         goalPointSimulated.pose.position.x = target_x;
01083         goalPointSimulated.pose.position.y = target_y;
01084     }
01085     goalPointSimulated.pose.position.z = 0;
01086     goalPointSimulated.pose.orientation.x = 0;
01087     goalPointSimulated.pose.orientation.y = 0;
01088     goalPointSimulated.pose.orientation.z = 0;
01089     goalPointSimulated.pose.orientation.w = 1;
01091     std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped> global_plan;
01093     bool successful = nav.makePlan(startPointSimulated, goalPointSimulated, global_plan);
01095     if(successful == true)
01096     {
01097         distance =  global_plan.size();      
01098         return distance;
01099     }else
01100     {
01101         return -1;
01102     }
01103 }
01105 void ExplorationPlanner::setRobotConfig(int name, double robot_home_position_x, double robot_home_position_y, std::string frame)
01106 {
01107     robot_name = name;
01108     robot_home_x = robot_home_position_x;
01109     robot_home_y = robot_home_position_y;
01110     move_base_frame = frame;
01111 }
01113 void ExplorationPlanner::home_position_(const geometry_msgs::PointStamped::ConstPtr& msg) {
01114         home_position_x_ = msg.get()->point.x;
01115         home_position_y_ = msg.get()->point.y;
01116 }
01119 void ExplorationPlanner::printFrontiers()
01120 {
01121     for(int i = 0; i < frontiers.size(); i++)
01122     {
01123         if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
01124         {
01125             ROS_INFO("Frontier %d:   x: %f   y: %f   robot: %s", frontiers.at(i).id, frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate, frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate, frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot_str.c_str());
01126         }else
01127         {
01128             ROS_INFO("Frontier %d:   x: %f   y: %f", frontiers.at(i).id, frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate, frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate);
01129         }
01130     }
01131 }
01133 bool ExplorationPlanner::storeFrontier(double x, double y, int detected_by_robot, std::string detected_by_robot_str, int id)
01134 {
01135     frontier_t new_frontier;
01137     if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
01138     {        
01139         ROS_ERROR("Storing Frontier ID: %d   Robot: %s", id, detected_by_robot_str.c_str());
01140         if(id != -1)
01141         {
01142             new_frontier.id = id;
01143         }else
01144         {
01145             new_frontier.id = frontier_id_count++;
01146         }
01147         new_frontier.detected_by_robot_str = detected_by_robot_str;
01148         new_frontier.x_coordinate = x;
01149         new_frontier.y_coordinate = y;
01151         store_frontier_mutex.lock(); 
01152         frontiers.push_back(new_frontier);
01153         store_frontier_mutex.unlock();
01154     }else
01155     {
01156         if(detected_by_robot != robot_name)
01157         {
01158             new_frontier.id = id;
01159         }
01160         else
01161         {
01162            new_frontier.id = (robot_name * 10000) + frontier_id_count++; 
01163         }
01165         new_frontier.detected_by_robot = detected_by_robot;
01166         new_frontier.x_coordinate = x;
01167         new_frontier.y_coordinate = y;
01169         store_frontier_mutex.lock(); 
01170         frontiers.push_back(new_frontier);
01171         store_frontier_mutex.unlock();
01172     }
01174     return true;
01175 }
01177 bool ExplorationPlanner::removeStoredFrontier(int id, std::string detected_by_robot_str)
01178 {
01179     for(int i= 0; i < frontiers.size(); i++)
01180     {
01181         if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
01182         {
01183             ROS_INFO("Frontier id: %d", frontiers.at(i).id);
01184             ROS_INFO("Frontier ro: %s", frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot_str.c_str());
01185             if(frontiers.at(i).id == id && frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot_str.compare(detected_by_robot_str) == 0)
01186             {
01187                 ROS_ERROR("Removing Frontier ID: %d  at position: %d  of Robot: %s", frontiers.at(i).id, i, frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot_str.c_str());
01188                 store_frontier_mutex.lock();
01189                 ROS_INFO("Erasing ...");
01190                 frontiers.erase(frontiers.begin()+i);
01191                 ROS_INFO("Erased");
01192 //                if(i > 0)
01193 //                {
01194 //                    i --;
01195 //                }
01196                 store_frontier_mutex.unlock();
01197                 break; //FIXME ... only a test
01198             }
01199         }else
01200         {
01201             if(frontiers.at(i).id == id)
01202             {
01203                 store_frontier_mutex.lock();
01204                 frontiers.erase(frontiers.begin()+i);
01205                 if(i > 0)
01206                 {
01207                     i --;
01208                 }
01209                 store_frontier_mutex.unlock();
01210                 break;
01211             }
01212         }
01213     }
01214     return true;
01215 }
01217 bool ExplorationPlanner::storeVisitedFrontier(double x, double y, int detected_by_robot, std::string detected_by_robot_str, int id)
01218 {
01220     frontier_t visited_frontier;
01223     if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
01224     {        
01225         ROS_ERROR("Storing Visited Frontier ID: %d   Robot: %s", visited_frontier_id_count, detected_by_robot_str.c_str());
01226         if(id != -1)
01227         {
01228             visited_frontier.id = id;
01229         }else
01230         {
01231             visited_frontier.id = visited_frontier_id_count++;
01232         }
01234         visited_frontier.detected_by_robot_str = detected_by_robot_str;
01235         visited_frontier.x_coordinate = x;
01236         visited_frontier.y_coordinate = y;
01238         store_visited_mutex.lock();
01239         visited_frontiers.push_back(visited_frontier);
01240         store_visited_mutex.unlock();
01242     }else
01243     {
01244          if(detected_by_robot != robot_name)
01245         {
01246             visited_frontier.id = id;
01247         }
01248         else
01249         {
01250            visited_frontier.id = (robot_name * 10000) + visited_frontier_id_count++; 
01251         }
01253         visited_frontier.detected_by_robot = detected_by_robot;
01254         visited_frontier.x_coordinate = x;
01255         visited_frontier.y_coordinate = y;
01257         store_visited_mutex.lock();
01258         visited_frontiers.push_back(visited_frontier);
01259         store_visited_mutex.unlock();
01260     }
01262     bool break_flag = false; 
01263     for(int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++)
01264     {
01265         for(int j = 0; j < clusters.at(i).cluster_element.size(); j++)
01266         {
01267             if(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).id == id)
01268             {
01269                 ROS_ERROR("Set cluster unreachable count to 0");
01270                 clusters.at(i).unreachable_frontier_count = 0;
01271                 break_flag = true; 
01272                 break;
01273             }           
01274         }
01275         if(break_flag == true)
01276         {
01277             break;
01278         }
01279     }
01281     return true;
01282 }
01284 bool ExplorationPlanner::removeVisitedFrontier(int id, std::string detected_by_robot_str)
01285 {
01286     for(int i= 0; i< visited_frontiers.size(); i++)
01287     {
01288         if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
01289         {
01291             if(visited_frontiers.at(i).id == id && visited_frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot_str.compare(detected_by_robot_str) == 0)
01292             {
01293                 ROS_ERROR("Removing Visited Frontier ID: %d  at position: %d  of Robot: %s", visited_frontiers.at(i).id, i, visited_frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot_str.c_str());
01294                 store_visited_mutex.lock();
01295                 visited_frontiers.erase(visited_frontiers.begin()+i);
01296 //                if(i > 0)
01297 //                {
01298 //                    i --;
01299 //                }
01300                 store_visited_mutex.unlock();
01301                 break;
01302             }
01303         }else
01304         {
01305             if(visited_frontiers.at(i).id == id)
01306             {
01307                 store_visited_mutex.lock();
01308                 visited_frontiers.erase(visited_frontiers.begin()+i);
01309                 if(i > 0)
01310                 {
01311                     i --;
01312                 }
01313                 store_visited_mutex.unlock();
01314                 break;
01315             }
01316         } 
01317     }
01318     return true; 
01319 }
01320 bool ExplorationPlanner::storeUnreachableFrontier(double x, double y, int detected_by_robot, std::string detected_by_robot_str, int id)
01321 {
01322     frontier_t unreachable_frontier;
01324     if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
01325     {        
01326         ROS_ERROR("Storing Unreachable Frontier ID: %d   Robot: %s", unreachable_frontier_id_count, detected_by_robot_str.c_str());
01328         if(id != -1)
01329         {
01330             unreachable_frontier.id = id;
01331         }else
01332         {
01333             unreachable_frontier.id = unreachable_frontier_id_count++;
01334         }
01336         unreachable_frontier.detected_by_robot_str = detected_by_robot_str;
01337         unreachable_frontier.x_coordinate = x;
01338         unreachable_frontier.y_coordinate = y;
01340         unreachable_frontiers.push_back(unreachable_frontier);
01342     }else
01343     {
01344         if(detected_by_robot != robot_name)
01345         {
01346             unreachable_frontier.id = id;
01347         }
01348         else
01349         {
01350            unreachable_frontier.id = (robot_name * 10000) + unreachable_frontier_id_count++; 
01351         }
01353         unreachable_frontier.detected_by_robot = detected_by_robot;
01354         unreachable_frontier.x_coordinate = x;
01355         unreachable_frontier.y_coordinate = y;
01357         frontiers.push_back(unreachable_frontier);
01358     }
01361     bool break_flag = false; 
01362     for(int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++)
01363     {
01364         for(int j = 0; j < clusters.at(i).cluster_element.size(); j++)
01365         {
01366             if(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).id == id)
01367             {
01368                 ROS_ERROR("Increasing cluster unreachable count");
01369                 clusters.at(i).unreachable_frontier_count++;
01370                 break_flag = true; 
01371                 break;
01372             }           
01373         }
01374         if(break_flag == true)
01375         {
01376             break;
01377         }
01378     }
01380     return true;
01382 }
01384 bool ExplorationPlanner::removeUnreachableFrontier(int id, std::string detected_by_robot_str)
01385 {
01386     for(int i= 0; i< unreachable_frontiers.size(); i++)
01387     {
01388         if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
01389         {
01390             if(unreachable_frontiers.at(i).id == id && unreachable_frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot_str.compare(detected_by_robot_str) == 0)
01391             {
01392                 ROS_ERROR("Removing Unreachable Frontier ID: %d  at position: %d  of Robot: %s", unreachable_frontiers.at(i).id, i, unreachable_frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot_str.c_str());
01394                 unreachable_frontiers.erase(unreachable_frontiers.begin()+i);
01395 //                if(i > 0)
01396 //                {
01397 //                    i --;
01398 //                }
01399                 break;
01400             }
01401         }else
01402         {
01403             if(unreachable_frontiers.at(i).id == id)
01404             {
01405                 unreachable_frontiers.erase(unreachable_frontiers.begin()+i);
01406                 if(i > 0)
01407                 {
01408                     i --;
01409                 }
01410                 break;
01411             }
01412         }
01413     }
01415     return true;
01416 }
01418 bool ExplorationPlanner::publish_negotiation_list(frontier_t negotiation_frontier, int cluster_number)
01419 {
01420 //    ROS_ERROR("Publish negotiation list!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
01421     adhoc_communication::ExpFrontier negotiation_msg;
01423 //    for(int i = 0; i<negotiation_list.size(); i++)
01424 //    {
01425 //        adhoc_communication::FrontierElement negotiation_element;
01426 //        negotiation_element.detected_by_robot = negotiation_list.at(i).detected_by_robot;
01427 //        negotiation_element.x_coordinate = negotiation_list.at(i).x_coordinate;
01428 //        negotiation_element.y_coordinate = negotiation_list.at(i).y_coordinate;
01429 //        negotiation_element.id = negotiation_list.at(i).id;
01430 //
01431 //        negotiation_msg.frontier_element.push_back(negotiation_element);
01433 //        sendToMulticast("mc_",negotiation_msg, "negotiation_list");
01434 //    }
01436     if(cluster_number != -1)
01437     {
01438         int cluster_vector_position = 0;
01439         for (int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++)
01440         {
01441             if(clusters.at(i).id == cluster_number)
01442             {
01443                 ROS_DEBUG("Cluster ID: %d   is at vector position: %d", cluster_number, i);
01444                 cluster_vector_position = i;
01445                 break;
01446             }
01447         }
01449         for(int i = 0; i < clusters.at(cluster_vector_position).cluster_element.size(); i++)
01450         {
01451             adhoc_communication::ExpFrontierElement negotiation_element;
01452             negotiation_element.x_coordinate = clusters.at(cluster_vector_position).cluster_element.at(i).x_coordinate;
01453             negotiation_element.y_coordinate = clusters.at(cluster_vector_position).cluster_element.at(i).y_coordinate;
01454             negotiation_element.detected_by_robot = clusters.at(cluster_vector_position).cluster_element.at(i).detected_by_robot;
01455             negotiation_element.id = clusters.at(cluster_vector_position).cluster_element.at(i).id;
01457             frontier_t new_frontier;
01458             new_frontier.x_coordinate = clusters.at(cluster_vector_position).cluster_element.at(i).x_coordinate;
01459             new_frontier.y_coordinate = clusters.at(cluster_vector_position).cluster_element.at(i).y_coordinate;
01460             new_frontier.detected_by_robot = clusters.at(cluster_vector_position).cluster_element.at(i).detected_by_robot;
01461             new_frontier.id = clusters.at(cluster_vector_position).cluster_element.at(i).id;
01463             negotiation_msg.frontier_element.push_back(negotiation_element);
01464             my_negotiation_list.push_back(new_frontier);
01465         }
01466 //        return true;
01467     }else
01468     {
01469         adhoc_communication::ExpFrontierElement negotiation_element;
01470         negotiation_element.detected_by_robot = negotiation_frontier.detected_by_robot;
01471         negotiation_element.x_coordinate = negotiation_frontier.x_coordinate;
01472         negotiation_element.y_coordinate = negotiation_frontier.y_coordinate;
01473         negotiation_element.id = negotiation_frontier.id;
01475         negotiation_msg.frontier_element.push_back(negotiation_element); //FIXME
01476     }
01478     sendToMulticast("mc_",negotiation_msg, "negotiation_list");
01480     first_negotiation_run = false; 
01481 }
01484 bool ExplorationPlanner::sendToMulticast(std::string multi_cast_group, adhoc_communication::ExpFrontier frontier_to_send, std::string topic)
01485 {
01486 //    ROS_INFO("SENDING frontier id: %ld    detected_by: %ld", frontier_to_send.id ,frontier_to_send.detected_by_robot);
01487     adhoc_communication::SendExpFrontier service_frontier; // create request of type any+
01489     std::stringstream robot_number;
01490     robot_number << robot_name;
01491     std::string prefix = "robot_";
01492     std::string robo_name = prefix.append(robot_number.str());   
01494     if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
01495     {
01496         robo_name = robot_str;
01497 //        robo_name = lookupRobotName(robot_name);
01498     }
01499     std::string destination_name = multi_cast_group + robo_name; //for multicast
01500 //    std::string destination_name = robo_name; // unicast
01502     ROS_ERROR("sentToMulticast  at destination: %s  topic: %s",destination_name.c_str(), topic.c_str());
01503     service_frontier.request.dst_robot = destination_name; 
01504     service_frontier.request.frontier = frontier_to_send;
01505     service_frontier.request.topic = topic;
01507     if (ssendFrontier.call(service_frontier))
01508     {
01509             ROS_DEBUG("Successfully called service  sendToMulticast");
01511             if(service_frontier.response.status)
01512             {
01513                     ROS_DEBUG("sendToMulticast has been sent successfully!");
01514                     return true;
01515             }
01516             else
01517             {
01518                 ROS_DEBUG("Failed to send sendToMulticast!");
01519                 return false;
01520             }                  
01521     }
01522     else
01523     {
01524      ROS_ERROR("Failed call service sendToMulticast [%s]",ssendFrontier.getService().c_str());
01525      return false;
01526     }
01527 }
01530 bool ExplorationPlanner::sendToMulticastAuction(std::string multi_cast_group, adhoc_communication::ExpAuction auction_to_send, std::string topic)
01531 {
01532     adhoc_communication::SendExpAuction service_auction; // create request of type any+
01534     std::stringstream robot_number;
01535     robot_number << robot_name;
01536     std::string prefix = "robot_";
01537     std::string robo_name = prefix.append(robot_number.str());    
01539     if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
01540     {
01541 //        robo_name = lookupRobotName(robot_name);
01542         robo_name = robot_str;
01543     }
01545     std::string destination_name = multi_cast_group + robo_name; //for multicast
01546 //    std::string destination_name = robo_name; // unicast
01548     ROS_ERROR("sentToMulticastAuction   at destination: %s  topic: %s",destination_name.c_str(), topic.c_str());
01549     service_auction.request.dst_robot = destination_name; 
01550     service_auction.request.auction = auction_to_send;
01551     service_auction.request.topic = topic;
01553     if (ssendAuction.call(service_auction))
01554     {
01555             ROS_ERROR("Successfully called service sendToMulticast");
01557             if(service_auction.response.status)
01558             {
01559                     ROS_ERROR("sendToMulticast has been sent successfully!");
01560                     return true;
01561             }
01562             else
01563             {
01564                 ROS_ERROR("Failed to send sendToMulticast!");
01565                 return false;
01566             }                  
01567     }
01568     else
01569     {
01570      ROS_ERROR("Failed call service sendToMulticastAuction [%s]",ssendAuction.getService().c_str());
01571      return false;
01572     }
01573 }
01575 void ExplorationPlanner::negotiationCallback(const adhoc_communication::ExpFrontier::ConstPtr& msg)
01576 {  
01577 //        ROS_ERROR("Negotiation List!!!");
01579         bool entry_found = false;
01581         adhoc_communication::ExpFrontierElement frontier_element; 
01582         for(int j = 0; j < msg.get()->frontier_element.size(); j++)
01583         {
01584             frontier_element = msg.get()->frontier_element.at(j);
01585             for(int i = 0; i < negotiation_list.size(); i++)
01586             {
01587                 if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
01588                 {
01589                     if(negotiation_list.at(i).id == frontier_element.id && negotiation_list.at(i).detected_by_robot_str.compare(frontier_element.detected_by_robot_str) == 0)
01590                     {
01591                         entry_found = true;       
01592                     }  
01593                 }else
01594                 {
01595                     if(negotiation_list.at(i).id == frontier_element.id)
01596                     {
01597                         entry_found = true;       
01598                     }  
01599                 }
01601             }
01602             if(entry_found == false)
01603             {
01604                 ROS_DEBUG("Negotiation frontier with ID: %ld", frontier_element.id);
01605                 frontier_t negotiation_frontier;
01606                 negotiation_frontier.detected_by_robot = frontier_element.detected_by_robot;
01607                 negotiation_frontier.id = frontier_element.id;
01608                 negotiation_frontier.x_coordinate = frontier_element.x_coordinate;
01609                 negotiation_frontier.y_coordinate = frontier_element.y_coordinate;
01611                 store_negotiation_mutex.lock();
01612                 negotiation_list.push_back(negotiation_frontier); 
01613                 store_negotiation_mutex.unlock();
01614             }
01615         }
01616 }
01619 //void ExplorationPlanner::auctionStatusCallback(const adhoc_communication::AuctionStatus::ConstPtr& msg)
01620 //{
01621 //    ROS_INFO("Calling AuctionStatusCallback");
01622 //    
01623 //    auction_start = msg.get()->start_auction;
01624 //    auction_finished = msg.get()->auction_finished;
01625 //    adhoc_communication::Cluster occupied_ids;
01626 //    std::vector<int> requested_cluster_ids;
01627 //    
01628 //    /*
01629 //     * Visualizing the received message
01630 //     */
01645 //    
01646 //    /*
01647 //     * Cluster all available frontiers to be able to compare clusters
01648 //     * with other robots
01649 //     */
01650 //    clusterFrontiers();
01651 //    
01652 //    if(msg.get()->occupied_ids.size() > 0 || msg.get()->requested_clusters.size() > 0)
01653 //    {
01654 //        for(int i = 0; i < msg.get()->occupied_ids.size(); i++)
01655 //        {
01656 //            occupied_ids.ids_contained.push_back(msg.get()->occupied_ids.at(i));
01657 //        }
01658 //        int occupied_cluster_id = checkClustersID(occupied_ids);     
01659 //        if(occupied_cluster_id >=0)
01660 //        {
01661 //            already_used_ids.push_back(occupied_cluster_id);
01662 //        }      
01664 //        for(int i = 0; i < msg.get()->requested_clusters.size(); i++)
01665 //        {
01666 //            adhoc_communication::Cluster requested_cluster,requested_ids; 
01667 //            
01668 //            requested_cluster = msg.get()->requested_clusters.at(i);
01670 //            
01677 //            requested_cluster_ids.push_back(checkClustersID(requested_cluster));
01678 //        }   
01679 //    }
01680 //    
01681 //    
01682 //    if(auction_start == true)
01683 //    {
01684 //        start_thr_auction = true;
01685 //        thr_auction_status = boost::thread(&ExplorationPlanner::respondToAuction, this, requested_cluster_ids);
01686 //    }
01687 //}
01689 bool ExplorationPlanner::respondToAuction(std::vector<requested_cluster_t> requested_cluster_ids, int auction_id_number)
01690 {   
01691 //    ros::Rate r(1);
01692 //    while(ros::ok())
01693 //    {
01694 //        r.sleep();
01696 //        if(start_thr_auction == true)
01697 //        {
01698             ROS_INFO("Respond to auction");
01699             adhoc_communication::ExpAuction auction_msgs;
01701             for(int i = 0; i < requested_cluster_ids.size(); i++)
01702             {
01703                 ROS_INFO("Responding to cluster ids: %d", requested_cluster_ids.at(i).own_cluster_id);
01704             }
01706             for(int n = 0; n < requested_cluster_ids.size(); n++)
01707             {
01708                 cluster_mutex.lock();
01709                 for(int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++)
01710                 {
01711                     if(clusters.at(i).id == requested_cluster_ids.at(n).own_cluster_id)
01712                     {
01713                         adhoc_communication::ExpCluster cluster_msg;
01714                         adhoc_communication::ExpClusterElement cluster_element_msg;
01715                         for(int j = 0; j < requested_cluster_ids.at(n).requested_ids.size(); j++)
01716                         {
01717                             if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
01718                             {
01719                                 cluster_element_msg.id = requested_cluster_ids.at(n).requested_ids.at(j).id;
01720                                 cluster_element_msg.detected_by_robot_str = requested_cluster_ids.at(n).requested_ids.at(j).robot_str;
01721                             }else
01722                             {
01723                                 cluster_element_msg.id = requested_cluster_ids.at(n).requested_ids.at(j).id;
01724                             }
01725                             cluster_msg.ids_contained.push_back(cluster_element_msg);
01726                         }
01727 //                        ROS_INFO("Calculate the auction BID");
01728                         cluster_msg.bid = calculateAuctionBID(clusters.at(i).id, trajectory_strategy);                       
01729                         auction_msgs.available_clusters.push_back(cluster_msg);
01730                         break;
01731                     }
01732                 }
01733                 cluster_mutex.unlock();
01734             }
01736             /*
01737              * Visualize the auction message to send
01738              */
01739 //            for(int i = 0; i < auction_msgs.available_clusters.size(); i++)
01740 //            {
01741 //                adhoc_communication::Cluster cluster_msg_check;
01742 //                cluster_msg_check = auction_msgs.available_clusters.at(i);
01743 //                ROS_INFO("Robot %d sending BID: %f cluster elements: %lu", robot_name, cluster_msg_check.bid, cluster_msg_check.ids_contained.size());
01744 //            }
01746             ROS_INFO("Robot %d publishes auction bids for all clusters", robot_name);
01748 //            /* FIXME */
01749 //            if(auction_msgs.available_clusters.size() == 0)
01750 //            {
01751 //                adhoc_communication::Cluster cluster_msg;
01752 //                cluster_msg.bid = -1;
01753 //                auction_msgs.available_clusters.push_back(cluster_msg);
01754 //            }
01755 //            
01757             auction_msgs.auction_status_message = false;
01758             auction_msgs.auction_id = auction_id_number; 
01760             std::stringstream ss;
01761             ss << robot_name; 
01762             std::string prefix = "";
01763             std::string robo_name = prefix.append(ss.str());  
01765             auction_msgs.robot_name = robo_name;
01767 //            if(first_run == true)
01768 //            {
01769 //                pub_auctioning_first.publish(auction_msgs);
01770 //            }else
01771 //            {
01772                 sendToMulticastAuction("mc_", auction_msgs, "auction");
01773 //            }
01775             start_thr_auction = false; 
01776 //        }
01777 //    }
01778 }
01781 int ExplorationPlanner::calculateAuctionBID(int cluster_number, std::string strategy)
01782 {
01783 //    ROS_INFO("Robot %d  calculates bid for cluster_number %d", robot_name, cluster_number);
01784     int auction_bid = 0; 
01785     int cluster_vector_position = -1;
01786     bool cluster_could_be_found = false; 
01788     if(clusters.size() > 0)
01789     {                   
01790         for (int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++)
01791         {
01792             if(clusters.at(i).id == cluster_number)
01793             {
01794 //                if(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.size() > 0)
01795 //                {
01796                     cluster_vector_position = i; 
01797                     cluster_could_be_found = true;
01798                     break;
01799 //                }else
01800 //                {
01801 //                    ROS_ERROR("Cluster found but empty, therefore do not calculate LOCAL BID");                   
01802 //                    return(-1);
01803 //                }
01804             }
01805         }                      
01806     }
01807     if(cluster_could_be_found == false)
01808     {     
01809         /*
01810          * Cluster could not be found, set it to a high value like 100
01811          */
01812         ROS_ERROR("Cluster could not be found");
01813         return(-1); 
01814     }
01816     if (!costmap_global_ros_->getRobotPose(robotPose))
01817     {       
01818             ROS_ERROR("Failed to get RobotPose");
01819     }
01821     int distance = -1;
01822     for(int i = 0; i < clusters.at(cluster_vector_position).cluster_element.size(); i++)
01823     {
01825         if(strategy == "trajectory")
01826         {
01827                distance = check_trajectory_plan(clusters.at(cluster_vector_position).cluster_element.at(i).x_coordinate, clusters.at(cluster_vector_position).cluster_element.at(i).y_coordinate);
01828 //               distance = estimate_trajectory_plan(robotPose.getOrigin().getX(), robotPose.getOrigin().getY(), clusters.at(cluster_vector_position).cluster_element.at(i).x_coordinate, clusters.at(cluster_vector_position).cluster_element.at(i).y_coordinate);
01830 //               ROS_INFO("Distance for cluster %d: %d",clusters.at(cluster_vector_position).id, distance);
01832         }else if(strategy == "euclidean")
01833         {
01834             double x = clusters.at(cluster_vector_position).cluster_element.at(i).x_coordinate - robotPose.getOrigin().getX();
01835             double y = clusters.at(cluster_vector_position).cluster_element.at(i).y_coordinate - robotPose.getOrigin().getY();        
01836             distance = x * x + y * y;
01837             return distance; 
01838         }
01840         if(distance > 0)
01841         {
01842             double x = clusters.at(cluster_vector_position).cluster_element.at(i).x_coordinate - robotPose.getOrigin().getX();
01843             double y = clusters.at(cluster_vector_position).cluster_element.at(i).y_coordinate - robotPose.getOrigin().getY();        
01844             double euclidean_distance = x * x + y * y;
01846             /*
01847              * Check if the distance calculation is plausible. 
01848              * The euclidean distance to this point need to be smaller then 
01849              * the simulated trajectory path. If this stattement is not valid
01850              * the trajectory calculation has failed. 
01851              */
01852 //            ROS_INFO("Euclidean distance: %f   trajectory_path: %f", sqrt(euclidean_distance), distance* costmap_ros_->getCostmap()->getResolution());
01853             if (distance * costmap_ros_->getCostmap()->getResolution() <= sqrt(euclidean_distance)*0.95) 
01854             {
01855                 ROS_ERROR("Euclidean distance smaller then trajectory distance to LOCAL CLUSTER!!!");
01856 //                return(-1);
01857             }else
01858             {
01859                 return distance;
01860             }           
01861         }
01862     }
01863     if(distance == -1)
01864     {
01865 //        ROS_ERROR("Unable to calculate LOCAL BID at position %d  --> BID: %d", cluster_vector_position, distance);
01866     }
01867 //    ROS_INFO("Cluster at position %d  --> BID: %d", cluster_vector_position, distance);
01868     return(-1);
01869 }
01872 void ExplorationPlanner::positionCallback(const adhoc_communication::MmListOfPoints::ConstPtr& msg)
01873 {
01874     ROS_DEBUG("Position Callback !!!!!");
01875     position_mutex.lock();
01877     other_robots_positions.positions.clear();
01878     ROS_INFO("positions size: %lu", msg.get()->positions.size());
01879     for(int i = 0; i < msg.get()->positions.size(); i++)
01880     {    
01881         other_robots_positions.positions.push_back(msg.get()->positions.at(i));
01882     }
01883     position_mutex.unlock();
01884 }
01887 void ExplorationPlanner::auctionCallback(const adhoc_communication::ExpAuction::ConstPtr& msg)
01888 {
01889     auction_running = true;
01890     ROS_ERROR("CALLING AUCTION CALLBACK!!!!!!!!!!!!");
01891     int robots_int_name;
01893     bool same_robot = false; 
01894     if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
01895     {
01896         if(robot_str.compare(msg.get()->robot_name.c_str()) == 0)
01897         {
01898             same_robot = true; 
01899         }
01900     }else
01901     {
01902         robots_int_name = atoi(msg.get()->robot_name.c_str());
01903         ROS_INFO("Robot name: %d      int_name: %d",robot_name, robots_int_name);
01904         if(robots_int_name == robot_name)
01905         {
01906             same_robot = true; 
01907         }
01908     }
01910     if(same_robot == false)
01911     {
01912         /*
01913         * Cluster all available frontiers to be able to compare clusters
01914         * with other robots
01915         */
01917         /*
01918          * TODO
01919          * Check if following code is necessary or if simple navigation needs to 
01920          * periodically update the frontiers in the frontier thread.  
01921          */
01922         transformToOwnCoordinates_frontiers();
01923         transformToOwnCoordinates_visited_frontiers();
01925         clearVisitedFrontiers();                       
01926         clearUnreachableFrontiers();
01927         clearSeenFrontiers(costmap_global_ros_);       
01929         clearVisitedAndSeenFrontiersFromClusters();
01930         clusterFrontiers();
01933 //        visualize_Cluster_Cells();
01935         if(msg.get()->auction_status_message == true)
01936         { 
01937             ROS_INFO("Calling Auction Status");
01939             /*
01940              * Visualize requested ids
01941              */
01943             for(int i = 0; i < msg.get()->requested_clusters.size(); i++)
01944             {  
01945                 adhoc_communication::ExpCluster cluster_req; 
01946                 cluster_req = msg.get()->requested_clusters.at(i);
01947                 std::string requested_clusters; 
01948                 for(int j = 0; j < cluster_req.ids_contained.size(); j++)
01949                 {
01950                     if(j >= 6)
01951                     {
01952                         break;
01953                     }
01954                     requested_clusters.append(NumberToString((int)cluster_req.ids_contained.at(j).id));
01955                     requested_clusters.append(", ");
01956                 }
01957                 ROS_INFO("Requested ids: %s from robot: %s", requested_clusters.c_str(), msg.get()->robot_name.c_str());
01958             }
01962             auction_start = msg.get()->start_auction;
01963             auction_finished = msg.get()->auction_finished;
01964             adhoc_communication::ExpCluster occupied_ids;
01965             std::vector<requested_cluster_t> requested_cluster_ids;
01968             /*
01969              * Grep all occupied ids and try to convert them into clusters in own 
01970              * coordinate system. This ensures that all robots in the system know
01971              * which clusters had been occupied by others and do not select them
01972              * twice. 
01973              */
01974             if(msg.get()->occupied_ids.size() > 0 || msg.get()->requested_clusters.size() > 0)
01975             {
01976                 for(int i = 0; i < msg.get()->occupied_ids.size(); i++)
01977                 {
01978                     adhoc_communication::ExpClusterElement cluster_element; 
01980                     cluster_element.id = msg.get()->occupied_ids.at(i).id; 
01981                     cluster_element.detected_by_robot_str = msg.get()->occupied_ids.at(i).detected_by_robot_str;
01983                     occupied_ids.ids_contained.push_back(cluster_element);
01984                 }
01985                 int occupied_cluster_id = checkClustersID(occupied_ids);   
01986                 ROS_INFO("Check occupied cluster to be the same. %d", occupied_cluster_id);
01988                 if(occupied_cluster_id >=0)
01989                 {
01990                     ROS_INFO("Adding occupied cluster: %d", occupied_cluster_id);
01991                     already_used_ids.push_back(occupied_cluster_id);
01992                 }else
01993                 {
01994                     /* Store undetected Clusters in a struct for later processing */
01995                     ROS_INFO("Adding occupied cluster as unrecognized!");
01996                     unrecognized_occupied_clusters.push_back(occupied_ids);
01997                 }
01998                 /*
01999                  * Now read from unrecognized cluster vector and try to convert
02000                  * these ids to a valid cluster to know which had already been 
02001                  * occupied.
02002                  */
02003                 for(int i = 0; i < unrecognized_occupied_clusters.size(); i++)
02004                 {
02005                     int unrecognized_occupied_cluster_id = checkClustersID(unrecognized_occupied_clusters.at(i));
02006                     if(unrecognized_occupied_cluster_id >=0)
02007                     {
02008                         ROS_INFO("Unrecognized cluster: %d converted", unrecognized_occupied_cluster_id);
02009                         already_used_ids.push_back(unrecognized_occupied_cluster_id);
02010                         unrecognized_occupied_clusters.erase(unrecognized_occupied_clusters.begin() + i);
02012                         if(i > 0)
02013                             i--;
02014                     }
02015                 }
02018                 /*
02019                  * Grep the requested clusters to know which ones to answer to. 
02020                  */
02021                 for(int i = 0; i < msg.get()->requested_clusters.size(); i++)
02022                 {    
02023                     adhoc_communication::ExpCluster requested_cluster;
02024                     requested_cluster = msg.get()->requested_clusters.at(i);
02026                     int check_cluster_id = checkClustersID(requested_cluster);
02027                     if(check_cluster_id >= 0)
02028                     {
02029                         requested_cluster_t new_cluster_request; 
02030                         for(int j = 0; j < requested_cluster.ids_contained.size(); j++)
02031                         {
02032                             transform_point_t cluster_element_point;
02033                             if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
02034                             {
02035                                 cluster_element_point.id = requested_cluster.ids_contained.at(j).id;
02036                                 cluster_element_point.robot_str = requested_cluster.ids_contained.at(j).detected_by_robot_str;                    
02037                             }else
02038                             {
02039                                 cluster_element_point.id = requested_cluster.ids_contained.at(j).id;                                                          
02040                             }
02042                             new_cluster_request.requested_ids.push_back(cluster_element_point);
02043                         }
02044                         new_cluster_request.own_cluster_id = check_cluster_id; 
02046                         requested_cluster_ids.push_back(new_cluster_request);
02047                     }else
02048                     {
02049                         ROS_ERROR("No Matching Cluster Detected");
02050                     }
02051                 }   
02052             }
02055             if(auction_start == true)
02056             {
02057                 start_thr_auction = true;
02058                 thr_auction_status = boost::thread(&ExplorationPlanner::respondToAuction, this, requested_cluster_ids, msg.get()->auction_id);
02059             }
02061         }else if(msg.get()->auction_status_message == false)
02062         {
02063             bool continue_auction = false; 
02064             if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
02065             {
02066                 if(msg.get()->auction_id == auction_id_number)
02067                 {
02068                     continue_auction = true; 
02069                 }
02070             }else
02071             {
02072                 if(msg.get()->auction_id == 10000*robot_name + auction_id_number)
02073                 {
02074                     continue_auction = true; 
02075                 }
02076             }
02079             if(continue_auction == true)
02080             {
02081     //            ROS_INFO("auction_id: %d       local_id: %d", msg.get()->auction_id, 10000*robot_name + auction_id_number);
02082                 bool robot_already_answered = false; 
02084                 for(int i = 0; i < robots_already_responded.size(); i++)
02085                 {
02086                     if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
02087                     {
02088                         if(msg.get()->robot_name.compare(robots_already_responded.at(i).robot_str) == 0 && msg.get()->auction_id == robots_already_responded.at(i).auction_number)
02089                         {
02090                             ROS_ERROR("Same msg already received!!!");
02091                             robot_already_answered = true; 
02092                             break;
02093                         }
02094                     }else
02095                     {
02096                         ROS_INFO("Compare msg name: %d  responded: %d       msg auction: %d   responded: %d", robots_int_name, robots_already_responded.at(i).robot_number, msg.get()->auction_id, robots_already_responded.at(i).auction_number);
02097                         if(robots_int_name == robots_already_responded.at(i).robot_number && msg.get()->auction_id == robots_already_responded.at(i).auction_number)
02098                         {
02099                             ROS_ERROR("Same msg already received!!!");
02100                             robot_already_answered = true; 
02101                             break;
02102                         }
02103                     }
02104                 }
02106                 /*
02107                  * Only proceed if the robot has not answered before. 
02108                  */
02109                 if(robot_already_answered == false)
02110                 {
02111                     if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
02112                     {
02113                         ROS_INFO("Auction from robot %s received", msg.get()->robot_name.c_str());
02114                     }else
02115                     {
02116                         ROS_INFO("Auction from robot %d received", robot_name);          
02117                     }
02118                     auction_pair_t auction_pair;  
02119                     auction_element_t auction_elements;
02121                     int has_cluster_id = -1;
02123                     /*
02124                      * Visualize the received message
02125                      */
02126                     for(int i = 0; i < msg.get()->available_clusters.size(); i++)
02127                     {
02128                         adhoc_communication::ExpCluster cluster_req; 
02129                         cluster_req = msg.get()->available_clusters.at(i);
02130                         ROS_INFO("---------------------- %d ----------------------------", i);
02131                         std::string requested_clusters;
02132                         for(int j = 0; j < cluster_req.ids_contained.size(); j++)
02133                         {
02134                             if(j >= 6)
02135                             {
02136                                 break;
02137                             }
02138                             requested_clusters.append(NumberToString((int)cluster_req.ids_contained.at(j).id));
02139                             requested_clusters.append(", ");
02140                         }
02141                         ROS_INFO("Received ids: %s", requested_clusters.c_str());
02142                     }
02146                     for(int i = 0; i < msg.get()->available_clusters.size(); i++)
02147                     {
02148                         adhoc_communication::ExpCluster current_cluster;
02149                         current_cluster = msg.get()->available_clusters.at(i);
02150                 //        ROS_INFO("------------------------------------------------------------------");
02151                 //        for(int k = 0; k < current_cluster.ids_contained.size(); k++)
02152                 //        {
02153                 //            ROS_INFO("FRONTIER ID: %d", current_cluster.ids_contained.at(k));
02154                 //        }
02155                         int current_cluster_id = checkClustersID(current_cluster);
02157                         ROS_INFO("Received ID converted to cluster ID: %d", current_cluster_id);
02158                         if(current_cluster_id >= 0)
02159                         {
02160                             auction_pair.cluster_id = current_cluster_id;
02161                             auction_pair.bid_value = current_cluster.bid;
02162                             auction_elements.auction_element.push_back(auction_pair);
02163                             ROS_INFO("BID: %f",current_cluster.bid);
02164                         }
02165                     }
02166                 //    ROS_INFO("Robot %d received all bids for all clusters", robot_name);
02167                     auction_elements.robot_id = robots_int_name;                   
02168                     auction_elements.detected_by_robot_str = msg.get()->robot_name;
02170                     auction_mutex.lock();
02171                     auction.push_back(auction_elements);
02172                     auction_mutex.unlock();
02174                     /*
02175                      * A BID is received from one robot. Remember the robot who send the 
02176                      * bid for a special auction id! 
02177                      */      
02178     //                if(msg.get()->auction_id == 10000*robot_name + auction_id_number)   
02179     //                {
02180                         number_of_auction_bids_received++;
02181                         responded_t auction_response; 
02182                         auction_response.auction_number = msg.get()->auction_id;
02183                         auction_response.robot_number = robots_int_name;
02184                         if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
02185                         {
02186                             auction_response.robot_str = msg.get()->robot_name;
02187                         }
02188                         robots_already_responded.push_back(auction_response);
02189     //                }
02190                 }else
02191                 {
02192                     ROS_ERROR("Robot Already answered on this auction");
02193                 }
02194             }
02195         }
02196     }
02197     auction_running = false;
02198 }
02201 bool sortCompareElements(const ExplorationPlanner::compare_pair_t &lhs, const ExplorationPlanner::compare_pair_t &rhs)
02202 {       
02203         return lhs.identical_ids > rhs.identical_ids;    
02204 }
02206 int ExplorationPlanner::checkClustersID(adhoc_communication::ExpCluster cluster_to_check)
02207 {
02208 //    ROS_INFO("Check for cluster id");
02209       std::vector<compare_pair_t> compare_clusters;  
02211 //        ROS_INFO("------------------- Checking ----------------------");
02212         std::string requested_clusters;
02214 //        for(int j = 0; j < cluster_to_check.ids_contained.size(); j++)
02215 //        {
02216 //            requested_clusters.append(NumberToString((int)cluster_to_check.ids_contained.at(j)));
02217 //            requested_clusters.append(", ");
02218 //        }
02219 //        ROS_INFO("%s", requested_clusters.c_str());
02224     for(int j = 0; j < clusters.size(); j++)
02225     {
02226         double same_id_found = 0;
02227 //        ROS_INFO("--------------------------------------------------------------");
02228         for(int n = 0; n < clusters.at(j).cluster_element.size(); n++)
02229         {
02230 //            for(int m= 0; m < clusters.at(j).cluster_element.size(); m++)
02231 //            {
02232 //                ROS_INFO("Ids in cluster to check with: %d",clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(m).id);
02233 //            }
02234 //            ROS_INFO("Ids in cluster to check with: %d",clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(n).id);
02235             for(int i = 0; i < cluster_to_check.ids_contained.size(); i++)
02236             {
02237                 if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
02238                 {
02239 //                    ROS_INFO("Cluster id: %d  robot: %s     msg id: %d  robot: %s",clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(n).id, clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(n).detected_by_robot_str, cluster_to_check.ids_contained.at(i).id, cluster_to_check.ids_contained.at(i).detected_by_robot_str);
02240                     if(clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(n).id == cluster_to_check.ids_contained.at(i).id && clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(n).detected_by_robot_str.compare(cluster_to_check.ids_contained.at(i).detected_by_robot_str) == 0)
02241                     {
02242                         same_id_found++;
02243                     }
02244                 }else
02245                 {
02246                     if(clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(n).id == cluster_to_check.ids_contained.at(i).id)
02247                     {
02248                         same_id_found++;
02249                     }
02250                 }
02251             }                  
02252         }
02253         if(same_id_found > clusters.at(j).cluster_element.size() * 0.4)
02254         {
02255 //            ROS_INFO("CLUSTER ID FOUND: %d", clusters.at(j).id);
02256             return (clusters.at(j).id);
02257         } 
02258         else
02259         {
02260 //            ROS_ERROR("NO MATCHING CLUSTER FOUND!!!");
02261         }
02262 //        ROS_INFO("---------------------------------------------------");
02264 //        ROS_INFO("j: %d   cluster_id: %d", j, clusters.at(j).id);
02265 //        compare_pair_t compare_pair; 
02266 //        compare_pair.identical_ids = same_id_found;
02267 //        compare_pair.cluster_id = clusters.at(j).id;
02268 //        compare_clusters.push_back(compare_pair);
02269 //        ROS_INFO("Same IDs found: %f   elements*0.7: %f", same_id_found,clusters.at(j).cluster_element.size() * 0.7);
02272 //            if(same_id_found > clusters.at(j).cluster_element.size() * 0.8)
02273 //            {
02274 //                bool previously_detected = false; 
02275 //                for(int m = 0; m < id_previously_detected.size(); m++)
02276 //                {
02277 //                    if(clusters.at(j).id == id_previously_detected.at(m))
02278 //                    {
02279 //                        previously_detected = true; 
02280 //                        break;
02281 //                    }
02282 //                }
02283 //                if(previously_detected == false)
02284 //                {
02285 //                    id_previously_detected.push_back(clusters.at(j).id);
02286 //                    return (clusters.at(j).id);
02287 //                }
02288 //            }           
02289     }
02291     /*
02292      * Sort compare_pairs and select the one with the highest similarity
02293      */
02294 //    if(compare_clusters.size() > 0)
02295 //    {
02296 //        
02297 //        std::sort(compare_clusters.begin(), compare_clusters.end(), sortCompareElements);
02303 //        return(compare_clusters.front().cluster_id);
02304 //    }else
02305 //    {
02306 //        ROS_INFO("Compare Cluster empty");
02307 //        return (-1);
02308 //    }
02309     return (-1);
02310 }
02313 //void ExplorationPlanner::controlCallback( const bla& msg)
02314 //{
02315 //    /* Check if manual control or automatic. If automatic, set simulation to false, otherwise set simulation to true in simple_navigation */
02316 //    
02317 //    SimpleNavigation.Simulation = true; 
02318 //}
02322 void ExplorationPlanner::frontierCallback(const adhoc_communication::ExpFrontier::ConstPtr& msg)
02323 {  
02325 //    ROS_ERROR("FRONTIER RECEIVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
02326     adhoc_communication::ExpFrontierElement frontier_element; 
02327     for(int i = 0; i < msg.get()->frontier_element.size(); i++)
02328     {
02329         frontier_element = msg.get()->frontier_element.at(i);
02330         bool result = true;
02331         for (unsigned int j = 0; j < frontiers.size(); j++)
02332         {
02333             if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
02334             {
02335 //                ROS_ERROR("FrontierCallback ... ");
02336                 if(frontiers.at(j).detected_by_robot_str.compare(frontier_element.detected_by_robot_str) == 0 && frontier_element.id == frontiers.at(j).id)
02337                 {
02338 //                    ROS_ERROR("Same Detected ...");
02339                     result = false;
02340                     break;
02341                 }
02342             }
02343             else
02344             {
02345                 if(frontier_element.detected_by_robot == robot_name)
02346                 {          
02347                     result = false;
02348                     break;      
02349                 }
02350                 else
02351                 {
02352                     if (frontier_element.id == frontiers.at(j).id)
02353                     {  
02354                         result = false;
02355                         break;
02356                     }
02357                 }
02358             }
02359         }
02360         if (result == true)
02361         {
02363             if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
02364             {
02365                 ROS_ERROR("Received New Frontier with ID: %ld  Robot: %s", frontier_element.id, frontier_element.detected_by_robot_str.c_str());
02366                 storeFrontier(frontier_element.x_coordinate, frontier_element.y_coordinate, frontier_element.detected_by_robot, frontier_element.detected_by_robot_str, frontier_element.id);
02367             }else
02368             {
02369                 ROS_DEBUG("Received New Frontier of Robot %ld with ID %ld", frontier_element.detected_by_robot, frontier_element.id);
02370                 if(frontier_element.detected_by_robot != robot_name)
02371                 {
02372                     storeFrontier(frontier_element.x_coordinate, frontier_element.y_coordinate, frontier_element.detected_by_robot, "", frontier_element.id); 
02373                 }   
02374             }
02375         }
02376     }
02378 }
02381 void ExplorationPlanner::visited_frontierCallback(const adhoc_communication::ExpFrontier::ConstPtr& msg)
02382 {       
02383     adhoc_communication::ExpFrontierElement frontier_element; 
02384     for(int i = 0; i < msg.get()->frontier_element.size(); i++)
02385     {
02386         frontier_element = msg.get()->frontier_element.at(i);
02388         bool result = true;
02389         for (unsigned int j = 0; j < visited_frontiers.size(); j++)
02390         {
02391             if(frontier_element.detected_by_robot == robot_name)
02392             {    
02393                 result = false;                 
02394                 break;                         
02395             }
02396             else
02397             {
02398                 if (frontier_element.id == visited_frontiers.at(j).id)
02399                 {  
02400                     result = false;
02401                     break;
02402                 }
02403             }
02404         }
02405         if (result == true)
02406         {
02407             ROS_DEBUG("Received New Visited Frontier of Robot %ld with ID %ld", frontier_element.detected_by_robot, frontier_element.id);
02408             if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
02409             {
02410                 ROS_ERROR("Storing Visited Frontier ID: %ld  Robot: %s", frontier_element.id, frontier_element.detected_by_robot_str.c_str());
02411                 storeVisitedFrontier(frontier_element.x_coordinate, frontier_element.y_coordinate, frontier_element.detected_by_robot, frontier_element.detected_by_robot_str, frontier_element.id);
02412             }else
02413             {
02414                 if(frontier_element.detected_by_robot != robot_name)
02415                 {    
02416                     storeVisitedFrontier(frontier_element.x_coordinate, frontier_element.y_coordinate, frontier_element.detected_by_robot, "", frontier_element.id); 
02417                 }  
02418             }
02419         } 
02420     }
02421 }
02423 bool ExplorationPlanner::publish_frontier_list()
02424 {
02427     publish_subscribe_mutex.lock();
02429     adhoc_communication::ExpFrontier frontier_msg;
02430     for(int i = 0; i<frontiers.size(); i++)
02431     {
02432         adhoc_communication::ExpFrontierElement frontier_element;
02434         frontier_element.id = frontiers.at(i).id;
02435         frontier_element.detected_by_robot = frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot;
02436         frontier_element.detected_by_robot_str = frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot_str;
02437         frontier_element.robot_home_position_x = frontiers.at(i).robot_home_x; 
02438         frontier_element.robot_home_position_y = frontiers.at(i).robot_home_y;
02439         frontier_element.x_coordinate = frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate;
02440         frontier_element.y_coordinate = frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate;
02442         frontier_msg.frontier_element.push_back(frontier_element);
02443     }
02445 //    pub_frontiers.publish(frontier_msg);
02446     sendToMulticast("mc_",frontier_msg, "frontiers");
02448     publish_subscribe_mutex.unlock();
02449 }
02451 bool ExplorationPlanner::publish_visited_frontier_list()
02452 {
02455     publish_subscribe_mutex.lock();
02457     adhoc_communication::ExpFrontier visited_frontier_msg;
02459     for(int i = 0; i<visited_frontiers.size(); i++)
02460     {
02461         adhoc_communication::ExpFrontierElement visited_frontier_element;
02462 //        visited_frontier_element.id = frontiers.at(i).id;
02463         visited_frontier_element.detected_by_robot = visited_frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot;
02464         visited_frontier_element.detected_by_robot_str = visited_frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot_str;
02465         visited_frontier_element.robot_home_position_x = visited_frontiers.at(i).robot_home_x; 
02466         visited_frontier_element.robot_home_position_y = visited_frontiers.at(i).robot_home_y;
02467         visited_frontier_element.x_coordinate = visited_frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate;
02468         visited_frontier_element.y_coordinate = visited_frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate;
02470         visited_frontier_msg.frontier_element.push_back(visited_frontier_element);
02471     }
02473 //    pub_visited_frontiers.publish(visited_frontier_msg);
02474     sendToMulticast("mc_",visited_frontier_msg, "visited_frontiers");
02476     publish_subscribe_mutex.unlock();
02477 }
02479 /*
02480  * Check if the next goal is efficient enough to steer the robot to it.
02481  * If it is a goal, which has previously be seen, it is not required
02482  * to visit this goal again.
02483  * make sure that there are no failures in calculation! Therefore
02484  * this plausibility check is done. Only values of less then 50m
02485  * are valid. (Calculation of coordinates in the costmap often
02486  * produce very big values which are miss-interpretations)
02487  */
02488 bool ExplorationPlanner::check_efficiency_of_goal(double x, double y) {
02490 //    ROS_INFO("Check efficiency");
02491         double diff_home_x = visited_frontiers.at(0).x_coordinate - x;
02492         double diff_home_y = visited_frontiers.at(0).y_coordinate - y;
02494         if (fabs(diff_home_x) <= MAX_DISTANCE && fabs(diff_home_y) <= MAX_DISTANCE) 
02495         {
02496                 for (int i = 0; i < visited_frontiers.size(); i++)
02497                 {
02498                     /*
02499                      * Calculate the distance between all previously seen goals and the new
02500                      * found frontier!!
02501                      */
02502                     double diff_x = visited_frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate - x;
02503                     double diff_y = visited_frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate - y;
02505                     if (fabs(diff_x) <= MAX_GOAL_RANGE && fabs(diff_y) <= MAX_GOAL_RANGE) {
02506                         ROS_DEBUG("x: %f  y: %f too close to visited at x: %f   y: %f   dif_x: %f   dif_y: %f", x, y, visited_frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate, visited_frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate, diff_x, diff_y);
02507                         return false;
02508                     }
02509                 }
02510                 for (int i = 0; i < unreachable_frontiers.size(); i++)
02511                 {
02512                     /*
02513                      * Calculate the distance between all previously seen goals and the new
02514                      * found frontier!!
02515                      */
02516                     double diff_x = unreachable_frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate - x;
02517                     double diff_y = unreachable_frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate - y;
02519                     if (fabs(diff_x) <= MAX_GOAL_RANGE && fabs(diff_y) <= MAX_GOAL_RANGE) {
02520                         ROS_DEBUG("x: %f  y: %f too close to unreachable at x: %f   y: %f   dif_x: %f   dif_y: %f", x, y, unreachable_frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate, unreachable_frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate, diff_x, diff_y);
02521                         return false;
02522                     }
02523                 }
02524                 return true;
02525         }
02526         else
02527         {
02528             ROS_ERROR("OUT OF HOME RANGE");
02529             return false;
02530         }
02531 }
02533 void ExplorationPlanner::clearVisitedAndSeenFrontiersFromClusters()
02534 {
02535     ROS_INFO("Clear VisitedAndSeenFrontiers from Cluster");
02536     std::vector<int> goals_to_clear;
02540     for(int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++)
02541     {
02542         for(int j = 0; j < clusters.at(i).cluster_element.size(); j++)
02543         {
02544             /* Now iterate over all frontiers and check if cluster elements are 
02545              * still available in the frontier vector
02546              */
02547             bool cluster_still_valid = false; 
02548             for(int m = 0; m < frontiers.size(); m++)
02549             {
02550                 if(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).id == frontiers.at(m).id)
02551                 {
02552                     /*Cluster is still valid, do not clear it*/
02553                     cluster_still_valid = true; 
02554                     break;
02555                 }
02556             }
02557             if(cluster_still_valid == false)
02558             {
02559                 clusters.at(i).cluster_element.erase(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.begin() +j);
02560                 if(j > 0)
02561                    j--;                  
02562             }
02563         }
02564     }
02566     for(int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++)
02567     {
02568         if(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.size() <= 0)
02569         {
02570             clusters.erase(clusters.begin() + i);
02571         }
02572     }
02575 //    if(visited_frontiers.size() > 1)
02576 //    {
02577 //        for (int i = 1; i < visited_frontiers.size(); i++)
02578 //        {
02579 //            bool found_flag = false;
02580 //            for (int j = 0; j < clusters.size(); j++)
02581 //            {
02582 //                for(int n = 0; n < clusters.at(j).cluster_element.size(); n++)
02583 //                {
02584 //                    double diff_x = visited_frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate - clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(n).x_coordinate;
02585 //                    double diff_y = visited_frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate - clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(n).y_coordinate;
02586 //
02587 //                    if (fabs(diff_x) <= MAX_GOAL_RANGE && fabs(diff_y) <= MAX_GOAL_RANGE) 
02588 //                    {
02589 //                        ROS_DEBUG("Erasing visited frontier %d from cluster", clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(n).id);
02590 //                        clusters.at(j).cluster_element.erase(clusters.at(j).cluster_element.begin()+n);
02591 //                        if(n > 0)
02592 //                        {
02593 //                            n --;
02594 //                        }
02595 //                        found_flag = true;
02596 //    //                    break;
02597 //                    }
02598 //                }
02599 //    //            if(found_flag == true)
02600 //    //            {
02601 //    //                break;
02602 //    //            }
02603 //            }
02604 //        }
02605 //    }
02607 //    if(seen_frontier_list.size() > 1)
02608 //    {
02609 //        for (int i = 1; i < seen_frontier_list.size(); i++)
02610 //        {
02611 //            bool found_flag = false;
02612 //            for (int j = 0; j < clusters.size(); j++)
02613 //            {
02614 //                for(int n = 0; n < clusters.at(j).cluster_element.size(); n++)
02615 //                {
02616 //                    double diff_x = seen_frontier_list.at(i).x_coordinate - clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(n).x_coordinate;
02617 //                    double diff_y = seen_frontier_list.at(i).y_coordinate - clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(n).y_coordinate;
02618 //
02619 //                    if (fabs(diff_x) <= MAX_GOAL_RANGE*2 && fabs(diff_y) <= MAX_GOAL_RANGE*2) 
02620 //                    {
02621 //                        ROS_DEBUG("Erasing seen frontier %d from cluster", clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(n).id);
02622 //                        clusters.at(j).cluster_element.erase(clusters.at(j).cluster_element.begin()+n);
02623 //                        if(n > 0)
02624 //                        {
02625 //                            n --;
02626 //                        }
02627 //                        found_flag = true;
02628 //    //                    break;
02629 //                    }
02630 //                }
02631 //    //            if(found_flag == true)
02632 //    //            {
02633 //    //                break;
02634 //    //            }
02635 //            }
02636 //        }
02637 //    }
02638     ROS_INFO("Done");
02639 }
02642 void ExplorationPlanner::clearVisitedFrontiers()
02643 {
02644 //    ROS_INFO("Clear Visited");
02646     /* visited_frontier.at(0) is the Home point. Do not compare
02647      * with this point. Otherwise this algorithm deletes it, a new
02648      * frontier close to the home point is found which is then again
02649      * deleted since it is to close to the home point. This would not
02650      * have any impact on the exploration, but in simulation mode 
02651      * (simulation = true) the frontier_ID is steadily up counted. 
02652      * This is not necessary! 
02653      */
02654     std::vector<int> goals_to_clear;
02656     for (int i = 1; i < visited_frontiers.size(); i++)
02657     {
02658         for (int j = 0; j < frontiers.size(); j++)
02659         {
02660             double diff_x = visited_frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate - frontiers.at(j).x_coordinate;
02661             double diff_y = visited_frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate - frontiers.at(j).y_coordinate;
02663             if (fabs(diff_x) <= MAX_GOAL_RANGE && fabs(diff_y) <= MAX_GOAL_RANGE) {
02664                 if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
02665                 {
02666                     removeStoredFrontier(frontiers.at(j).id, frontiers.at(j).detected_by_robot_str);
02667                     if(j > 0)
02668                     {
02669                         j--;
02670                     }
02671                 }else
02672                 {
02673                     removeStoredFrontier(frontiers.at(j).id, "");
02674                     if(j > 0)
02675                     {
02676                         j--;
02677                     }
02678 //                    goals_to_clear.push_back(frontiers.at(j).id);
02679                 }
02680                 break;
02681             }
02682         }
02683     }
02685 //    for(int i= 0; i< goals_to_clear.size(); i++)
02686 //    {
02687 //        removeStoredFrontier(goals_to_clear.at(i), goals_to_clear.); 
02688 //    }   
02689 }
02691 void ExplorationPlanner::clearUnreachableFrontiers()
02692 {
02693 //    ROS_INFO("Clear UNREACHABLE");
02695     /* visited_frontier.at(0) is the Home point. Do not compare
02696      * with this point. Otherwise this algorithm deletes it, a new
02697      * frontier close to the home point is found which is then again
02698      * deleted since it is to close to the home point. This would not
02699      * have any impact on the exploration, but in simulation mode 
02700      * (simulation = true) the frontier_ID is steadily up counted. 
02701      * This is not necessary! 
02702      */
02703     std::vector<int> goals_to_clear;
02705     for (int i = 1; i < unreachable_frontiers.size(); i++)
02706     {
02707         for (int j = 0; j < frontiers.size(); j++)
02708         {
02709             double diff_x = unreachable_frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate - frontiers.at(j).x_coordinate;
02710             double diff_y = unreachable_frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate - frontiers.at(j).y_coordinate;
02712             if (fabs(diff_x) <= 0.2 && fabs(diff_y) <= 0.2) {
02713 //                goals_to_clear.push_back(frontiers.at(j).id);
02714                 if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
02715                 {
02716                     removeStoredFrontier(frontiers.at(j).id, frontiers.at(j).detected_by_robot_str);
02717                     if(j > 0)
02718                     {
02719                         j--;
02720                     }
02721                 }else
02722                 {
02723                     removeStoredFrontier(frontiers.at(j).id, "");
02724                     if(j > 0)
02725                     {
02726                         j--;
02727                     }
02728     //                    goals_to_clear.push_back(frontiers.at(j).id);
02729                 }
02730                 break;
02731             }
02732         }
02733     }
02735 //    for(int i= 0; i< goals_to_clear.size(); i++)
02736 //    {
02737 //        removeStoredFrontier(goals_to_clear.at(i)); 
02738 //    }    
02739 }
02741 void ExplorationPlanner::clearSeenFrontiers(costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS *global_costmap)
02742 {
02743 //    ROS_INFO("Clear Seen");
02744     unsigned int mx, my, point;
02745     std::vector<int> neighbours, goals_to_clear;
02747 //    this->costmap_global_ros_ = global_costmap;
02748 //    costmap_global_ros_->getCostmapCopy(costmap_global_);
02749 //    costmap_global_ros_->getCostmap();
02751 //    ROS_INFO("Map origin  x: %f    y: %f", global_costmap->getCostmap()->getOriginX(), global_costmap->getCostmap()->getOriginY());
02752 //    ROS_INFO("Map size    x: %d    y: %d", global_costmap->getCostmap()->getSizeInCellsX(), global_costmap->getCostmap()->getSizeInCellsY());
02753     if(frontiers.size() > 1)
02754     {
02755         for(int i = 0; i < frontiers.size(); i++)
02756         {
02757             unsigned int new_mx, new_my;
02758             bool unknown_found = false; 
02759             bool obstacle_found = false;
02760             bool freespace_found = false;
02762             mx = 0; 
02763             my = 0;
02765            // ROS_INFO("frontier x: %f   y: %f", frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate,frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate);
02766             if(!global_costmap->getCostmap()->worldToMap(frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate,frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate,mx,my))
02767             {
02768                 ROS_ERROR("Cannot convert coordinates successfully.");
02769                 continue;
02770             }
02771 //            ROS_INFO("Map coordinates mx: %d  my: %d",mx,my);
02773             neighbours = getMapNeighbours(mx, my, 6);
02775 //            ROS_INFO("Neighbours: %lu", neighbours.size());
02776             for (int j = 0; j < neighbours.size()/2; j++)
02777             {
02780 //                ROS_INFO("Get Neighbour %d and %d",j*2, j*2+1);
02781                 new_mx = neighbours.at(j*2);
02782                 new_my = neighbours.at(j*2+1);
02783 //                ROS_INFO("got access");
02786 //                ROS_INFO("Calculating at position x: %d    y: %d", new_mx, new_my);     
02787                 unsigned char cost = global_costmap->getCostmap()->getCost(new_mx, new_my);
02788 //                ROS_INFO("x position: %d       y position: %d", new_mx, new_my);
02789 //                ROS_INFO("Got Cost");
02790                 if(cost == costmap_2d::NO_INFORMATION)
02791                 {
02792                     unknown_found = true;
02793                 }
02794                 else if(cost == costmap_2d::FREE_SPACE)
02795                 {
02796                     freespace_found = true;
02797                 }
02798                 else if(cost == costmap_2d::LETHAL_OBSTACLE)
02799                 {
02800                     obstacle_found = true;
02801                 }
02802 //                ROS_INFO("Done");
02803             } 
02805             if(unknown_found == false || obstacle_found == true || freespace_found == false)
02806             {
02808 //                goals_to_clear.push_back(frontiers.at(i).id);
02809                 if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
02810                 {
02811                     removeStoredFrontier(frontiers.at(i).id, frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot_str);
02812                     if(i > 0)
02813                     {
02814                         i--;
02815                     }
02816                 }else
02817                 {
02818                     removeStoredFrontier(frontiers.at(i).id, "");
02819                     if(i > 0)
02820                     {
02821                         i--;
02822                     }
02823                 }
02824                 seen_frontier_list.push_back(frontiers.at(i));
02826             }
02827         }
02829 //        ROS_INFO("Clearing %lu frontiers", goals_to_clear.size());
02830 //        for(int i= 0; i< goals_to_clear.size(); i++)
02831 //        {
02832 //    //        ROS_DEBUG("Frontier with ID: %d already seen and therefore deleted", goals_to_clear.at(i));
02833 //            removeStoredFrontier(goals_to_clear.at(i)); 
02834 //        }
02835     }
02836 }
02838 bool ExplorationPlanner::smartGoalBackoff(double x, double y, costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS *global_costmap, std::vector<double> *new_goal)
02839 {
02840     unsigned int mx, my, new_mx, new_my, inner_mx, inner_my;
02841     double wx, wy;
02842     std::vector<int> neighbours, inner_neighbours;
02844 //    this->costmap_global_ros_ = global_costmap;
02845 //    costmap_global_ros_->getCostmapCopy(costmap_global_);
02846 //    costmap_global_ = costmap_global_ros_;
02848     if(!global_costmap->getCostmap()->worldToMap(x,y,mx,my))
02849     {
02850         ROS_ERROR("Cannot convert coordinates successfully.");
02851     }
02852 //    ROS_DEBUG("Map coordinates mx: %d  my: %d",mx,my);
02854     neighbours = getMapNeighbours(mx, my, 40);
02855 //    ROS_DEBUG("Got neighbours");
02856     for (int j = 0; j< neighbours.size()/2; j++)
02857     {
02858 //        ROS_DEBUG("Get neighbours %d and %d",j*2,j*2+1);
02859         new_mx = neighbours.at(j*2);
02860         new_my = neighbours.at(j*2+1);
02862         unsigned char cost = global_costmap->getCostmap()->getCost(new_mx, new_my);
02864         if( cost == costmap_2d::FREE_SPACE)
02865         {
02866             bool back_off_goal_found = true;
02868             inner_neighbours = getMapNeighbours(new_mx, new_my, INNER_DISTANCE);
02869             for (int i = 0; i< inner_neighbours.size()/2; i++)
02870             {
02871 //                ROS_DEBUG("Get inner neighbours %d and %d",i*2,i*2+1);
02872                 inner_mx = inner_neighbours.at(i*2);
02873                 inner_my = inner_neighbours.at(i*2+1);
02875                 unsigned char inner_cost = global_costmap->getCostmap()->getCost(inner_mx, inner_my);
02876                 if( inner_cost != costmap_2d::FREE_SPACE)
02877                 {
02878                     back_off_goal_found = false;
02879                     break;
02880                 } 
02881             }
02883             if(back_off_goal_found == true)
02884             {
02885                 global_costmap->getCostmap()->mapToWorld(new_mx, new_my, wx, wy);
02886                 new_goal->push_back(wx);
02887                 new_goal->push_back(wy);
02888                 return true;
02889             }      
02890         }
02891     }  
02892     return false;
02893 }
02895 std::vector<int> ExplorationPlanner::getMapNeighbours(unsigned int point_x, unsigned int point_y, int distance)
02896 {
02897     std::vector<int> neighbours;
02899     for(int i = 0; i< distance; i++)
02900     {
02901         neighbours.push_back(point_x+i+1);
02902         neighbours.push_back(point_y);
02904         neighbours.push_back(point_x-i-1);
02905         neighbours.push_back(point_y);
02907         neighbours.push_back(point_x);
02908         neighbours.push_back(point_y+i+1);
02910         neighbours.push_back(point_x);
02911         neighbours.push_back(point_y-i-1);
02912     }
02913     return neighbours;
02914 }
02917 /*
02918  * searches the occupancy grid for frontier cells and merges them into one target point per frontier.
02919  * The returned frontiers are in world coordinates.
02920  */
02921 void ExplorationPlanner::findFrontiers() {
02923     ROS_INFO("Find Frontiers");
02924         allFrontiers.clear();
02925         int select_frontier = 1;
02926         std::vector<double> final_goal,start_points;
02927         // list of all frontiers in the occupancy grid
02929 //      // get latest costmap
02930 //      clearFrontiers();
02932         /*
02933          * check for all cells in the occupancy grid whether
02934          * or not they are frontier cells. If a possible frontier is found, true is
02935          * returned
02936          */
02937         int new_frontier_point = 0;
02938         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_map_cells_; i++) {
02940                 int new_frontier_point = isFrontier(i);
02941                 if (new_frontier_point != 0) {
02942                         /*
02943                          * If isFrontier() returns true, the point which is checked to be a frontier
02944                          * is indeed a frontier.
02945                          *
02946                          * Push back adds data x to a vector.
02947                          * If a frontier was found, the position of the frontier is stored
02948                          * in the allFrontiers vector.
02949                          */
02950                         allFrontiers.push_back(new_frontier_point);
02951                 }
02952         }
02954         /*
02955          * Iterate over all frontiers. The frontiers stored in allFrontiers are
02956          * already REAL frontiers and can be approached by the robot to get new
02957          * informations of the environment.
02958          * To limit the amount of frontiers and only pick those which are valuable to
02959          * drive there, check neighboring frontiers and only remember them if they are
02960          * further then a distance of 40cm away from each other, discard otherwise.
02961          * The rest of the frontiers are stored in a goal buffer which contain all
02962          * frontiers within the map. Additionally check whether or not a newly found
02963          * frontier has already been added to the list. If it is already in the list, do
02964          * not make a new entry with the coordinates of the frontier!
02965          */
02966         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < allFrontiers.size(); ++i) {
02968                 geometry_msgs::PoseStamped finalFrontier;
02969                 double wx, wy, wx2, wy2, wx3, wy3;
02970                 unsigned int mx, my, mx2, my2, mx3, my3;
02971                 bool result;
02974                 costmap_ros_->getCostmap()->indexToCells(allFrontiers.at(i), mx, my);
02975                 costmap_ros_->getCostmap()->mapToWorld(mx, my, wx, wy);
02977 //                ROS_INFO("index: %d   map_x: %d   map_y: %d   world_x: %f   world_y: %f", allFrontiers.at(i), mx, my, wx, wy);
02979                 if(select_frontier == 1)
02980                 {
02981                         result = true;
02982                         for (unsigned int j = 0; j < frontiers.size(); j++)
02983                         {
02984                                 if (fabs(wx - frontiers.at(j).x_coordinate) <= MAX_GOAL_RANGE && fabs(wy - frontiers.at(j).y_coordinate) <= MAX_GOAL_RANGE) 
02985                                 {  
02986                                         result = false;
02987                                         break;
02988                                 }
02989                         }
02990                         if (result == true)
02991                         {
02992                                 storeFrontier(wx,wy,robot_name,robot_str,-1);
02993                         }
02994                 }
02995                 else if(select_frontier == 2)
02996                 {
02997                         std::vector<int> neighbour_index;
02999                         for (unsigned int j = 0; j < allFrontiers.size(); ++j)
03000                         {
03001                                 costmap_ros_->getCostmap()->indexToCells(allFrontiers[j], mx2, my2);
03002                                 costmap_ros_->getCostmap()->mapToWorld(mx2, my2, wx2, wy2);
03004                                 if (fabs(wx - wx2) <= MINIMAL_FRONTIER_RANGE && fabs(wy - wy2) <= MINIMAL_FRONTIER_RANGE && fabs(wx - wx2) != 0 && fabs(wy - wy2) != 0)
03005                                 {
03006                                         neighbour_index.push_back(allFrontiers[j]);
03007                                 }
03008                         }
03011                         for (unsigned int n = 0; n < neighbour_index.size(); ++n)
03012                         {
03013                                 costmap_ros_->getCostmap()->indexToCells(neighbour_index[n], mx2, my2);
03014                                 costmap_ros_->getCostmap()->mapToWorld(mx2, my2, wx2, wy2);
03016                                 while(true)
03017                                 {
03018                                         bool end_point_found = true;
03019                                         for (unsigned int k = 0; k < allFrontiers.size(); ++k)
03020                                         {
03021                                                 costmap_ros_->getCostmap()->indexToCells(allFrontiers[k], mx3, my3);
03022                                                 costmap_ros_->getCostmap()->mapToWorld(mx3, my3, wx3, wy3);
03024                                                 if (fabs(wx2 - wx3) <= MINIMAL_FRONTIER_RANGE && fabs(wy2 - wy3) <= MINIMAL_FRONTIER_RANGE && wx2 != wx3 && wy2 != wy3 && wx != wx3 && wy != wy3)
03025                                                 {
03026                                                         wx  = wx2;
03027                                                         wy  = wy2;
03028                                                         wx2 = wx3;
03029                                                         wy2 = wy3;
03030                                                         end_point_found = false;
03031                                                 }
03032                                         }
03033                                         if(end_point_found == true)
03034                                         {
03035                                                 start_points.push_back(wx2);
03036                                                 start_points.push_back(wy2);
03038                                                 break;
03039                                         }
03040                                 }
03041                         }
03042                         goal_buffer_x.push_back(start_points.at(0)+(start_points.at(2)-start_points.at(0))/2);
03043                         goal_buffer_y.push_back(start_points.at(1)+(start_points.at(3)-start_points.at(1))/2);
03044                 }
03045         }
03047         ROS_INFO("Size of all frontiers in the list: %lu", frontiers.size());
03048 }
03052 bool ExplorationPlanner::auctioning(std::vector<double> *final_goal, std::vector<int> *clusters_available_in_pool, std::vector<std::string> *robot_str_name)
03053 {
03055     ROS_INFO("Start Auctioning");
03057    /*
03058     * Check if Auction is running and wait until it is finished
03059     */
03060     int timer_count = 0;
03061     number_of_auction_bids_received = 0;
03062     std::string robo_name;
03064     float r = static_cast<float>(rand()) / static_cast<float>(RAND_MAX);
03065     float wait_if_auction_runs = r * 2;
03066 //    wait_if_auction_runs = wait_if_auction_runs - robot_name; // FIXME
03067     if(wait_if_auction_runs < 0)
03068         wait_if_auction_runs = wait_if_auction_runs * (-1);
03070     ROS_INFO("Waiting %f second if a auction is running",wait_if_auction_runs);
03071     ros::Duration(wait_if_auction_runs).sleep();
03073     while(auction_running)
03074     {
03075         ROS_INFO("Waiting %f second because an auction is currently running",wait_if_auction_runs);
03076         ros::Duration(wait_if_auction_runs).sleep();
03077         float wait_if_auction_runs = r * 2;
03078         wait_if_auction_runs = wait_if_auction_runs - robot_name;
03079         if(wait_if_auction_runs < 0)
03080             wait_if_auction_runs = wait_if_auction_runs * (-1);
03082     }
03084     //EDIT Peter : Removed this wait part to speed up the process!
03086     /*
03087     if(robot_name != 0)
03088         auction_finished = false;
03089     //why here sleep so long ?
03090     while(auction_finished == false && timer_count <= 20)
03091     {
03092         timer_count++;
03093         ros::Duration(1).sleep();
03094     }*/
03096     /*
03097      * If no auction is running ... clear the auction vector and
03098      * start a new auction.
03099      */
03100     //how do i know that no auction is running ??
03101     //EDIT Peter: New bool to check if auction is running!
03103     if(auction_running)
03104     {
03105         ROS_INFO("Auction is running, leaving method");
03106         return false;
03107     }
03108     else
03109     {
03110         ROS_INFO("No auction is running, clearing");
03111         auction.clear();
03112     }
03115 //    adhoc_communication::AuctionStatus auction_status;
03116     adhoc_communication::ExpAuction reqest_clusters, auction_msg;
03117 //    auction_status.start_auction = true; 
03118 //    auction_status.auction_finished = false;
03120     auction_msg.start_auction = true; 
03121     auction_msg.auction_finished = false;
03122     auction_msg.auction_status_message = true;
03124     if(robot_prefix_empty_param == false)
03125     {
03126     std::stringstream ss;
03127     ss << robot_name; 
03128     std::string prefix = "";
03129     robo_name = prefix.append(ss.str());    
03131     auction_msg.robot_name = robo_name;
03132     }else
03133     {
03134         auction_msg.robot_name = robot_str;
03135         robo_name = robot_str;
03136     }
03137     /*
03138      * visualize all cluster elements
03139      */
03141 //    for(int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++)
03142 //    {
03143 //        ROS_INFO("---- Cluster %d ----", clusters.at(i).id);
03144 //        std::string requested_clusters;
03145 //        for(int j = 0; j < clusters.at(i).cluster_element.size(); j++)
03146 //        { 
03147 //            requested_clusters.append(NumberToString((int)clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).id));
03148 //            requested_clusters.append(", ");
03149 //        }
03150 //        ROS_INFO("Cluster ids: %s", requested_clusters.c_str());
03151 //    }
03155     for(int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++)
03156     {
03157         adhoc_communication::ExpCluster cluster_request;
03160         for(int j = 0; j < clusters.at(i).cluster_element.size(); j++)
03161         { 
03162             adhoc_communication::ExpClusterElement cluster_request_element;
03163             if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
03164             {
03165                 cluster_request_element.id = clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).id;
03166                 cluster_request_element.detected_by_robot_str = clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).detected_by_robot_str;
03167             }else
03168             {
03169                 cluster_request_element.id = clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).id;
03170             }
03171             cluster_request.ids_contained.push_back(cluster_request_element);
03172         }
03173 //        auction_status.requested_clusters.push_back(cluster_request);
03174         auction_msg.requested_clusters.push_back(cluster_request);
03175     }
03177     if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
03178     {
03179         auction_msg.auction_id = auction_id_number;
03180     }else
03181     {
03182         auction_msg.auction_id = 10000*robot_name + auction_id_number;
03183     }
03185     /*
03186      * Following code is to visualize the message being send to the other robots
03187      */
03188 //    for(int i = 0; i< auction_msg.requested_clusters.size(); i++)
03189 //    {
03190 //        adhoc_communication::Cluster cluster_req; 
03191 //        cluster_req = auction_msg.requested_clusters.at(i);
03192 //        ROS_INFO("----------------------- REQUEST %d ---------------------------", i);
03193 //        std::string requested_clusters;
03194 //        for(int j = 0; j < cluster_req.ids_contained.size(); j++)
03195 //        {
03196 //            requested_clusters.append(NumberToString((int)cluster_req.ids_contained.at(j)));
03197 //            requested_clusters.append(", ");
03198 //        }
03199 //        ROS_INFO("Auction with auction number: %d", auction_msg.auction_id);
03200 //        ROS_INFO("Requested ids: %s", requested_clusters.c_str());
03201 //    }
03204     std::string numbers_of_operating_robots; 
03206     ROS_INFO("Robot %d starting an auction", robot_name);
03208 //    if(first_run == true)
03209 //    {
03210 //        pub_auctioning_first.publish(auction_msg);
03211 //    }else
03212 //    {
03213         sendToMulticastAuction("mc_", auction_msg, "auction");
03214 //    }
03218     /*
03219      * Wait for results of others
03220      */
03223        //EDIT Peter: I do not know how many answers i get
03224         /*
03225     nh.param("/robots_in_simulation",number_of_robots, 1);
03226     number_of_robots = 2; // To test with two robots if parameter does not work
03227     ROS_INFO("++++++++++ number of robots: %d ++++++++++", number_of_robots);
03228     */
03230 //    ros::NodeHandle nh_robots;
03231 //    nh_robots.param<std::string>("/robots_in_simulation",numbers_of_operating_robots, "1");
03232 //    number_of_robots = atoi(numbers_of_operating_robots.c_str());
03233 //    ROS_INFO("++++++++++ number of robots: %d ++++++++++", number_of_robots);
03235     /*
03236      * Number of responding robots is one less since the robot itself does not
03237      * respond to its own request
03238      */
03239     //ROS_INFO("Waiting for results from %d robots", number_of_robots);
03240     //wait 4 seconds to receive bids
03241         ros::Duration(3).sleep();
03242         /*
03243     while(timer_count < 50 && number_of_auction_bids_received < number_of_robots -1)
03244     {
03245         ROS_INFO("Waiting for results from %d robots", number_of_robots);
03246         timer_count++;
03247         ros::Duration(0.2).sleep();
03248     }*/
03249     ROS_INFO("number of auction bids received: %d", number_of_auction_bids_received);
03252     if(number_of_auction_bids_received > 0)
03253         number_of_completed_auctions++;
03254     else
03255         number_of_uncompleted_auctions++;
03256     /*if(number_of_auction_bids_received < number_of_robots-1)
03257     {
03258         ROS_ERROR("Wait for other robots timer exceeded");
03259         number_of_uncompleted_auctions++;
03260     }else if(number_of_auction_bids_received >= number_of_robots - 1)
03261     {
03262         number_of_completed_auctions++;
03263     }*/
03266     /*
03267      * Select the best cluster for yourself
03268      */
03269     ROS_INFO("Selecting the most attractive cluster");
03270     bool cluster_selected_flag = selectClusterBasedOnAuction(final_goal, clusters_available_in_pool, robot_str_name);
03272     /*
03273      * Stop the auction
03274      */
03275     ROS_INFO("Stop the auction");
03276 //    auction_status.start_auction = false; 
03277 //    auction_status.auction_finished = true; 
03279     auction_msg.start_auction = false; 
03280     auction_msg.auction_finished = true;
03281     auction_msg.auction_status_message = true;   
03282     auction_msg.robot_name = robo_name;
03283     auction_msg.requested_clusters.clear();
03285     if(cluster_selected_flag == true)// && final_goal->size() >= 4)
03286     {
03287         /*
03288          * Tell the others which cluster was selected
03289          */
03290         std::vector<transform_point_t> occupied_ids;
03291         clusterIdToElementIds(final_goal->at(4), &occupied_ids);
03292         for(int i = 0; i < occupied_ids.size(); i++)
03293         {
03294 //            auction_status.occupied_ids.push_back(occupied_ids.at(i));
03295             adhoc_communication::ExpAuctionElement auction_element;
03296             auction_element.id = occupied_ids.at(i).id;
03297             auction_element.detected_by_robot_str = occupied_ids.at(i).robot_str;
03298             auction_msg.occupied_ids.push_back(auction_element);
03299         }        
03300     }
03301 //    else
03302 //    {
03303 //        ROS_ERROR("No Goal Selected from selectClusterBasedOnAuction");
03304 //        cluster_selected_flag = false; 
03305 //    }
03307 //    if(first_run == true)
03308 //    {
03309 //    pub_auctioning_status.publish(auction_status);
03310 //        pub_auctioning_first.publish(auction_msg);
03311 //    }else
03312 //    {
03313         sendToMulticastAuction("mc_", auction_msg, "auction");
03314 //    }
03316     first_run = false; 
03317     auction_id_number++;
03319     ROS_INFO("return %d", cluster_selected_flag);
03320     return (cluster_selected_flag);
03321 }
03325 bool ExplorationPlanner::clusterIdToElementIds(int cluster_id, std::vector<transform_point_t>* occupied_ids)
03326 {
03327     for(int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++)
03328     {
03329         if(clusters.at(i).id == cluster_id)
03330         {
03331             for(int j = 0; j < clusters.at(i).cluster_element.size(); j++)
03332             {
03333                 transform_point_t point;
03334                 point.id = clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).id;
03335                 point.robot_str = clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).detected_by_robot_str;
03337                 occupied_ids->push_back(point);                
03338             }
03339         }
03340     }
03341 }
03343 std::vector< std::vector<int> > array_to_matrix(int* m, int rows, int cols) {
03344   int i,j;
03345   std::vector< std::vector<int> > r;
03346   r.resize(rows, std::vector<int>(cols, 0));
03348   for(i=0;i<rows;i++)
03349   {
03350     for(j=0;j<cols;j++)
03351       r[i][j] = m[i*cols+j];
03352   }
03353   return r;
03354 }
03357 bool ExplorationPlanner::selectClusterBasedOnAuction(std::vector<double> *goal, std::vector<int> *cluster_in_use_already_count, std::vector<std::string> *robot_str_name_to_return)
03358 {
03359     ROS_INFO("Select the best cluster based on auction bids");
03361     int own_row_to_select_cluster = 0;
03362     int own_column_to_select = 0; 
03364     /*
03365      * Select the method to select clusters from the matrix.
03366      * 0 ... select nearest cluster from OWN calculations
03367      * 1 ... gather information of others, estimate trajectory length based on
03368      *       distance information and select the optimal cluster using the 
03369      *       KuhnMunkres algorithm.
03370      */
03371     int method_used = 2;
03373     int count = 0;
03374     int auction_cluster_element_id = -1;
03376     auction_element_t auction_elements; 
03377     auction_pair_t auction_pair;
03379     /*
03380      * Calculate my own auction BIDs to all my clusters
03381      * and store them in the auction vector
03382      */
03383     ROS_INFO("Cluster Size: %lu", clusters.size());
03384     for(int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++)
03385     {        
03386         ROS_INFO("Calculate cluster with ID: %d", clusters.at(i).id);
03387         int my_auction_bid = calculateAuctionBID(clusters.at(i).id, trajectory_strategy);
03388         if(my_auction_bid == -1)
03389         {
03390             ROS_ERROR("Own BID calculation failed");
03391         }
03392         ROS_INFO("Own bid calculated at %d: %d", clusters.at(i).id, my_auction_bid);
03393         auction_pair.cluster_id = clusters.at(i).id;
03394         auction_pair.bid_value = my_auction_bid;
03395         auction_elements.auction_element.push_back(auction_pair);        
03396     }
03397     auction_elements.robot_id = robot_name;
03398     auction.push_back(auction_elements);
03401     /*
03402      * Remove all clusters which have previously been selected by other robots
03403      */
03405     std::vector<int> clusters_to_erase;
03406     for(int j = 0; j < clusters.size(); j++)
03407     {           
03408         for(int i = 0; i < already_used_ids.size(); i++)
03409         {
03410             if(already_used_ids.at(i) == clusters.at(j).id)
03411             {
03412                 /*Already used cluster found, therefore erase it*/
03413                 for(int m = 0; m < auction.size(); m++)
03414                 {
03415                     for(int n = 0; n < auction.at(m).auction_element.size(); n++)
03416                     {
03417                         if(auction.at(m).auction_element.at(n).cluster_id == already_used_ids.at(i))
03418                         {
03419                             ROS_INFO("Already used Cluster %d found .... unconsider it",auction.at(m).auction_element.at(n).cluster_id);
03420 //                            auction.at(m).auction_element.erase(auction.at(m).auction_element.begin()+n);
03421 //                            n--;
03422                               auction.at(m).auction_element.at(n).bid_value = 10000;
03423                         }
03424                     }
03425                 }
03426             }
03427         }
03428     }
03431     ROS_INFO("Matrix");
03433     /*
03434      * Calculate the matrix size
03435      */
03436     int col = 0, row = 0;
03438     int robots_operating; 
03439     nh.param<int>("robots_in_simulation",robots_operating, 1);
03440     ROS_INFO("robots operating: %d", robots_operating);
03442     row = auction.size();
03445     /* FIXME */
03446 //    if(auction.size() < robots_operating)
03447 //    {
03448 //        row = robots_operating;
03449 //    }else
03450 //    {
03451 //        row = auction.size();
03452 //    }
03455 //    for(int i= 0; i < auction.size(); i++)
03456 //    { 
03457 //        if(auction.at(i).auction_element.size() > col)
03458 //        {
03459 //            col = auction.at(i).auction_element.size();
03460 //        }
03461 //    }
03462     col = clusters.size();
03463     ROS_INFO("robots: %d     clusters: %d", row, col);
03464     /*
03465     * create a matrix with boost library
03466     */
03468     int max_size = std::max(col,row);
03469     boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double> m(max_size,max_size);
03471     ROS_INFO("Empty the matrix");
03472     /*
03473      * initialize the matrix with all -1
03474      */
03475     for(int i = 0; i < m.size1(); i++)
03476     {
03477         for(int j = 0; j < m.size2(); j++)
03478         {
03479             m(i,j) = 0;
03480         }
03481     }
03484     ROS_INFO("Fill matrix");
03485     /*
03486      * Now fill the matrix with real auction values and use 
03487      * a method for the traveling salesman problem
03488      * 
03489      * i ... number of robots
03490      * j ... number of clusters
03491      */   
03492 //    ROS_INFO("robots: %d   clusters: %d", row, col);
03493     for(int i = 0; i < row; i++)
03494     {
03495         ROS_INFO("                 ");
03496         ROS_INFO("****** i: %d   auction size: %lu ******", i, auction.size());
03497         for(int j = 0; j < col; j++)
03498         {     
03499             ROS_INFO("j: %d   cluster size: %lu", j, clusters.size());
03500             bool found_a_bid = false;
03501             bool cluster_valid_flag = false; 
03503 //            if(i < auction.size())
03504 //            {    
03505                 for(int n = 0; n < auction.at(i).auction_element.size(); n++)
03506                 {            
03507                     cluster_valid_flag = true; 
03508 //                    if(j < clusters.size())
03509 //                    {
03510 //                        ROS_INFO("j: %d    smaller then clusters.size(): %lu", j, clusters.size());
03511                         if(clusters.at(j).id == auction.at(i).auction_element.at(n).cluster_id && auction.at(i).auction_element.at(n).bid_value >= 0)
03512                         {
03513         //                    /*
03514         //                     * Check if duplicates exist, if so change them
03515         //                     */
03516         //                    bool duplicate_exist = false; 
03517         //                    for(int k = 0; k < row; k++)
03518         //                    {
03519         //                        for(int l = 0; l < col; l++)
03520         //                        {
03521         //                            if(m(l,k) == auction.at(i).auction_element.at(n).bid_value)
03522         //                            {
03523         //                                ROS_INFO("Duplicate found");
03524         //                                duplicate_exist = true; 
03525         //                            }
03526         //                        }
03527         //                    }
03528         //                    
03529         //                    if(duplicate_exist == false)
03530         //                    {
03531         //                        ROS_INFO("assign value");
03532                                 m(j,i) = auction.at(i).auction_element.at(n).bid_value;
03533         //                        ROS_INFO("done");
03534         //                    }else
03535         //                    {
03536         //                        m(j,i) = auction.at(i).auction_element.at(n).bid_value + 5;
03537         //                    }
03538                             found_a_bid = true; 
03539                             break;
03540                         }
03541 //                    }else if(j >= clusters.size())
03542 //                    {
03543 //                        ROS_ERROR("j >= clusters.size()"); 
03544 //                        cluster_valid_flag = false; 
03545 //                        row = clusters.size();
03546 //                        break;
03547 //                    }
03548                 }
03549 //            }else if(i >= auction.size())
03550 //            {
03551 //                ROS_ERROR("i >= auction.size()"); 
03552 //                col = auction.size();
03553 //                break;
03554 //            }
03556             ROS_INFO("Cluster elements checked, found BID: %d", found_a_bid);
03558             /*
03559              * The auction does not contain a BID value for this cluster,
03560              * therefore try to estimate it, using the other robots position. 
03561              */
03562             if(found_a_bid == false) // && cluster_valid_flag == true)
03563             {
03564                 ROS_INFO("No BID received ...");
03565                 int distance = -1;
03566                 other_robots_position_x = -1;
03567                 other_robots_position_y = -1;
03569                 ROS_INFO("---- clusters: %lu element size: %lu  robots positions: %lu ----", clusters.size(), clusters.at(j).cluster_element.size(), other_robots_positions.positions.size());
03570                 for(int d = 0; d < clusters.at(j).cluster_element.size(); d++)
03571                 {
03572                     ROS_INFO("Access clusters.at(%d).cluster_element.at(%d)", j, d);
03573                     position_mutex.lock();
03574                     /*Check position of the current robot (i)*/
03575                     for(int u = 0; u < other_robots_positions.positions.size(); u++)
03576                     {
03577                         adhoc_communication::MmPoint position_of_robot; 
03578                         position_of_robot = other_robots_positions.positions.at(u); 
03580                         if(robot_prefix_empty_param == true)
03581                         {
03582                             ROS_INFO("position of robot: %s   compare with auction robot: %s", position_of_robot.src_robot.c_str(), auction.at(i).detected_by_robot_str.c_str());
03583                             if(position_of_robot.src_robot.compare(auction.at(i).detected_by_robot_str) == 0)
03584                             {
03585                                 other_robots_position_x = position_of_robot.x;
03586                                 other_robots_position_y = position_of_robot.y;
03588                                 break; 
03589                             }
03590                             else
03591                             {
03592                                 ROS_ERROR("Unable to look up robots position!");
03593                             }
03594                         }else
03595                         {
03596                             int robots_int_id = atoi(position_of_robot.src_robot.substr(6,1).c_str());
03597                             ROS_INFO("Robots int id: %d", robots_int_id);
03598                             if(auction.at(i).robot_id == robots_int_id)
03599                             {
03600                                 other_robots_position_x = position_of_robot.x;
03601                                 other_robots_position_y = position_of_robot.y;
03603                                 ROS_INFO("Robots %d     position_x: %f     position_y: %f", robots_int_id, other_robots_position_x, other_robots_position_y);
03604                                 break;
03605                             }else
03606                             {
03607 //                                ROS_ERROR("robot id requested: %d      Current robots position id: %d", auction.at(i).robot_id, robots_int_id);
03608                                 ROS_ERROR("Unable to look up robots position!");
03609                             }                        
03610                         }              
03611                     }
03612                     position_mutex.unlock();
03614 //                    ROS_INFO("Got robot position");
03615                     if(other_robots_position_x != -1 && other_robots_position_y != -1)
03616                     {
03618                         if(trajectory_strategy == "trajectory")
03619                         {
03620                             distance = estimate_trajectory_plan(other_robots_position_x, other_robots_position_y, clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(d).x_coordinate, clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(d).y_coordinate);                    
03621                             ROS_INFO("estimated TRAJECTORY distance is: %d", distance);
03623                         }else if(trajectory_strategy == "euclidean" && j < clusters.size() && d < clusters.at(j).cluster_element.size())
03624                         {
03625                             double x = clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(d).x_coordinate - other_robots_position_x;
03626                             double y = clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(d).y_coordinate - other_robots_position_y;        
03627                             distance = x * x + y * y; 
03628                             ROS_INFO("estimated EUCLIDEAN distance is: %d", distance);  
03630                             if(distance != -1)
03631                                 break; 
03632                         }      
03633                     }
03634                     /*
03635                      * Check if the distance calculation is plausible. 
03636                      * The euclidean distance to this point need to be smaller then 
03637                      * the simulated trajectory path. If this stattement is not valid
03638                      * the trajectory calculation has failed. 
03639                      */
03640                     if(distance != -1)
03641                     {
03642                         double x = clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(d).x_coordinate - other_robots_position_x;
03643                         double y = clusters.at(j).cluster_element.at(d).y_coordinate - other_robots_position_y;        
03644                         double euclidean_distance = x * x + y * y;
03646 //                        ROS_INFO("Euclidean distance: %f   trajectory_path: %f", sqrt(euclidean_distance), distance * costmap_ros_->getCostmap()->getResolution());
03647                         if (distance * costmap_ros_->getCostmap()->getResolution() <= sqrt(euclidean_distance)*0.95) 
03648                         {
03649                             ROS_ERROR("Euclidean distance is smaller then the trajectory path at recalculation");
03650                             distance = -1;
03651                         }else
03652                         {
03653                             break;
03654                         }     
03655                     }
03656                 }
03657                 if(distance == -1)
03658                 {
03659                     /*
03660                      * Cluster is definitely unknown. Therefore assign a high value 
03661                      * to ensure not to select this cluster
03662                      */
03664                     ROS_ERROR("Unable to calculate the others BID at all");
03665                     m(j,i) = 10000;
03666                 }
03667                 else
03668                 {
03669                     ROS_INFO("Estimated trajectory length: %d", distance);
03671 //                    /*
03672 //                     * Check if duplicates exist, if so change them
03673 //                     */
03674 //                    bool duplicate_exist = false; 
03675 //                    for(int k = 0; k < row; k++)
03676 //                    {
03677 //                        for(int l = 0; l < col; l++)
03678 //                        {
03679 //                            if(m(l,k) == distance)
03680 //                            {
03681 //                                ROS_INFO("Duplicate found");
03682 //                                duplicate_exist = true; 
03683 //                            }
03684 //                        }
03685 //                    }
03686 //                    
03687 //                    if(duplicate_exist == false)
03688 //                    {
03689                         m(j,i) = distance;
03690 //                    }else
03691 //                    {
03692 //                        m(j,i) = distance +5;
03693 //                    }
03694                 }               
03695             }
03696             ROS_INFO("Column filled");
03697         }
03698         ROS_INFO("No columns left. Check next robot");
03699     }  
03700 //    std::cout << m << std::endl;
03702     ROS_INFO("Completed");
03704     /*
03705      * If the number of clusters is less the number of robots, 
03706      * the assigning algorithmn would not come to a solution. Therefore
03707      * select the nearest cluster 
03708      */
03709     if(col < row)
03710     {
03711         ROS_ERROR("Number of clusters is less the number of robots. Select the closest");
03712         if(col == 0)
03713         {
03714             ROS_ERROR("No cluster anymore available");
03715             /*No clusters are available at all*/
03716             return false;
03717         }
03718         method_used = 0; 
03719     }
03721     /*
03722      * Select the strategy how to select clusters from the matrix
03723      * 
03724      * 0 ... select nearest cluster
03725      * 1 ... 
03726      */
03727     if(method_used == 0)
03728     {
03730         /*
03731          * Select the nearest cluster (lowest bid value)
03733          * initialize the bid value as first column in the first row
03734          */
03735 //        int smallest_bid_value = auction.back().auction_element.front().bid_value;
03737 //        ROS_INFO("smallest_bid_value at initialization: %d", smallest_bid_value);
03738         ROS_INFO("Columns left: %d", col);
03739 //        for(int j = 0; j < col; j++) 
03740 //        { 
03741 //            ROS_INFO("col: %d", j);
03742 //            if(auction.back().auction_element.at(j).bid_value <= smallest_bid_value && auction.back().auction_element.at(j).bid_value != -1)
03743 //            {
03744 //                smallest_bid_value = auction.back().auction_element.at(j).bid_value;
03745 //                auction_cluster_element_id = auction.back().auction_element.at(j).cluster_id;                
03746 //            }
03747 //        }
03748         if(auction.size() > 0)
03749         {
03750             if(auction.back().auction_element.size() > 0)
03751             {
03752                 auction_cluster_element_id = auction.back().auction_element.front().cluster_id; 
03753             }else
03754             {
03755                  return false;   
03756             }
03757         }
03758     }
03759     if(method_used == 1)
03760     {
03761        /*
03762         * Use the Ungarische method/ KuhnMunkresAlgorithm in order to figure out which 
03763         * cluster the most promising one is for myself
03764         */
03766         /* an example cost matrix */
03767         int mat[col*row];
03768         int counter = 0; 
03769         for(int j = 0; j < col; j++)
03770         {
03771             for(int i = 0; i < row; i++)
03772             { 
03773                 mat[counter] = m(j,i);
03774                 counter++;
03775             }
03776         }
03778         std::vector< std::vector<int> > m2 = array_to_matrix(mat,col,row);
03780         /*
03781          * Last row in the matrix contains BIDs of the robot itself
03782          * Remember the max row count before filling up with zeros. 
03783          */
03784         own_row_to_select_cluster = row-1;
03785         ROS_INFO("Own row: %d", own_row_to_select_cluster);
03787         /* an example cost matrix */
03788         int r[3*3] =  {14,15,15,30,1,95,22,14,12};
03789         std::vector< std::vector<int> > m3 = array_to_matrix(r,3,3);
03791        /* initialize the gungarian_problem using the cost matrix*/
03792        Hungarian hungarian(m2, col, row, HUNGARIAN_MODE_MINIMIZE_COST);
03794 //        Hungarian hungarian(m3, 3, 3, HUNGARIAN_MODE_MINIMIZE_COST);
03796        fprintf(stderr, "cost-matrix:");
03797        hungarian.print_cost();
03799        /* solve the assignment problem */
03800        for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
03801        {
03802            if(hungarian.solve() == true)
03803                break;
03804        }
03806        const std::vector< std::vector<int> > assignment = hungarian.assignment();       
03808        /* some output */
03809        fprintf(stderr, "assignment:");
03810        hungarian.print_assignment();
03812 //       for(int i = 0; i < assignment.size(); i++)
03813 //       {
03814 //           ROS_ERROR("---- %d -----", i);
03815 //           for(int j = 0; j < assignment.at(i).size(); j++)
03816 //           {
03817 //               ROS_INFO("%d", assignment.at(i).at(j));
03818 //           }
03819 //       }
03822        for(int i = 0; i < assignment.size(); i++)
03823        {
03824            if(assignment.at(i).at(own_row_to_select_cluster) == 1)
03825            {
03826                auction_cluster_element_id = clusters.at(i).id;
03827                ROS_INFO("Selected Cluster at position : %d   %d",i ,own_row_to_select_cluster);
03828                break;
03829            }
03830        }
03832     }
03833     if(method_used == 2)
03834     {
03836         Matrix<double> mat = convert_boost_matrix_to_munkres_matrix<double>(m);
03837         ROS_INFO("Matrix :");
03839         // Display begin matrix state.
03840         for ( int new_row = 0 ; new_row < mat.rows(); new_row++ ) {
03841                 for ( int new_col = 0 ; new_col < mat.columns(); new_col++ ) {
03842                         std::cout.width(2);
03843                         std::cout << mat(new_row,new_col) << " ";
03844                 }
03845                 std::cout << std::endl;
03846         }
03847         std::cout << std::endl;
03851 //        for(int i = 0; i < mat.columns(); i++)
03852 //        {
03853 //            for(int j = 0; j < mat.rows(); j++)
03854 //            {
03855 //                /*Inner Matrix*/
03857 //                for(int n = 0; n < mat.columns(); n++)
03858 //                {
03859 //                    for(int m = 0; m < mat.rows(); m++)
03860 //                    {
03861 //                        if(abs(mat(i,j) - mat(n,m)) <= 20 && abs(mat(i,j) - mat(n,m)) != 0 && (mat(i,j) != 0 && mat(n,m) != 0))
03862 //                        {       
03863 //                            mat(i,j) = 0;
03866 //                        }
03867 //                    }
03870 //                } 
03871 //            }
03872 //        }
03873 //        
03874 //        ROS_INFO("Matrix with threshold :");
03875 //        // Display begin matrix state.
03876 //      for ( int new_row = 0 ; new_row < mat.rows(); new_row++ ) {
03877 //              for ( int new_col = 0 ; new_col < mat.columns(); new_col++ ) {
03878 //                      std::cout.width(2);
03879 //                      std::cout << mat(new_row,new_col) << " ";
03880 //              }
03881 //              std::cout << std::endl;
03882 //      }
03883 //      std::cout << std::endl;
03886         // Apply Munkres algorithm to matrix.
03887         Munkres munk;
03888         munk.solve(mat);
03890         ROS_INFO("Solved :");
03891         // Display solved matrix.
03892         for ( int new_row = 0 ; new_row < mat.rows(); new_row++ ) {
03893                 for ( int new_col = 0 ; new_col < mat.columns(); new_col++ ) {
03894                         std::cout.width(2);
03895                         std::cout << mat(new_row,new_col) << " ";
03896                 }
03897                 std::cout << std::endl;
03898         }
03900         std::cout << std::endl;
03903        own_row_to_select_cluster = row-1;
03904        for(int i = 0; i < mat.columns(); i++)
03905        {
03906            if(mat(i,own_row_to_select_cluster) == 1)
03907            {
03908                auction_cluster_element_id = clusters.at(i).id;
03909                own_column_to_select = i; 
03910                ROS_INFO("Selected Cluster at position : %d   %d  with BID: %f",i ,own_row_to_select_cluster, mat(i, own_row_to_select_cluster));
03911                break;
03912            }
03913        }
03918     }
03924     /*
03925      * Try to navigate to the selected cluster. If it failes, take the next efficient
03926      * cluster and try again
03927      */
03930     if(auction_cluster_element_id != -1)
03931     {  
03933        /*
03934         * Select the above calculated goal. If this cluster is still in use,
03935         * set this cluster in the matrix to zero and restart the auction
03936         */
03942         /*
03943          * Following should just be executed if the selection using auctioning 
03944          * does fail
03945          */
03946         while(ros::ok())
03947         {
03948             ROS_INFO("Try to determining goal");
03949             std::vector<double> new_goal;
03950             std::vector<std::string> robot_str_name;
03951             bool goal_determined = determine_goal(6, &new_goal, count, auction_cluster_element_id, &robot_str_name);
03955             if(goal_determined == true)
03956             {
03957 //                if(new_goal.front() == -1)
03958 //                {
03959 //                    ROS_INFO("Unable to access goal points in the cluster");
03960 //                    count++;
03961 //                }else
03962 //                {
03963                     double determined_goal_id = new_goal.at(4);
03964                     bool used_cluster = false;
03965                     for(int m = 0; m < already_used_ids.size(); m++)
03966                     {            
03967                         if(determined_goal_id == already_used_ids.at(m))
03968                         {
03969                             ROS_INFO("Cluster in use already");
03970                             cluster_in_use_already_count->push_back(1);
03971                             used_cluster = true; 
03972                             count++;
03973                             break;
03974                         }     
03975                     }  
03976                     if(used_cluster == false)
03977                     {
03978                         ROS_INFO("Cluster was not used by any robot before");
03979                         goal->push_back(new_goal.at(0));
03980                         goal->push_back(new_goal.at(1));
03981                         goal->push_back(new_goal.at(2));
03982                         goal->push_back(new_goal.at(3));
03983                         goal->push_back(new_goal.at(4));
03985                         robot_str_name_to_return->push_back(robot_str_name.at(0));
03986                         return true; 
03987                     }
03988 //                }
03989             }else
03990             {      
03991                 if(clusters.size() <= count)
03992                 {
03993                     ROS_INFO("Not possible to select any goal from the available clusters");
03994                     return false;
03995                 }else
03996                 {
03997                     ROS_INFO("Current cluster empty ... select next one");
03998                 }
03999                 count++;
04000             }
04001         }   
04002         return false;
04003     }else
04004     {
04005         /*
04006          * No auction elements are available. Auctioning has failed
04007          */
04009         ROS_INFO("Auction has failed, no auction elements are existent. Choosing nearest cluster");
04010         std::vector<double> new_goal;
04011         std::vector<std::string> robot_str_name;
04012         bool goal_determined = determine_goal(4, &new_goal, count, -1, &robot_str_name);
04013         if(goal_determined == true)
04014         {
04015             goal->push_back(new_goal.at(0));
04016             goal->push_back(new_goal.at(1));
04017             goal->push_back(new_goal.at(2));
04018             goal->push_back(new_goal.at(3));
04019             goal->push_back(new_goal.at(4));
04020             return true; 
04021         }else
04022         {
04023             return false;
04024         }
04025     }
04026     return false; 
04027 }
04030 bool ExplorationPlanner::negotiate_Frontier(double x, double y, int detected_by, int id, int cluster_id_number)
04031 {
04033     ROS_INFO("Negotiating Frontier with id: %d  at Cluster: %d", id, cluster_id_number);
04035     int cluster_vector_position = 0;
04036     for (int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++)
04037     {
04038         if(clusters.at(i).id == cluster_id_number)
04039         {
04040             cluster_vector_position = i;
04041             break;
04042         }
04043     }          
04045     ROS_DEBUG("cluster vector position: %d", cluster_vector_position);
04047     bool entry_found = false;
04048     bool id_in_actual_cluster = false;
04050     for(int i = 0; i< negotiation_list.size(); i++)
04051     {
04052         for(int k = 0; k < clusters.at(cluster_vector_position).cluster_element.size(); k++)
04053         {
04054             id_in_actual_cluster = false;
04055             if(negotiation_list.at(i).id == clusters.at(cluster_vector_position).cluster_element.at(k).id)
04056             {     
04057                 ROS_INFO("         Same ID detected");   
04058                 for(int j = 0; j < clusters.at(cluster_vector_position).cluster_element.size(); j++)
04059                 {
04060                     for(int m = 0; m < my_negotiation_list.size(); m++)
04061                     {
04062                         if(clusters.at(cluster_vector_position).cluster_element.at(j).id == my_negotiation_list.at(m).id)
04063                         {
04064                             ROS_INFO("         But is in the current working cluster! everything alright");
04065                             id_in_actual_cluster = true;
04066                             return true;
04067                         }
04068                     }
04069                 }
04071                 double used_cluster_ids = 0;
04072                 if(id_in_actual_cluster == false)
04073                 {
04074                     ROS_INFO("Checking how many goals in the cluster are already occupied");
04075                     for(int n = 0; n < negotiation_list.size(); n++)
04076                     {
04077                         for(int m = 0; m < clusters.at(cluster_vector_position).cluster_element.size(); m++)
04078                         {
04079                             if(negotiation_list.at(n).id == clusters.at(cluster_vector_position).cluster_element.at(m).id)
04080                             {
04081                                 used_cluster_ids++;
04082                             }
04083                         }
04084                     } 
04085 //                    ROS_INFO("%f goals of %f in the cluster  -> %f",used_cluster_ids, (double)clusters.at(cluster_vector_position).cluster_element.size(), double(used_cluster_ids / (double)clusters.at(cluster_vector_position).cluster_element.size()));
04086                     if(double(used_cluster_ids / (double)clusters.at(cluster_vector_position).cluster_element.size()) >= 0.1)
04087                     {
04088                         ROS_INFO("Negotiation failed the other Robot got cluster %d already", cluster_id_number);
04089                         entry_found = true;
04090                         return false;
04091                     }
04092                 }
04093             }
04094         }
04095     }
04096     if(entry_found == false)
04097     {
04098         frontier_t new_frontier;
04099         new_frontier.x_coordinate = x;
04100         new_frontier.y_coordinate = y;
04101         new_frontier.detected_by_robot = detected_by;
04102         new_frontier.id = id;
04104         publish_negotiation_list(new_frontier, cluster_id_number);
04106         return true;
04107     }     
04108     return false;
04109 }
04112 bool ExplorationPlanner::determine_goal(int strategy, std::vector<double> *final_goal, int count, int actual_cluster_id, std::vector<std::string> *robot_str_name)
04113 {
04114     if (!costmap_ros_->getRobotPose(robotPose))
04115     {
04116             ROS_ERROR("Failed to get RobotPose");
04117     }
04119     if(strategy == 1)
04120     {
04121             for (int i = frontiers.size() - 1 - count; i >= 0; i--)
04122             {
04123                     if (check_efficiency_of_goal(frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate, frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate) == true)
04124                     {
04125                             ROS_INFO("------------------------------------------------------------------");
04126                             ROS_INFO("Determined frontier with ID: %d   at x: %f     y: %f   detected by Robot %d", frontiers.at(i).id, frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate, frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate, frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot);
04128                             /*
04129                              * Solve the Problem of planning a path to a frontier which is located
04130                              * directly "in" the obstacle. Therefore back-off 5% of the targets
04131                              * coordinate. Since the direction of x and y can be positive and
04132                              * negative either, multiply the coordinate with 0.95 to get 95% of its
04133                              * original value.
04134                              */
04135                             final_goal->push_back(frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate); //final_goal.push_back(frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate*0.95 - robotPose.getOrigin().getX());
04136                             final_goal->push_back(frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate);
04137                             final_goal->push_back(frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot);
04138                             final_goal->push_back(frontiers.at(i).id);
04140                             robot_str_name->push_back(frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot_str);
04141                             return true;
04142                     }
04143             }
04144             return false;
04145         }
04147         else if(strategy == 2)
04148         {
04149             for (int i = 0 + count; i < frontiers.size(); i++)
04150             {                    
04151                 if (check_efficiency_of_goal(frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate, frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate) == true)
04152                 {
04153                         ROS_INFO("------------------------------------------------------------------");
04154                         ROS_INFO("Determined frontier with ID: %d   at x: %f     y: %f   detected by Robot %d", frontiers.at(i).id, frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate, frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate, frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot);
04156                         final_goal->push_back(frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate);
04157                         final_goal->push_back(frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate);
04158                         final_goal->push_back(frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot);
04159                         final_goal->push_back(frontiers.at(i).id);
04161                         robot_str_name->push_back(frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot_str);
04162                         return true;
04163                 }
04164             }
04165         }    
04166         else if(strategy == 3)
04167         {
04168             while(true)
04169             {
04170                 if(frontiers.size() > 0)
04171                 {
04173                     int i = int(frontiers.size()*rand()/(RAND_MAX));
04175                     ROS_INFO("Random frontier ID: %d", frontiers.at(i).id);
04177                     if (check_efficiency_of_goal(frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate, frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate) == true)
04178                     {
04179                             ROS_INFO("------------------------------------------------------------------");
04180                             ROS_INFO("Determined frontier with ID: %d   at x: %f     y: %f   detected by Robot %d", frontiers.at(i).id, frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate, frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate, frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot);
04182                             final_goal->push_back(frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate);
04183                             final_goal->push_back(frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate);
04184                             final_goal->push_back(frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot);
04185                             final_goal->push_back(frontiers.at(i).id);
04187                             robot_str_name->push_back(frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot_str);
04188                             return true;
04189                     }
04190                 }
04191                 break;
04192             }  
04193         }
04194         else if(strategy == 4)
04195         {
04196                 int cluster_vector_position = 0;
04198                 if(actual_cluster_id != -1)
04199                 {
04200                     if(clusters.size() > 0)
04201                     {                   
04202                         for (int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++)
04203                         {
04204                             if(clusters.at(i).id == actual_cluster_id)
04205                             {
04206                                 if(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.size() > 0)
04207                                 {
04208                                     cluster_vector_position = i; 
04209                                 }
04210                                 break;
04211                             }
04212                         }
04213                     }
04214                 }
04216                 ROS_INFO("Calculated vector position of cluster %d", actual_cluster_id);   
04217                 /*
04218                  * Iterate over all clusters .... if cluster_vector_position is set
04219                  * also the clusters with a lower have to be checked if the frontier
04220                  * determination fails at clusters.at(cluster_vector_position). therefore
04221                  * a ring-buffer is operated to iterate also over lower clusters, since
04222                  * they might have changed.
04223                  */
04224                 int nothing_found_in_actual_cluster = 0;
04225                 int visited_clusters = 0;
04226                 for (int i = 0 + count; i < clusters.size(); i++)
04227                 {
04228 //                    ROS_INFO("Cluster vector: %d  i: %d ", cluster_vector_position, i);
04229                     i = i+ cluster_vector_position;
04230                     i = i % (clusters.size());
04231                     for (int j = 0; j < clusters.at(i).cluster_element.size(); j++)
04232                     {                    
04233                         if (check_efficiency_of_goal(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).x_coordinate, clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).y_coordinate) == true)
04234                         {
04235                                 ROS_INFO("------------------------------------------------------------------");
04236                                 ROS_INFO("Robot %d determined Goal: %d  at Clusters: %d",robot_name, (int)clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).id, (int)clusters.at(i).id);
04238                                 final_goal->push_back(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).x_coordinate);
04239                                 final_goal->push_back(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).y_coordinate);
04240                                 final_goal->push_back(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).detected_by_robot);
04241                                 final_goal->push_back(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).id);
04243                                 // number of the cluster we operate in
04244                                 final_goal->push_back(clusters.at(i).id);
04245                                 robot_str_name->push_back(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).detected_by_robot_str);
04246                                 return true;
04247                         }
04249                     }
04251                     nothing_found_in_actual_cluster ++;
04252                     visited_clusters ++;
04254                     if(nothing_found_in_actual_cluster == 1)
04255                     {
04256                         //start again at the beginning(closest cluster))
04257                         i=0;
04258                         cluster_vector_position = 0;
04259                     }
04261                     if(visited_clusters == clusters.size())
04262                     {
04263                         break;
04264                     }
04265                }               
04266             }
04267             else if(strategy == 5)
04268             {
04269                 int cluster_vector_position = 0;
04270                 bool cluster_could_be_found = false; 
04272                 if(actual_cluster_id != -1)
04273                 {
04274                     if(clusters.size() > 0)
04275                     {                   
04276                         for (int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++)
04277                         {
04278                             if(clusters.at(i).id == actual_cluster_id)
04279                             {
04280                                 if(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.size() > 0)
04281                                 {
04282                                     cluster_vector_position = i; 
04283                                     cluster_could_be_found = true;
04284                                     break;
04285                                 }
04286                             }
04287                         }                      
04288                     }
04289                     if(cluster_could_be_found == false)
04290                     {
04291                         /*
04292                          * The cluster we operated in is now empty
04293                          */
04294                         return false; 
04295                     }
04296                 }
04297                 else if(actual_cluster_id == -1)
04298                 {
04299                     // No cluster was previously selected
04300                     final_goal->push_back(-1.0);
04301                     return false;
04302                 }
04303                 ROS_INFO("Calculated vector position: %d of cluster %d", cluster_vector_position, actual_cluster_id);   
04304                 /*
04305                  * Iterate over all clusters .... if cluster_vector_position is set
04306                  * also the clusters with a lower have to be checked if the frontier
04307                  * determination fails at clusters.at(cluster_vector_position). therefore
04308                  * a ring-buffer is operated to iterate also over lower clusters, since
04309                  * they might have changed.
04310                  */
04311                 int nothing_found_in_actual_cluster = 0;
04312                 int visited_clusters = 0;
04314 //                if(clusters.size() > 0)
04315 //                {
04317                     int position = (cluster_vector_position +count) % (clusters.size());
04318                     for (int j = 0; j < clusters.at(position).cluster_element.size(); j++)
04319                     {     
04320                         if(count >= clusters.size())
04321                         {
04322                             break;
04323                         }
04325                         if(clusters.at(position).cluster_element.size() > 0)
04326                         {
04327                             if (check_efficiency_of_goal(clusters.at(position).cluster_element.at(j).x_coordinate, clusters.at(position).cluster_element.at(j).y_coordinate) == true)
04328                             {
04329                                     ROS_INFO("------------------------------------------------------------------");
04330                                     ROS_INFO("Robot %d determined Goal: %d  at Clusters: %d",robot_name, (int)clusters.at(position).cluster_element.at(j).id, (int)clusters.at(position).id);
04332                                     final_goal->push_back(clusters.at(position).cluster_element.at(j).x_coordinate);
04333                                     final_goal->push_back(clusters.at(position).cluster_element.at(j).y_coordinate);
04334                                     final_goal->push_back(clusters.at(position).cluster_element.at(j).detected_by_robot);
04335                                     final_goal->push_back(clusters.at(position).cluster_element.at(j).id);
04337                                     // number of the cluster we operate in
04338                                     final_goal->push_back(clusters.at(position).id);
04339                                     robot_str_name->push_back(clusters.at(position).cluster_element.at(j).detected_by_robot_str);
04340                                     return true;
04341                             }
04342                         }
04344                     }
04346 //                }
04347 //                ROS_INFO("No clusters are available anymore");
04349                 return false;                                
04350             }
04351             else if(strategy == 6)
04352             {
04353                 int cluster_vector_position = 0;
04354                 bool cluster_could_be_found = false; 
04356                 if(actual_cluster_id != -1)
04357                 {
04358                     if(clusters.size() > 0)
04359                     {                   
04360                         for (int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++)
04361                         {
04362                             if(clusters.at(i).id == actual_cluster_id)
04363                             {
04364                                 if(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.size() > 0)
04365                                 {
04366                                     cluster_vector_position = i; 
04367                                     cluster_could_be_found = true;
04368                                     break;
04369                                 }
04370                             }
04371                         }                      
04372                     }
04373                     if(cluster_could_be_found == false)
04374                     {
04375                         /*
04376                          * The cluster we operated in is now empty
04377                          */
04378                         return false; 
04379                     }
04380                 }
04381                 else if(actual_cluster_id == -1)
04382                 {
04383                     // No cluster was previously selected
04384                     final_goal->push_back(-1.0);
04385                     return false;
04386                 }
04387                 ROS_INFO("Calculated vector position: %d of cluster %d", cluster_vector_position, actual_cluster_id);   
04388                 /*
04389                  * Iterate over all clusters .... if cluster_vector_position is set
04390                  * also the clusters with a lower have to be checked if the frontier
04391                  * determination fails at clusters.at(cluster_vector_position). therefore
04392                  * a ring-buffer is operated to iterate also over lower clusters, since
04393                  * they might have changed.
04394                  */
04395                 int nothing_found_in_actual_cluster = 0;
04396                 int visited_clusters = 0;
04398 //                    ROS_INFO("position: %lu", (cluster_vector_position +count) % (clusters.size()));
04399                     int position = (cluster_vector_position +count) % (clusters.size());
04400                     for (int j = 0; j < clusters.at(position).cluster_element.size(); j++)
04401                     {     
04402                         if(count >= clusters.size())
04403                         {
04404                             break;
04405                         }
04407                         if(clusters.at(position).cluster_element.size() > 0)
04408                         {
04409                             if (check_efficiency_of_goal(clusters.at(position).cluster_element.at(j).x_coordinate, clusters.at(position).cluster_element.at(j).y_coordinate) == true)
04410                             {
04411                                     ROS_INFO("------------------------------------------------------------------");
04412                                     ROS_INFO("Robot %d determined Goal: %d  at Clusters: %d",robot_name, (int)clusters.at(position).cluster_element.at(j).id, (int)clusters.at(position).id);
04414                                     final_goal->push_back(clusters.at(position).cluster_element.at(j).x_coordinate);
04415                                     final_goal->push_back(clusters.at(position).cluster_element.at(j).y_coordinate);
04416                                     final_goal->push_back(clusters.at(position).cluster_element.at(j).detected_by_robot);
04417                                     final_goal->push_back(clusters.at(position).cluster_element.at(j).id);
04419                                     // number of the cluster we operate in
04420                                     final_goal->push_back(clusters.at(position).id);
04421                                     robot_str_name->push_back(clusters.at(position).cluster_element.at(j).detected_by_robot_str);
04422                                     return true;
04423                             }
04424 //                            else
04425 //                            {
04426 //                                final_goal->push_back(-1);
04427 //                                return true; 
04428 //                            }
04429                         }
04431                     }
04432                 return false;                                
04433             }
04434      return false;
04435 }
04437 bool sortCluster(const ExplorationPlanner::cluster_t &lhs, const ExplorationPlanner::cluster_t &rhs)
04438 {   
04439     if(lhs.cluster_element.size() > 1 && rhs.cluster_element.size() > 1)
04440     {
04441         return lhs.cluster_element.front().dist_to_robot < rhs.cluster_element.front().dist_to_robot; 
04442     }
04443 }
04445 void ExplorationPlanner::sort(int strategy)
04446 {
04447 //    ROS_INFO("Sorting");
04448         /*
04449          * Following Sort algorithm normalizes all distances to the 
04450          * robots actual position. As result, the list is sorted 
04451          * from smallest to biggest deviation between goal point and
04452          * robot! 
04453          */
04454         if(strategy == 1)
04455         {
04456             tf::Stamped < tf::Pose > robotPose;
04457             if (!costmap_ros_->getRobotPose(robotPose))
04458             {
04459                     ROS_ERROR("Failed to get RobotPose");
04460             }
04462             if (frontiers.size() > 0) 
04463             {
04464                     for (int i = frontiers.size(); i >= 0; i--) {
04465                             for (int j = 0; j < frontiers.size() - 1; j++) {
04466                                     double x = frontiers.at(j).x_coordinate - robotPose.getOrigin().getX();
04467                                     double y = frontiers.at(j).y_coordinate - robotPose.getOrigin().getY();
04468                                     double x_next = frontiers.at(j+1).x_coordinate - robotPose.getOrigin().getX();
04469                                     double y_next = frontiers.at(j+1).y_coordinate - robotPose.getOrigin().getY();
04470                                     double euclidean_distance = x * x + y * y;
04471                                     double euclidean_distance_next = x_next * x_next + y_next * y_next;
04473                                     if (sqrt(euclidean_distance) > sqrt(euclidean_distance_next)) {
04474                                             frontier_t temp = frontiers.at(j+1);                                            
04475                                             frontiers.at(j + 1) = frontiers.at(j);                                          
04476                                             frontiers.at(j) = temp;                  
04477                                     }
04478                             }
04479                     }
04480             } else 
04481             {
04482                     ROS_INFO("Sorting not possible, no frontiers available!!!");
04483             }
04484         }
04485         else if(strategy == 2)
04486         {
04487             tf::Stamped < tf::Pose > robotPose;
04488             if (!costmap_ros_->getRobotPose(robotPose))
04489             {
04490                     ROS_ERROR("Failed to get RobotPose");
04491             }
04493             if (frontiers.size() > 0) 
04494             {
04495                     for (int i = frontiers.size(); i >= 0; i--) 
04496                     {
04497                             for (int j = 0; j < frontiers.size() - 1; j++) {
04498                                     double x = frontiers.at(j).x_coordinate - robotPose.getOrigin().getX();
04499                                     double y = frontiers.at(j).y_coordinate - robotPose.getOrigin().getY();
04500                                     double x_next = frontiers.at(j+1).x_coordinate - robotPose.getOrigin().getX();
04501                                     double y_next = frontiers.at(j+1).y_coordinate - robotPose.getOrigin().getY();
04502                                     double euclidean_distance = x * x + y * y;
04503                                     double euclidean_distance_next = x_next * x_next + y_next * y_next;
04505                                     if (sqrt(euclidean_distance) > sqrt(euclidean_distance_next)) {
04506                                             frontier_t temp = frontiers.at(j+1);                                            
04507                                             frontiers.at(j + 1) = frontiers.at(j);                                          
04508                                             frontiers.at(j) = temp;                  
04509                                     }
04510                             }
04511                     }
04512             }else 
04513             {
04514                     ROS_INFO("Sorting not possible, no frontiers available!!!");
04515             }
04516         }
04517         else if(strategy == 3)
04518         {
04519             tf::Stamped < tf::Pose > robotPose;
04520             if (!costmap_ros_->getRobotPose(robotPose))
04521             {
04522                     ROS_ERROR("Failed to get RobotPose");
04523             }
04525             if (frontiers.size() > 0) 
04526             {  
04527                 check_trajectory_plan();
04529                 for (int i = frontiers.size(); i >= frontiers.size()-10; i--) 
04530                 {
04533                     if(frontiers.size()-i >= frontiers.size())
04534                     {
04535                         break;
04536                     }
04537                     else
04538                     {
04539                         for (int j = 0; j < 10-1; j++) 
04540                         {
04541                             if(j >= frontiers.size())
04542                             {
04543                                 break;
04544                             }else
04545                             {
04547                                 int dist = frontiers.at(j).distance_to_robot;                                   
04548                                 int dist_next = frontiers.at(j+1).distance_to_robot;
04550                                 if (dist > dist_next) {                                          
04551                                         frontier_t temp = frontiers.at(j+1);                                            
04552                                         frontiers.at(j + 1) = frontiers.at(j);                                          
04553                                         frontiers.at(j) = temp;                                          
04554                                 }
04555                             }
04556                         }
04557                     }
04558                 }
04559             } else 
04560             {
04561                     ROS_INFO("Sorting not possible, no frontiers available!!!");
04562             }
04563         }
04564         else if(strategy == 4)
04565         {
04566             ROS_INFO("sort(4)");
04567             tf::Stamped < tf::Pose > robotPose;
04568             if (!costmap_ros_->getRobotPose(robotPose))
04569             {
04570                     ROS_ERROR("Failed to get RobotPose");
04571             }
04572             double pose_x = robotPose.getOrigin().getX();
04573             double pose_y = robotPose.getOrigin().getY();
04574             if(clusters.size() > 0)
04575             {
04576                 for(int cluster_number = 0; cluster_number < clusters.size(); cluster_number++)
04577                 {
04578                     if (clusters.at(cluster_number).cluster_element.size() > 0) 
04579                     {
04580                         ROS_DEBUG("Cluster %d  size: %lu",cluster_number, clusters.at(cluster_number).cluster_element.size());
04581                             for (int i = clusters.at(cluster_number).cluster_element.size(); i > 0; i--) 
04582                             {
04583                                 ROS_DEBUG("Cluster element size: %d", i);
04584                                     for (int j = 0; j < clusters.at(cluster_number).cluster_element.size()-1; j++) 
04585                                     {
04586                                         ROS_DEBUG("Cluster element number: %d", j);
04587                                         double x = clusters.at(cluster_number).cluster_element.at(j).x_coordinate - pose_x;
04588                                         double y = clusters.at(cluster_number).cluster_element.at(j).y_coordinate - pose_y;
04589                                         double x_next = clusters.at(cluster_number).cluster_element.at(j+1).x_coordinate - pose_x;
04590                                         double y_next = clusters.at(cluster_number).cluster_element.at(j+1).y_coordinate - pose_y;
04591                                         double euclidean_distance = x * x + y * y;
04592                                         double euclidean_distance_next = x_next * x_next + y_next * y_next;
04594 //                                        int distance = check_trajectory_plan(clusters.at(cluster_number).cluster_element.at(j).x_coordinate, clusters.at(cluster_number).cluster_element.at(j).y_coordinate);
04595 //                                        int distance_next = check_trajectory_plan(clusters.at(cluster_number).cluster_element.at(j+1).x_coordinate,clusters.at(cluster_number).cluster_element.at(j+1).y_coordinate);
04597 //                                        if(distance > distance_next) 
04598                                         if (sqrt(euclidean_distance) > sqrt(euclidean_distance_next)) 
04599                                         {
04600                                                 frontier_t temp = clusters.at(cluster_number).cluster_element.at(j+1);                                            
04601                                                 clusters.at(cluster_number).cluster_element.at(j+1) = clusters.at(cluster_number).cluster_element.at(j);                                          
04602                                                 clusters.at(cluster_number).cluster_element.at(j) = temp;                  
04603                                         }
04604                                     }
04605                             }
04606                     }else 
04607                     {
04608 //                         ROS_INFO("Sorting not possible, no elements available!!!");
04609                     }
04610                 }
04611             }else
04612             {
04613                 ROS_INFO("Sorting not possible, no clusters available!!!");
04614             }
04615         }        
04616         else if(strategy == 5)
04617         {
04618             ROS_INFO("sort(5)");
04619             tf::Stamped < tf::Pose > robotPose;
04620             if (!costmap_ros_->getRobotPose(robotPose))
04621             {
04622                     ROS_ERROR("Failed to get RobotPose");
04623             }
04624             double pose_x = robotPose.getOrigin().getX();
04625             double pose_y = robotPose.getOrigin().getY();
04627             ROS_DEBUG("Iterating over all cluster elements");
04629             for(int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++)
04630             {
04631                 for(int j = 0; j < clusters.at(i).cluster_element.size(); j++)
04632                 {
04633                     clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).dist_to_robot = 0;
04634                 }
04635             }
04637             for(int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++)
04638             {
04639                 if(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.size() > 0)
04640                 {
04641                     for(int j = 0; j < clusters.at(i).cluster_element.size(); j++)
04642                     {
04643                         /* ********** EUCLIDEAN DISTANCE ********** */
04644                         double x = clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).x_coordinate - pose_x;
04645                         double y = clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).y_coordinate - pose_y;
04646                         double euclidean_distance = x * x + y * y;
04647                         int distance = euclidean_distance;
04649                         clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).dist_to_robot = sqrt(distance);
04651                         /* ********** TRAVEL PATH ********** */
04652 //                        int distance = check_trajectory_plan(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).x_coordinate, clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).y_coordinate);
04654 //                        clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).dist_to_robot = distance;
04655                     }
04656                 }else
04657                 {
04658                     ROS_DEBUG("Erasing Cluster: %d", clusters.at(i).id);
04659                     cluster_mutex.lock();
04660                     clusters.erase(clusters.begin() + i);
04661                     cluster_mutex.unlock();
04662                     if(i > 0)
04663                     {
04664                         i --;
04665                     }
04666                 }
04667             }
04668             ROS_INFO("Starting to sort the clusters itself");
04669             std::sort(clusters.begin(), clusters.end(), sortCluster);
04671 //            if (clusters.size() > 0) 
04672 //            {
04673 //                    for (int i = clusters.size(); i > 0; i--) 
04674 //                    {                   
04675 //                            for (int j = 0; j < clusters.size() - 1; j++) 
04676 //                            {
04678 //                                if(clusters.at(j).cluster_element.size() > 0 && clusters.at(j+1).cluster_element.size() > 0)
04679 //                                {
04680 //                                    
04681 //                                    double x = clusters.at(j).cluster_element.front().x_coordinate - pose_x;
04682 //                                    double y = clusters.at(j).cluster_element.front().y_coordinate - pose_y;
04683 //                                    double x_next = clusters.at(j+1).cluster_element.front().x_coordinate - pose_x;
04684 //                                    double y_next = clusters.at(j+1).cluster_element.front().y_coordinate - pose_y;
04685 //                                                                       
04686 //                                    double euclidean_distance = x * x + y * y;
04687 //                                    double euclidean_distance_next = x_next * x_next + y_next * y_next;
04688 //                                    
04690 //                                    clusters.at(j).cluster_element.front().dist_to_robot = euclidean_distance;
04691 //                                    clusters.at(j+1).cluster_element.front().dist_to_robot = euclidean_distance_next;
04692 //                                    
04695 //                                    
04697 //                                    if (sqrt(euclidean_distance) > sqrt(euclidean_distance_next)) 
04698 //                                    {
04699 //                                            cluster_t temp = clusters.at(j+1);                                            
04700 //                                            clusters.at(j+1) = clusters.at(j);                                          
04701 //                                            clusters.at(j) = temp;                  
04702 //                                    }
04703 //                                }
04704 //                            }
04705 //                    }
04706 //            }else 
04707 //            {
04708 //                    ROS_INFO("Sorting not possible, no frontiers available!!!");
04709 //            }
04710         }
04711         else if(strategy == 6)
04712         {
04713             ROS_INFO("sort(6)");
04714             tf::Stamped < tf::Pose > robotPose;
04715             if (!costmap_ros_->getRobotPose(robotPose))
04716             {
04717                     ROS_ERROR("Failed to get RobotPose");
04718             }
04719             double pose_x = robotPose.getOrigin().getX();
04720             double pose_y = robotPose.getOrigin().getY();
04722             ROS_DEBUG("Iterating over all cluster elements");
04724             for(int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++)
04725             {
04726                 if(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.size() > 0)
04727                 {
04728                     for(int j = 0; j < clusters.at(i).cluster_element.size(); j++)
04729                     {  
04730                         random_value = int(rand() % 100);
04731                         clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).dist_to_robot = random_value;
04732                     }
04733                 }else
04734                 {
04735                     ROS_DEBUG("Erasing Cluster: %d", clusters.at(i).id);
04736                     clusters.erase(clusters.begin() + i);
04737                     if(i > 0)
04738                     {
04739                         i --;
04740                     }
04741                 }
04742             }
04743             ROS_DEBUG("Starting to sort the clusters itself");
04744             std::sort(clusters.begin(), clusters.end(), sortCluster);  
04745         }  
04747         ROS_INFO("Done sorting");
04749 //      for (int i = frontiers.size() -1 ; i >= 0; i--) {
04750 //              ROS_ERROR("Frontier with ID: %d   at x: %f     y: %f   detected by Robot %d", frontiers.at(i).id, frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate, frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate, frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot);
04751 //      }
04752 }
04754 void ExplorationPlanner::simulate() {
04756         geometry_msgs::PointStamped goalPoint;
04759         tf::Stamped < tf::Pose > robotPose;
04760         if (!costmap_ros_->getRobotPose(robotPose))
04761         {
04762                 ROS_ERROR("Failed to get RobotPose");
04763         }
04764         // Visualize in RVIZ
04766         for (int i = frontiers.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
04767             goalPoint.header.seq = i + 1;
04768             goalPoint.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
04769             goalPoint.header.frame_id = "map";
04770             goalPoint.point.x = frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate;
04771             goalPoint.point.y = frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate;
04773             pub_Point.publish < geometry_msgs::PointStamped > (goalPoint);
04775             ros::Duration(1.0).sleep();
04776         }
04777 }
04779 void ExplorationPlanner::clear_Visualized_Cluster_Cells(std::vector<int> ids)
04780 {
04781     nav_msgs::GridCells clearing_cell;
04782     geometry_msgs::Point point;
04784     clearing_cell.header.frame_id = move_base_frame;    
04785     clearing_cell.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
04786     clearing_cell.cell_height = 0.1;
04787     clearing_cell.cell_width = 0.1;
04788     clearing_cell.header.seq = cluster_cells_seq_number++;
04790     point.x = 1000;
04791     point.y = 1000;
04792     point.z = 1000;
04793     clearing_cell.cells.push_back(point);
04795     for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
04796     {
04797         bool used_id = false;
04798         for(int n = 0; n < ids.size(); n++)
04799         {
04800             if(ids.at(n) == i)
04801             {
04802                used_id = true; 
04803                break;
04804             }
04805         }
04806         if(used_id == false)
04807         {      
04808             if(i == 0)
04809             {
04810                 pub_cluster_grid_0.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(clearing_cell); 
04811             }
04812             if(i == 1)
04813             {
04814                 pub_cluster_grid_1.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(clearing_cell); 
04815             }
04816             if(i == 2)
04817             {
04818                 pub_cluster_grid_2.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(clearing_cell); 
04819             }
04820             if(i == 3)
04821             {
04822                 pub_cluster_grid_3.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(clearing_cell); 
04823             }
04824             if(i == 4)
04825             {
04826                 pub_cluster_grid_4.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(clearing_cell); 
04827             }
04828             if(i == 5)
04829             {
04830                 pub_cluster_grid_5.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(clearing_cell); 
04831             }
04832             if(i == 6)
04833             {
04834                 pub_cluster_grid_6.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(clearing_cell); 
04835             }
04836             if(i == 7)
04837             {
04838                 pub_cluster_grid_7.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(clearing_cell); 
04839             }
04840             if(i == 8)
04841             {
04842                 pub_cluster_grid_8.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(clearing_cell); 
04843             }
04844             if(i == 9)
04845             {
04846                 pub_cluster_grid_9.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(clearing_cell); 
04847             }
04849             if(i == 10)
04850             {
04851                 pub_cluster_grid_10.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(clearing_cell); 
04852             }
04853             if(i == 11)
04854             {
04855                 pub_cluster_grid_11.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(clearing_cell); 
04856             }
04857             if(i == 12)
04858             {
04859                 pub_cluster_grid_12.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(clearing_cell); 
04860             }
04861             if(i == 13)
04862             {
04863                 pub_cluster_grid_13.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(clearing_cell); 
04864             }
04865             if(i == 14)
04866             {
04867                 pub_cluster_grid_14.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(clearing_cell); 
04868             }
04869             if(i == 15)
04870             {
04871                 pub_cluster_grid_15.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(clearing_cell); 
04872             }
04873             if(i == 16)
04874             {
04875                 pub_cluster_grid_16.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(clearing_cell); 
04876             }
04877             if(i == 17)
04878             {
04879                 pub_cluster_grid_17.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(clearing_cell); 
04880             }
04881             if(i == 18)
04882             {
04883                 pub_cluster_grid_18.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(clearing_cell); 
04884             }
04885             if(i == 19)
04886             {
04887                 pub_cluster_grid_19.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(clearing_cell); 
04888             } 
04889         }
04890     }
04891 }
04894 void ExplorationPlanner::visualize_Cluster_Cells()
04895 {
04896     ROS_INFO("Visualize clusters");  
04898     std::vector<int> used_ids;
04899     for(int i= 0; i< clusters.size(); i++)
04900     {
04901         if(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.size() > 0)
04902         {
04903             nav_msgs::GridCells cluster_cells;
04904             geometry_msgs::Point point;
04905             for(int j= 0; j < clusters.at(i).cluster_element.size(); j++)
04906             {
04907                 point.x = clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).x_coordinate;
04908                 point.y = clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).y_coordinate;
04909                 point.z = 0;
04911                 cluster_cells.cells.push_back(point);
04912             }     
04913             cluster_cells.header.frame_id = move_base_frame;    
04914             cluster_cells.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
04915             cluster_cells.cell_height = 0.5;
04916             cluster_cells.cell_width = 0.5;
04917             cluster_cells.header.seq = cluster_cells_seq_number++;
04919             used_ids.push_back(clusters.at(i).id % 20);
04921             if(clusters.at(i).id % 20 == 0)
04922             {
04923                 pub_cluster_grid_0.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(cluster_cells); 
04924             }
04925             else if(clusters.at(i).id % 20 == 1)
04926             {
04927                 pub_cluster_grid_1.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(cluster_cells); 
04928             }
04929             else if(clusters.at(i).id % 20 == 2)
04930             {
04931                 pub_cluster_grid_2.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(cluster_cells); 
04932             }
04933             else if(clusters.at(i).id % 20 == 3)
04934             {
04935                 pub_cluster_grid_3.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(cluster_cells); 
04936             }
04937             else if(clusters.at(i).id % 20 == 4)
04938             {
04939                 pub_cluster_grid_4.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(cluster_cells); 
04940             }
04941             else if(clusters.at(i).id % 20 == 5)
04942             {
04943                 pub_cluster_grid_5.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(cluster_cells); 
04944             }
04945             else if(clusters.at(i).id % 20 == 6)
04946             {
04947                 pub_cluster_grid_6.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(cluster_cells); 
04948             }
04949             else if(clusters.at(i).id % 20 == 7)
04950             {
04951                 pub_cluster_grid_7.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(cluster_cells); 
04952             }
04953             else if(clusters.at(i).id % 20 == 8)
04954             {
04955                 pub_cluster_grid_8.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(cluster_cells); 
04956             }
04957             else if(clusters.at(i).id % 20 == 9)
04958             {
04959                 pub_cluster_grid_9.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(cluster_cells); 
04960             }
04962             if(clusters.at(i).id % 20 == 10)
04963             {
04964                 pub_cluster_grid_10.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(cluster_cells); 
04965             }
04966             else if(clusters.at(i).id % 20 == 11)
04967             {
04968                 pub_cluster_grid_11.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(cluster_cells); 
04969             }
04970             else if(clusters.at(i).id % 20 == 12)
04971             {
04972                 pub_cluster_grid_12.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(cluster_cells); 
04973             }
04974             else if(clusters.at(i).id % 20 == 13)
04975             {
04976                 pub_cluster_grid_13.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(cluster_cells); 
04977             }
04978             else if(clusters.at(i).id % 20 == 14)
04979             {
04980                 pub_cluster_grid_14.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(cluster_cells); 
04981             }
04982             else if(clusters.at(i).id % 20 == 15)
04983             {
04984                 pub_cluster_grid_15.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(cluster_cells); 
04985             }
04986             else if(clusters.at(i).id % 20 == 16)
04987             {
04988                 pub_cluster_grid_16.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(cluster_cells); 
04989             }
04990             else if(clusters.at(i).id % 20 == 17)
04991             {
04992                 pub_cluster_grid_17.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(cluster_cells); 
04993             }
04994             else if(clusters.at(i).id % 20 == 18)
04995             {
04996                 pub_cluster_grid_18.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(cluster_cells); 
04997             }
04998             else if(clusters.at(i).id % 20 == 19)
04999             {
05000                 pub_cluster_grid_19.publish<nav_msgs::GridCells>(cluster_cells); 
05001             }
05002         }
05003     }
05004     clear_Visualized_Cluster_Cells(used_ids);
05005 }
05008 void ExplorationPlanner::visualize_Clusters()
05009 {
05010     ROS_INFO("Visualize clusters");
05012     geometry_msgs::PolygonStamped cluster_polygon;
05015     for(int i= 0; i< clusters.size(); i++)
05016     {
05017         double upper_left_x, upper_left_y;
05018         double upper_right_x, upper_right_y;
05019         double down_left_x, down_left_y;
05020         double down_right_x, down_right_y;
05021         double most_left, most_right, upper1, lower1, upper2, lower2;
05023         for(int j= 0; j < clusters.at(i).cluster_element.size(); j++)
05024         {
05025             if(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).x_coordinate < most_left)
05026             {
05027                 most_left = clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).x_coordinate;
05028                 if(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).y_coordinate < lower1)
05029                 {
05030                     lower1 = clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).y_coordinate;
05031                     down_left_x = clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).x_coordinate;
05032                     down_left_y = clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).y_coordinate;
05033                 }
05034                 if(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).y_coordinate > upper1)
05035                 {
05036                     upper1 = clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).y_coordinate;
05037                     upper_left_x = clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).x_coordinate;
05038                     upper_left_y = clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).y_coordinate;
05039                 }
05040             }
05041             if(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).x_coordinate > most_right)
05042             {
05043                 most_right = clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).x_coordinate;
05044                 if(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).y_coordinate < lower2)
05045                 {
05046                     lower2 = clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).y_coordinate;
05047                     down_right_x = clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).x_coordinate;
05048                     down_right_y = clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).y_coordinate;
05049                 }
05050                 if(clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).y_coordinate > upper2)
05051                 {
05052                     upper2 = clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).y_coordinate;
05053                     upper_right_x = clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).x_coordinate;
05054                     upper_right_y = clusters.at(i).cluster_element.at(j).y_coordinate;
05055                 }
05056             }
05058         }
05060         geometry_msgs::Point32 polygon_point;
05061         polygon_point.x = upper_left_x;
05062         polygon_point.y = upper_left_y;
05063         polygon_point.z = 0;
05064         cluster_polygon.polygon.points.push_back(polygon_point);
05066         polygon_point.x = upper_right_x;
05067         polygon_point.y = upper_right_y;
05068         polygon_point.z = 0;
05069         cluster_polygon.polygon.points.push_back(polygon_point);
05071         polygon_point.x = down_left_x;
05072         polygon_point.y = down_left_y;
05073         polygon_point.z = 0;
05074         cluster_polygon.polygon.points.push_back(polygon_point);
05076         polygon_point.x = down_right_x;
05077         polygon_point.y = down_right_y;
05078         polygon_point.z = 0;
05079         cluster_polygon.polygon.points.push_back(polygon_point);
05081         cluster_polygon.header.frame_id = move_base_frame;    
05082         cluster_polygon.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
05083         cluster_polygon.header.seq = i+1;
05085         pub_clusters.publish<geometry_msgs::PolygonStamped>(cluster_polygon);  
05086         break;// FIXME
05087     }
05088 }
05091 void ExplorationPlanner::visualize_Frontiers()
05092 {
05093         visualization_msgs::MarkerArray markerArray;
05095         for (int i = 0; i < frontiers.size(); i++)
05096         {
05097             visualization_msgs::Marker marker;
05099             marker.header.frame_id = move_base_frame;    
05100             marker.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
05101             marker.header.seq = frontier_seq_number++;
05102             marker.ns = "my_namespace";
05103             marker.id = frontier_seq_number;
05104             marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::SPHERE;
05105             marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;
05106             marker.pose.position.x = frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate;
05107             marker.pose.position.y = frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate;
05108             marker.pose.position.z = 0;
05109             marker.pose.orientation.x = 0.0;
05110             marker.pose.orientation.y = 0.0;
05111             marker.pose.orientation.z = 0.0;
05112             marker.pose.orientation.w = 1.0;
05113             marker.scale.x = 0.2;
05114             marker.scale.y = 0.2;
05115             marker.scale.z = 0.2;
05117             marker.color.a = 1.0;
05119             if(frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot == robot_name)
05120             {                  
05121                 marker.color.r = 1.0;
05122                 marker.color.g = 0.0;
05123                 marker.color.b = 0.0;               
05124             }
05125             if(frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot == 1)
05126             {
05127                 marker.color.r = 0.0;
05128                 marker.color.g = 1.0;
05129                 marker.color.b = 0.0;
05130             }  
05131             if(frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot == 2)
05132             {
05133                 marker.color.r = 0.0;
05134                 marker.color.g = 0.0;
05135                 marker.color.b = 1.0;
05136             }  
05138             markerArray.markers.push_back(marker);              
05139         }
05141         pub_frontiers_points.publish <visualization_msgs::MarkerArray>(markerArray);
05142 }
05144 void ExplorationPlanner::visualize_visited_Frontiers()
05145 {
05146         visualization_msgs::MarkerArray markerArray;
05148         for (int i = 0; i < visited_frontiers.size(); i++)
05149         {
05150             visualization_msgs::Marker marker;
05152             marker.header.frame_id = move_base_frame;    
05153             marker.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
05154             marker.header.seq = i+1;
05155             marker.ns = "my_namespace";
05156             marker.id = i+1;
05157             marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::SPHERE;
05158             marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;
05159             marker.pose.position.x = visited_frontiers.at(i).x_coordinate;
05160             marker.pose.position.y = visited_frontiers.at(i).y_coordinate;
05161             marker.pose.position.z = 0;
05162             marker.pose.orientation.x = 0.0;
05163             marker.pose.orientation.y = 0.0;
05164             marker.pose.orientation.z = 0.0;
05165             marker.pose.orientation.w = 1.0;
05166             marker.scale.x = 0.2;
05167             marker.scale.y = 0.2;
05168             marker.scale.z = 0.2;
05170             marker.color.a = 1.0;
05172             if(visited_frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot == robot_name)
05173             {     
05174                 marker.color.a = 0.2;
05175                 marker.color.r = 1.0;
05176                 marker.color.g = 0.0;
05177                 marker.color.b = 0.0;               
05178             }
05179             if(visited_frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot == 1)
05180             {
05181                 marker.color.a = 0.2;
05182                 marker.color.r = 0.0;
05183                 marker.color.g = 1.0;
05184                 marker.color.b = 0.0;
05185             }  
05186             if(visited_frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot == 2)
05187             {
05188                 marker.color.a = 0.2;
05189                 marker.color.r = 0.0;
05190                 marker.color.g = 0.0;
05191                 marker.color.b = 1.0;
05192             }  
05193             if(visited_frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot == 3)
05194             {
05195                 marker.color.a = 0.2;
05196                 marker.color.r = 0.5;
05197                 marker.color.g = 0.0;
05198                 marker.color.b = 1.0;
05199             }  
05200             if(visited_frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot == 4)
05201             {
05202                 marker.color.a = 0.2;
05203                 marker.color.r = 0.0;
05204                 marker.color.g = 0.5;
05205                 marker.color.b = 1.0;
05206             }  
05207             if(visited_frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot == 5)
05208             {
05209                 marker.color.a = 0.2;
05210                 marker.color.r = 0.0;
05211                 marker.color.g = 0.0;
05212                 marker.color.b = 0.5;
05213             }  
05214             if(visited_frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot == 6)
05215             {
05216                 marker.color.a = 0.2;
05217                 marker.color.r = 0.5;
05218                 marker.color.g = 0.0;
05219                 marker.color.b = 0.5;
05220             }  
05221             if(visited_frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot == 7)
05222             {
05223                 marker.color.a = 0.2;
05224                 marker.color.r = 0.0;
05225                 marker.color.g = 0.5;
05226                 marker.color.b = 0.5;
05227             }  
05228             if(visited_frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot == 8)
05229             {
05230                 marker.color.a = 0.2;
05231                 marker.color.r = 0.0;
05232                 marker.color.g = 0.5;
05233                 marker.color.b = 0.0;
05234             }  
05235             if(visited_frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot == 9)
05236             {
05237                 marker.color.a = 0.2;
05238                 marker.color.r = 0.5;
05239                 marker.color.g = 0.5;
05240                 marker.color.b = 0.0;
05241             }  
05242             if(visited_frontiers.at(i).detected_by_robot == 10)
05243             {
05244                 marker.color.a = 0.2;
05245                 marker.color.r = 0.5;
05246                 marker.color.g = 0.5;
05247                 marker.color.b = 0.5;
05248             }  
05249             markerArray.markers.push_back(marker);              
05250         }
05252         pub_visited_frontiers_points.publish <visualization_msgs::MarkerArray>(markerArray);
05253 }
05256 void ExplorationPlanner::setupMapData() {
05258         if ((this->map_width_ != costmap_ros_->getCostmap()->getSizeInCellsX())
05259                         || (this->map_height_ != costmap_ros_->getCostmap()->getSizeInCellsY())) {
05260                 this->deleteMapData();
05262                 map_width_ = costmap_ros_->getCostmap()->getSizeInCellsX();
05263                 map_height_ = costmap_ros_->getCostmap()->getSizeInCellsY();
05264                 num_map_cells_ = map_width_ * map_height_;
05266                 ROS_INFO("Costmap size in cells: width:%d   height: %d   map_cells:%d",map_width_,map_height_,num_map_cells_);
05268                 // initialize exploration_trans_array_, obstacle_trans_array_, goalMap and frontier_map_array_
05269 //              exploration_trans_array_ = new unsigned int[num_map_cells_];
05270 //              obstacle_trans_array_ = new unsigned int[num_map_cells_];
05271 //              is_goal_array_ = new bool[num_map_cells_];
05272 //              frontier_map_array_ = new int[num_map_cells_];
05273 //              clearFrontiers();
05274 //              resetMaps();
05275         }
05278         occupancy_grid_array_ = costmap_ros_->getCostmap()->getCharMap();
05280         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_map_cells_; i++) {
05282                 countCostMapBlocks(i);
05284 //        if(occupancy_grid_array_[i] == costmap_2d::NO_INFORMATION || occupancy_grid_array_[i] == costmap_2d::INSCRIBED_INFLATED_OBSTACLE || occupancy_grid_array_[i] == costmap_2d::LETHAL_OBSTACLE || occupancy_grid_array_[i] == costmap_2d::FREE_SPACE)
05285 //        {
05286 //        }else
05287 //        {
05288 //                ROS_DEBUG("%d",(int)occupancy_grid_array_[i]);
05289 //                //occupancy_grid_array_[i] = '0'; // write 0 to the grid!
05290 //        }
05291         }
05292         ROS_INFO("--------------------- Iterate through Costmap --------------------");
05293         ROS_INFO("Free: %d  Inflated: %d  Lethal: %d  unknown: %d rest: %d", free,
05294                         inflated, lethal, unknown,
05295                         num_map_cells_ - (free + inflated + lethal + unknown));
05296         ROS_INFO("------------------------------------------------------------------");
05297         free_space = free;
05298 }
05300 void ExplorationPlanner::deleteMapData() {
05301         if (exploration_trans_array_) {
05302                 delete[] exploration_trans_array_;
05303                 exploration_trans_array_ = 0;
05304         }
05305         if (obstacle_trans_array_) {
05306                 delete[] obstacle_trans_array_;
05307                 obstacle_trans_array_ = 0;
05308         }
05309         if (is_goal_array_) {
05310                 delete[] is_goal_array_;
05311                 is_goal_array_ = 0;
05312         }
05313         if (frontier_map_array_) {
05314                 delete[] frontier_map_array_;
05315                 frontier_map_array_ = 0;
05316         }
05317 }
05319 void ExplorationPlanner::resetMaps() {
05320         std::fill_n(exploration_trans_array_, num_map_cells_, INT_MAX);
05321         std::fill_n(obstacle_trans_array_, num_map_cells_, INT_MAX);
05322         std::fill_n(is_goal_array_, num_map_cells_, false);
05323 }
05325 bool ExplorationPlanner::isSameFrontier(int frontier_point1,
05326                 int frontier_point2) {
05327         unsigned int fx1, fy1;
05328         unsigned int fx2, fy2;
05329         double wfx1, wfy1;
05330         double wfx2, wfy2;
05331         costmap_.indexToCells(frontier_point1, fx1, fy1);
05332         costmap_.indexToCells(frontier_point2, fx2, fy2);
05333         costmap_.mapToWorld(fx1, fy1, wfx1, wfy1);
05334         costmap_.mapToWorld(fx2, fy2, wfx2, wfy2);
05336         double dx = wfx1 - wfx2;
05337         double dy = wfy1 - wfy2;
05339         if ((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)
05340                         < (p_same_frontier_dist_ * p_same_frontier_dist_)) {
05341                 return true;
05342         }
05343         return false;
05344 }
05346 // Used to generate direction for frontiers
05347 double ExplorationPlanner::getYawToUnknown(int point) {
05348         int adjacentPoints[8];
05349         getAdjacentPoints(point, adjacentPoints);
05351         int max_obs_idx = 0;
05353         for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
05354                 if (isValid(adjacentPoints[i])) {
05355                         if (occupancy_grid_array_[adjacentPoints[i]]
05356                                         == costmap_2d::NO_INFORMATION) {
05357                                 if (obstacle_trans_array_[adjacentPoints[i]]
05358                                                 > obstacle_trans_array_[adjacentPoints[max_obs_idx]]) {
05359                                         max_obs_idx = i;
05360                                 }
05361                         }
05362                 }
05363         }
05365         int orientationPoint = adjacentPoints[max_obs_idx];
05366         unsigned int sx, sy, gx, gy;
05367         costmap_.indexToCells((unsigned int) point, sx, sy);
05368         costmap_.indexToCells((unsigned int) orientationPoint, gx, gy);
05369         int x = gx - sx;
05370         int y = gy - sy;
05371         double yaw = std::atan2(y, x);
05373         return yaw;
05375 }
05377 int ExplorationPlanner::isFrontier(int point) {
05380         if (isFree(point)) {
05382                 /*
05383                  * The point is a either a obstacle or a point with not enough
05384                  * information about
05385                  * Therefore, check if the point is surrounded by other NO_INFORMATION
05386                  * points. Then further space to explore is found ---> frontier
05387                  */
05388                 //int Neighbours = 0;
05389                 //int points[((int)pow(8,Neighbours+1))+8]; // NEIGHBOURS points, each containing 8 adjacent points
05390                 int no_inf_count = 0;
05391                 int inscribed_count = 0;
05392                 int adjacent_points[16];
05393                 /*
05394                  * Now take one point and lookup all adjacent points (surrounding points).
05395                  * The variable adjacentPoints contains all neighboring point (up, right, left ...)
05396                  */
05398                 /*
05399                  ROS_DEBUG("Adjacent Point: %d",adjacentPoints[0]);
05400                  ROS_DEBUG("Adjacent Point: %d",adjacentPoints[1]);
05401                  ROS_DEBUG("Adjacent Point: %d",adjacentPoints[2]);
05402                  ROS_DEBUG("Adjacent Point: %d",adjacentPoints[3]);
05403                  ROS_DEBUG("Adjacent Point: %d",adjacentPoints[4]);
05404                  ROS_DEBUG("Adjacent Point: %d",adjacentPoints[5]);
05405                  ROS_DEBUG("Adjacent Point: %d",adjacentPoints[6]);
05406                  ROS_DEBUG("Adjacent Point: %d",adjacentPoints[7]);
05407                  */
05409                 //histogram[(int)occupancy_grid_array_[point]]++;
05411                 if ((int) occupancy_grid_array_[point] == costmap_2d::FREE_SPACE)//<= threshold_free)
05412                 {
05413                         getAdjacentPoints(point, adjacent_points);
05414                         for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) // length of adjacent_points array
05415                         {
05417                                 if (occupancy_grid_array_[adjacent_points[i]] == costmap_2d::NO_INFORMATION) {
05418                                         no_inf_count++; 
05419 //                                        ROS_DEBUG("No information found!");
05420                                 } 
05421                                 else if (occupancy_grid_array_[adjacent_points[i]] == costmap_2d::LETHAL_OBSTACLE) {
05422                                         /*
05423                                          * Do not break here ... In some scenarios it may happen that unknown and free space
05424                                          * form a border, but if just a small corridor is available there, it would not be
05425                                          * detected as frontier, since even one neighboring block is an inflated block.
05426                                          * Therefore do nothing, if even one unknown block is a neighbor of an free space
05427                                          * block, then it is a frontier!
05428                                          */
05430                                         //inscribed_count++;
05431 //                                        ROS_DEBUG("Obstacle found");
05432                                         return(0);
05433                                 }
05434                         }
05436                         /*
05437                          * Count the number of lethal obstacle (unknown space also included
05438                          * here). If an inflated obstacle was detected ... the point is not
05439                          * a possible frontier and should no longer be considered.
05440                          * Otherwise, when all surronding blocks --> 64+7 are unknown just the
05441                          * one in the middle is free space, then we found a frontier!!
05442                          * On every found frontier, true is returned
05443                          */
05444                         if (no_inf_count > 0)
05445                         {
05446                                 /*
05447                                  * Above a adjacent Point is taken and compared with NO_INFORMATION.
05448                                  * If the point contains no information, the next surrounding point from that point
05449                                  * is taken and again compared with NO_INFORMATION. If there are at least
05450                                  * two points with no information surrounding a no information point, then return true!
05451                                  * (at least two points with no information means that there is sufficient space
05452                                  * with not enough information about)
05453                                  */
05455                             //return(backoff(point));
05456 ;                           return(point);
05457                         }
05458                 }
05459         }
05460         return(0);
05461 }
05464 int ExplorationPlanner::backoff (int point)
05465 {
05466                                 if(occupancy_grid_array_[up(point)] == costmap_2d::NO_INFORMATION && occupancy_grid_array_[left(point)] == costmap_2d::NO_INFORMATION)
05467                                 {
05468                                         return(downright(downright(downright(point))));
05469                                 }
05470                                 if(occupancy_grid_array_[up(point)] == costmap_2d::NO_INFORMATION && occupancy_grid_array_[right(point)] == costmap_2d::NO_INFORMATION)
05471                                 {
05472                                         return(downleft(downleft(downleft(point))));
05473                                 }
05474                                 if(occupancy_grid_array_[down(point)] == costmap_2d::NO_INFORMATION && occupancy_grid_array_[left(point)] == costmap_2d::NO_INFORMATION)
05475                                 {
05476                                         return(upright(upright(upright(point))));
05477                                 }
05478                                 if(occupancy_grid_array_[down(point)] == costmap_2d::NO_INFORMATION && occupancy_grid_array_[right(point)] == costmap_2d::NO_INFORMATION)
05479                                 {
05480                                         return(upleft(upleft(upleft(point))));
05481                                 }
05484                                 if(occupancy_grid_array_[right(point)] == costmap_2d::NO_INFORMATION)
05485                                 {
05486                                         return(left(left(left(point))));
05487                                 }
05488                                 if(occupancy_grid_array_[down(point)] == costmap_2d::NO_INFORMATION)
05489                                 {
05490                                         return(up(up(up(point))));
05491                                 }
05492                                 if(occupancy_grid_array_[left(point)] == costmap_2d::NO_INFORMATION)
05493                                 {
05494                                         return(right(right(right(point))));
05495                                 }
05496                                 if(occupancy_grid_array_[up(point)] == costmap_2d::NO_INFORMATION)
05497                                 {
05498                                         return(down(down(down(point))));
05499                                 }
05501 //                              if(occupancy_grid_array_[upleft(point)] == costmap_2d::NO_INFORMATION)
05502 //                              {
05503 //                                      return(downright(downright(point)));
05504 //                              }
05505 //                              if(occupancy_grid_array_[upright(point)] == costmap_2d::NO_INFORMATION)
05506 //                              {
05507 //                                      return(downleft(downleft(point)));
05508 //                              }
05509 //                              if(occupancy_grid_array_[downright(point)] == costmap_2d::NO_INFORMATION)
05510 //                              {
05511 //                                      return(upleft(upleft(point)));
05512 //                              }
05513 //                              if(occupancy_grid_array_[downleft(point)] == costmap_2d::NO_INFORMATION)
05514 //                              {
05515 //                                      return(upright(upright(point)));
05516 //                              }
05517                                 else
05518                                 {
05519                                         return(point);
05520                                 }
05521 }
05523 bool ExplorationPlanner::isFrontierReached(int point) {
05525         tf::Stamped < tf::Pose > robotPose;
05526         if (!costmap_ros_->getRobotPose(robotPose)) {
05527                 ROS_WARN("[isFrontierReached]: Failed to get RobotPose");
05528         }
05529         geometry_msgs::PoseStamped robotPoseMsg;
05530         tf::poseStampedTFToMsg(robotPose, robotPoseMsg);
05532         unsigned int fx, fy;
05533         double wfx, wfy;
05534         costmap_.indexToCells(point, fx, fy);
05535         costmap_.mapToWorld(fx, fy, wfx, wfy);
05537         double dx = robotPoseMsg.pose.position.x - wfx;
05538         double dy = robotPoseMsg.pose.position.y - wfy;
05540         if ((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)
05541                         < (p_dist_for_goal_reached_ * p_dist_for_goal_reached_)) {
05542                 //ROS_DEBUG("[isFrontierReached]: frontier is within the squared range of distance: %f m", p_dist_for_goal_reached_);
05543                 return true;
05544         }
05546         return false;
05548 }
05550 inline void ExplorationPlanner::getAdjacentPoints(int point, int points[]) {
05552         /*
05553          * Get all surrounding neighbors and the neighbors of those.
05554          */
05556         /*
05557          *              ooo ooo
05558          *
05559          */
05561         /*
05562          points[0] = left(point);
05563          points[1] = right(point);
05564          points[2] = left(points[0]);
05565          points[3] = right(points[1]);
05566          points[4] = left(points[2]);
05567          points[5] = right(points[3]);
05568          points[6] = left(points[4]);
05569          points[7] = right(points[5]);
05570          */
05572         /*
05573          *            o
05574          *          o   o
05575          *            o
05576          *
05577          */
05579         /*
05580         points[0] = left(point);
05581         points[1] = up(point);
05582         points[2] = right(point);
05583         points[3] = down(point);
05584         */
05586         /*
05587          *          o o o
05588          *          o   o
05589          *          o o o
05590          *
05591          */
05594          points[0] = left(point);
05595          points[1] = up(point);
05596          points[2] = right(point);
05597          points[3] = down(point);
05598          points[4] = upleft(point);
05599          points[5] = upright(point);
05600          points[6] = downright(point);
05601          points[7] = downleft(point);
05603         /*
05604          *        *   *   *
05605          *          o o o
05606          *        * o   o *
05607          *          o o o
05608          *        *   *   *
05609          */
05611          points[8] =  left(points[0]);
05612          points[9] =  up(points[1]);
05613          points[10] = right(points[2]);
05614          points[11] = down(points[3]);
05615          points[12] = upleft(points[4]);
05616          points[13] = upright(points[5]);
05617          points[14] = downright(points[6]);
05618          points[15] = downleft(points[7]);
05621         /*
05622          *        * + * + *
05623          *        + o o o +
05624          *        * o   o *
05625          *        + o o o +
05626          *        * + * + *
05627          */
05628         /*
05629          points[16] = up(points[4]);
05630          points[17] = up(points[5]);
05631          points[18] = right(points[5]);
05632          points[19] = right(points[6]);
05633          points[20] = down(points[6]);
05634          points[21] = down(points[7]);
05635          points[22] = left(points[7]);
05636          points[23] = left(points[4]);
05637          */
05639         /*
05640          *      #     #     #
05641          *        *   *   *
05642          *          o o o
05643          *      # * o   o * #
05644          *          o o o
05645          *        *   *   *
05646          *      #     #     #
05647          */
05648         /*
05649          points[16] = left(points[8]);
05650          points[17] = up(points[9]);
05651          points[18] = right(points[10]);
05652          points[19] = down(points[11]);
05653          points[20] = upleft(points[12]);
05654          points[21] = upright(points[13]);
05655          points[22] = downright(points[14]);
05656          points[23] = downleft(points[15]);
05657          */
05658 }
05660 bool ExplorationPlanner::countCostMapBlocks(int point) {        
05662        if (occupancy_grid_array_[point] == costmap_2d::NO_INFORMATION) {
05663 //              ROS_DEBUG("[isFree] NO_INFORMATION");
05664                 unknown++;
05665                 return true;
05666         } else if ((int) occupancy_grid_array_[point] == costmap_2d::FREE_SPACE) {
05667                 free++;
05668 //              ROS_DEBUG("[isFree] FREE SPACE FOUND");
05669                 return true;
05670         }
05672         else if ((int) occupancy_grid_array_[point] == costmap_2d::LETHAL_OBSTACLE) {
05673                 lethal++;
05674 //              ROS_DEBUG("[isFree] LETHAL OBSTACLE FOUND");
05675                 return true;
05676         } else if ((int) occupancy_grid_array_[point] == costmap_2d::INSCRIBED_INFLATED_OBSTACLE) {
05677                 inflated++;
05678 //              ROS_DEBUG("[isFree] INSCRIBED INFLATED OBSTACLE FOUND");
05679                 return true;
05680         } else 
05681         {
05682                 int undefined = (unsigned char) occupancy_grid_array_[point];
05683                 // An obstacle was found. This is no free space, so a FALSE is returned
05684 //              ROS_DEBUG("undefined value: %d", undefined);
05685                 return true;
05686         }
05687         return false;
05688 }
05690 bool ExplorationPlanner::isFree(int point) {
05691         if (isValid(point)) {
05693                 return true;
05694         } else {
05695                 ROS_ERROR("Point is not valid! Reason: negative number ");
05696         }
05697         return false;
05698 }
05700 inline bool ExplorationPlanner::isValid(int point) {
05701         return (point >= 0);
05702 }
05704 void ExplorationPlanner::clearFrontiers() {
05705         std::fill_n(frontier_map_array_, num_map_cells_, 0);
05706 }
05708 inline int ExplorationPlanner::left(int point) {
05709         // only go left if no index error and if current point is not already on the left boundary
05710         if ((point % map_width_ != 0)) {
05711                 return point - 1;
05712         }
05713         return -1;
05714 }
05716 inline int ExplorationPlanner::upleft(int point) {
05717         if ((point % map_width_ != 0) && (point >= (int) map_width_)) {
05718                 return point - map_width_ - 1;
05719         }
05720         return -1;
05722 }
05723 inline int ExplorationPlanner::up(int point) {
05724         if (point >= (int) map_width_) {
05725                 return point - map_width_;
05726         }
05727         return -1;
05728 }
05729 inline int ExplorationPlanner::upright(int point) {
05730         if ((point >= (int) map_width_) && ((point + 1) % (int) map_width_ != 0)) {
05731                 return point - map_width_ + 1;
05732         }
05733         return -1;
05734 }
05735 inline int ExplorationPlanner::right(int point) {
05736         if ((point + 1) % map_width_ != 0) {
05737                 return point + 1;
05738         }
05739         return -1;
05741 }
05742 inline int ExplorationPlanner::downright(int point) {
05743         if (((point + 1) % map_width_ != 0)
05744                         && ((point / map_width_) < (map_width_ - 1))) {
05745                 return point + map_width_ + 1;
05746         }
05747         return -1;
05749 }
05750 inline int ExplorationPlanner::down(int point) {
05751         if ((point / map_width_) < (map_width_ - 1)) {
05752                 return point + map_width_;
05753         }
05754         return -1;
05756 }
05757 inline int ExplorationPlanner::downleft(int point) {
05758         if (((point / map_width_) < (map_width_ - 1))
05759                         && (point % map_width_ != 0)) {
05760                 return point + map_width_ - 1;
05761         }
05762         return -1;
05764 }

Author(s): Daniel Neuhold , Torsten Andre
autogenerated on Thu Aug 27 2015 11:56:52