Go to the documentation of this file.
00063 #include <pcl/features/integral_image_normal.h>
00065 #ifdef PCL_MINOR_VERSION
00066 #if PCL_MINOR_VERSION >= 6
00067 #include <pcl/segmentation/organized_multi_plane_segmentation.h>
00068 #include <pcl/segmentation/edge_aware_plane_comparator.h>
00069 #endif
00070 #endif
00072 #include "cob_3d_mapping_common/label_defines.h"
00073 #include "cob_3d_mapping_common/polygon.h"
00074 #include "cob_3d_segmentation/plane_extraction.h"
00075 #include "cob_3d_segmentation/polygon_extraction/polygon_types.h"
00076 #include "cob_3d_segmentation/polygon_extraction/polygon_extraction.h"
00077 #include "cob_3d_mapping_common/io.h"
00078 #include "cob_3d_mapping_tools/gui/impl/core.hpp"
00082 #include <pcl/filters/voxel_grid.h>
00083 #include <pcl/common/eigen.h>
00084 #include <boost/bind.hpp>
00085 #include <iomanip>
00086 #include <set>
00088 typedef pcl::PointXYZRGB PT;
00089 typedef pcl::PointCloud<PT> PointCloud;
00091 class Cluster;
00092 typedef std::map<int,Cluster> ClusterMap;
00094 class Cluster
00095 {
00096 public:
00097   Cluster(int id_)
00098   : id(id_)
00099   , centroid(Eigen::Vector3f::Zero())
00100   , comp1(Eigen::Vector3f::Zero())
00101   , comp2(Eigen::Vector3f::Zero())
00102   , comp3(Eigen::Vector3f::Zero())
00103   , values(Eigen::Vector3f::Zero())
00104   , poly(new cob_3d_mapping::Polygon)
00105     { }
00107   inline void addBorder(int x, int y) { borders.push_back(cob_3d_segmentation::PolygonPoint(x,y)); }
00108   inline void addPoint(int idx) { indices.push_back(idx); }
00110   friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& out, Cluster& c);
00112   int id;
00113   std::vector<int> indices;
00114   std::vector<cob_3d_segmentation::PolygonPoint> borders;
00115   //cob_3d_segmentation::PolygonContours<cob_3d_segmentation::PolygonPoint> poly;
00116   Eigen::Vector3f centroid;
00117   Eigen::Vector3f comp1;
00118   Eigen::Vector3f comp2;
00119   Eigen::Vector3f comp3;
00120   Eigen::Vector3f values;
00121   cob_3d_mapping::Polygon::Ptr poly;
00122 };
00124 std::string colorHumanReadable(int id)
00125 {
00126   std::stringstream ss;
00127   ss << "0x" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(6) << std::right << std::hex << id << std::dec;
00128   return ss.str();
00129 }
00131 std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, Cluster& c)
00132 {
00133   out << colorHumanReadable(c.id) << " {";
00135   // --- Begin Properties ---
00136   out << "Size: " << std::setw(6) << std::right << c.indices.size();
00137   out << " N: " << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << std::setprecision(6)
00138       << std::setw(9) << std::right << c.comp3(0) <<","
00139       << std::setw(9) << std::right << c.comp3(1) <<","
00140       << std::setw(9) << std::right << c.comp3(2);
00141   //out<< " Comp: " << c.values(2) << ", " << c.values(1) << ", " << c.values(0) << "}";
00142   // --- End Properties ---
00144   out<<"}";
00145   return out;
00146 }
00148 void printForFile(ClusterMap& exp, ClusterMap& pred)
00149 {
00150   int count_no = 0;
00152   // format config:
00153   const int padding = 3;
00154   std::stringstream ss;
00155   ss << exp.begin()->second;
00156   int col = ss.str().length() + padding;
00157   std::string sep = "|   ";
00158   std::cout <<"  -  \t"<<"  - \t"<<"labeled\t"<<" - \t"<<" - \t"<<"-\t"<<"  - \t\t"
00159             <<"plane extraction" << std::endl;
00160   std::cout <<"color\t"<<"size\t"<<"    n_x\t"<<"n_y\t"<<"n_z\t"<<"d\t"<<"area\t\t"
00161             <<"    n_x\t"<<"n_y\t"<<"n_z\t"<<"d\t"<<"area\t"<<"A_diff\t"<<"dot"<<std::endl;
00162   for(ClusterMap::iterator it=exp.begin(); it!= exp.end(); ++it)
00163   {
00164     cob_3d_mapping::Polygon::Ptr p1 = it->second.poly;
00165     float area1 = p1->computeArea3d();
00166     std::cout << colorHumanReadable(it->second.id) << "\t"
00167               << it->second.indices.size() << "\t"
00168               << it->second.comp3[0] << "\t"
00169               << it->second.comp3[1] << "\t"
00170               << it->second.comp3[2] << "\t"
00171               << it->second.centroid.dot(it->second.comp3) << "\t"
00172               << area1 << "\t\t";
00173     ClusterMap::iterator match = pred.find(it->first);
00174     if (match == pred.end())
00175     {
00176       std::cout << "no match" << std::endl;
00177       ++count_no;
00178       continue;
00179     }
00180     float alpha = it->second.comp3.dot(match->second.comp3);
00181     cob_3d_mapping::Polygon::Ptr p2 = match->second.poly;
00182     float area2 = p2->computeArea3d();
00183     float area_diff = 0;
00184     gpc_polygon gpc_a, gpc_b, gpc_diff;
00185     p1->getGpcStructure(&gpc_a);
00186     p2->getGpcStructure(&gpc_b);
00187     gpc_polygon_clip(GPC_XOR, &gpc_a, &gpc_b, &gpc_diff);
00189     //cob_3d_mapping::Polygon::Ptr p_diff(new cob_3d_mapping::Polygon);
00190     if(gpc_diff.num_contours != 0)
00191     {
00192       p1->applyGpcStructure(&gpc_diff);
00193       area_diff = p1->computeArea3d();
00194     }
00196     std::cout << match->second.comp3[0] << "\t"
00197               << match->second.comp3[1] << "\t"
00198               << match->second.comp3[2] << "\t"
00199               << match->second.centroid.dot(match->second.comp3) << "\t"
00200               << area2 << "\t"
00201               << area_diff << "\t"
00202               << alpha << std::endl;
00203   }
00204 }
00206 void compare(ClusterMap& exp, ClusterMap& pred)
00207 {
00208   int count_no = 0;
00210   // format config:
00211   const int padding = 3;
00212   std::stringstream ss;
00213   ss << exp.begin()->second;
00214   int col = ss.str().length() + padding;
00215   std::string sep = "|   ";
00217   for(ClusterMap::iterator it=exp.begin(); it!= exp.end(); ++it)
00218   {
00219     ClusterMap::iterator match = pred.find(it->first);
00220     if (match == pred.end())
00221     {
00222       std::stringstream ss1;
00223       ss1 << it->second;
00224       std::cout << std::setw(col) << std::left << ss1.str() << sep
00225                 << std::setw(round(0.3*col)) << " "
00226                 << std::setw(round(0.7*col)) << std::left << "--- No Match ---" << sep << std::endl;
00227       ++count_no;
00228       continue;
00229     }
00230     float alpha = it->second.comp3.dot(match->second.comp3);
00232     cob_3d_mapping::Polygon::Ptr p1 = it->second.poly;
00233     cob_3d_mapping::Polygon::Ptr p2 = match->second.poly;
00234     float area1 = p1->computeArea3d();
00235     float area2 = p2->computeArea3d();
00236     float area_diff = 0;
00237     gpc_polygon gpc_a, gpc_b, gpc_diff;
00238     p1->getGpcStructure(&gpc_a);
00239     p2->getGpcStructure(&gpc_b);
00240     gpc_polygon_clip(GPC_XOR, &gpc_a, &gpc_b, &gpc_diff);
00242     //cob_3d_mapping::Polygon::Ptr p_diff(new cob_3d_mapping::Polygon);
00243     if(gpc_diff.num_contours != 0)
00244     {
00245       p1->applyGpcStructure(&gpc_diff);
00246       area_diff = p1->computeArea3d();
00247     }
00249     std::stringstream ss1, ss2;
00250     ss1 << it->second;
00251     ss2 << match->second;
00252     std::cout << std::setw(col) << std::left << ss1.str() << sep
00253               << std::setw(col) << std::left << ss2.str() << sep
00254               << "Dot: " << std::setw(9) << std::left << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << std::setprecision(6) << alpha
00255               << " A1: "<< area1 << "  A2: "<< area2 << "  A_Diff: " << area_diff << std::endl;
00256   }
00257   count_no = exp.size() - count_no;
00258   std::cout << "Results:" << std::endl
00259             << std::setw(30) << std::left << "Matching Accuracy"<<"= ("<<count_no<<"/"<<exp.size()<<") "
00260             << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed)<<std::setprecision(2)<<(float)count_no/(float)exp.size()*100.0f << "%" << std::endl;
00261 }
00263 void pca(PointCloud::Ptr cloud, Cluster& c)
00264 {
00265   for(std::vector<int>::iterator it=c.indices.begin(); it!=c.indices.end(); ++it)
00266     c.centroid += (*cloud)[*it].getVector3fMap();
00267   c.centroid /= c.indices.size();
00269   Eigen::Matrix3f cov(Eigen::Matrix3f::Zero());
00270   for(std::vector<int>::iterator it=c.indices.begin(); it!=c.indices.end(); ++it)
00271   {
00272     Eigen::Vector3f demean = (*cloud)[*it].getVector3fMap() - c.centroid;
00273     cov += demean * demean.transpose();
00274   }
00276   Eigen::Matrix3f eigenvectors;
00277   pcl::eigen33(cov, eigenvectors, c.values);
00278   c.values /= c.indices.size();
00279   c.comp1 = eigenvectors.col(2);
00280   c.comp2 = eigenvectors.col(1);
00281   c.comp3 = eigenvectors.col(0);
00282 }
00284 void fillPolygonPtr(Cluster& c, cob_3d_segmentation::PolygonContours<cob_3d_segmentation::PolygonPoint>& contour, PointCloud::Ptr cloud)
00285 {
00286   c.poly->centroid << c.centroid, 0;
00287   c.poly->computeAttributes(c.comp3, c.poly->centroid);
00288   int max_points = -1, max_idx = -1;
00289   for (size_t i=0; i<contour.polys_.size(); ++i)
00290   {
00291     if ((int)contour.polys_[i].size() > max_points) { max_points = contour.polys_[i].size(); max_idx = i; }
00292   }
00294   for (size_t i=0; i<contour.polys_.size(); ++i)
00295   {
00296     c.poly->contours.push_back(std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f>());
00297     if ((int)i == max_idx)
00298     {
00299       c.poly->holes.push_back(false);
00300       std::vector<cob_3d_segmentation::PolygonPoint>::iterator it = contour.polys_[i].begin();
00301       for( ; it != contour.polys_[i].end(); ++it)
00302         c.poly->contours.back().push_back( (*cloud)[cob_3d_segmentation::PolygonPoint::getInd(it->x, it->y)].getVector3fMap() );
00303     }
00304     else
00305     {
00306       c.poly->holes.push_back(true);
00307       std::vector<cob_3d_segmentation::PolygonPoint>::reverse_iterator it = contour.polys_[i].rbegin();
00308       for( ; it != contour.polys_[i].rend(); ++it)
00309         c.poly->contours.back().push_back( (*cloud)[cob_3d_segmentation::PolygonPoint::getInd(it->x, it->y)].getVector3fMap() );
00310     }
00311   }
00312 }
00314 void createClusters(PointCloud::Ptr cloud, ClusterMap& cmap)
00315 {
00316   int w = cloud->width, h = cloud->height, s = cloud->size();
00317   int mask[] = { -w, 1, w, -1 };
00318   int mask_size = 4;
00320   for(int idx=0; idx < s; ++idx)
00321   {
00322     int id = (*cloud)[idx].rgba;
00323     int x = idx % w;
00324     int y = idx / w;
00325     int count = 0;
00327     ClusterMap::iterator it = cmap.find(id);
00328     if (it == cmap.end())
00329     {
00330       //std::cout << "Create new cluster: " << colorHumanReadable(id) << std::endl;
00331       it = cmap.insert( std::pair<int,Cluster>(id, Cluster(id)) ).first;
00332     }
00333     if (y == 0 || y == h-1 || x == 0 || x == w-1)
00334     {
00335       it->second.addBorder(x,y);
00336     }
00337     else
00338     {
00339       //std::cout << colorHumanReadable(id) << ": ";
00340       for(int i=0;i<mask_size;++i)
00341       {
00342         if (id != (*cloud)[idx+mask[i]].rgba) { ++count; }
00343         //std::cout << colorHumanReadable((*cloud)[idx+mask[i]].rgba) << ", ";
00344       }
00345       //std::cout << std::endl;
00346       if (count < 1) { it->second.addPoint(idx); }
00347       else { it->second.addBorder(x,y); }
00348     }
00349   }
00351   cob_3d_segmentation::PolygonExtraction pe;
00352   ClusterMap::iterator it=cmap.begin();
00353   while(it!=cmap.end())
00354   {
00355     std::cout << it->second.indices.size() << std::endl;
00356     if (it->first == 0xFFFFFF || it->first == LBL_UNDEF || it->second.indices.size() <= 5)
00357     {
00358       //std::cout << "Delete Cluster " << colorHumanReadable(it->first) << std::endl;
00359       cmap.erase(it++);
00360     }
00361     else
00362     {
00363       //std::cout<< it->second << std::endl;
00364       cob_3d_segmentation::PolygonContours<cob_3d_segmentation::PolygonPoint> poly;
00365       pe.outline(w, h, it->second.borders, poly);
00366       pca(cloud, it->second);
00367       fillPolygonPtr(it->second, poly, cloud);
00368       ++it;
00369     }
00370   }
00371 }
00373 void createClustersUsingPlaneExtraction(PointCloud::Ptr cloud, ClusterMap& cmap)
00374 {
00375   PointCloud::Ptr pc_copy(new PointCloud);
00376   *pc_copy = *cloud;
00377   pcl::VoxelGrid<PT> voxel;
00378   voxel.setSaveLeafLayout(true);
00379   voxel.setInputCloud(cloud);
00380   voxel.setLeafSize(0.03,0.03,0.03);
00381   voxel.filter(*pc_copy);
00382   for(PointCloud::iterator it = pc_copy->begin(); it != pc_copy->end(); ++it) { it->rgba = LBL_UNDEF; }
00384   std::vector<PointCloud, Eigen::aligned_allocator<PointCloud> > v_hull_pc;
00385   std::vector<std::vector<pcl::Vertices> > v_hull_poly;
00386   std::vector<pcl::ModelCoefficients> v_coef;
00387   PlaneExtraction pe;
00388   pe.setSaveToFile(false);
00389   pe.setClusterTolerance(0.06);
00390   pe.setMinPlaneSize(150);
00391   pe.setAlpha(0.2);
00392   pe.extractPlanes(pc_copy, v_hull_pc, v_hull_poly, v_coef);
00394   std::vector<int> temp_ids;
00395   const float rand_max_inv = 1.0f/ RAND_MAX;
00396   std::cout << "Sizes: idx="<<pe.extracted_planes_indices_.size()
00397             << " coef="<<v_coef.size()<<std::endl;
00398   for (int i=0;i<pe.extracted_planes_indices_.size();++i)
00399   {
00400     int r = (float)rand() * rand_max_inv * 255;
00401     int g = (float)rand() * rand_max_inv * 255;
00402     int b = (float)rand() * rand_max_inv * 255;
00403     int color = ( r << 16 | g << 8 | b );
00404     for(std::vector<int>::iterator idx=pe.extracted_planes_indices_[i].begin();idx!=pe.extracted_planes_indices_[i].end();++idx)
00405     {
00406       (*pc_copy)[*idx].rgba = color;
00407     }
00408     temp_ids.push_back(color);
00409   }
00410   for(pcl::PointCloud<PT>::iterator it = cloud->begin(); it!=cloud->end(); ++it)
00411   {
00412     if (it->z != it->z) { it->rgba = LBL_UNDEF; }
00413     else { it->rgba = (*pc_copy)[voxel.getCentroidIndex(*it)].rgba; }
00414   }
00416   for(int i=0;i<v_hull_pc.size();++i)
00417   {
00418     ClusterMap::iterator it = cmap.insert( std::pair<int,Cluster>(temp_ids[i], Cluster(temp_ids[i])) ).first;
00419     it->second.comp3 = Eigen::Vector3f(v_coef[i].values[0], v_coef[i].values[1], v_coef[i].values[2]);
00420     cob_3d_mapping::Polygon& p = *it->second.poly;
00421     for(int c=0; c<3; c++) p.normal_[c] = v_coef[i].values[c];
00422     p.d_ = v_coef[i].values[3];
00423     it->second.centroid = it->second.comp3 * p.d_;
00424     std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> pts;
00425     for(int j=0; j<v_hull_pc[i].size(); j++)
00426       pts.push_back(v_hull_pc[i].points[j].getVector3fMap());
00428     p.contours_.push_back(pts);
00429     p.holes_.push_back(false);
00430     p.computeCentroid();
00431     p.computeAttributes(it->second.comp3, p.centroid);
00432   }
00433 }
00436 #ifdef PCL_MINOR_VERSION
00437 #if PCL_MINOR_VERSION >= 6
00438 void createClustersUsingMultiPlaneSegmentation(PointCloud::Ptr cloud, ClusterMap& cmap)
00439 {
00440   pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>::Ptr n(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>);
00441   pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Label>::Ptr l(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Label>);
00442   float* distance_map;
00444   pcl::IntegralImageNormalEstimation<pcl::PointXYZRGB, pcl::Normal> ne;
00445   ne.setNormalEstimationMethod(ne.COVARIANCE_MATRIX);
00446   ne.setMaxDepthChangeFactor(0.02f);
00447   ne.setNormalSmoothingSize(40.0f);
00448   ne.setInputCloud(cloud);
00449   ne.compute(*n);
00450   distance_map = ne.getDistanceMap();
00452   std::vector<pcl::PlanarRegion<pcl::PointXYZRGB>, Eigen::aligned_allocator<pcl::PlanarRegion<pcl::PointXYZRGB> > > regions;
00453   std::vector<pcl::ModelCoefficients> coef;
00454   std::vector<pcl::PointIndices> inlier_indices, label_indices, boundary_indices;
00455   pcl::OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation<pcl::PointXYZRGB, pcl::Normal, pcl::Label> omps;
00456   pcl::EdgeAwarePlaneComparator<pcl::PointXYZRGB, pcl::Normal>::Ptr comparator(new pcl::EdgeAwarePlaneComparator<pcl::PointXYZRGB, pcl::Normal>(distance_map));
00457   omps.setComparator(comparator);
00458   omps.setInputCloud(cloud);
00459   omps.setInputNormals(n);
00460   omps.setMinInliers(100);
00461   omps.setAngularThreshold(5.0f/180.0f*M_PI);
00462   omps.setMaximumCurvature(0.1); // default 0.001
00463   omps.setDistanceThreshold(0.02f);
00464   omps.segmentAndRefine(regions, coef, inlier_indices, l, label_indices, boundary_indices);
00466   for(pcl::PointCloud<PT>::iterator it = cloud->begin(); it!=cloud->end(); ++it)
00467     it->rgba = LBL_UNDEF;
00469   const float rand_max_inv = 1.0f/ RAND_MAX;
00470   std::vector<int> temp_ids;
00471   for (size_t i = 0; i < inlier_indices.size(); ++i)
00472   {
00473     int r = (float)rand() * rand_max_inv * 255;
00474     int g = (float)rand() * rand_max_inv * 255;
00475     int b = (float)rand() * rand_max_inv * 255;
00476     int color = (r << 16 | b << 8 | b);
00477     for (size_t j=0; j<inlier_indices[i].indices.size(); ++j)
00478     {
00479       (*cloud)[ inlier_indices[i].indices[j] ].rgba = color;
00480     }
00481     temp_ids.push_back(color);
00482   }
00484   for(int i=0;i<boundary_indices.size();++i)
00485   {
00486     ClusterMap::iterator it = cmap.insert( std::pair<int,Cluster>(temp_ids[i], Cluster(temp_ids[i])) ).first;
00487     it->second.comp3 = Eigen::Vector3f(coef[i].values[0], coef[i].values[1], coef[i].values[2]);
00488     cob_3d_mapping::Polygon& p = *it->second.poly;
00489     for(int c=0; c<3; c++) p.normal[c] = coef[i].values[c];
00490     p.d = coef[i].values[3];
00491     it->second.centroid = it->second.comp3 * p.d;
00492     std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> pts;
00493     for(int j=0; j<boundary_indices[i].indices.size(); ++j)
00494       pts.push_back((*cloud)[boundary_indices[i].indices[j]].getVector3fMap());
00495     for(int j=0; j<inlier_indices[i].indices.size(); ++j)
00496       it->second.indices.push_back(inlier_indices[i].indices[j]);
00498     p.contours.push_back(pts);
00499     p.holes.push_back(false);
00500     p.computeCentroid();
00501     p.computeAttributes(it->second.comp3, p.centroid);
00502   }
00503 }
00504 #endif
00505 #endif
00509   /*--------------------------*/
00510  /*---------- MAIN ----------*/
00511 /*--------------------------*/
00512 class MainApp : public wxApp
00513 {
00514   typedef Gui::ResourceTypes::Image RImg;
00515   typedef Gui::ResourceTypes::OrganizedPointCloud<PT> RPC;
00516   typedef Gui::ViewTypes::Color VCol;
00519   Gui::Core* c;
00520   PointCloud::Ptr pc_exp;
00521   PointCloud::Ptr pc_pred;
00523   ClusterMap exp;
00524   ClusterMap pred;
00525   ClusterMap pred_new;
00527   ClusterMap::iterator c_it;
00529   Gui::Resource<RImg>* r_tmp;
00530   Gui::View<RImg,VCol>* v_tmp;
00531   std::set<int> used_ids;
00533 public:
00534   MainApp() : pc_exp(new PointCloud), pc_pred(new PointCloud)
00535   {
00536     c = Gui::Core::Get();
00537   }
00539   void OnClick(wxMouseEvent& event, Gui::Resource<RPC>* rs)
00540   {
00541     wxPoint p = event.GetPosition();
00542     int rgba = rs->getData()->at(p.x,p.y).rgba;
00543     if(rgba == LBL_UNDEF)
00544     {
00545       std::cout<<"you dismissed this cluster! continue..."<<std::endl;
00546       ++c_it;
00547       showNext();
00548       return;
00549     }
00550     if (rgba == 0xFFFFFF)
00551     {
00552       std::cout<<"you can't use this one! please try again..."<<std::endl;
00553       return;
00554     }
00555     if (used_ids.find(rgba) != used_ids.end())
00556     {
00557       std::cout<<"you already used this one! please try again..."<<std::endl;
00558       return;
00559     }
00561     (pred_new.insert(std::pair<int,Cluster>(c_it->first, pred.find(rgba)->second))).first->second.id = c_it->first;
00562     used_ids.insert(rgba);
00563     std::cout<<"You matched: "<<colorHumanReadable(rgba)<<std::endl;
00564     std::cout<<"Size now: " << pred_new.size() << std::endl;
00566     ++c_it;
00567     showNext();
00568   }
00570   void showNext()
00571   {
00572     if(c_it == exp.end())
00573     {
00574       std::cout << "you're done here..." <<std::endl;
00575       std::cout << "these are your results! Hope u like 'em :)\n"<<std::endl;
00576       printForFile(exp, pred_new);
00578       if(this->argc == 4)
00579       {
00580         ClusterMap::iterator it = pred_new.begin();
00581         while(it!=pred_new.end())
00582         {
00583           for(int i=0; i<it->second.indices.size(); ++i)
00584           {
00585             (*pc_pred)[it->second.indices[i]].rgba = it->second.id;
00586           }
00587           ++it;
00588         }
00589         std::string file_out(wxString(this->argv[3]).mb_str());
00590         cob_3d_mapping_common::PPMWriter wppm;
00591         wppm.writeRGB(file_out, *pc_pred);
00592       }
00594       return;
00595     }
00596     Gui::cvImagePtr cvmat = r_tmp->getData();
00597     cv::Vec3b dark = cv::Vec3b((int)50,(int)50,(int)50), id;
00598     id[0] =  c_it->first        & 0x0000ff;
00599     id[1] = (c_it->first >>  8) & 0x0000ff;
00600     id[2] = (c_it->first >> 16) & 0x0000ff;
00601     //std::cout << c_it->second.indices.size() << std::endl;
00602     for (int y = 0; y<cvmat->rows; ++y)
00603     {
00604       for (int x = 0; x<cvmat->cols; ++x)
00605       {
00606         cv::Vec3b& here = (*cvmat)(y,x);
00607         //if(here == id) continue;
00608         here = dark;
00609       }
00610     }
00612     std::vector<int>::iterator it = c_it->second.indices.begin(), it_end = c_it->second.indices.end();
00613     while(it != it_end)
00614     {
00615       int v = int(*it) / int(640);
00616       int u = int(*it) % int(640);
00617       //
00618       cv::Vec3b& here = (*cvmat)(v,u);
00619       here = id;
00620       ++it;
00621     }
00623     if(c_it == exp.begin()) { v_tmp->show(); return; }
00624     else v_tmp->onDataChanged();
00625   }
00627   bool OnInit()
00628   {
00629     if (this->argc < 3) { std::cout << "command path_to_pointcloud.pcd path_to_groundtruth.ppm " << std::endl; exit(0); }
00630     /*if (this->argc == 4)
00631     {
00632       std::string file_pcd(wxString(this->argv[1]).mb_str());
00633       std::string file_ppm(wxString(this->argv[2]).mb_str());
00634       std::string file_out(wxString(this->argv[3]).mb_str());
00635       if (pcl::io::loadPCDFile<PT>(file_pcd, *pc_exp) < 0) exit(0);
00636       cob_3d_mapping_tools::PPMReader ppm;
00637       cob_3d_mapping_tools::PPMWriter wppm;
00638       if (ppm.mapRGB(file_ppm, *pc_exp, true) == -1) { exit(0); }
00639       *pc_pred = *pc_exp;
00640       //createClustersUsingPlaneExtraction(pc_pred, pred);
00641       createClustersUsingMultiPlaneSegmentation(pc_pred, pred);
00642       wppm.writeRGB(file_out, *pc_pred);
00643       exit(0);
00644       }
00645     */
00647     std::string file_pcd(wxString(this->argv[1]).mb_str());
00648     std::string file_ppm(wxString(this->argv[2]).mb_str());
00649     if (pcl::io::loadPCDFile<PT>(file_pcd, *pc_exp) < 0) exit(0);
00650     cob_3d_mapping_tools::PPMReader ppm;
00651     if (ppm.mapRGB(file_ppm, *pc_exp, true) == -1) { exit(0); }
00652     *pc_pred = *pc_exp;
00653     std::cout << pc_exp->width << " " << pc_exp->height << std::endl;
00654     createClusters(pc_exp, exp);
00656     #ifdef PCL_MINOR_VERSION
00657       #if PCL_MINOR_VERSION >= 6
00658       createClustersUsingMultiPlaneSegmentation(pc_pred, pred);
00659       #else
00660       createClustersUsingPlaneExtraction(pc_pred, pred);
00661       #endif
00662     #else
00663     createClustersUsingPlaneExtraction(pc_pred, pred);
00664     #endif
00665     c_it = exp.begin();
00667     Gui::Resource<RPC>* r_exp = Gui::Core::rMan()->create<RPC>("res_expected", pc_exp);
00668     Gui::Resource<RPC>* r_pred = Gui::Core::rMan()->create<RPC>("res_predicted", pc_pred);
00670     Gui::View<RPC,VCol>* v_exp = r_exp->createView<VCol>("Expectation");
00671     Gui::View<RPC,Gui::ViewTypes::Depth_Z>* v2_exp = r_exp->createView<Gui::ViewTypes::Depth_Z>("depth_exp");
00672     Gui::View<RPC,VCol>* v_pred = r_pred->createView<VCol>("Prediction");
00673     r_tmp = Gui::Core::rMan()->create<RImg>("res_copy", file_ppm);
00674     v_tmp = r_tmp->createView<VCol>("CurrentCluster");
00676     boost::function<void (wxMouseEvent&, Gui::Resource<RPC>*)> f = boost::bind(&MainApp::OnClick, this, _1, _2);
00677     v_pred->registerMouseCallback(f);
00680     v_exp->show();
00681     v_pred->show();
00682     Gui::Core::wMan()->moveWindow(v_pred, 700, 0);
00683     v2_exp->show();
00684     showNext();
00685     //v_tmp->show();
00687     std::cout << "Done init" << std::endl;
00688     return true;
00689   }
00691   int OnExit()
00692   {
00693     std::cout << "I shut myself down!" << std::endl;
00694     return 0;
00695   }
00697 };
00699 IMPLEMENT_APP(MainApp)

Author(s): Georg Arbeiter
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 11:04:27