tf2 is the second generation of the tf library.
This library implements the interface defined by tf2::BufferCore.
There is also a Python wrapper with the same API that class this library using CPython bindings.
Code API
The main interface is through the tf2::BufferCore interface.
It uses the exceptions in exceptions.h and the Stamped datatype in transform_datatypes.h.
Conversion Interface
tf2 offers a templated conversion interface for external libraries to specify conversions between tf2-specific data types and user-defined data types. Various templated functions in tf2_ros use the conversion interface to apply transformations from the tf server to these custom datatypes.
The conversion interface is defined in tf2/convert.h.
Some packages that implement this interface:
Some tutorials are available at https://docs.ros.org/.
Page Hierarchy
Class Hierarchy
- Namespace tf2
- Namespace tf2::impl
- Template Class Converter
- Struct Matrix3x3DoubleData
- Struct Matrix3x3FloatData
- Struct TransformDoubleData
- Struct TransformFloatData
- Struct Vector3DoubleData
- Struct Vector3FloatData
- Class BufferCore
- Class BufferCoreInterface
- Class ConnectivityException
- Class ExtrapolationException
- Class InvalidArgumentException
- Class LookupException
- Class Matrix3x3
- Class Quaternion
- Template Class Stamped
- Class StaticCache
- Class tf2Vector4
- Class TimeCache
- Class TimeCacheInterface
- Class TimeoutException
- Class Transform
- Class TransformException
- Class TransformStorage
- Template Class WithCovarianceStamped
- Enum TF2Error
- Enum TransformableResult
- Namespace tf2::impl
- Struct tf2TypedObject
- Namespace tf2
File Hierarchy
- Directory include
- Directory tf2
- Directory impl
- File convert.h
- File convert.hpp
- File utils.h
- File utils.hpp
- Directory LinearMath
- File Matrix3x3.h
- File Matrix3x3.hpp
- File MinMax.h
- File MinMax.hpp
- File QuadWord.h
- File QuadWord.hpp
- File Quaternion.h
- File Quaternion.hpp
- File Scalar.h
- File Scalar.hpp
- File Transform.h
- File Transform.hpp
- File Vector3.h
- File Vector3.hpp
- File buffer_core.h
- File buffer_core.hpp
- File buffer_core_interface.h
- File buffer_core_interface.hpp
- File convert.h
- File convert.hpp
- File exceptions.h
- File exceptions.hpp
- File time.h
- File time.hpp
- File time_cache.h
- File time_cache.hpp
- File transform_datatypes.h
- File transform_datatypes.hpp
- File transform_storage.h
- File transform_storage.hpp
- File utils.h
- File utils.hpp
- File visibility_control.h
- Directory impl
- Directory tf2
- File mainpage.dox
- Directory include