Class OgreLogging

Class Documentation

class OgreLogging

Public Functions

void useLogFile(const std::string &filename = "Ogre.log")

Configure Ogre to write output to the given log file name.

If file name is a relative path, it will be relative to the directory which is current when the program is run. Default is “Ogre.log”.

RVIZ_RENDERING_PUBLIC void useLogFileAndStandardOut (const std::string &filename="Ogre.log")

Configure Ogre to write output to stdout and to the given log file name.

If file name is a relative path, it will be relative to the directory which is current when the program is run. Default is “Ogre.log”.

void noLog()

Disable Ogre logging entirely, this is the default.

RVIZ_RENDERING_PUBLIC void configureLogging ()

Configure the Ogre::LogManager to give the currently selected behavior.

This must be called before Ogre::Root is instantiated!

Public Static Functions

static RVIZ_RENDERING_PUBLIC OgreLogging * get ()