Template Class AStarAlgorithm

Nested Relationships

Nested Types

Class Documentation

template<typename NodeT>
class AStarAlgorithm

An A* implementation for planning in a costmap. Templated based on the Node type.

Public Types

typedef NodeT *NodePtr
typedef robin_hood::unordered_node_map<unsigned int, NodeT> Graph
typedef std::vector<NodePtr> NodeVector
typedef std::pair<float, NodeBasic<NodeT>> NodeElement
typedef NodeT::Coordinates Coordinates
typedef NodeT::CoordinateVector CoordinateVector
typedef NodeVector::iterator NeighborIterator
typedef std::function<bool(const unsigned int&, NodeT*&)> NodeGetter
typedef std::priority_queue<NodeElement, std::vector<NodeElement>, NodeComparator> NodeQueue

Public Functions

explicit AStarAlgorithm(const MotionModel &motion_model, const SearchInfo &search_info)

A constructor for nav2_smac_planner::AStarAlgorithm.


A destructor for nav2_smac_planner::AStarAlgorithm.

void initialize(const bool &allow_unknown, int &max_iterations, const int &max_on_approach_iterations, const double &max_planning_time, const float &lookup_table_size, const unsigned int &dim_3_size)

Initialization of the planner with defaults.

  • allow_unknown – Allow search in unknown space, good for navigation while mapping

  • max_iterations – Maximum number of iterations to use while expanding search

  • max_on_approach_iterations – Maximum number of iterations before returning a valid path once within thresholds to refine path comes at more compute time but smoother paths.

  • max_planning_time – Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a plan, createPath returns false after this timeout

bool createPath(CoordinateVector &path, int &num_iterations, const float &tolerance)

Creating path from given costmap, start, and goal.

  • path – Reference to a vector of indicies of generated path

  • num_iterations – Reference to number of iterations to create plan

  • tolerance – Reference to tolerance in costmap nodes


if plan was successful

void setCollisionChecker(GridCollisionChecker *collision_checker)

Sets the collision checker to use.


collision_checker – Collision checker to use for checking state validity

void setGoal(const unsigned int &mx, const unsigned int &my, const unsigned int &dim_3)

Set the goal for planning, as a node index.

  • mx – The node X index of the goal

  • my – The node Y index of the goal

  • dim_3 – The node dim_3 index of the goal

void setStart(const unsigned int &mx, const unsigned int &my, const unsigned int &dim_3)

Set the starting pose for planning, as a node index.

  • mx – The node X index of the goal

  • my – The node Y index of the goal

  • dim_3 – The node dim_3 index of the goal

int &getMaxIterations()

Get maximum number of iterations to plan.


Reference to Maximum iterations parameter

NodePtr &getStart()

Get pointer reference to starting node.


Node pointer reference to starting node

NodePtr &getGoal()

Get pointer reference to goal node.


Node pointer reference to goal node

int &getOnApproachMaxIterations()

Get maximum number of on-approach iterations after within threshold.


Reference to Maximum on-appraoch iterations parameter

float &getToleranceHeuristic()

Get tolerance, in node nodes.


Reference to tolerance parameter

unsigned int &getSizeX()

Get size of graph in X.


Size in X

unsigned int &getSizeY()

Get size of graph in Y.


Size in Y

unsigned int &getSizeDim3()

Get number of angle quantization bins (SE2) or Z coordinate (XYZ)


Number of angle bins / Z dimension

Protected Functions

inline NodePtr getNextNode()

Get pointer to next goal in open set.


Node pointer reference to next heuristically scored node

inline void addNode(const float &cost, NodePtr &node)

Add a node to the open set.

  • cost – The cost to sort into the open set of the node

  • node – Node pointer reference to add to open set

inline NodePtr addToGraph(const unsigned int &index)

Adds node to graph.


index – Node index to add

inline bool isGoal(NodePtr &node)

Check if this node is the goal node.


node – Node pointer to check if its the goal node


if node is goal

inline float getHeuristicCost(const NodePtr &node)

Get cost of heuristic of node.


node – Node pointer to get heuristic for


Heuristic cost for node

inline bool areInputsValid()

Check if inputs to planner are valid.


Are valid

inline void clearQueue()

Clear hueristic queue of nodes to search.

inline void clearGraph()

Clear graph of nodes searched.

Protected Attributes

int _timing_interval = 5000
bool _traverse_unknown
bool _is_initialized
int _max_iterations
int _max_on_approach_iterations
double _max_planning_time
float _tolerance
unsigned int _x_size
unsigned int _y_size
unsigned int _dim3_size
SearchInfo _search_info
Coordinates _goal_coordinates
NodePtr _start
NodePtr _goal
Graph _graph
NodeQueue _queue
MotionModel _motion_model
NodeHeuristicPair _best_heuristic_node
GridCollisionChecker *_collision_checker
nav2_costmap_2d::Costmap2D *_costmap
std::unique_ptr<AnalyticExpansion<NodeT>> _expander
struct NodeComparator

Public Functions

inline bool operator()(const NodeElement &a, const NodeElement &b) const