Class RawSubscriber

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class RawSubscriber : public image_transport::SimpleSubscriberPlugin<sensor_msgs::msg::Image>

The default SubscriberPlugin.

RawSubscriber is a simple wrapper for ros::Subscriber which listens for Image messages and passes them through to the callback.

Public Functions

inline virtual ~RawSubscriber()
inline virtual std::string getTransportName() const override

Get a string identifier for the transport provided by this plugin.

Protected Functions

inline void internalCallback(const std::shared_ptr<const sensor_msgs::msg::Image> &message, const Callback &user_cb) override
inline virtual std::string getTopicToSubscribe(const std::string &base_topic) const override

Return the communication topic name for a given base topic.

Defaults to <base topic>/<transport name>.

inline virtual void subscribeImpl(rclcpp::Node *node, const std::string &base_topic, const Callback &callback, rmw_qos_profile_t custom_qos, rclcpp::SubscriptionOptions options) override
void subscribeImpl(rclcpp::Node *node, const std::string &base_topic, const Callback &callback, rmw_qos_profile_t custom_qos = rmw_qos_profile_default) = 0

Subscribe to an image transport topic. Must be implemented by the subclass.

inline void subscribeImpl(rclcpp::Node *node, const std::string &base_topic, const Callback &callback, rmw_qos_profile_t custom_qos, rclcpp::SubscriptionOptions options)