Class PublisherPlugin

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Types

Class Documentation

class PublisherPlugin

Base class for plugins to Publisher.

Subclassed by image_transport::SimplePublisherPlugin< sensor_msgs::msg::Image >, image_transport::SimplePublisherPlugin< M >

Public Functions

PublisherPlugin() = default
PublisherPlugin(const PublisherPlugin&) = delete
PublisherPlugin &operator=(const PublisherPlugin&) = delete
inline virtual ~PublisherPlugin()
virtual std::string getTransportName() const = 0

Get a string identifier for the transport provided by this plugin.

inline void advertise(rclcpp::Node *nh, const std::string &base_topic, rmw_qos_profile_t custom_qos = rmw_qos_profile_default)

Advertise a topic, simple version.

virtual size_t getNumSubscribers() const = 0

Returns the number of subscribers that are currently connected to this PublisherPlugin.

virtual std::string getTopic() const = 0

Returns the communication topic that this PublisherPlugin will publish on.

virtual void publish(const sensor_msgs::msg::Image &message) const = 0

Publish an image using the transport associated with this PublisherPlugin.

inline virtual void publishPtr(const sensor_msgs::msg::Image::ConstSharedPtr &message) const

Publish an image using the transport associated with this PublisherPlugin.

inline virtual void publishData(const sensor_msgs::msg::Image &message, const uint8_t *data) const

Publish an image using the transport associated with this PublisherPlugin. This version of the function can be used to optimize cases where you don’t want to fill a ROS message first to avoid useless copies.

  • message – an image message to use information from (but not data)

  • data – a pointer to the image data to use to fill the Image message

virtual void shutdown() = 0

Shutdown any advertisements associated with this PublisherPlugin.

Public Static Functions

static inline std::string getLookupName(const std::string &transport_name)

Return the lookup name of the PublisherPlugin associated with a specific transport identifier.

Protected Functions

virtual void advertiseImpl(rclcpp::Node *nh, const std::string &base_topic, rmw_qos_profile_t custom_qos) = 0

Advertise a topic. Must be implemented by the subclass.