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NewMatExhaustive.cpp File Reference
#include "lo/NewMatExhaustive.h"
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class  ControlWord
class  LoadAndStoreFlag
class  MatrixCol
class  MatrixColX
class  MatrixRow
class  MatrixRowCol


#define DO_SEARCH
#define ios_format_flags   long
#define PRECISION_LIB   0


enum  LSF {
  LoadOnEntry = 1, StoreOnExit = 2, DirectPart = 4, StoreHere = 8,
  HaveStore = 16


bool Compare (const MatrixType &source, MatrixType &destination)
Real dotproduct (const Matrix &A, const Matrix &B)
void eigenvalues (const SymmetricMatrix &A, DiagonalMatrix &D, Matrix &Z)
void eigenvalues (const SymmetricMatrix &X, DiagonalMatrix &D)
void eigenvalues (const SymmetricMatrix &X, DiagonalMatrix &D, SymmetricMatrix &A)
ReturnMatrix eulzxz (const ColumnVector &a)
 Euler ZXZ rotation.
ReturnMatrix ieulzxz (const Matrix &R)
 Obtain Roll, Pitch and Yaw from a rotation matrix.
ReturnMatrix irotk (const Matrix &R)
 Obtain axis from a rotation matrix.
ReturnMatrix irpy (const Matrix &R)
 Obtain Roll, Pitch and Yaw from a rotation matrix.
KPMatrix KP (const BaseMatrix &bm1, const BaseMatrix &bm2)
static void MatrixDetails (const GeneralMatrix &A)
void MatrixErrorNoSpace (const void *v)
 test for allocation fails
void newmat_block_copy (int n, Real *from, Real *to)
static void NullMatrixError (const GeneralMatrix *gm)
ScaledMatrix operator* (Real f, const BaseMatrix &BM)
ShiftedMatrix operator+ (Real f, const BaseMatrix &BM)
NegShiftedMatrix operator- (Real f, const BaseMatrix &bm)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &s, const BaseMatrix &X)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &s, const GeneralMatrix &X)
bool Rectangular (MatrixType a, MatrixType b, MatrixType c)
ReturnMatrix rotd (const Real theta, const ColumnVector &k1, const ColumnVector &k2)
 Rotation around an arbitrary line.
ReturnMatrix rotk (const Real theta, const ColumnVector &k)
 Rotation around arbitrary axis.
ReturnMatrix rotx (const Real alpha)
 Rotation around x axis.
ReturnMatrix roty (const Real beta)
 Rotation around x axis.
ReturnMatrix rotz (const Real gamma)
 Rotation around z axis.
ReturnMatrix rpy (const ColumnVector &a)
 Roll Pitch Yaw rotation.
SPMatrix SP (const BaseMatrix &bm1, const BaseMatrix &bm2)
void SVD (const Matrix &A, DiagonalMatrix &Q, Matrix &U, Matrix &V, bool withU, bool withV)
void SVD (const Matrix &A, DiagonalMatrix &D)
static void tql1 (DiagonalMatrix &D, DiagonalMatrix &E)
static void tql2 (DiagonalMatrix &D, DiagonalMatrix &E, Matrix &Z)
ReturnMatrix trans (const ColumnVector &a)
static void tred2 (const SymmetricMatrix &A, DiagonalMatrix &D, DiagonalMatrix &E, Matrix &Z)
static void tred3 (const SymmetricMatrix &X, DiagonalMatrix &D, DiagonalMatrix &E, SymmetricMatrix &A)
static int tristore (int n)
void ComplexScale (RectMatrixCol &U, RectMatrixCol &V, Real x, Real y)
void Rotate (RectMatrixCol &U, RectMatrixCol &V, Real tau, Real s)
Real pythag (Real f, Real g, Real &c, Real &s)
static GeneralMatrixGeneralMult (GeneralMatrix *, GeneralMatrix *, MultipliedMatrix *, MatrixType)
static GeneralMatrixGeneralSolv (GeneralMatrix *, GeneralMatrix *, BaseMatrix *, MatrixType)
static GeneralMatrixGeneralSolvI (GeneralMatrix *, BaseMatrix *, MatrixType)
static GeneralMatrixGeneralKP (GeneralMatrix *, GeneralMatrix *, KPMatrix *, MatrixType)
static void Add (GeneralMatrix *gm, GeneralMatrix *gm1, GeneralMatrix *gm2)
static void AddTo (GeneralMatrix *gm, const GeneralMatrix *gm2)
static void Subtract (GeneralMatrix *gm, GeneralMatrix *gm1, GeneralMatrix *gm2)
static void SubtractFrom (GeneralMatrix *gm, const GeneralMatrix *gm2)
static void ReverseSubtract (GeneralMatrix *gm, const GeneralMatrix *gm2)
static void SP (GeneralMatrix *gm, GeneralMatrix *gm1, GeneralMatrix *gm2)
static void SP (GeneralMatrix *gm, GeneralMatrix *gm2)
static void AddDS (GeneralMatrix *gm, GeneralMatrix *gm1, GeneralMatrix *gm2)
static void AddDS (GeneralMatrix *gm, GeneralMatrix *gm2)
static void SubtractDS (GeneralMatrix *gm, GeneralMatrix *gm1, GeneralMatrix *gm2)
static void SubtractDS (GeneralMatrix *gm, GeneralMatrix *gm2)
static void ReverseSubtractDS (GeneralMatrix *gm, GeneralMatrix *gm2)
static void SPDS (GeneralMatrix *gm, GeneralMatrix *gm1, GeneralMatrix *gm2)
static void SPDS (GeneralMatrix *gm, GeneralMatrix *gm2)
static GeneralMatrixGeneralMult1 (GeneralMatrix *gm1, GeneralMatrix *gm2, MultipliedMatrix *mm, MatrixType mtx)
static GeneralMatrixGeneralMult2 (GeneralMatrix *gm1, GeneralMatrix *gm2, MultipliedMatrix *mm, MatrixType mtx)
static GeneralMatrixmmMult (GeneralMatrix *gm1, GeneralMatrix *gm2)
static bool RealEqual (Real *s1, Real *s2, int n)
static bool intEqual (int *s1, int *s2, int n)
bool operator== (const BaseMatrix &A, const BaseMatrix &B)
bool operator== (const GeneralMatrix &A, const GeneralMatrix &B)
bool is_zero (const BaseMatrix &A)
void crossproduct_body (Real *a, Real *b, Real *c)
Matrix crossproduct (const Matrix &A, const Matrix &B)
ReturnMatrix crossproduct_rows (const Matrix &A, const Matrix &B)
ReturnMatrix crossproduct_columns (const Matrix &A, const Matrix &B)
static int my_min (int x, int y)
static int my_max (int x, int y)


static const char rcsid [] = "$Id: homogen.cpp,v 1.15 2006/11/15 18:35:17 gourdeau Exp $"
 RCS/CVS version.
#define NEWMATRC_LIB   0
#define CONTROL_WORD_LIB   0
Real fourbyfourident [] = {1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0}
 Used to initialize a $4\times 4$ matrix.
Real threebythreeident [] = {1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0}
 Used to initialize a $3\times 3$ matrix.
#define MONITOR(what, store, storage)   {}
#define MONITOR(what, store, storage)   {}
Real DotProd (const MatrixRowCol &mrc1, const MatrixRowCol &mrc2)
void Terminate ()
#define WANT_MATH
#define REPORT   {}
#define REPORT   {}
#define REPORT   {}
#define REPORT   {}
#define REPORT   {}
#define WANT_MATH
#define WANT_MATH
#define REPORT   {}
#define REPORT   {}
#define REPORT   {}
#define WANT_MATH
#define REPORT   {}
#define WANT_MATH
#define REPORT   {}
#define WANT_MATH
#define REPORT   {}
#define REPORT   {}
#define WANT_MATH
#define REPORT   {}
#define DoSimpleSort   17
#define MaxDepth   50
#define REPORT   {}
static void MyQuickSortDescending (Real *first, Real *last, int depth)
static void InsertionSortDescending (Real *first, const int length, int guard)
static Real SortThreeDescending (Real *a, Real *b, Real *c)
static void MyQuickSortAscending (Real *first, Real *last, int depth)
static void InsertionSortAscending (Real *first, const int length, int guard)
void sort_descending (GeneralMatrix &GM)
void sort_ascending (GeneralMatrix &GM)
void SortSV (DiagonalMatrix &D, Matrix &U, bool ascending)
void SortSV (DiagonalMatrix &D, Matrix &U, Matrix &V, bool ascending)

Define Documentation

#define CONTROL_WORD_LIB   0

Definition at line 43 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

#define DO_SEARCH

Definition at line 698 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

#define DoSimpleSort   17

Definition at line 9549 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

#define ios_format_flags   long

Definition at line 9814 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

#define MaxDepth   50

Definition at line 9550 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

#define MONITOR (   what,
)    {}

Definition at line 6807 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

#define MONITOR (   what,
)    {}

Definition at line 6807 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

#define NEWMATRC_LIB   0

Definition at line 28 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

#define PRECISION_LIB   0

Definition at line 3521 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

#define REPORT   {}

Definition at line 9809 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

#define REPORT   {}

Definition at line 9809 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

#define REPORT   {}

Definition at line 9809 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

#define REPORT   {}

Definition at line 9809 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

#define REPORT   {}

Definition at line 9809 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

#define REPORT   {}

Definition at line 9809 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

#define REPORT   {}

Definition at line 9809 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

#define REPORT   {}

Definition at line 9809 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

#define REPORT   {}

Definition at line 9809 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

#define REPORT   {}

Definition at line 9809 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

#define REPORT   {}

Definition at line 9809 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

#define REPORT   {}

Definition at line 9809 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

#define REPORT   {}

Definition at line 9809 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

#define REPORT   {}

Definition at line 9809 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.


Definition at line 9798 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

#define WANT_MATH

Definition at line 9526 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

#define WANT_MATH

Definition at line 9526 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

#define WANT_MATH

Definition at line 9526 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

#define WANT_MATH

Definition at line 9526 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

#define WANT_MATH

Definition at line 9526 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

#define WANT_MATH

Definition at line 9526 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

#define WANT_MATH

Definition at line 9526 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.


Definition at line 7969 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.


Definition at line 7969 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.


Definition at line 7970 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum LSF

Definition at line 317 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

Function Documentation

static void Add ( GeneralMatrix gm,
GeneralMatrix gm1,
GeneralMatrix gm2 
) [static]

Definition at line 4721 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static void AddDS ( GeneralMatrix gm,
GeneralMatrix gm1,
GeneralMatrix gm2 
) [static]

Definition at line 4817 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static void AddDS ( GeneralMatrix gm,
GeneralMatrix gm2 
) [static]

Definition at line 4826 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static void AddTo ( GeneralMatrix gm,
const GeneralMatrix gm2 
) [static]

Definition at line 4734 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

bool Compare ( const MatrixType source,
MatrixType destination 

Definition at line 1648 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

void ComplexScale ( RectMatrixCol U,
RectMatrixCol V,
Real  x,
Real  y 

Definition at line 222 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

Matrix crossproduct ( const Matrix A,
const Matrix B 

Definition at line 5543 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

void crossproduct_body ( Real a,
Real b,
Real c 
) [inline]

Definition at line 5536 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

ReturnMatrix crossproduct_columns ( const Matrix A,
const Matrix B 

Definition at line 5590 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

ReturnMatrix crossproduct_rows ( const Matrix A,
const Matrix B 

Definition at line 5567 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

Real DotProd ( const MatrixRowCol mrc1,
const MatrixRowCol mrc2 

Definition at line 6855 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

Real dotproduct ( const Matrix A,
const Matrix B 

Definition at line 4292 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

void eigenvalues ( const SymmetricMatrix A,
DiagonalMatrix D,
Matrix Z 

Definition at line 10117 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

void eigenvalues ( const SymmetricMatrix X,
DiagonalMatrix D 

Definition at line 10120 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

void eigenvalues ( const SymmetricMatrix X,
DiagonalMatrix D,
SymmetricMatrix A 

Definition at line 10123 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

Euler ZXZ rotation.

Definition at line 6676 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static GeneralMatrix * GeneralKP ( GeneralMatrix gm1,
GeneralMatrix gm2,
KPMatrix kp,
MatrixType  mtx 
) [static]

Definition at line 4973 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static GeneralMatrix * GeneralMult ( GeneralMatrix gm1,
GeneralMatrix gm2,
MultipliedMatrix mm,
MatrixType  mtx 
) [static]

Definition at line 4962 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static GeneralMatrix* GeneralMult1 ( GeneralMatrix gm1,
GeneralMatrix gm2,
MultipliedMatrix mm,
MatrixType  mtx 
) [static]

Definition at line 4883 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static GeneralMatrix* GeneralMult2 ( GeneralMatrix gm1,
GeneralMatrix gm2,
MultipliedMatrix mm,
MatrixType  mtx 
) [static]

Definition at line 4906 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static GeneralMatrix * GeneralSolv ( GeneralMatrix gm1,
GeneralMatrix gm2,
BaseMatrix sm,
MatrixType  mtx 
) [static]

Definition at line 4994 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static GeneralMatrix * GeneralSolvI ( GeneralMatrix gm1,
BaseMatrix sm,
MatrixType  mtx 
) [static]

Definition at line 5035 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

ReturnMatrix ieulzxz ( const Matrix R)

Obtain Roll, Pitch and Yaw from a rotation matrix.

Definition at line 6759 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static void InsertionSortAscending ( Real first,
const int  length,
int  guard 
) [static]

Definition at line 9650 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static void InsertionSortDescending ( Real first,
const int  length,
int  guard 
) [static]

Definition at line 9588 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static bool intEqual ( int *  s1,
int *  s2,
int  n 
) [static]

Definition at line 5378 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

ReturnMatrix irotk ( const Matrix R)

Obtain axis from a rotation matrix.

Definition at line 6718 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

ReturnMatrix irpy ( const Matrix R)

Obtain Roll, Pitch and Yaw from a rotation matrix.

Definition at line 6736 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

bool is_zero ( const BaseMatrix A)

Definition at line 5468 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

KPMatrix KP ( const BaseMatrix bm1,
const BaseMatrix bm2 

Definition at line 2875 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static void MatrixDetails ( const GeneralMatrix A) [static]

Definition at line 7659 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

void MatrixErrorNoSpace ( const void *  v)

test for allocation fails

Definition at line 7929 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static GeneralMatrix* mmMult ( GeneralMatrix gm1,
GeneralMatrix gm2 
) [static]

Definition at line 4932 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static int my_max ( int  x,
int  y 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 8476 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static int my_min ( int  x,
int  y 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 8475 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static void MyQuickSortAscending ( Real first,
Real last,
int  depth 
) [static]

Definition at line 9674 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static void MyQuickSortDescending ( Real first,
Real last,
int  depth 
) [static]

Definition at line 9613 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

void newmat_block_copy ( int  n,
Real from,
Real to 

Definition at line 1475 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static void NullMatrixError ( const GeneralMatrix gm) [static]

Definition at line 3974 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

ScaledMatrix operator* ( Real  f,
const BaseMatrix BM 

Definition at line 2908 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

ShiftedMatrix operator+ ( Real  f,
const BaseMatrix BM 

Definition at line 2896 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

NegShiftedMatrix operator- ( Real  f,
const BaseMatrix bm 

Definition at line 2899 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

ostream& operator<< ( ostream &  s,
const BaseMatrix X 

Definition at line 9817 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

ostream& operator<< ( ostream &  s,
const GeneralMatrix X 

Definition at line 9824 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

bool operator== ( const BaseMatrix A,
const BaseMatrix B 

Definition at line 5391 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

bool operator== ( const GeneralMatrix A,
const GeneralMatrix B 

Definition at line 5429 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

Real pythag ( Real  f,
Real  g,
Real c,
Real s 

Definition at line 276 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static bool RealEqual ( Real s1,
Real s2,
int  n 
) [static]

Definition at line 5366 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

bool Rectangular ( MatrixType  a,
MatrixType  b,
MatrixType  c 

Definition at line 573 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static void ReverseSubtract ( GeneralMatrix gm,
const GeneralMatrix gm2 
) [static]

Definition at line 4781 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static void ReverseSubtractDS ( GeneralMatrix gm,
GeneralMatrix gm2 
) [static]

Definition at line 4855 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

void Rotate ( RectMatrixCol U,
RectMatrixCol V,
Real  tau,
Real  s 

Definition at line 246 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

ReturnMatrix rotd ( const Real  theta,
const ColumnVector k1,
const ColumnVector k2 

Rotation around an arbitrary line.

Definition at line 6705 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

ReturnMatrix rotk ( const Real  theta,
const ColumnVector k 

Rotation around arbitrary axis.

Definition at line 6614 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

ReturnMatrix rotx ( const Real  alpha)

Rotation around x axis.

Definition at line 6552 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

ReturnMatrix roty ( const Real  beta)

Rotation around x axis.

Definition at line 6572 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

ReturnMatrix rotz ( const Real  gamma)

Rotation around z axis.

Definition at line 6592 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

ReturnMatrix rpy ( const ColumnVector a)

Roll Pitch Yaw rotation.

Definition at line 6647 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

void sort_ascending ( GeneralMatrix GM)

Definition at line 9638 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

Definition at line 9562 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

void SortSV ( DiagonalMatrix D,
Matrix U,
bool  ascending 

Definition at line 9707 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

void SortSV ( DiagonalMatrix D,
Matrix U,
Matrix V,
bool  ascending 

Definition at line 9741 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static Real SortThreeDescending ( Real a,
Real b,
Real c 
) [static]

Definition at line 9574 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

SPMatrix SP ( const BaseMatrix bm1,
const BaseMatrix bm2 

Definition at line 2872 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static void SP ( GeneralMatrix gm,
GeneralMatrix gm1,
GeneralMatrix gm2 
) [static]

Definition at line 4793 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static void SP ( GeneralMatrix gm,
GeneralMatrix gm2 
) [static]

Definition at line 4806 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static void SPDS ( GeneralMatrix gm,
GeneralMatrix gm1,
GeneralMatrix gm2 
) [static]

Definition at line 4864 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static void SPDS ( GeneralMatrix gm,
GeneralMatrix gm2 
) [static]

Definition at line 4873 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static void Subtract ( GeneralMatrix gm,
GeneralMatrix gm1,
GeneralMatrix gm2 
) [static]

Definition at line 4751 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static void SubtractDS ( GeneralMatrix gm,
GeneralMatrix gm1,
GeneralMatrix gm2 
) [static]

Definition at line 4837 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static void SubtractDS ( GeneralMatrix gm,
GeneralMatrix gm2 
) [static]

Definition at line 4846 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static void SubtractFrom ( GeneralMatrix gm,
const GeneralMatrix gm2 
) [static]

Definition at line 4764 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

void SVD ( const Matrix A,
DiagonalMatrix Q,
Matrix U,
Matrix V,
bool  withU,
bool  withV 

Definition at line 7453 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

void SVD ( const Matrix A,
DiagonalMatrix D 

Definition at line 7623 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

void Terminate ( )

Definition at line 8178 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static void tql1 ( DiagonalMatrix D,
DiagonalMatrix E 
) [static]

Definition at line 10056 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static void tql2 ( DiagonalMatrix D,
DiagonalMatrix E,
Matrix Z 
) [static]

Definition at line 9932 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.


Definition at line 6533 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static void tred2 ( const SymmetricMatrix A,
DiagonalMatrix D,
DiagonalMatrix E,
Matrix Z 
) [static]

Definition at line 9858 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static void tred3 ( const SymmetricMatrix X,
DiagonalMatrix D,
DiagonalMatrix E,
SymmetricMatrix A 
) [static]

Definition at line 10013 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

static int tristore ( int  n) [static]

Definition at line 702 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

Variable Documentation

Real fourbyfourident[] = {1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0}

Used to initialize a $4\times 4$ matrix.

Definition at line 17 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

const char rcsid[] = "$Id: homogen.cpp,v 1.15 2006/11/15 18:35:17 gourdeau Exp $" [static]

RCS/CVS version.

Definition at line 6524 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

Real threebythreeident[] = {1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0}

Used to initialize a $3\times 3$ matrix.

Definition at line 20 of file NewMatExhaustive.cpp.

Author(s): U. Klank
autogenerated on Mon Oct 6 2014 10:44:15