Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
ros::DurationDuration representation for use with the Time class
ros::DurationBase< T >Base class for Duration implementations. Provides storage, common functions and operator overloads. This should not need to be used directly
ros::NoHighPerformanceTimersExceptionThrown if windoze high perf. timestamping is unavailable
ros::RateClass to help run loops at a desired frequency
ros::TimeTime representation. May either represent wall clock time or ROS clock time
ros::TimeBase< T, D >Base class for Time implementations. Provides storage, common functions and operator overloads. This should not need to be used directly
ros::TimeNotInitializedExceptionThrown if the ros subsystem hasn't been initialised before use
ros::WallDurationDuration representation for use with the WallTime class
ros::WallRateClass to help run loops at a desired frequency. This version always uses wall-clock time
ros::WallTimeTime representation. Always wall-clock time

Author(s): Josh Faust
autogenerated on Fri Jan 3 2014 11:49:59