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cop::ImageInputSystem Class Reference

manages different cameras and the camera selection More...

#include <ImageInputSystem.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void AddSensor (Sensor *cam)
std::vector< Sensor * > GetAllSensors () const
std::vector< Sensor * > GetBestSensor (RelPose &pose)
 Selected depening on the position that should be observed a camera and returns it.
SensorGetSensor (unsigned int index)
 ImageInputSystem (XMLTag *ConfigFile)
XMLTagSave ()
virtual ~ImageInputSystem ()

Public Attributes

std::string m_stConverterNames

Private Attributes

std::vector< Sensor * > m_cameras

Detailed Description

manages different cameras and the camera selection

class ImageInputSystem Nodename: XML_NODE_IMAGEINPUTSYSTEM "ImageInputSystem" Attribute: XML_ATTIBUTE_READINGCONVERTER "ReadingConverter" TODO: Support several

Definition at line 47 of file ImageInputSystem.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Empty Constructor

Definition at line 56 of file ImageInputSystem.cpp.

Empty Destructor

Definition at line 85 of file ImageInputSystem.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

Definition at line 97 of file ImageInputSystem.cpp.

Definition at line 81 of file ImageInputSystem.h.

Selected depening on the position that should be observed a camera and returns it.


posethe pose that should be observed
char*with an error message in case of failure


posethe pose that should be observed
char*with an error message in case of failure

Definition at line 129 of file ImageInputSystem.cpp.

Sensor* cop::ImageInputSystem::GetSensor ( unsigned int  index) [inline]

Definition at line 71 of file ImageInputSystem.h.

Definition at line 114 of file ImageInputSystem.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 84 of file ImageInputSystem.h.

Definition at line 81 of file ImageInputSystem.h.

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Author(s): Ulrich F Klank
autogenerated on Thu May 23 2013 07:38:35