This is a ROS message definition.
# This message contains a UBX-NAV-COV (0x01 0x36) record clock solution
# It outputs the covariance matrices for the position and velocity
# solutions in the topocentric coordinate system defined as the local-level North
# (N), East (E), Down (D) frame. As the covariance matrices are symmetric, only
# the upper triangular part is output.
std_msgs/Header header # Header timestamp should be acquisition time
uint32 itow # ms - GPS Time of week of the navigation epoch
uint8 version # message version (0x00 for this version)
bool pos_cor_valid # position covariance matrix validity flag
bool vel_cor_valid # velocity covariance matrix validity flag
float32 pos_cov_nn # m^2 - Position covariance matric value p_NN
float32 pos_cov_ne # m^2 - Position covariance matric value p_NE
float32 pos_cov_nd # m^2 - Position covariance matric value p_ND
float32 pos_cov_ee # m^2 - Position covariance matric value p_EE
float32 pos_cov_ed # m^2 - Position covariance matric value p_ED
float32 pos_cov_dd # m^2 - Position covariance matric value p_DD
float32 vel_cov_nn # m^2/s^2 - Velocity covariance matric value v_NN
float32 vel_cov_ne # m^2/s^2 - Velocity covariance matric value v_NE
float32 vel_cov_nd # m^2/s^2 - Velocity covariance matric value v_ND
float32 vel_cov_ee # m^2/s^2 - Velocity covariance matric value v_EE
float32 vel_cov_ed # m^2/s^2 - Velocity covariance matric value v_ED
float32 vel_cov_dd # m^2/s^2 - Velocity covariance matric value v_DD