This is a ROS message definition.
# Message for sorted segment of points.
# Each segment is assigned an id, which uniquely identifies the segment consistently across multiple frames.
# The segments can be linked to previous and next segment using lastPointPriorSeg and firstPointNextSeg, respectively.
# Segment messages can be used as an input to a classifier such as a person detector, or for annotating
# sensor_msgs/Laserscan messages with groundtruth person tracks.
# ID of the segment
uint64 id 0
# Label of the segment
uint32 label 0
# Angular distance to the closest boundary (in rads)
float64 angular_distance 0.0
# Last point of the previous segment
geometry_msgs/Point last_point_prior_segment
# First point of the next segment
geometry_msgs/Point first_point_next_segment
# Points of the segment
geometry_msgs/Point[] points
# Type of the labels
uint32 BACKGROUND = 0
uint32 PERSON = 1
uint32 PERSON_CANE = 2