Template Class iterator_base
Defined in File OcTreeIterator.hxx
Nested Relationships
Nested Types
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
public leaf_bbx_iterator
(Class leaf_bbx_iterator)public leaf_iterator
(Class leaf_iterator)public tree_iterator
(Class tree_iterator)
Class Documentation
template<class NodeType>
class iterator_base Base class for OcTree iterators. So far, all iterator’s are const with respect to the tree. This file is included within OcTreeBaseImpl.h, you should probably not include this directly.
Subclassed by leaf_bbx_iterator, leaf_iterator, tree_iterator
Public Types
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag
Public Functions
inline iterator_base()
Default ctor, only used for the end-iterator.
inline iterator_base(OcTreeBaseImpl<NodeType, INTERFACE> const *ptree, uint8_t depth = 0)
Constructor of the iterator. Initializes the iterator with the default constructor (= end() iterator) if tree is empty or NULL.
- Parameters:
ptree – OcTreeBaseImpl on which the iterator is used on
depth – Maximum depth to traverse the tree. 0 (default): unlimited
inline iterator_base(const iterator_base &other)
Copy constructor of the iterator.
inline bool operator==(const iterator_base &other) const
Comparison between iterators. First compares the tree, then stack size and top element of stack.
inline bool operator!=(const iterator_base &other) const
Comparison between iterators. First compares the tree, then stack size and top element of stack.
inline iterator_base &operator=(const iterator_base &other)
inline NodeType const *operator->() const
Ptr operator will return the current node in the octree which the iterator is referring to
inline NodeType *operator->()
Ptr operator will return the current node in the octree which the iterator is referring to
inline const NodeType &operator*() const
Return the current node in the octree which the iterator is referring to
inline NodeType &operator*()
Return the current node in the octree which the iterator is referring to
inline point3d getCoordinate() const
return the center coordinate of the current node
inline double getX() const
- Returns:
single coordinate of the current node
inline double getY() const
- Returns:
single coordinate of the current node
inline double getZ() const
- Returns:
single coordinate of the current node
inline double getSize() const
- Returns:
the side of the volume occupied by the current node
inline unsigned getDepth() const
return depth of the current node
inline const OcTreeKey &getKey() const
- Returns:
the OcTreeKey of the current node
inline OcTreeKey getIndexKey() const
- Returns:
the OcTreeKey of the current node, for nodes with depth != maxDepth
Protected Functions
inline void singleIncrement()
One step of depth-first tree traversal. How this is used depends on the actual iterator.
Protected Attributes
uint8_t maxDepth
Maximum depth for depth-limited queries.
std::stack<StackElement, std::vector<StackElement>> stack
Internal recursion stack. Apparently a stack of vector works fastest here.
struct StackElement
Element on the internal recursion stack of the iterator.
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag