Template Struct TaylorSeriesExpansion

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Types

Struct Documentation

template<typename Scalar>
struct TaylorSeriesExpansion

Helper struct to retrieve some useful information for a Taylor series expansion according to the a given Scalar type.

Foward declaration of TaylorSeriesExpansion.

Template Parameters:

Scalar – the Scalar type of the Taylor series expansion.

Subclassed by pinocchio::TaylorSeriesExpansion< CppAD::AD< Scalar > >, pinocchio::TaylorSeriesExpansion<::casadi::Matrix< Scalar > >

Public Static Functions

template<int degree>
static inline Scalar precision()

Computes the expected tolerance of the argument of a Taylor series expansion for a certain degree according to the machine precision of the given input Scalar.

Template Parameters:

degree – the degree of the Taylor series expansion.

static inline Scalar precision(const int degree)