Template Struct InertiaBase

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Derived Types

Struct Documentation

template<class Derived>
struct InertiaBase : public pinocchio::NumericalBase<Derived>

Subclassed by pinocchio::InertiaTpl< Scalar, Options >, pinocchio::InertiaTpl< context::Scalar, context::Options >

Public Functions

inline Derived &derived()
inline const Derived &derived() const
inline Derived &const_cast_derived() const
inline Scalar mass() const
inline Scalar &mass()
inline const Vector3 &lever() const
inline Vector3 &lever()
inline const Symmetric3 &inertia() const
inline Symmetric3 &inertia()
template<typename Matrix6Like>
inline void matrix(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Matrix6Like> &mat) const
inline Matrix6 matrix() const
inline operator Matrix6() const
template<typename Matrix6Like>
inline void inverse(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Matrix6Like> &mat) const
inline Matrix6 inverse() const
inline Derived &operator=(const Derived &clone)
inline bool operator==(const Derived &other) const
inline bool operator!=(const Derived &other) const
inline Derived &operator+=(const Derived &Yb)
inline Derived operator+(const Derived &Yb) const
inline Derived &operator-=(const Derived &Yb)
inline Derived operator-(const Derived &Yb) const
template<typename MotionDerived>
inline ForceTpl<typename traits<MotionDerived>::Scalar, traits<MotionDerived>::Options> operator*(const MotionDense<MotionDerived> &v) const
template<typename MotionDerived>
inline Scalar vtiv(const MotionDense<MotionDerived> &v) const
template<typename MotionDerived>
inline Matrix6 variation(const MotionDense<MotionDerived> &v) const
template<typename MotionDerived>
inline Matrix6 vxi(const MotionDense<MotionDerived> &v) const
template<typename MotionDerived>
inline Matrix6 ivx(const MotionDense<MotionDerived> &v) const
inline void setZero()
inline void setIdentity()
inline void setRandom()
inline bool isApprox(const Derived &other, const Scalar &prec = Eigen::NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision()) const
inline bool isZero(const Scalar &prec = Eigen::NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision()) const
template<typename S2, int O2>
inline Derived se3Action(const SE3Tpl<S2, O2> &M) const

aI = aXb.act(bI)

template<typename S2, int O2>
inline Derived se3ActionInverse(const SE3Tpl<S2, O2> &M) const

bI = aXb.actInv(aI)

inline void disp(std::ostream &os) const

Public Static Functions

template<typename MotionDerived, typename M6>
static inline void vxi(const MotionDense<MotionDerived> &v, const Derived &I, const Eigen::MatrixBase<M6> &Iout)

Time variation operator. It computes the time derivative of an inertia I corresponding to the formula I˙=v×I.

  • v[in] The spatial velocity of the frame supporting the inertia.

  • I[in] The spatial inertia in motion.

  • Iout[out] The time derivative of the inertia I.

template<typename MotionDerived, typename M6>
static inline void ivx(const MotionDense<MotionDerived> &v, const Derived &I, const Eigen::MatrixBase<M6> &Iout)

Time variation operator. It computes the time derivative of an inertia I corresponding to the formula I˙=v×I.

  • v[in] The spatial velocity of the frame supporting the inertia.

  • I[in] The spatial inertia in motion.

  • Iout[out] The time derivative of the inertia I.


inline friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const InertiaBase<Derived> &X)