Template Function pinocchio::getCoriolisMatrix
Defined in File rnea.hpp
Function Documentation
template<typename Scalar, int Options, template<typename, int> class JointCollectionTpl>
const DataTpl<Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl>::MatrixXs &pinocchio::getCoriolisMatrix(const ModelTpl<Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl> &model, DataTpl<Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl> &data) Retrives the Coriolis Matrix
of the Lagrangian dynamics:after a call to the dynamics derivatives.
In the previous equation,
.- Template Parameters:
JointCollection – Collection of Joint types.
- Parameters:
model – [in] The model structure of the rigid body system.
data – [in] The data structure of the rigid body system.
- Returns:
The Coriolis matrix stored in data.C.