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sol.hpp File Reference
#include <sol/config.hpp>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <climits>
#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>
#include <string_view>
#include <tuple>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include <array>
#include <iterator>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <variant>
#include <lua.hpp>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <lua.h>
#include <lauxlib.h>
#include <lualib.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <exception>
#include <new>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <optional>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <cstring>
#include <cctype>
#include <locale>
#include <cstdio>
#include <bitset>
#include <forward_list>
#include <limits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
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struct  sol::absolute_index
struct  sol::detail::accumulate< C, v, V, Args >
struct  sol::detail::accumulate< C, v, V, T, Args... >
struct  sol::detail::accumulate_list< C, v, V, List >
struct  sol::detail::accumulate_list< C, v, V, types< Args... > >
struct  sol::call_detail::agnostic_lua_call_wrapper< F, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, typename >
struct  sol::call_detail::agnostic_lua_call_wrapper< bases< Args... >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  sol::call_detail::agnostic_lua_call_wrapper< detail::lua_CFunction_noexcept, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  sol::call_detail::agnostic_lua_call_wrapper< detail::no_prop, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  sol::call_detail::agnostic_lua_call_wrapper< lua_CFunction, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  sol::call_detail::agnostic_lua_call_wrapper< lua_CFunction_ref, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  sol::call_detail::agnostic_lua_call_wrapper< no_construction, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  sol::call_detail::agnostic_lua_call_wrapper< std::reference_wrapper< T >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  sol::call_detail::agnostic_lua_call_wrapper< var_wrapper< T >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  sol::meta::all< Args >
struct  sol::meta::all< T, Args... >
struct  sol::meta::all_same< T,... >
struct  sol::meta::all_same< T, U, Args... >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::always_true< typename >
struct  sol::meta::any< Args >
struct  sol::meta::any< T, Args... >
struct  sol::meta::any_same< T,... >
struct  sol::meta::any_same< T, U, Args... >
struct  sol::argument_handler< F >
struct  sol::argument_handler< types< R, Args... > >
struct  sol::lua_value::arr
struct  sol::as_args_t< T >
struct  sol::as_args_t< T >
struct  sol::as_container_t< T >
struct  sol::as_container_t< T >
struct  sol::detail::as_pointer_tag< T >
struct  sol::detail::as_reference_tag
struct  sol::as_returns_t< T >
struct  sol::as_table_t< T >
struct  sol::as_table_t< T >
struct  sol::detail::as_table_tag< T >
struct  sol::detail::as_unique_tag< T >
struct  sol::detail::as_value_tag< T >
struct  sol::detail::associated_nullopt< T >
struct  sol::meta::at_in_pack< I, Args >
struct  sol::meta::at_in_pack< 0, Arg, Args... >
struct  sol::meta::at_in_pack< I, Arg, Args... >
struct  sol::automagic_enrollments
class  sol::bad_optional_access
 An exception for when an optional is accessed through specific methods while it is not engaged. More...
struct  sol::base< T >
struct  sol::base_list< Args >
class  sol::basic_bytecode< Allocator >
class  sol::basic_bytecode< Allocator >
struct  sol::stack::stack_detail::basic_check< expected, check_func >
class  sol::basic_coroutine< Reference >
class  sol::basic_coroutine< Reference >
struct  sol::basic_environment< base_type >
struct  sol::basic_environment< base_type >
class  sol::basic_function< ref_t, aligned >
class  sol::basic_function< ref_t, aligned >
class  sol::basic_lightuserdata< base_type >
class  sol::basic_lightuserdata< base_type >
struct  sol::basic_lua_table< ref_t >
struct  sol::basic_lua_table< ref_t >
class  sol::basic_metatable< base_type >
class  sol::basic_metatable< base_type >
class  sol::basic_object< base_type >
class  sol::basic_object< base_type >
class  sol::basic_object_base< ref_t >
class  sol::basic_object_base< ref_t >
class  sol::basic_packaged_coroutine< base_t >
class  sol::basic_pairs_range< Source >
class  sol::basic_protected_function< Reference, Aligned, Handler >
class  sol::basic_protected_function< Reference, Aligned, Handler >
class  sol::basic_reference< main_only >
class  sol::basic_reference< main_only >
class  sol::basic_table_core< top_level, ref_t >
class  sol::basic_table_core< top_level, ref_t >
class  sol::basic_table_iterator< reference_type >
class  sol::basic_thread< ref_t >
class  sol::basic_thread< ref_t >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::basic_traits< it_is_noexcept, has_c_variadic, T, R, Args >
class  sol::basic_userdata< base_type >
class  sol::basic_userdata< base_type >
class  sol::basic_usertype< T, base_type >
class  sol::basic_usertype< T, base_type >
struct  sol::basic_variadic_results< Al >
struct  sol::u_detail::binding< K, Fq, T >
struct  sol::u_detail::binding_base
struct  sol::u_detail::binding_data_equals
struct  sol::function_detail::c_call_matcher< Fxs >
struct  sol::function_detail::c_function_invocation
struct  sol::call_construction
struct  sol::function_detail::call_indicator
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::callable_traits< Signature, b >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::callable_traits< R(T::*), true >
struct  sol::member_function_wrapper< F, R, O, FArgs >::caller
struct  sol::wrapper< F, std::enable_if_t< std::is_member_object_pointer< meta::unqualified_t< F > >::value > >::caller
struct  sol::wrapper< F, std::enable_if_t< std::is_function< std::remove_pointer_t< meta::unqualified_t< F > > >::value > >::caller
struct  sol::wrapper< F, typename >::caller
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::is_invocable< T, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_final< unqualified_t< T > >::value &&std::is_class< unqualified_t< T > >::value &&!std::is_destructible< unqualified_t< T > >::value > >::Check< U, U >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::is_invocable< T, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_final< unqualified_t< T > >::value &&std::is_class< unqualified_t< T > >::value &&std::is_destructible< unqualified_t< T > >::value > >::Check< U, U >
struct  sol::function_detail::class_indicator< T >
struct  sol::detail::clean< n >
struct  sol::closure< Upvalues >
struct  sol::closure<>
struct  sol::meta::conditional< bool >
struct  sol::meta::conditional< false >
struct  sol::detail::conjunction<... >
struct  sol::detail::conjunction< B >
struct  sol::detail::conjunction< B, Bs... >
struct  sol::constant_automagic_enrollments< compile_time_defaults >
struct  sol::constructor_handler
struct  sol::constructor_list< Args >
struct  sol::call_detail::constructor_match< T, checked, clean_stack >
struct  sol::constructor_wrapper< Functions >
struct  sol::container_detail::container_decay< T >
struct  sol::container_detail::container_decay< as_container_t< T > >
struct  sol::stack::stack_detail::copy_code_units_utf< Ch, ErCh >
struct  sol::stack::stack_detail::count_code_units_utf< Ch >
struct  sol::meta::count_for< Pred, List >
struct  sol::meta::count_for< Pred, types< Args... > >
struct  sol::meta::count_for_pack< Pred, Ts >
struct  sol::meta::count_for_to_pack< Limit, Pred, Ts >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::count_when_for_pack< When, Limit, I, Pred, Ts >
struct  sol::meta::count_when_for_to_pack< When, Limit, Pred, Ts >
struct  sol::create_if_nil_t
class  sol::meta::meta_detail::declval< T & >()<< std::declval< U & >())> >
struct  sol::unicode::decoded_result< It >
struct  sol::detail::default_construct
struct  sol::detail::default_destroy
struct  sol::detail::deleter
struct  sol::detail::deprecate_type< T >
struct  sol::derive< T >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::is_invocable< T, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_final< unqualified_t< T > >::value &&std::is_class< unqualified_t< T > >::value &&!std::is_destructible< unqualified_t< T > >::value > >::Derived
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::is_invocable< T, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_final< unqualified_t< T > >::value &&std::is_class< unqualified_t< T > >::value &&std::is_destructible< unqualified_t< T > >::value > >::Derived
struct  sol::destructor_wrapper< Function >
struct  sol::destructor_wrapper< void >
struct  sol::detail::direct_error_tag
struct  sol::detail::optional_storage_base< T, true >::dummy
struct  sol::detail::optional_storage_base< T, bool >::dummy
class  sol::dump_error
struct  sol::detail::ebco< T, tag, typename >
struct  sol::detail::ebco< T &&, tag >
struct  sol::detail::ebco< T &, tag >
struct  sol::detail::ebco< T, tag, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_reference_v< T > &&std::is_class_v< T > &&!std::is_final_v< T > > >
struct  sol::unicode::encoded_result< C >
struct  sol::env_key_t
class  sol::error
struct  sol::detail::error_result
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::is_invocable< T, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_final< unqualified_t< T > >::value &&std::is_class< unqualified_t< T > >::value &&!std::is_destructible< unqualified_t< T > >::value > >::F
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::is_invocable< T, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_final< unqualified_t< T > >::value &&std::is_class< unqualified_t< T > >::value &&std::is_destructible< unqualified_t< T > >::value > >::F
struct  sol::factory_wrapper< Functions >
struct  sol::stack::field_getter< T, global, raw, typename >
struct  sol::stack::field_getter< T, global, raw, typename >
struct  sol::stack::field_getter< std::pair< A, B >, b, raw, C >
struct  sol::stack::field_getter< std::tuple< Args... >, b, raw, C >
struct  sol::stack::field_setter< T, global, raw, typename >
struct  sol::stack::field_setter< T, global, raw, typename >
struct  sol::stack::field_setter< std::pair< A, B >, b, raw, C >
struct  sol::stack::field_setter< std::tuple< Args... >, b, raw, C >
struct  sol::meta::find_in_pack_v< V, Vs >
struct  sol::meta::find_in_pack_v< V, Vs1, Vs... >
struct  sol::forward_as_value_t< T >
struct  sol::function_arguments< Sig, Ps >
struct  sol::function_sig< Args >
struct  sol::function_detail::functor_function< Func, is_yielding, no_trampoline >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< Signature, b >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(*)(Args...) noexcept, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(*)(Args...), false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(*)(Args...,...) noexcept, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(*)(Args...,...), false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(Args...) noexcept, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(Args...), false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(Args...,...) noexcept, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(Args...,...), false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...) const &&, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...) const &&noexcept, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...) const &, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...) const &noexcept, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...) const noexcept, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...) const volatile &&, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...) const volatile &&noexcept, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...) const volatile &, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...) const volatile &noexcept, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...) const volatile noexcept, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...) const volatile, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...) const, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...) noexcept, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...)&&, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...)&&noexcept, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...)&, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...)&noexcept, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...), false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...,...) const &&, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...,...) const &&noexcept, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...,...) const &, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...,...) const &noexcept, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...,...) const noexcept, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...,...) const volatile &&, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...,...) const volatile &&noexcept, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...,...) const volatile &, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...,...) const volatile &noexcept, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...,...) const volatile noexcept, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...,...) const volatile, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...,...) const, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...,...) noexcept, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...,...)&&, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...,...)&&noexcept, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...,...)&, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...,...)&noexcept, false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< R(T::*)(Args...,...), false >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::fx_traits< Signature, true >
struct  sol::detail::get_is_primitive< T, bool, bool >
struct  sol::detail::get_is_primitive< T, false, true >
struct  sol::detail::get_is_primitive< T, true, false >
struct  sol::detail::get_is_primitive< T, true, true >
struct  sol::global_tag_t
struct  sol::meta::has_begin_end< T >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::has_begin_end_impl
struct  sol::container_detail::has_clear_test< T >
struct  sol::container_detail::has_empty_test< T >
struct  sol::container_detail::has_erase_after_test< T >
struct  sol::container_detail::has_erase_key_test< T >
struct  sol::container_detail::has_erase_test< T >
struct  sol::container_detail::has_find_test< T, typename >
struct  sol::container_detail::has_find_test< T, std::enable_if_t< meta::is_lookup< T >::value > >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::has_insert_after_test< T >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::has_insert_test< T >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::has_insert_with_iterator_test< T >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::has_internal_marker_impl< T, typename >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::has_internal_marker_impl< T, void_t< typename T::SOL_INTERNAL_UNSPECIALIZED_MARKER_ > >
struct  sol::meta::has_iterator< T >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::has_iterator_impl
struct  sol::meta::has_key_comp< T >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::has_key_comp_impl
struct  sol::meta::has_key_type< T >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::has_key_type_impl
struct  sol::meta::has_key_value_pair< T >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::has_key_value_pair_impl
struct  sol::meta::has_load_factor< T >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::has_load_factor_impl
struct  sol::meta::has_mapped_type< T >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::has_mapped_type_impl
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::has_max_size_test< T >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::has_push_back_test< T >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::has_size_test< T >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::has_to_string_test< T >
struct  sol::container_detail::has_traits_add_test< T >
struct  sol::container_detail::has_traits_at_test< T >
struct  sol::container_detail::has_traits_erase_test< T >
struct  sol::container_detail::has_traits_find_test< T >
struct  sol::container_detail::has_traits_get_test< T >
struct  sol::container_detail::has_traits_index_get_test< T >
struct  sol::container_detail::has_traits_index_of_test< T >
struct  sol::container_detail::has_traits_index_set_test< T >
struct  sol::container_detail::has_traits_insert_test< T >
struct  sol::container_detail::has_traits_ipairs_test< T >
struct  sol::container_detail::has_traits_next_test< T >
struct  sol::container_detail::has_traits_pairs_test< T >
struct  sol::container_detail::has_traits_set_test< T >
struct  sol::container_detail::has_traits_size_test< T >
struct  sol::meta::has_value_type< T >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::has_value_type_impl
struct  std::hash<::sol::optional< T > >
struct  sol::detail::i_am_secret
struct  sol::meta::identity< T >
struct  sol::detail::implicit_wrapper< T >
struct  sol::u_detail::index_call_storage
struct  sol::meta::index_in< T, List >
struct  sol::meta::index_in< T, types< Args... > >
struct  sol::meta::index_in_pack< T, Args >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::index_in_pack< I, T, Args >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::index_in_pack< I, T, T1, Args... >
struct  sol::detail::indexed_insert
struct  sol::detail::inheritance< T >
struct  sol::detail::invoke_result_impl< F, class, Us >
struct  sol::detail::invoke_result_impl< F, decltype(detail::invoke(std::declval< F >(), std::declval< Us >()...), void()), Us... >
struct  sol::member_function_wrapper< F, R, O, FArgs >::invoker< fx >
struct  sol::wrapper< F, std::enable_if_t< std::is_member_object_pointer< meta::unqualified_t< F > >::value > >::invoker< fx >
struct  sol::wrapper< F, std::enable_if_t< std::is_function< std::remove_pointer_t< meta::unqualified_t< F > > >::value > >::invoker< fx >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::is_actual_type_rebindable_for_test< T, Element, bool >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::is_actual_type_rebindable_for_test< T, Element, true >
struct  sol::detail::swap_adl_tests::is_adl_swap_noexcept< T, U >
struct  sol::is_automagical< T >
struct  sol::is_callable< T >
struct  sol::detail::is_constructor< T >
struct  sol::detail::is_constructor< factory_wrapper< Args... > >
struct  sol::detail::is_constructor< policy_wrapper< F, Policies... > >
struct  sol::detail::is_constructor< protect_t< T > >
struct  sol::is_container< T >
struct  sol::is_container< basic_variadic_results< Al > >
struct  sol::is_container< variadic_results >
struct  sol::detail::is_destructor< T >
struct  sol::detail::is_destructor< destructor_wrapper< Fx > >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::is_detected< Test, class, Args >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::is_detected< Test, void_t< Test< Args... > >, Args... >
struct  sol::container_detail::is_forced_container< T >
struct  sol::container_detail::is_forced_container< as_container_t< T > >
struct  sol::is_function< T >
struct  sol::is_function< basic_function< T, aligned > >
struct  sol::is_function< basic_protected_function< T, aligned, Handler > >
struct  sol::is_function_binding< T >
struct  sol::is_global_table< T >
struct  sol::is_global_table< basic_table_core< true, T > >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::is_invocable< T, typename >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::is_invocable< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_final< unqualified_t< T > >::value &&std::is_class< unqualified_t< T > >::value &&std::is_same< decltype(void(&T::operator())), void >::value > >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::is_invocable< T, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_final< unqualified_t< T > >::value &&std::is_class< unqualified_t< T > >::value &&!std::is_destructible< unqualified_t< T > >::value > >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::is_invocable< T, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_final< unqualified_t< T > >::value &&std::is_class< unqualified_t< T > >::value &&std::is_destructible< unqualified_t< T > >::value > >
struct  sol::meta::is_invokable< T >
struct  sol::meta::is_invokable< Fun(Args...)>
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::is_invokable_tester
struct  sol::is_lua_index< T >
struct  sol::is_lua_index< absolute_index >
struct  sol::is_lua_index< raw_index >
struct  sol::is_lua_index< ref_index >
struct  sol::is_lua_index< upvalue_index >
struct  sol::is_lua_primitive< T >
struct  sol::is_lua_primitive< as_table_t< T > >
struct  sol::is_lua_primitive< light< T > >
struct  sol::is_lua_primitive< lightuserdata_value >
struct  sol::is_lua_primitive< nested< T > >
struct  sol::is_lua_primitive< non_null< T > >
struct  sol::is_lua_primitive< optional< T > >
struct  sol::is_lua_primitive< protected_function_result >
struct  sol::is_lua_primitive< stack_proxy >
struct  sol::is_lua_primitive< stack_proxy_base >
struct  sol::is_lua_primitive< std::optional< T > >
struct  sol::is_lua_primitive< std::reference_wrapper< T > >
struct  sol::is_lua_primitive< T * >
struct  sol::is_lua_primitive< unsafe_function_result >
struct  sol::is_lua_primitive< user< T > >
struct  sol::is_lua_primitive< userdata_value >
struct  sol::is_lua_reference< T >
struct  sol::is_lua_reference_or_proxy< T >
struct  sol::is_main_threaded< T >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::is_matched_lookup_impl< T, b >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::is_matched_lookup_impl< T, true >
struct  sol::meta::is_move_only< T >
struct  sol::detail::is_non_factory_constructor< T >
struct  sol::detail::is_non_factory_constructor< constructor_wrapper< Args... > >
struct  sol::detail::is_non_factory_constructor< constructors< Args... > >
struct  sol::detail::is_non_factory_constructor< no_construction >
struct  sol::detail::is_nothrow_swappable< T, U >
struct  sol::detail::is_optional_impl< T >
struct  sol::detail::is_optional_impl< optional< T > >
struct  sol::meta::is_pair< T >
struct  sol::meta::is_pair< std::pair< T1, T2 > >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::is_probably_stateless_lambda< typename, bool >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::is_probably_stateless_lambda< T, true >
struct  sol::is_proxy_primitive< T >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::is_specialization_of< T, Templ >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::is_specialization_of< Templ< T... >, Templ >
struct  sol::detail::is_speshul< T >
struct  sol::detail::is_speshul< protected_function_result >
struct  sol::detail::is_speshul< unsafe_function_result >
struct  sol::is_stack_based< T >
struct  sol::is_stack_based< protected_function_result >
struct  sol::is_stack_based< stack_count >
struct  sol::is_stack_based< stack_proxy >
struct  sol::is_stack_based< stack_proxy_base >
struct  sol::is_stack_based< unsafe_function_result >
struct  sol::is_stack_based< variadic_args >
struct  sol::is_stack_table< T >
struct  sol::is_stack_table< basic_lua_table< T > >
struct  sol::is_stack_table< basic_table_core< x, T > >
struct  sol::is_stateless_lua_reference< T >
struct  sol::detail::swap_adl_tests::is_std_swap_noexcept< T >
struct  sol::detail::swap_adl_tests::is_std_swap_noexcept< T[N]>
struct  sol::meta::is_string_of< T, CharT >
struct  sol::meta::is_string_of< std::basic_string< CharT, TraitsT, AllocT >, CharTargetT >
struct  sol::meta::is_string_view_of< T, CharT >
struct  sol::meta::is_string_view_of< std::basic_string_view< CharT, TraitsT >, CharTargetT >
struct  sol::detail::is_swappable< T, U >
struct  sol::detail::is_swappable< T[N], T[N]>
struct  sol::is_table< T >
struct  sol::is_table< basic_lua_table< T > >
struct  sol::is_table< basic_table_core< x, T > >
struct  sol::is_tieable< T >
struct  sol::is_to_stringable< T >
struct  sol::is_to_stringable< base_list< Args... > >
struct  sol::is_transparent_argument< T >
struct  sol::is_unique_usertype< T >
struct  sol::is_value_semantic_for_function< T >
struct  sol::call_detail::is_var_bind< T, typename >
struct  sol::call_detail::is_var_bind< detail::no_prop >
struct  sol::call_detail::is_var_bind< policy_wrapper< F, Policies... > >
struct  sol::call_detail::is_var_bind< property_wrapper< R, W > >
struct  sol::call_detail::is_var_bind< readonly_wrapper< T > >
struct  sol::call_detail::is_var_bind< T, std::enable_if_t< is_lua_reference_or_proxy< T >::value > >
struct  sol::call_detail::is_var_bind< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_member_object_pointer< T >::value > >
struct  sol::call_detail::is_var_bind< var_wrapper< T > >
struct  sol::is_variable_binding< T >
struct  sol::is_variadic_arguments< T >
struct  sol::container_detail::usertype_container_default< X, std::enable_if_t< std::is_array< std::remove_pointer_t< meta::unwrap_unqualified_t< X > > >::value > >::iter
struct  sol::container_detail::usertype_container_default< X, std::enable_if_t< meta::all< is_forced_container< meta::unqualified_t< X > >, meta::has_value_type< meta::unqualified_t< container_decay_t< X > > >, meta::has_iterator< meta::unqualified_t< container_decay_t< X > > > >::value > >::iter
struct  sol::meta::iterator_tag< T, typename >
struct  sol::meta::iterator_tag< T, conditional_t< false, typename std::iterator_traits< T >::iterator_category, void > >
struct  sol::light< T >
struct  sol::light< T >
struct  sol::lightuserdata_value
struct  sol::load_result
struct  sol::lua_bind_traits< Signature >
struct  sol::call_detail::lua_call_wrapper< T, F, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, typename >
struct  sol::call_detail::lua_call_wrapper< T, constructor_list< Args... >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  sol::call_detail::lua_call_wrapper< T, constructor_wrapper< Cxs... >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  sol::call_detail::lua_call_wrapper< T, destructor_wrapper< Fx >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  sol::call_detail::lua_call_wrapper< T, factory_wrapper< Fs... >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  sol::call_detail::lua_call_wrapper< T, function_arguments< Sig, P >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  sol::call_detail::lua_call_wrapper< T, overload_set< Fs... >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  sol::call_detail::lua_call_wrapper< T, policy_wrapper< F, Policies... >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  sol::call_detail::lua_call_wrapper< T, property_wrapper< R, W >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  sol::call_detail::lua_call_wrapper< T, protect_t< V >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  sol::call_detail::lua_call_wrapper< T, readonly_wrapper< F >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  sol::call_detail::lua_call_wrapper< T, yielding_t< Y >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  sol::lua_nil_t
struct  sol::u_detail::lua_reference_func
struct  sol::lua_size< T >
struct  sol::lua_size< std::pair< A, B > >
struct  sol::lua_size< std::tuple< Args... > >
struct  sol::lua_thread_state
struct  sol::lua_type_of< T >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< T, typename >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< as_table_t< T > >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< basic_coroutine< Base > >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< basic_environment< B > >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< basic_function< Base, aligned > >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< basic_lightuserdata< Base > >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< basic_lua_table< Base > >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< basic_metatable< Base > >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< basic_object< Base > >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< basic_protected_function< Base, aligned, Handler > >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< basic_reference< b > >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< basic_string_view< C, T > >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< basic_table_core< b, Base > >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< basic_thread< Base > >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< basic_userdata< Base > >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< basic_usertype< T, Base > >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< bool >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< char >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< char16_t >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< char16_t[N]>
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< char32_t >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< char32_t[N]>
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< char[N]>
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< const char * >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< const char16_t * >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< const char32_t * >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< const void * >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< const wchar_t * >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< detail::non_lua_nil_t >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< env_key_t >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< error >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< light< T > >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< lightuserdata_value >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< lua_CFunction >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< lua_nil_t >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< lua_value >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< meta_function >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< metatable_key_t >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< nested< T > >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< new_table >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< nullopt_t >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< optional< T > >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< stack_count >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< stack_reference >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< std::basic_string< C, T, A > >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< std::function< Signature > >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< std::initializer_list< T > >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< std::nullptr_t >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< std::optional< T > >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< std::pair< A, B > >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< std::remove_pointer_t< lua_CFunction > >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< std::tuple< Args... > >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< std::variant< Tn... > >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< T * >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic_v< T >||std::is_same_v< T, lua_Number >||std::is_same_v< T, lua_Integer > > >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_enum_v< T > > >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_function_v< T > > >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< this_environment >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< this_main_state >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< this_state >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< type >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< user< T > >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< userdata_value >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< variadic_args >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< variadic_results >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< void * >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< wchar_t >
struct  sol::detail::lua_type_of< wchar_t[N]>
struct  sol::lua_value
struct  sol::function_detail::member_function< T, Function, is_yielding, no_trampoline >
struct  sol::member_function_wrapper< F, R, O, FArgs >
struct  sol::function_detail::member_variable< T, Function, is_yielding, no_trampoline >
struct  sol::metatable_key_t
struct  sol::metatable_registry_key< T >
struct  sol::stack::stack_detail::metatable_setup< T, is_shim >
class  sol::monostate
 Used to represent an optional with no data; essentially a bool. More...
struct  sol::nested< T >
struct  sol::nested< T >
struct  sol::nested_tag_t
struct  sol::u_detail::new_index_call_storage
struct  sol::new_table
struct  sol::detail::no_comp
struct  sol::no_construction
struct  sol::no_metatable_t
struct  sol::detail::no_prop
struct  sol::detail::no_safety_tag
struct  sol::detail::non_lua_nil_t
struct  sol::non_null< T >
struct  sol::call_detail::lua_call_wrapper< T, factory_wrapper< Fs... >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >::on_match
struct  sol::call_detail::lua_call_wrapper< T, overload_set< Fs... >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >::on_match
struct  sol::function_detail::overloaded_function< start_skew, Functions >::on_success
struct  sol::call_detail::lua_call_wrapper< T, constructor_wrapper< Cxs... >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >::onmatch
class  sol::optional< T >
class  sol::optional< T >
class  sol::optional< T >
class  sol::optional< T & >
struct  sol::detail::optional_copy_assign_base< T, bool >
struct  sol::detail::optional_copy_assign_base< T, false >
struct  sol::detail::optional_copy_base< T, bool >
struct  sol::detail::optional_copy_base< T, false >
struct  sol::detail::optional_delete_assign_base< T, EnableCopy, EnableMove >
struct  sol::detail::optional_delete_assign_base< T, false, false >
struct  sol::detail::optional_delete_assign_base< T, false, true >
struct  sol::detail::optional_delete_assign_base< T, true, false >
struct  sol::detail::optional_delete_ctor_base< T, EnableCopy, EnableMove >
struct  sol::detail::optional_delete_ctor_base< T, false, false >
struct  sol::detail::optional_delete_ctor_base< T, false, true >
struct  sol::detail::optional_delete_ctor_base< T, true, false >
struct  sol::detail::optional_move_assign_base< T, bool >
struct  sol::detail::optional_move_assign_base< T, false >
struct  sol::detail::optional_move_base< T, bool >
struct  sol::detail::optional_move_base< T, false >
struct  sol::detail::optional_operations_base< T >
struct  sol::detail::optional_storage_base< T, bool >
struct  sol::detail::optional_storage_base< T, true >
struct  sol::overload_set< Functions >
struct  sol::function_detail::overloaded_function< start_skew, Functions >
struct  sol::override_value_t
class  sol::pairs_iterator
struct  sol::pairs_sentinel
struct  sol::detail::policy_base_tag
struct  sol::policy_wrapper< F, Policies >
struct  sol::policy_wrapper< F, Policies >
struct  sol::meta::pop_front_type< Arg >
struct  sol::meta::pop_front_type< types< Arg, Args... > >
struct  sol::meta::pop_front_type< types< Args... > >
struct  sol::stack::popper< T, typename >
struct  sol::stack::popper< T, typename >
struct  sol::stack::probe
struct  sol::stack::probe_field_getter< T, P, b, raw, typename >
struct  sol::stack::probe_field_getter< T, P, b, raw, typename >
struct  sol::stack::probe_field_getter< std::pair< A, B >, P, b, raw, C >
struct  sol::stack::probe_field_getter< std::tuple< Args... >, P, b, raw, C >
struct  sol::detail::properties_enrollment_allowed
struct  sol::property_wrapper< R, W >
struct  sol::protect_t< T >
struct  sol::protect_t< T >
struct  sol::protected_function_result
struct  sol::detail::protected_handler< ShouldPush, Target >
struct  sol::proxy_base< Super >
struct  sol::proxy_base< Super >
struct  sol::proxy_base_tag
struct  sol::stack::stack_detail::push_function
struct  sol::push_invoke_t< T >
struct  sol::stack::push_popper< bool, T, typename >
struct  sol::stack::push_popper< false, T, std::enable_if_t< is_stack_based_v< meta::unqualified_t< T > > > >
struct  sol::stack::push_popper< true, T, C >
struct  sol::stack::push_popper_at
struct  sol::stack::push_popper_n< top_level >
struct  sol::stack::push_popper_n< true >
struct  sol::stack::qualified_check_getter< T, typename >
struct  sol::stack::qualified_check_getter< T, typename >
struct  sol::stack::qualified_checker< X, expected, typename >
struct  sol::stack::qualified_checker< X, expected, typename >
struct  sol::stack::qualified_getter< X, typename >
struct  sol::stack::qualified_getter< X, typename >
struct  sol::stack::qualified_getter< Optional, std::enable_if_t< meta::is_optional_v< Optional > > >
struct  sol::stack::qualified_interop_checker< T, typename >
struct  sol::stack::qualified_interop_getter< T, typename >
struct  sol::raw_index
struct  sol::readonly_wrapper< T >
struct  sol::stack::record
struct  sol::detail::ref_clean
struct  sol::ref_index
struct  sol::reference_equals
struct  sol::reference_hash
struct  sol::meta::remove_member_pointer< T >
struct  sol::meta::remove_member_pointer< R T::* >
struct  sol::meta::remove_member_pointer< R T::*const >
struct  sol::meta::return_type< Args >
struct  sol::meta::return_type< T >
struct  sol::meta::return_type<>
struct  sol::returns_self_with< In >
struct  sol::detail::returns_void_impl< F, class, U >
struct  sol::detail::returns_void_impl< F, void_t< invoke_result_t< F, U... > >, U... >
struct  sol::stack_count
struct  sol::stack_dependencies
struct  sol::stack_guard
struct  sol::stack_iterator< proxy_t, is_const >
struct  sol::stack_proxy
struct  sol::stack_proxy_base
class  sol::stack_reference
struct  sol::stack_reference_equals
struct  sol::stack_reference_hash
class  sol::state
struct  sol::detail::state_deleter
class  sol::state_view
struct  sol::stack::stateless_push_popper< bool, T, typename >
struct  sol::stack::stateless_push_popper< false, T, std::enable_if_t< is_stack_based_v< meta::unqualified_t< T > > > >
struct  sol::stack::stateless_push_popper< true, T, C >
class  sol::stateless_reference
struct  sol::stateless_reference_equals
struct  sol::stateless_reference_hash
class  sol::stateless_stack_reference
struct  sol::stateless_stack_reference_equals
struct  sol::stateless_stack_reference_hash
struct  sol::static_stack_dependencies< Target, In >
struct  sol::detail::std_shim< R >
struct  sol::detail::std_shim< void >
struct  sol::u_detail::string_for_each_metatable_func
struct  sol::stack::stack_detail::strip< T >
struct  sol::stack::stack_detail::strip< non_null< T > >
struct  sol::stack::stack_detail::strip< std::reference_wrapper< T > >
struct  sol::stack::stack_detail::strip< user< T > >
class  sol::meta::supports_adl_to_string< T >
class  sol::meta::meta_detail::supports_adl_to_string_test< T, typename >
class  sol::meta::meta_detail::supports_adl_to_string_test< T, void_t< decltype(to_string(std::declval< const T & >()))> >
class  sol::meta::supports_op_equal< T, U >
class  sol::meta::meta_detail::supports_op_equal_test< T, U, typename >
class  sol::meta::meta_detail::supports_op_equal_test< T, U, void_t< decltype(std::declval< T & >()==std::declval< U & >())> >
class  sol::meta::supports_op_left_shift< T, U >
class  sol::meta::meta_detail::supports_op_left_shift_test< T, U, typename >
class  sol::meta::supports_op_less< T, U >
class  sol::meta::supports_op_less_equal< T, U >
class  sol::meta::meta_detail::supports_op_less_equal_test< T, U, typename >
class  sol::meta::meta_detail::supports_op_less_equal_test< T, U, void_t< decltype(std::declval< T & >()<=std::declval< U & >())> >
class  sol::meta::meta_detail::supports_op_less_test< T, U, typename >
class  sol::meta::meta_detail::supports_op_less_test< T, U, void_t< decltype(std::declval< T & >()< std::declval< U & >())> >
class  sol::meta::supports_to_string_member< T >
struct  sol::table_proxy< Table, Key >
struct  sol::table_proxy< Table, Key >
struct  sol::detail::swap_adl_tests::tag
struct  sol::detail::tagged< Tag, T >
struct  sol::this_environment
struct  sol::this_main_state
struct  sol::this_state
struct  sol::tie_size< T >
struct  sol::tie_size< protected_function_result >
struct  sol::tie_size< tie_t< Tn... > >
struct  sol::tie_size< unsafe_function_result >
struct  sol::tie_t< Tn >
struct  sol::meta::detail::tuple_types_< Args >
struct  sol::meta::detail::tuple_types_< std::tuple< Args... > >
struct  sol::type_panic_t
struct  sol::types< Args >
struct  sol::d::u< T >
struct  sol::container_detail::u_c_launch< X >
struct  sol::detail::unchecked_t
struct  sol::stack::stack_detail::undefined_metatable
struct  sol::unicode::unicode_detail
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::unique_actual_type< T, typename >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::unique_actual_type< T, meta::void_t< typename T::actual_type > >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::unique_actual_type< Templ< T, Rest... > >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::unique_element_type< T, typename >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::unique_element_type< T, std::enable_if_t< meta::is_detected_v< type_element_type_t, T > > >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::unique_element_type< T, std::enable_if_t< meta::is_detected_v< type_test_t, T > > >
struct  sol::detail::unique_fallback< T >
struct  sol::detail::unique_fallback< std::shared_ptr< T > >
struct  sol::detail::unique_fallback< std::unique_ptr< T, D > >
struct  sol::unique_usertype_traits< T >
struct  sol::unique_usertype_traits< T >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::unique_valid< T, typename >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::unique_valid< T, meta::void_t< decltype(T::value)> >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_check_getter< T, typename >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_check_getter< T, typename >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_check_getter< lua_thread_state >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_check_getter< std::variant< Tn... >, C >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_checker< T, expected, typename >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_checker< T, expected, typename >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_checker< detail::as_pointer_tag< T >, type::userdata >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_checker< detail::as_value_tag< T >, type::userdata >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_checker< non_null< T >, type::userdata >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_checker< std::pair< A, B >, type::poly >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_checker< std::tuple< Args... >, type::poly >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_checker< std::variant< Tn... >, type::poly >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< T, typename >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< T, typename >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< as_container_t< T > * >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< as_container_t< T > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< as_table_t< std::forward_list< T, Al > > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< as_table_t< T > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< basic_bytecode< Allocator > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< basic_string_view< char, Traits > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< c_closure >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< char >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< char16_t >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< char32_t >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< const char * >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< const void * >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< detail::as_pointer_tag< T > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< detail::as_value_tag< T > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< env_key_t >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< error >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< light< T > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< lightuserdata_value >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< lua_CFunction >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< lua_nil_t >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< lua_thread_state >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< lua_value >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< meta_function >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< metatable_key_t >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< nested< T > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< non_null< T * > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< nullopt_t >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< stack_proxy >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< stack_proxy_base >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< std::basic_string< char16_t, Traits, Al > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< std::basic_string< char32_t, Traits, Al > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< std::basic_string< wchar_t, Traits, Al > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< std::function< Signature > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< std::nullptr_t >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< std::pair< A, B > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< std::reference_wrapper< T > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< std::string >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< std::tuple< Tn... > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< std::variant< Tn... > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< T & >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< T * >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< this_environment >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< this_main_state >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< this_state >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< type >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< user< T * > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< user< T > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< userdata_value >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< variadic_args >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< void * >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_getter< wchar_t >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_interop_checker< T, typename >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_interop_getter< T, typename >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::unqualified_non_alias< T >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< T, typename >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< T, typename >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< absolute_index >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< as_args_t< T > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< as_container_t< T * > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< as_container_t< T > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< as_returns_t< T > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< as_table_t< T > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< basic_bytecode< Allocator > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< basic_string_view< Ch, Traits > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< basic_variadic_results< Al > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< c_closure >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< char * >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< char >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< char16_t * >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< char16_t >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< char16_t[N]>
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< char32_t * >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< char32_t >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< char32_t[N]>
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< char[N]>
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< closure< Arg, Args... > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< const char * >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< const char16_t * >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< const char32_t * >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< const void * >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< const wchar_t * >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< constructor_list< L0, Lists... > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< constructor_wrapper< F, Fxs... > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< destructor_wrapper< Fx > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< detail::as_pointer_tag< T > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< detail::as_reference_tag >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< detail::as_table_tag< T > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< detail::as_unique_tag< T > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< detail::as_value_tag< T > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< detail::lua_CFunction_noexcept >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< detail::tagged< T, constructor_list< Lists... > > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< detail::tagged< T, constructor_wrapper< Fxs... > > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< detail::tagged< T, destructor_wrapper< Fx > > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< detail::tagged< T, destructor_wrapper< void > > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< detail::tagged< T, no_construction > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< detail::tagged< T, policy_wrapper< F, Policies... > > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< factory_wrapper< Functions... > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< forward_as_value_t< T > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< function_arguments< T, Args... > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< function_sig< Sigs... > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< light< T > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< lightuserdata_value >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< lua_CFunction >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< lua_nil_t >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< lua_thread_state >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< lua_value >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< meta_function >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< metatable_key_t >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< nested< T > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< new_table >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< no_construction >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< nullopt_t >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< overload_set< Functions... > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< policy_wrapper< F, Policies... > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< property_wrapper< F, G > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< protect_t< T > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< protected_function_result >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< push_invoke_t< T > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< raw_index >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< ref_index >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< Signature, std::enable_if_t< meta::all< std::is_function< std::remove_pointer_t< Signature > >, meta::neg< std::is_same< Signature, lua_CFunction > >, meta::neg< std::is_same< Signature, std::remove_pointer_t< lua_CFunction > > >, meta::neg< std::is_same< Signature, detail::lua_CFunction_noexcept > >, meta::neg< std::is_same< Signature, std::remove_pointer_t< detail::lua_CFunction_noexcept > > > >::value > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< Signature, std::enable_if_t< meta::is_member_object_or_function_v< Signature > > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< stack_count >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< stack_proxy >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< stack_proxy_base >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< std::basic_string< Ch, Traits, Al > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< std::function< Signature > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< std::initializer_list< T > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< std::nullptr_t >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< std::pair< A, B > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< std::reference_wrapper< T > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< std::remove_pointer_t< detail::lua_CFunction_noexcept > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< std::remove_pointer_t< lua_CFunction > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< std::tuple< Args... > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< std::variant< Tn... > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< T *, std::enable_if_t< is_container_v< T > > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< T, std::enable_if_t< is_container_v< T > > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< T, std::enable_if_t< meta::is_optional_v< T > > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< table_proxy< Table, Key > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< this_main_state >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< this_state >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< unsafe_function_result >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< user< T > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< userdata_value >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< var_wrapper< T > >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< variadic_args >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< variadic_results >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< void * >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< wchar_t * >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< wchar_t >
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< wchar_t[N]>
struct  sol::stack::unqualified_pusher< yielding_t< T > >
struct  sol::unsafe_function_result
struct  sol::meta::unwrap_unqualified< T >
struct  sol::meta::unwrapped< T >
struct  sol::meta::unwrapped< std::reference_wrapper< T > >
struct  sol::u_detail::update_bases_func
struct  sol::update_if_empty_t
struct  sol::function_detail::upvalue_free_function< Function >
struct  sol::upvalue_index
struct  sol::function_detail::upvalue_member_function< T, Function >
struct  sol::function_detail::upvalue_member_variable< T, Function >
struct  sol::function_detail::upvalue_member_variable< T, readonly_wrapper< Function > >
struct  sol::function_detail::upvalue_this_member_function< T, Function >
struct  sol::function_detail::upvalue_this_member_variable< T, Function >
struct  sol::function_detail::upvalue_this_member_variable< T, readonly_wrapper< Function > >
struct  sol::user< T >
struct  sol::user< T >
struct  sol::userdata_value
struct  sol::usertype_container< T >
struct  sol::usertype_container< T >
struct  sol::container_detail::usertype_container_default< X, typename >
struct  sol::container_detail::usertype_container_default< usertype_container< X > >
struct  sol::container_detail::usertype_container_default< X, std::enable_if_t< meta::all< is_forced_container< meta::unqualified_t< X > >, meta::has_value_type< meta::unqualified_t< container_decay_t< X > > >, meta::has_iterator< meta::unqualified_t< container_decay_t< X > > > >::value > >
struct  sol::container_detail::usertype_container_default< X, std::enable_if_t< std::is_array< std::remove_pointer_t< meta::unwrap_unqualified_t< X > > >::value > >
struct  sol::usertype_proxy< Table, Key >
struct  sol::u_detail::usertype_storage< T >
struct  sol::u_detail::usertype_storage< T >
struct  sol::u_detail::usertype_storage_base
struct  sol::usertype_traits< T >
struct  sol::usertype_traits< T >
struct  sol::stack::stack_detail::uu_pusher< T >
struct  sol::var_wrapper< T >
struct  sol::variadic_args
struct  sol::variadic_results
struct  sol::call_detail::void_call< T, List >
struct  sol::call_detail::void_call< T, types< Args... > >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::void_tuple_element< I, T >
struct  sol::meta::meta_detail::void_tuple_element< I, std::tuple<> >
struct  sol::detail::voider<... >
struct  sol::weak_derive< T >
struct  sol::detail::with_function_tag
struct  sol::wrap< F, f >
struct  sol::wrapper< F, typename >
struct  sol::wrapper< F, std::enable_if_t< std::is_function< std::remove_pointer_t< meta::unqualified_t< F > > >::value > >
struct  sol::wrapper< F, std::enable_if_t< std::is_member_object_pointer< meta::unqualified_t< F > >::value > >
struct  sol::wrapper< R(O::*)(Args...) && >
struct  sol::wrapper< R(O::*)(Args...) const & >
struct  sol::wrapper< R(O::*)(Args...) const && >
struct  sol::wrapper< R(O::*)(Args...) const &&noexcept >
struct  sol::wrapper< R(O::*)(Args...) const &noexcept >
struct  sol::wrapper< R(O::*)(Args...) const >
struct  sol::wrapper< R(O::*)(Args...) const noexcept >
struct  sol::wrapper< R(O::*)(Args...) const volatile & >
struct  sol::wrapper< R(O::*)(Args...) const volatile && >
struct  sol::wrapper< R(O::*)(Args...) const volatile &&noexcept >
struct  sol::wrapper< R(O::*)(Args...) const volatile &noexcept >
struct  sol::wrapper< R(O::*)(Args...) const volatile >
struct  sol::wrapper< R(O::*)(Args...) const volatile noexcept >
struct  sol::wrapper< R(O::*)(Args...) noexcept >
struct  sol::wrapper< R(O::*)(Args...)& >
struct  sol::wrapper< R(O::*)(Args...)&&noexcept >
struct  sol::wrapper< R(O::*)(Args...)&noexcept >
struct  sol::wrapper< R(O::*)(Args...)>
struct  sol::wrapper< R(O::*)(Args...,...) && >
struct  sol::wrapper< R(O::*)(Args...,...) const & >
struct  sol::wrapper< R(O::*)(Args...,...) const && >
struct  sol::wrapper< R(O::*)(Args...,...) const &&noexcept >
struct  sol::wrapper< R(O::*)(Args...,...) const &noexcept >
struct  sol::wrapper< R(O::*)(Args...,...) const volatile & >
struct  sol::wrapper< R(O::*)(Args...,...) const volatile && >
struct  sol::wrapper< R(O::*)(Args...,...) const volatile &&noexcept >
struct  sol::wrapper< R(O::*)(Args...,...) const volatile &noexcept >
struct  sol::wrapper< R(O::*)(Args...,...)& >
struct  sol::wrapper< R(O::*)(Args...,...)&&noexcept >
struct  sol::wrapper< R(O::*)(Args...,...)&noexcept >
struct  sol::detail::yield_tag_t
struct  sol::yielding_t< T >




#define COMPAT53_API   static inline
#define COMPAT53_CONCAT(a, b)   COMPAT53_CONCAT_HELPER(a, b)
#define COMPAT53_CONCAT_HELPER(a, b)   a##b
#define COMPAT53_LUA_CPP   1
#define COMPAT53_PREFIX   kp_compat53
#define LUA_KFUNCTION(_name)   static int (_name)(lua_State *L, int status, lua_KContext ctx)
#define SOL_API_LINKAGE_I_   extern
#define SOL_BASE_CLASSES(T, ...)
#define SOL_BOOST_NONE_CONSTEXPR_I_   constexpr
#define sol_c_assert(...)
#define SOL_DEFAULT_OFF   -
#define SOL_DEFAULT_ON   +
#define SOL_DEPRECATED   [[deprecated]]
#define SOL_FILE_ID_SIZE_I_   2048
#define SOL_HPP
#define SOL_ID_SIZE_I_   512
#define SOL_LUA_VERSION   500
#define sol_m_assert(message, ...)
#define SOL_OFF   ^
#define SOL_ON   |
#define SOL_PLATFORM_X16_I_   SOL_ON
#define SOL_PROLOGUE_I_   1
#define SOL_RAW_IS_OFF(OP_SYMBOL)   ((3 OP_SYMBOL 3) == 0)
#define SOL_RAW_IS_ON(OP_SYMBOL)   ((3 OP_SYMBOL 3) != 0)
#define SOL_TL_OPTIONAL_11_CONSTEXPR   constexpr
 \exclude More...
#define SOL_TL_OPTIONAL_IS_TRIVIALLY_COPY_ASSIGNABLE(T)   std::is_trivially_copy_assignable<T>::value
#define SOL_TL_OPTIONAL_IS_TRIVIALLY_COPY_CONSTRUCTIBLE(T)   std::is_trivially_copy_constructible<T>::value
#define SOL_TL_OPTIONAL_IS_TRIVIALLY_DESTRUCTIBLE(T)   std::is_trivially_destructible<T>::value
#define SOL_VERSION_STRING   "3.2.3"


template<typename T >
using sol::meta::meta_detail::adl_sol_lua_check_access_test_t = decltype(sol_lua_check_access(types< T >(), static_cast< lua_State * >(nullptr), -1, std::declval< stack::record & >()))
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::meta_detail::adl_sol_lua_check_get_test_t = decltype(sol_lua_check_get(types< T >(), static_cast< lua_State * >(nullptr), -1, &no_panic, std::declval< stack::record & >()))
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::meta_detail::adl_sol_lua_check_test_t = decltype(sol_lua_check(types< T >(), static_cast< lua_State * >(nullptr), -1, &no_panic, std::declval< stack::record & >()))
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::meta_detail::adl_sol_lua_get_test_t = decltype(sol_lua_get(types< T >(), static_cast< lua_State * >(nullptr), -1, std::declval< stack::record & >()))
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::meta_detail::adl_sol_lua_interop_check_test_t = decltype(sol_lua_interop_check(types< T >(), static_cast< lua_State * >(nullptr), -1, type::none, &no_panic, std::declval< stack::record & >()))
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::meta_detail::adl_sol_lua_interop_get_test_t = decltype(sol_lua_interop_get(types< T >(), static_cast< lua_State * >(nullptr), -1, static_cast< void * >(nullptr), std::declval< stack::record & >()))
template<typename T , typename... Args>
using sol::meta::meta_detail::adl_sol_lua_push_exact_test_t = decltype(sol_lua_push(types< T >(), static_cast< lua_State * >(nullptr), std::declval< Args >()...))
template<typename... Args>
using sol::meta::meta_detail::adl_sol_lua_push_test_t = decltype(sol_lua_push(static_cast< lua_State * >(nullptr), std::declval< Args >()...))
template<typename... Args>
using sol::detail::any_is_constructor = meta::any< is_constructor< meta::unqualified_t< Args > >... >
template<typename... Args>
using sol::detail::any_is_destructor = meta::any< is_destructor< meta::unqualified_t< Args > >... >
template<typename T >
using sol::detail::array_return_type = meta::conditional_t< std::is_array< T >::value, std::add_lvalue_reference_t< T >, T >
using sol::array_value = typename lua_value::arr
template<std::size_t I, typename... Args>
using sol::meta::at_in_pack_t = typename at_in_pack< I, Args... >::type
typedef bases sol::base_classes_tag
template<typename... Args>
using sol::bases = base_list< Args... >
template<typename C , typename T = std::char_traits<C>>
using sol::basic_string_view = std::basic_string_view< C, T >
template<typename Signature >
using sol::meta::bind_traits = meta_detail::callable_traits< Signature >
template<bool B>
using sol::meta::boolean = std::integral_constant< bool, B >
using sol::bytecode = basic_bytecode<>
typedef closure sol::c_closure
template<typename F >
using sol::meta::call_operator_deducible = typename is_detected< meta_detail::detect_deducible_signature, F >::type
using sol::u_detail::change_indexing_mem_func = void(usertype_storage_base::*)(lua_State *, submetatable_type, void *, stateless_stack_reference &, lua_CFunction, lua_CFunction, lua_CFunction, lua_CFunction)
template<bool B, typename T , typename U >
using sol::meta::conditional_t = typename conditional< B >::template type< T, U >
template<bool B, class T , class F >
using sol::detail::conditional_t = typename std::conditional< B, T, F >::type
template<typename... Args>
using sol::constructors = constructor_list< Args... >
template<typename T >
using sol::container_detail::container_decay_t = typename container_decay< meta::unqualified_t< T > >::type
template<template< typename... > class Pred, typename... Ts>
using sol::meta::count_even_for_pack = count_when_for_to_pack< meta_detail::on_even, sizeof...(Ts), Pred, Ts... >
template<template< typename... > class Pred, typename... Ts>
using sol::meta::count_odd_for_pack = count_when_for_to_pack< meta_detail::on_odd, sizeof...(Ts), Pred, Ts... >
template<class T >
using sol::detail::decay_t = typename std::decay< T >::type
template<typename F >
using sol::meta::meta_detail::detect_deducible_signature = decltype(&F::operator())
template<typename... Args>
using sol::meta::disable = std::enable_if_t< neg< all< Args... > >::value, enable_t >
template<typename... Args>
using sol::meta::disable_any = std::enable_if_t< neg< any< Args... > >::value, enable_t >
template<class T , class... U>
using sol::detail::disable_if_ret_void = enable_if_t<!returns_void< T &&, U... >::value >
template<bool value, typename T = void>
using sol::meta::disable_if_t = std::enable_if_t<!value, T >
template<typename... Args>
using sol::meta::enable = std::enable_if_t< all< Args... >::value, enable_t >
template<typename... Args>
using sol::meta::enable_any = std::enable_if_t< any< Args... >::value, enable_t >
template<class T , class U >
using sol::detail::enable_assign_forward = detail::enable_if_t<!std::is_same< optional< T >, detail::decay_t< U > >::value &&!detail::conjunction< std::is_scalar< T >, std::is_same< T, detail::decay_t< U > >>::value &&std::is_constructible< T, U >::value &&std::is_assignable< T &, U >::value >
template<class T , class U , class Other >
using sol::detail::enable_assign_from_other = detail::enable_if_t< std::is_constructible< T, Other >::value &&std::is_assignable< T &, Other >::value &&!std::is_constructible< T, optional< U > & >::value &&!std::is_constructible< T, optional< U > && >::value &&!std::is_constructible< T, const optional< U > & >::value &&!std::is_constructible< T, const optional< U > && >::value &&!std::is_convertible< optional< U > &, T >::value &&!std::is_convertible< optional< U > &&, T >::value &&!std::is_convertible< const optional< U > &, T >::value &&!std::is_convertible< const optional< U > &&, T >::value &&!std::is_assignable< T &, optional< U > & >::value &&!std::is_assignable< T &, optional< U > && >::value &&!std::is_assignable< T &, const optional< U > & >::value &&!std::is_assignable< T &, const optional< U > && >::value >
template<class T , class U >
using sol::detail::enable_forward_value = detail::enable_if_t< std::is_constructible< T, U && >::value &&!std::is_same< detail::decay_t< U >, in_place_t >::value &&!std::is_same< optional< T >, detail::decay_t< U > >::value >
template<class T , class U , class Other >
using sol::detail::enable_from_other = detail::enable_if_t< std::is_constructible< T, Other >::value &&!std::is_constructible< T, optional< U > & >::value &&!std::is_constructible< T, optional< U > && >::value &&!std::is_constructible< T, const optional< U > & >::value &&!std::is_constructible< T, const optional< U > && >::value &&!std::is_convertible< optional< U > &, T >::value &&!std::is_convertible< optional< U > &&, T >::value &&!std::is_convertible< const optional< U > &, T >::value &&!std::is_convertible< const optional< U > &&, T >::value >
template<class T , class... U>
using sol::detail::enable_if_ret_void = enable_if_t< returns_void< T &&, U... >::value >
template<bool E, class T = void>
using sol::detail::enable_if_t = typename std::enable_if< E, T >::type
using sol::exception_handler_function = int(*)(lua_State *, optional< const std::exception & >, string_view)
template<class U >
using sol::detail::fixup_void = conditional_t< std::is_void< U >::value, monostate, U >
template<typename Signature >
using sol::meta::function_args_t = typename bind_traits< Signature >::args_list
template<typename Signature >
using sol::meta::function_return_t = typename bind_traits< Signature >::return_type
template<typename Signature >
using sol::meta::function_signature_t = typename bind_traits< Signature >::signature_type
template<class F , class U , class = invoke_result_t<F, U>>
using sol::detail::get_map_return = optional< fixup_void< invoke_result_t< F, U > >>
template<typename T >
using sol::container_detail::has_clear = meta::boolean< has_clear_test< T >::value >
template<typename T >
using sol::container_detail::has_empty = meta::boolean< has_empty_test< T >::value >
template<typename T >
using sol::container_detail::has_erase = meta::boolean< has_erase_test< T >::value >
template<typename T >
using sol::container_detail::has_erase_after = meta::boolean< has_erase_after_test< T >::value >
template<typename T >
using sol::container_detail::has_erase_key = meta::boolean< has_erase_key_test< T >::value >
template<typename T >
using sol::container_detail::has_find = meta::boolean< has_find_test< T >::value >
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::has_insert = meta::boolean< meta_detail::has_insert_test< T >::value >
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::has_insert_after = meta::boolean< meta_detail::has_insert_after_test< T >::value >
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::has_insert_with_iterator = meta::boolean< meta_detail::has_insert_with_iterator_test< T >::value >
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::meta_detail::has_internal_marker = has_internal_marker_impl< T >
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::has_max_size = meta::boolean< meta_detail::has_max_size_test< T >::value >
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::has_push_back = meta::boolean< meta_detail::has_push_back_test< T >::value >
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::has_size = meta::boolean< meta_detail::has_size_test< T >::value >
template<typename T >
using sol::container_detail::has_traits_add = meta::boolean< has_traits_add_test< T >::value >
template<typename T >
using sol::container_detail::has_traits_at = meta::boolean< has_traits_at_test< T >::value >
template<typename T >
using sol::container_detail::has_traits_clear = has_clear< T >
template<typename T >
using sol::container_detail::has_traits_empty = has_empty< T >
template<typename T >
using sol::container_detail::has_traits_erase = meta::boolean< has_traits_erase_test< T >::value >
template<typename T >
using sol::container_detail::has_traits_find = meta::boolean< has_traits_find_test< T >::value >
template<typename T >
using sol::container_detail::has_traits_get = meta::boolean< has_traits_get_test< T >::value >
template<typename T >
using sol::container_detail::has_traits_index_get = meta::boolean< has_traits_index_get_test< T >::value >
template<typename T >
using sol::container_detail::has_traits_index_of = meta::boolean< has_traits_index_of_test< T >::value >
template<typename T >
using sol::container_detail::has_traits_index_set = meta::boolean< has_traits_index_set_test< T >::value >
template<typename T >
using sol::container_detail::has_traits_insert = meta::boolean< has_traits_insert_test< T >::value >
template<typename T >
using sol::container_detail::has_traits_ipairs = meta::boolean< has_traits_ipairs_test< T >::value >
template<typename T >
using sol::container_detail::has_traits_next = meta::boolean< has_traits_next_test< T >::value >
template<typename T >
using sol::container_detail::has_traits_pairs = meta::boolean< has_traits_pairs_test< T >::value >
template<typename T >
using sol::container_detail::has_traits_set = meta::boolean< has_traits_set_test< T >::value >
template<typename T >
using sol::container_detail::has_traits_size = meta::boolean< has_traits_size_test< T >::value >
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::identity_t = typename identity< T >::type
template<size_t I>
using sol::in_place_index_t = std::in_place_index_t< I >
using sol::in_place_t = std::in_place_t
template<typename T >
using sol::in_place_type_t = std::in_place_type_t< T >
using sol::u_detail::index_call_function = int(lua_State *, void *)
template<std::size_t I>
using sol::meta::index_value = std::integral_constant< std::size_t, I >
using sol::detail::inheritance_cast_function = decltype(&inheritance< void >::type_cast)
using sol::detail::inheritance_check_function = decltype(&inheritance< void >::type_check)
using sol::detail::inheritance_unique_cast_function = decltype(&inheritance< void >::type_unique_cast< void >)
template<class F , class... Us>
using sol::detail::invoke_result = invoke_result_impl< F, void, Us... >
template<class F , class... Us>
using sol::detail::invoke_result_t = typename invoke_result< F, Us... >::type
template<typename T , typename Element = void>
using sol::is_actual_type_rebindable_for = typename meta::meta_detail::is_actual_type_rebindable_for_test< unique_usertype_traits< T >, Element >::type
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::is_associative = meta::all< has_key_type< T >, has_key_value_pair< T >, has_mapped_type< T > >
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::is_builtin_type = std::integral_constant< bool, std::is_arithmetic< T >::value||std::is_pointer< T >::value||std::is_array< T >::value >
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::is_c_str = is_c_str_of< T, char >
template<typename T , typename Char >
using sol::meta::is_c_str_of = any< std::is_same< T, const Char * >, std::is_same< T, Char const *const >, std::is_same< T, Char * >, is_string_literal_array_of< T, Char > >
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::is_c_str_or_string = is_c_str_or_string_of< T, char >
template<typename T , typename Char >
using sol::meta::is_c_str_or_string_of = any< is_c_str_of< T, Char >, is_string_of< T, Char > >
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::meta_detail::is_dereferenceable_test = decltype(*std::declval< T >())
template<template< class... > class Trait, class... Args>
using sol::meta::is_detected = typename meta_detail::is_detected< Trait, void, Args... >::type
template<typename T >
using sol::is_environment = std::integral_constant< bool, is_userdata_v< T >||is_table_v< T >||meta::is_specialization_of_v< T, basic_environment > >
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::meta_detail::is_explicitly_dereferenceable_test = decltype(std::declval< T >().operator*())
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::is_initializer_list = meta::is_specialization_of< T, std::initializer_list >
template<typename T , typename... >
using sol::detail::is_insert_mode = std::integral_constant< bool, std::is_same_v< T, override_value_t >||std::is_same_v< T, update_if_empty_t >||std::is_same_v< T, create_if_nil_t > >
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::is_invocable = boolean< meta_detail::is_invocable< T >::value >
template<typename T >
using sol::is_lightuserdata = meta::is_specialization_of< T, basic_lightuserdata >
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::is_lookup = meta::all< has_key_type< T >, has_value_type< T > >
template<typename T >
using sol::is_lua_c_function = meta::any< std::is_same< lua_CFunction, T >, std::is_same< detail::lua_CFunction_noexcept, T >, std::is_same< lua_CFunction_ref, T > >
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::is_matched_lookup = meta_detail::is_matched_lookup_impl< T, is_lookup< T >::value >
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::is_member_object = std::integral_constant< bool, std::is_member_object_pointer_v< T >||is_specialization_of_v< T, readonly_wrapper > >
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::is_member_object_or_function = std::integral_constant< bool, is_member_object_v< T >||std::is_member_pointer_v< T > >
template<typename T >
using sol::detail::is_msvc_callable_rigged = meta::any< meta::is_specialization_of< T, push_invoke_t >, meta::is_specialization_of< T, as_table_t >, meta::is_specialization_of< T, forward_as_value_t >, meta::is_specialization_of< T, as_container_t >, meta::is_specialization_of< T, nested >, meta::is_specialization_of< T, yielding_t > >
template<typename T , typename... >
using sol::detail::is_not_insert_mode = meta::neg< is_insert_mode< T > >
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::is_not_move_only = neg< is_move_only< T > >
template<class T >
using sol::detail::is_optional = is_optional_impl< decay_t< T > >
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::is_optional = any< is_specialization_of< T, optional >, is_specialization_of< T, std::optional > >
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::is_ordered = meta::all< has_key_comp< T >, meta::neg< has_load_factor< T > >>
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::is_pointer_like = std::integral_constant< bool, !std::is_array_v< T > &&(std::is_pointer_v< T >||is_detected_v< meta_detail::is_explicitly_dereferenceable_test, T >)>
template<typename T >
using sol::detail::is_policy = meta::is_specialization_of< T, policy_wrapper >
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::is_probably_stateless_lambda = typename meta_detail::is_probably_stateless_lambda< T, std::is_empty_v< T > &&call_operator_deducible_v< T > >::type
template<typename T , typename Element = void>
using sol::meta::meta_detail::is_rebind_actual_type = meta::is_detected< is_rebind_actual_type_test_t, T, Element >
template<typename T , typename Element = void>
using sol::meta::meta_detail::is_rebind_actual_type_test_t = typename T::template rebind_actual_type< Element >
template<typename T , template< typename... > class Templ>
using sol::meta::is_specialization_of = meta_detail::is_specialization_of< std::remove_cv_t< T >, Templ >
template<typename T , typename CharT = char>
using sol::meta::is_string_constructible = meta::boolean< is_string_literal_array_of_v< T, CharT >||std::is_same_v< T, const CharT * >||std::is_same_v< T, CharT >||is_string_of_v< T, CharT >||std::is_same_v< T, std::initializer_list< CharT > >||is_string_view_of_v< T, CharT >||std::is_null_pointer_v< T > >
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::is_string_like = meta::boolean< is_specialization_of_v< T, std::basic_string >||is_specialization_of_v< T, std::basic_string_view >||is_string_literal_array_v< T > >
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::is_string_like_or_constructible = meta::boolean< is_string_like_v< T >||is_string_constructible_v< T > >
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::is_string_literal_array = boolean< std::is_array_v< T > &&any_same_v< std::remove_all_extents_t< T >, char, char16_t, char32_t, wchar_t > >
template<typename T , typename CharT = char>
using sol::meta::is_string_literal_array_of = boolean< std::is_array_v< T > &&std::is_same_v< std::remove_all_extents_t< T >, CharT > >
template<typename T >
using sol::is_table_like = std::integral_constant< bool, is_table_v< T >||is_environment_v< T >||is_userdata_v< T > >
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::is_tuple = is_specialization_of< T, std::tuple >
template<typename T >
using sol::is_userdata = meta::is_specialization_of< T, basic_userdata >
template<typename T >
using sol::is_var_wrapper = meta::is_specialization_of< T, var_wrapper >
typedef int(* sol::detail::lua_CFunction_noexcept) (lua_State *L) noexcept
typedef std::remove_pointer_t< lua_CFunctionsol::lua_CFunction_ref
using sol::detail::lua_reg_table = luaL_Reg[64]
typedef meta_function sol::meta_method
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::neg = boolean<!T::value >
using sol::nil_t = lua_nil_t
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::meta_detail::non_void_t = meta::conditional_t< std::is_void_v< T >, ::sol::detail::unchecked_t, T >
using sol::nullopt_t = std::nullopt_t
 A tag type to represent an empty optional. More...
template<typename , typename >
using sol::meta::meta_detail::on_always = std::true_type
template<typename , typename TI >
using sol::meta::meta_detail::on_even = meta::boolean<(TI::value % 2)==0 >
template<typename , typename TI >
using sol::meta::meta_detail::on_odd = meta::boolean<(TI::value % 2)==1 >
template<typename Arg >
using sol::meta::pop_front_type_t = typename pop_front_type< Arg >::type
template<typename T >
using sol::detail::proxy_key_t = meta::conditional_t< meta::is_specialization_of_v< meta::unqualified_t< T >, std::tuple >, T, std::tuple< meta::conditional_t< std::is_array_v< meta::unqualified_t< T > >, std::remove_reference_t< T > &, meta::unqualified_t< T > >> >
template<class T >
using sol::detail::remove_const_t = typename std::remove_const< T >::type
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::remove_member_pointer_t = remove_member_pointer< T >
template<class T >
using sol::detail::remove_reference_t = typename std::remove_reference< T >::type
template<typename... Args>
using sol::meta::return_type_t = typename return_type< Args... >::type
typedef returns_self_with sol::returns_self
template<class F , class... U>
using sol::detail::returns_void = returns_void_impl< F, void, U... >
typedef static_stack_dependencies<-1, 1 > sol::self_dependency
using sol::meta::sfinae_no_t = std::false_type
using sol::meta::sfinae_yes_t = std::true_type
typedef std::string_view sol::string_view
typedef std::hash< std::string_viewsol::string_view_hash
template<typename T >
using sol::stack::stack_detail::strip_t = typename strip< T >::type
using sol::detail::swallow = std::initializer_list< int >
template<std::size_t N, typename Tuple >
using sol::meta::tuple_element = std::tuple_element< N, std::remove_reference_t< Tuple > >
template<std::size_t N, typename Tuple >
using sol::meta::tuple_element_t = std::tuple_element_t< N, std::remove_reference_t< Tuple > >
template<typename... Args>
using sol::meta::tuple_types = typename detail::tuple_types_< Args... >::type
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::meta_detail::type_element_type_t = typename T::element_type
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::meta_detail::type_test_t = typename T::type
using sol::detail::typical_chunk_name_t = char[SOL_ID_SIZE_I_]
using sol::detail::typical_file_chunk_name_t = char[SOL_FILE_ID_SIZE_I_]
typedef std::u16string_view sol::u16string_view
typedef std::u32string_view sol::u32string_view
using sol::stack::stack_detail::undefined_method_func = void(*)(stack_reference)
using sol::detail::unique_destructor = void(*)(void *)
using sol::detail::unique_tag = detail::inheritance_unique_cast_function
template<typename T >
using sol::unique_usertype_actual_t = typename meta::meta_detail::unique_actual_type< unique_usertype_traits< T > >::type
template<typename T >
using sol::unique_usertype_element_t = typename meta::meta_detail::unique_element_type< unique_usertype_traits< T > >::type
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::meta_detail::unique_usertype_get_with_state_test_t = decltype(unique_usertype_traits< T >::get(static_cast< lua_State * >(nullptr), std::declval< unique_usertype_actual_t< T > >()))
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::meta_detail::unique_usertype_is_null_with_state_test_t = decltype(unique_usertype_traits< T >::is_null(static_cast< lua_State * >(nullptr), std::declval< unique_usertype_actual_t< T > >()))
template<typename T , typename Element = void>
using sol::unique_usertype_rebind_actual_t = typename unique_usertype_traits< T >::template rebind_actual_type< Element >
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::unqualified = std::remove_cv< std::remove_reference_t< T > >
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::unqualified_t = typename unqualified< T >::type
template<std::size_t N, typename Tuple >
using sol::meta::unqualified_tuple_element = unqualified< tuple_element_t< N, Tuple > >
template<std::size_t N, typename Tuple >
using sol::meta::unqualified_tuple_element_t = unqualified_t< tuple_element_t< N, Tuple > >
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::unwrap_unqualified_t = typename unwrap_unqualified< T >::type
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::unwrapped_t = typename unwrapped< T >::type
template<typename T >
using sol::meta::meta_detail::value_test_t = decltype(T::value)
template<typename... >
using sol::meta::void_t = void
template<class... Ts>
using sol::detail::void_t = typename voider< Ts... >::type
template<std::size_t I, typename T >
using sol::meta::meta_detail::void_tuple_element_t = typename void_tuple_element< I, T >::type
typedef std::wstring_view sol::wstring_view


enum  sol::automagic_flags : unsigned {
  sol::automagic_flags::none = 0x000u, sol::automagic_flags::default_constructor = 0x001, sol::automagic_flags::destructor = 0x002u, sol::automagic_flags::pairs_operator = 0x004u,
  sol::automagic_flags::to_string_operator = 0x008u, sol::automagic_flags::call_operator = 0x010u, sol::automagic_flags::less_than_operator = 0x020u, sol::automagic_flags::less_than_or_equal_to_operator = 0x040u,
  sol::automagic_flags::length_operator = 0x080u, sol::automagic_flags::equal_to_operator = 0x100u, sol::automagic_flags::all
enum  sol::call_status : int {
  sol::call_status::ok = LUA_OK, sol::call_status::yielded = LUA_YIELD, sol::call_status::runtime = LUA_ERRRUN, sol::call_status::memory = LUA_ERRMEM,
  sol::call_status::handler = LUA_ERRERR, sol::call_status::gc = LUA_ERRGCMM, sol::call_status::syntax = LUA_ERRSYNTAX, sol::call_status::file = LUA_ERRFILE
enum  sol::call_syntax { sol::call_syntax::dot = 0, sol::call_syntax::colon = 1 }
enum  sol::meta::enable_t { sol::meta::enable_t::_ }
enum  sol::unicode::error_code {
  sol::unicode::error_code::ok = 0, sol::unicode::error_code::invalid_code_point, sol::unicode::error_code::invalid_code_unit, sol::unicode::error_code::invalid_leading_surrogate,
  sol::unicode::error_code::invalid_trailing_surrogate, sol::unicode::error_code::sequence_too_short, sol::unicode::error_code::overlong_sequence
enum  sol::gc_mode : int { sol::gc_mode::incremental = 0, sol::gc_mode::generational = 1, sol::gc_mode::default_value = incremental }
enum  sol::detail::insert_mode { sol::detail::none = 0x0, sol::detail::update_if_empty = 0x01, sol::detail::override_value = 0x02, sol::detail::create_if_nil = 0x04 }
enum  sol::lib : unsigned char {
  sol::lib::base, sol::lib::package, sol::lib::coroutine, sol::lib::string,
  sol::lib::os, sol::lib::math, sol::lib::table, sol::lib::debug,
  sol::lib::bit32, sol::lib::io, sol::lib::ffi, sol::lib::jit,
  sol::lib::utf8, sol::lib::count
enum  sol::load_mode { sol::load_mode::any = 0, sol::load_mode::text = 1, sol::load_mode::binary = 2 }
enum  sol::load_status : int {
  sol::load_status::ok = LUA_OK, sol::load_status::syntax = LUA_ERRSYNTAX, sol::load_status::memory = LUA_ERRMEM, sol::load_status::gc = LUA_ERRGCMM,
  sol::load_status::file = LUA_ERRFILE
enum  sol::meta_function : unsigned {
  sol::meta_function::construct, sol::meta_function::index, sol::meta_function::new_index, sol::meta_function::mode,
  sol::meta_function::call, sol::meta_function::call_function = call, sol::meta_function::metatable, sol::meta_function::to_string,
  sol::meta_function::length, sol::meta_function::unary_minus, sol::meta_function::addition, sol::meta_function::subtraction,
  sol::meta_function::multiplication, sol::meta_function::division, sol::meta_function::modulus, sol::meta_function::power_of,
  sol::meta_function::involution = power_of, sol::meta_function::concatenation, sol::meta_function::equal_to, sol::meta_function::less_than,
  sol::meta_function::less_than_or_equal_to, sol::meta_function::garbage_collect, sol::meta_function::floor_division, sol::meta_function::bitwise_left_shift,
  sol::meta_function::bitwise_right_shift, sol::meta_function::bitwise_not, sol::meta_function::bitwise_and, sol::meta_function::bitwise_or,
  sol::meta_function::bitwise_xor, sol::meta_function::pairs, sol::meta_function::ipairs, sol::meta_function::next,
  sol::meta_function::type, sol::meta_function::type_info, sol::meta_function::call_construct, sol::meta_function::storage,
  sol::meta_function::gc_names, sol::meta_function::static_index, sol::meta_function::static_new_index
enum  sol::u_detail::submetatable_type {
  sol::u_detail::submetatable_type::value, sol::u_detail::submetatable_type::reference, sol::u_detail::submetatable_type::unique, sol::u_detail::submetatable_type::const_reference,
  sol::u_detail::submetatable_type::const_value, sol::u_detail::submetatable_type::named
enum  sol::thread_status : int {
  sol::thread_status::ok = LUA_OK, sol::thread_status::yielded = LUA_YIELD, sol::thread_status::runtime = LUA_ERRRUN, sol::thread_status::memory = LUA_ERRMEM,
  sol::thread_status::gc = LUA_ERRGCMM, sol::thread_status::handler = LUA_ERRERR, sol::thread_status::dead = -1
enum  sol::type : int {
  sol::type::none = LUA_TNONE, sol::type::lua_nil = LUA_TNIL, sol::type::nil = lua_nil, sol::type::string = LUA_TSTRING,
  sol::type::number = LUA_TNUMBER, sol::type::thread = LUA_TTHREAD, sol::type::boolean = LUA_TBOOLEAN, sol::type::function = LUA_TFUNCTION,
  sol::type::userdata = LUA_TUSERDATA, sol::type::lightuserdata = LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA, sol::type::table = LUA_TTABLE, sol::type::poly = -0xFFFF


void sol::detail::accumulate_and_mark (const std::string &n, std::string &aux_message, int &marker)
template<typename T >
int sol::detail::adl_default_to_string (std::false_type, lua_State *L)
template<typename T >
int sol::detail::adl_default_to_string (std::true_type, lua_State *L)
constexpr std::uintptr_t sol::detail::align (std::size_t alignment, std::uintptr_t ptr, std::size_t &space)
void * sol::detail::align (std::size_t alignment, void *ptr, std::size_t &space)
constexpr std::uintptr_t sol::detail::align_one (std::size_t alignment, std::size_t size, std::uintptr_t ptr)
template<typename T >
void * sol::detail::align_user (void *ptr)
void * sol::detail::align_usertype_pointer (void *ptr)
template<typename T , bool pre_aligned = false, bool pre_shifted = false>
void * sol::detail::align_usertype_unique (void *ptr)
template<bool pre_aligned = false, bool pre_shifted = false>
void * sol::detail::align_usertype_unique_destructor (void *ptr)
template<bool pre_aligned = false, bool pre_shifted = false>
void * sol::detail::align_usertype_unique_tag (void *ptr)
template<typename... Args>
constexpr std::size_t sol::detail::aligned_space_for ()
template<typename... Args>
constexpr std::size_t sol::detail::aligned_space_for (std::uintptr_t ptr)
void * sol::detail::alloc_newuserdata (lua_State *L, std::size_t bytesize)
template<typename Source >
auto sol::as_args (Source &&source)
template<typename T >
auto sol::as_container (T &&value)
template<typename Sig = function_sig<>, typename... Args>
auto sol::as_function (Args &&... args)
template<typename Sig = function_sig<>, typename... Args>
auto sol::as_function_reference (Args &&... args)
template<typename T >
nested< meta::unqualified_t< T > > sol::as_nested (T &&container)
template<typename T >
nested< T > sol::as_nested_ref (T &&container)
template<typename Source >
auto sol::as_returns (Source &&source)
template<typename T >
as_table_t< meta::unqualified_t< T > > sol::as_table (T &&container)
template<typename T >
as_table_t< T > sol::as_table_ref (T &&container)
std::string sol::associated_type_name (lua_State *L, int index, type t)
bool sol::detail::attempt_alloc (lua_State *L, std::size_t ptr_align, std::size_t ptr_size, std::size_t value_align, std::size_t allocated_size, void *&pointer_adjusted, void *&data_adjusted)
bool sol::detail::attempt_alloc_unique (lua_State *L, std::size_t ptr_align, std::size_t ptr_size, std::size_t real_align, std::size_t allocated_size, void *&pointer_adjusted, void *&dx_adjusted, void *&id_adjusted, void *&data_adjusted)
decltype(auto) sol::detail::base_class_cast_key ()
decltype(auto) sol::detail::base_class_check_key ()
decltype(auto) sol::detail::base_class_index_propogation_key ()
decltype(auto) sol::detail::base_class_new_index_propogation_key ()
template<typename Container >
int sol::basic_insert_dump_writer (lua_State *, const void *memory, size_t memory_size, void *userdata_pointer)
template<typename F , F fx>
int sol::c_call (lua_State *L)
template<typename... Fxs>
int sol::c_call (lua_State *L)
template<typename F , F fx>
int sol::function_detail::c_call_raw (std::false_type, lua_State *L)
template<typename F , F fx>
int sol::function_detail::c_call_raw (std::true_type, lua_State *L)
int sol::stack::stack_detail::c_lua_next (lua_State *L_) noexcept
int sol::detail::c_trampoline (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction f)
template<typename Fx , int start = 1, bool is_yielding = false>
int sol::function_detail::call (lua_State *L)
template<bool check_args = detail::default_safe_function_calls, typename R , typename... Args, typename Fx , typename... FxArgs>
decltype(auto) sol::stack::call (types< R > tr, types< Args... > ta, lua_State *L, Fx &&fx, FxArgs &&... args)
template<bool check_args = detail::default_safe_function_calls, typename R , typename... Args, typename Fx , typename... FxArgs>
decltype(auto) sol::stack::call (types< R > tr, types< Args... > ta, lua_State *L, int start, Fx &&fx, FxArgs &&... args)
template<bool checkargs = detail::default_safe_function_calls, std::size_t... I, typename R , typename... Args, typename Fx , typename... FxArgs>
decltype(auto) sol::stack::stack_detail::call (types< R >, types< Args... > argument_types_, std::index_sequence< I... > argument_indices_, lua_State *L_, int start_index_, Fx &&fx_, FxArgs &&... args_)
int sol::detail::call_exception_handler (lua_State *L, optional< const std::exception & > maybe_ex, string_view what)
template<bool check_args = detail::default_safe_function_calls, typename R , typename... Args, typename Fx , typename... FxArgs>
decltype(auto) sol::stack::call_from_top (types< R > tr, types< Args... > ta, lua_State *L, Fx &&fx, FxArgs &&... args)
template<bool check_args = detail::default_safe_function_calls, bool clean_stack = true, typename Ret0 , typename... Ret, typename... Args, typename Fx , typename... FxArgs>
int sol::stack::call_into_lua (types< Ret0, Ret... > tr, types< Args... > ta, lua_State *L, int start, Fx &&fx, FxArgs &&... fxargs)
template<bool check_args = detail::default_safe_function_calls, bool clean_stack = true, typename Fx , typename... FxArgs>
int sol::stack::call_lua (lua_State *L, int start, Fx &&fx, FxArgs &&... fxargs)
template<typename R , typename V , V , typename T >
int sol::function_detail::call_set_assignable (std::false_type, T &&, lua_State *L)
template<typename R , typename V , V variable, typename T >
int sol::function_detail::call_set_assignable (std::true_type, lua_State *L, T &&mem)
template<typename R , typename V , V , typename T >
int sol::function_detail::call_set_variable (std::false_type, lua_State *L, T &&)
template<typename R , typename V , V variable, typename T >
int sol::function_detail::call_set_variable (std::true_type, lua_State *L, T &&mem)
template<typename T , bool is_index, bool is_variable, typename F , int start = 1, bool checked = detail::default_safe_function_calls, bool clean_stack = true>
int sol::call_detail::call_user (lua_State *L)
template<typename T , bool is_index, bool is_variable, int boost = 0, bool checked = detail::default_safe_function_calls, bool clean_stack = true, typename Fx , typename... Args>
int sol::call_detail::call_wrapped (lua_State *L, Fx &&fx, Args &&... args)
template<typename F , F fx>
int sol::function_detail::call_wrapper_entry (lua_State *L) noexcept(meta::bind_traits< F >::is_noexcept)
template<typename F , F fx>
int sol::function_detail::call_wrapper_function (std::false_type, lua_State *L)
template<typename F , F fx>
int sol::function_detail::call_wrapper_function (std::true_type, lua_State *L)
template<typename F , F fx>
int sol::function_detail::call_wrapper_variable (std::false_type, lua_State *L)
template<typename V , V variable>
int sol::function_detail::call_wrapper_variable (std::true_type, lua_State *L)
template<class , class >
std::false_type sol::detail::swap_adl_tests::can_swap (...) noexcept(false)
template<class T , class U , class = decltype(swap(std::declval<T&>(), std::declval<U&>()))>
std::true_type sol::detail::swap_adl_tests::can_swap (int) noexcept(noexcept(swap(std::declval< T & >(), std::declval< U & >())))
template<typename T >
int sol::detail::cannot_destroy (lua_State *L)
template<typename T , typename Handler >
bool sol::stack::check (lua_State *L, int index, Handler &&handler)
template<typename T , typename Handler >
bool sol::stack::check (lua_State *L, int index, Handler &&handler, record &tracking)
template<typename T >
bool sol::stack::check (lua_State *L, int index=-lua_size< meta::unqualified_t< T >>::value)
template<typename Function , typename Handler >
bool sol::stack::stack_detail::check_function_pointer (lua_State *L, int index, Handler &&handler, record &tracking) noexcept
template<typename T , typename Handler >
decltype(auto) sol::stack::check_get (lua_State *L, int index, Handler &&handler)
template<typename T , typename Handler >
decltype(auto) sol::stack::check_get (lua_State *L, int index, Handler &&handler, record &tracking)
template<typename T >
decltype(auto) sol::stack::check_get (lua_State *L, int index=-lua_size< meta::unqualified_t< T >>::value)
template<typename T , typename Handler >
decltype(auto) sol::stack::stack_detail::check_get_arg (lua_State *L_, int index_, Handler &&handler_, record &tracking_)
template<typename T , bool poptable = true>
bool sol::stack::stack_detail::check_metatable (lua_State *L_, int index=-2)
template<typename Handler >
bool sol::stack::stack_detail::check_types (lua_State *, int, Handler &&, record &)
template<typename T , typename... Args, typename Handler >
bool sol::stack::stack_detail::check_types (lua_State *L, int firstargument, Handler &&handler, record &tracking)
template<typename... Args, typename Handler >
bool sol::stack::stack_detail::check_types (types< Args... >, lua_State *L, int index, Handler &&handler, record &tracking)
template<typename T , typename Handler >
bool sol::stack::check_usertype (lua_State *L, int index, Handler &&handler)
template<typename T , typename Handler >
bool sol::stack::check_usertype (lua_State *L, int index, Handler &&handler, record &tracking)
template<typename T , typename Handler >
bool sol::stack::check_usertype (lua_State *L, int index, type, Handler &&handler, record &tracking)
template<typename T >
bool sol::stack::check_usertype (lua_State *L, int index=-lua_size< meta::unqualified_t< T >>::value)
void sol::stack::clear (lua_State *L, int table_index)
void sol::stack::clear (lua_State *L_, stateless_reference &r)
void sol::stack::clear (lua_State *L_, stateless_stack_reference &r)
void sol::stack::clear (reference &r)
void sol::stack::clear (stack_reference &r)
void sol::detail::clear_entries (const reference &registry_reference)
void sol::detail::clear_entries (stack_reference r)
template<typename Left , typename Right >
constexpr auto sol::clear_flags (Left left, Right right) noexcept
template<typename T >
void sol::u_detail::clear_usertype_registry_names (lua_State *L)
template<typename T >
void sol::u_detail::clear_usertype_storage (lua_State *L)
encoded_result< char16_t > sol::unicode::code_point_to_utf16 (char32_t codepoint)
encoded_result< char32_t > sol::unicode::code_point_to_utf32 (char32_t codepoint)
encoded_result< char > sol::unicode::code_point_to_utf8 (char32_t codepoint)
template<typename T , typename Op >
int sol::detail::comparsion_operator_wrap (lua_State *L)
template<typename T , bool checked, bool clean_stack, typename... TypeLists>
int sol::call_detail::construct (lua_State *L)
template<typename T , typename... TypeLists, typename Match , typename... Args>
int sol::call_detail::construct_match (Match &&matchfx, lua_State *L, int fxarity, int start, Args &&... args)
template<typename T , bool checked, bool clean_stack, typename... TypeLists>
int sol::call_detail::construct_trampolined (lua_State *L)
template<typename Ch , typename F >
void sol::stack::stack_detail::convert (const char *strb, const char *stre, F &&f)
void sol::stack::coroutine_create_guard (lua_State *L)
template<typename T >
usertype_storage< T > & sol::u_detail::create_usertype_storage (lua_State *L)
int sol::default_at_panic (lua_State *L)
const std::string & sol::detail::default_chunk_name ()
int sol::detail::default_exception_handler (lua_State *L, optional< const std::exception & >, string_view what)
const char(& sol::detail::default_exception_handler_name ())[11]
const char(& sol::detail::default_handler_name ())[9]
const char(& sol::detail::default_main_thread_name ())[9]
template<typename T >
int sol::detail::default_size (lua_State *L)
template<typename T >
int sol::detail::default_to_string (lua_State *L)
int sol::default_traceback_error_handler (lua_State *L)
template<typename T >
const std::string & sol::detail::demangle ()
template<typename T >
std::string sol::detail::demangle_once ()
template<typename T >
decltype(auto) sol::detail::deref (T &&item)
template<typename T >
decltype(auto) sol::detail::deref_move_only (T &&item)
template<typename T >
int sol::u_detail::destroy_usertype_storage (lua_State *L) noexcept
template<typename Fx >
auto sol::destructor (Fx &&fx)
int sol::dump_panic_on_error (lua_State *L_, int result_code, lua_Writer writer_function, void *userdata_pointer_, bool strip)
int sol::dump_pass_on_error (lua_State *L_, int result_code, lua_Writer writer_function, void *userdata_pointer_, bool strip)
int sol::dump_throw_on_error (lua_State *L_, int result_code, lua_Writer writer_function, void *userdata_pointer_, bool strip)
std::string sol::detail::debug::dump_types (lua_State *L)
template<bool checked, typename Arg , typename... Args, std::size_t I, std::size_t... Is, typename Handler , typename Fx , typename... FxArgs>
static decltype(auto) sol::stack::stack_detail::eval (types< Arg, Args... >, std::index_sequence< I, Is... >, lua_State *L_, int start_index_, Handler &&handler_, record &tracking_, Fx &&fx_, FxArgs &&... fxargs_)
template<bool checked, typename Handler , typename Fx , typename... Args>
static decltype(auto) sol::stack::stack_detail::eval (types<>, std::index_sequence<>, lua_State *, int, Handler &&, record &, Fx &&fx, Args &&... args)
template<typename... Functions>
auto sol::factories (Functions &&... functions)
int sol::detail::fail_on_newindex (lua_State *L_)
std::optional< protected_function > sol::stack::stack_detail::find_lua_next_function (lua_State *L_)
template<typename Base , typename T >
basic_function< Base > sol::detail::force_cast (T &p)
template<typename T >
decltype(auto) sol::meta::meta_detail::force_tuple (T &&x)
template<std::size_t I>
stack_proxy sol::get (const protected_function_result &fr)
template<std::size_t I>
stack_proxy sol::get (const unsafe_function_result &fr)
template<typename T >
auto sol::stack::get (lua_State *L, int index, record &tracking) -> decltype(stack_detail::unchecked_get< T >(L, index, tracking))
template<typename T >
decltype(auto) sol::stack::get (lua_State *L, int index=-lua_size< meta::unqualified_t< T >>::value)
template<std::size_t I, std::size_t N, typename Arg , typename... Args, typename T , meta::enable< meta::boolean<(N > 0)> >
stack_proxy sol::detail::get (types< Arg, Args... >, meta::index_value< N >, meta::index_value< I >, const T &fr)
template<std::size_t I, typename... Args>
stack_proxy sol::get (types< Args... > t, const protected_function_result &fr)
template<std::size_t I, typename... Args>
stack_proxy sol::get (types< Args... > t, const unsafe_function_result &fr)
template<std::size_t I, typename... Args, typename T >
stack_proxy sol::detail::get (types< Args... >, meta::index_value< 0 >, meta::index_value< I >, const T &fr)
template<typename T >
std::pair< T, int > sol::stack::stack_detail::get_as_upvalues (lua_State *L, int index=2)
template<typename T >
std::pair< T, int > sol::stack::stack_detail::get_as_upvalues_using_function (lua_State *L, int function_index=-1)
call_syntax sol::stack::get_call_syntax (lua_State *L, const string_view &key, int index)
template<typename Reference , bool IsMainReference = false>
Reference sol::detail::get_default_handler (lua_State *L_)
template<typename E = reference, typename T >
basic_environment< E > sol::get_environment (const T &target)
template<bool global = false, bool raw = false, typename Key >
void sol::stack::get_field (lua_State *L, Key &&key)
template<bool global = false, bool raw = false, typename Key >
void sol::stack::get_field (lua_State *L, Key &&key, int tableindex)
template<typename Function >
Function * sol::stack::stack_detail::get_function_pointer (lua_State *, int, record &) noexcept
template<typename BaseCh , typename S >
S sol::stack::stack_detail::get_into (lua_State *L, int index, record &tracking)
template<typename T >
decltype(auto) sol::container_detail::get_key (std::false_type, T &&t)
template<typename T >
decltype(auto) sol::container_detail::get_key (std::true_type, T &&t)
template<typename OptionalType , typename T , typename Handler >
OptionalType sol::stack::stack_detail::get_optional (lua_State *L, int index, Handler &&handler, record &tracking)
template<typename C >
static int sol::stack::stack_detail::get_size_hint (C &c)
template<typename V , typename Al >
static int sol::stack::stack_detail::get_size_hint (const std::forward_list< V, Al > &)
error sol::stack::get_traceback_or_errors (lua_State *L)
template<typename T >
decltype(auto) sol::stack::get_usertype (lua_State *L, int index, record &tracking)
template<typename T >
decltype(auto) sol::stack::get_usertype (lua_State *L, int index=-lua_size_v< meta::unqualified_t< T >>)
template<typename T >
usertype_storage< T > & sol::u_detail::get_usertype_storage (lua_State *L_)
usertype_storage_base & sol::u_detail::get_usertype_storage_base (lua_State *L_, const char *gcmetakey)
template<typename T >
decltype(auto) sol::container_detail::get_value (std::false_type, T &&t)
template<typename T >
decltype(auto) sol::container_detail::get_value (std::true_type, T &&t)
int sol::detail::handle_errors (lua_State *L, const error_result &er)
void sol::policy_detail::handle_policy (const stack_dependencies &sdeps, lua_State *L, int &)
template<typename P , meta::disable< std::is_base_of< detail::policy_base_tag, meta::unqualified_t< P >>> = meta::enabler>
void sol::policy_detail::handle_policy (P &&p, lua_State *L, int &pushed)
template<int... In>
void sol::policy_detail::handle_policy (returns_self_with< In... >, lua_State *L, int &pushed)
template<int I, int... In>
void sol::policy_detail::handle_policy (static_stack_dependencies< I, In... >, lua_State *L, int &)
template<bool ShouldPush_, typename Handler_ >
void sol::detail::handle_protected_exception (lua_State *L_, optional< const std::exception & > maybe_ex, const char *error, detail::protected_handler< ShouldPush_, Handler_ > &handler_)
template<typename Left , typename Right >
constexpr bool sol::has_any_flag (Left left, Right right) noexcept
template<typename Left , typename Right >
constexpr bool sol::has_flag (Left left, Right right) noexcept
bool sol::stack::stack_detail::impl_check_metatable (lua_State *L_, int index, const std::string &metakey, bool poptable)
int sol::u_detail::index_fail (lua_State *L_)
int sol::u_detail::index_target_fail (lua_State *L_, void *)
template<typename... Functions>
auto sol::initializers (Functions &&... functions)
template<typename T , typename IFx , typename Fx >
void sol::detail::insert_default_registrations (IFx &&ifx, Fx &&fx)
template<typename T >
bool sol::stack::stack_detail::integer_value_fits (const T &value)
template<typename T , typename Handler >
bool sol::stack::stack_detail::interop_check (lua_State *L, int index, type index_type, Handler &&handler, record &tracking)
template<typename T >
decltype(auto) sol::stack::stack_detail::interop_get (lua_State *L, int index, void *unadjusted_pointer, record &tracking)
template<typename Fn , typename... Args, typename = enable_if_t<!std::is_member_pointer<decay_t<Fn>>::value>>
constexpr auto sol::detail::invoke (Fn &&f, Args &&... args) noexcept(noexcept(std::forward< Fn >(f)(std::forward< Args >(args)...))) -> decltype(std::forward< Fn >(f)(std::forward< Args >(args)...))
template<typename Fn , typename... Args, typename = enable_if_t<std::is_member_pointer<decay_t<Fn>>::value>, int = 0>
constexpr auto sol::detail::invoke (Fn &&f, Args &&... args) noexcept(noexcept(std::mem_fn(f)(std::forward< Args >(args)...))) -> decltype(std::mem_fn(f)(std::forward< Args >(args)...))
template<typename T >
int sol::detail::is_check (lua_State *L)
bool sol::is_indeterminate_call_failure (call_status c)
int sol::u_detail::is_indexer (call_construction)
int sol::u_detail::is_indexer (meta_function mf)
int sol::u_detail::is_indexer (string_view s)
bool sol::stack::is_main_thread (lua_State *L)
template<typename Handler >
bool sol::stack::loose_table_check (lua_State *L_, int index, Handler &&handler, record &tracking)
template<bool yielding>
int sol::function_detail::lua_c_noexcept_wrapper (lua_State *L) noexcept
template<bool yielding>
int sol::function_detail::lua_c_wrapper (lua_State *L)
int sol::detail::lua_cfunction_trampoline (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction f)
void sol::stack::luajit_exception_handler (lua_State *L, int(*handler)(lua_State *, lua_CFunction)=detail::c_trampoline)
void sol::stack::luajit_exception_off (lua_State *L)
lua_Statesol::main_thread (lua_State *L_, lua_State *backup_if_unsupported_=nullptr)
template<std::size_t N>
const char * sol::detail::make_chunk_name (const string_view &code, const std::string &chunkname, char(&basechunkname)[N])
template<typename... Args>
closure< Args... > sol::make_closure (lua_CFunction f, Args &&... args)
template<typename T >
lua_CFunction sol::detail::make_destructor ()
template<typename T >
lua_CFunction sol::detail::make_destructor (std::false_type)
template<typename T >
lua_CFunction sol::detail::make_destructor (std::true_type)
template<typename T >
auto sol::make_light (T &l)
template<typename T , typename... Args>
object sol::make_object (lua_State *L_, Args &&... args)
template<typename T >
object sol::make_object (lua_State *L_, T &&value)
template<typename T , typename... Args>
object sol::make_object_userdata (lua_State *L_, Args &&... args)
template<typename T >
object sol::make_object_userdata (lua_State *L_, T &&value)
template<class T , class... Args>
constexpr optional< T > sol::make_optional (Args &&... args)
template<class T , class U , class... Args>
constexpr optional< T > sol::make_optional (std::initializer_list< U > il, Args &&... args)
template<class T = detail::i_am_secret, class U , class Ret = detail::conditional_t<std::is_same<T, detail::i_am_secret>::value, detail::decay_t<U>, T>>
constexpr optional< Ret > sol::make_optional (U &&v)
template<typename T , typename R = reference, bool should_pop = !is_stack_based_v<R>, typename... Args>
sol::make_reference (lua_State *L, Args &&... args)
template<typename R = reference, bool should_pop = !is_stack_based_v<R>, typename T >
sol::make_reference (lua_State *L, T &&value)
template<typename T , typename R = reference, bool should_pop = !is_stack_based_v<R>, typename... Args>
sol::make_reference_userdata (lua_State *L, Args &&... args)
template<typename R = reference, bool should_pop = !is_stack_based_v<R>, typename T >
sol::make_reference_userdata (lua_State *L, T &&value)
template<typename Arg >
std::string sol::u_detail::make_string (Arg &&arg)
auto sol::u_detail::make_string_view (base_classes_tag)
auto sol::u_detail::make_string_view (call_construction)
auto sol::u_detail::make_string_view (meta_function mf)
auto sol::u_detail::make_string_view (string_view s)
template<typename T , typename Dx , typename... Args>
std::unique_ptr< T, Dx > sol::detail::make_unique_deleter (Args &&... args)
template<typename T >
auto sol::make_user (T &&u)
optional< usertype_storage_base & > sol::u_detail::maybe_as_usertype_storage_base (lua_State *L, int index)
template<typename T >
optional< usertype_storage< T > & > sol::u_detail::maybe_get_usertype_storage (lua_State *L_)
optional< usertype_storage_base & > sol::u_detail::maybe_get_usertype_storage_base (lua_State *L, const char *gcmetakey)
optional< usertype_storage_base & > sol::u_detail::maybe_get_usertype_storage_base (lua_State *L_, int index)
optional< usertype_storage_base & > sol::u_detail::maybe_get_usertype_storage_base_inside (lua_State *L, int index)
bool sol::stack::maybe_indexable (lua_State *L, int index=-1)
bool sol::stack::stack_detail::maybe_push_lua_next_function (lua_State *L_)
template<typename T >
int sol::detail::member_default_to_string (std::false_type, lua_State *L)
template<typename T >
int sol::detail::member_default_to_string (std::true_type, lua_State *L)
const std::array< std::string, 37 > & sol::meta_function_names ()
template<typename T >
auto sol::meta_registry_key (T &&key)
template<typename F >
void sol::stack::modify_unique_usertype (const stack_reference &obj, F &&f)
template<typename T , typename F >
void sol::stack::modify_unique_usertype_as (const stack_reference &obj, F &&f)
template<typename T >
int sol::stack::stack_detail::msvc_is_ass_with_if_constexpr_push_enum (std::false_type, lua_State *, const T &)
template<typename T >
int sol::stack::stack_detail::msvc_is_ass_with_if_constexpr_push_enum (std::true_type, lua_State *L, const T &value)
template<typename... Args>
bool sol::stack::multi_check (lua_State *L, int index)
template<typename... Args, typename Handler >
bool sol::stack::multi_check (lua_State *L, int index, Handler &&handler)
template<typename... Args, typename Handler >
bool sol::stack::multi_check (lua_State *L, int index, Handler &&handler, record &tracking)
int sol::stack::multi_push (lua_State *)
template<typename T , typename... Args>
int sol::stack::multi_push (lua_State *L, T &&t, Args &&... args)
int sol::stack::multi_push_reference (lua_State *)
template<typename T , typename... Args>
int sol::stack::multi_push_reference (lua_State *L, T &&t, Args &&... args)
int sol::u_detail::new_index_fail (lua_State *L_)
int sol::u_detail::new_index_target_fail (lua_State *L_, void *)
int sol::function_detail::no_construction_error (lua_State *L)
int sol::no_panic (lua_State *, int, type, type, const char *=nullptr) noexcept
template<bool lb, bool rb>
bool sol::operator!= (const basic_reference< lb > &l, const basic_reference< rb > &r) noexcept
template<bool lb>
bool sol::operator!= (const basic_reference< lb > &l, const stack_reference &r) noexcept
template<bool lb>
bool sol::operator!= (const basic_reference< lb > &lhs, const lua_nil_t &) noexcept
template<bool rb>
bool sol::operator!= (const lua_nil_t &, const basic_reference< rb > &rhs) noexcept
bool sol::operator!= (const lua_nil_t &, const stack_reference &rhs)
bool sol::operator!= (const lua_nil_t &, const stateless_reference &rhs) noexcept
template<class T , class U >
constexpr bool sol::operator!= (const optional< T > &lhs, const optional< U > &rhs)
 \group relop More...
template<class T , class U >
constexpr bool sol::operator!= (const optional< T > &lhs, const U &rhs)
 \group relop_t More...
template<class T >
constexpr bool sol::operator!= (const optional< T > &lhs, nullopt_t) noexcept
 \group relop_nullopt More...
template<bool rb>
bool sol::operator!= (const stack_reference &l, const basic_reference< rb > &r) noexcept
bool sol::operator!= (const stack_reference &l, const stack_reference &r)
bool sol::operator!= (const stack_reference &lhs, const lua_nil_t &)
bool sol::operator!= (const stateless_reference &l, const stateless_reference &r) noexcept
bool sol::operator!= (const stateless_reference &lhs, const lua_nil_t &) noexcept
bool sol::operator!= (const stateless_stack_reference &l, const stateless_stack_reference &r)
template<typename Table , typename Key >
bool sol::operator!= (const table_proxy< Table, Key > &right, lua_nil_t)
template<typename Table , typename Key , typename T >
bool sol::operator!= (const table_proxy< Table, Key > &right, T &&left)
template<class T , class U >
constexpr bool sol::operator!= (const U &lhs, const optional< T > &rhs)
 \group relop_t More...
template<typename Table , typename Key >
bool sol::operator!= (lua_nil_t, const table_proxy< Table, Key > &right)
bool sol::operator!= (lua_nil_t, lua_nil_t)
template<class T >
constexpr bool sol::operator!= (nullopt_t, const optional< T > &rhs) noexcept
 \group relop_nullopt More...
template<typename Table , typename Key , typename T >
bool sol::operator!= (T &&left, const table_proxy< Table, Key > &right)
constexpr automagic_flags sol::operator& (automagic_flags left, automagic_flags right) noexcept
constexpr automagic_flags & sol::operator&= (automagic_flags &left, automagic_flags right) noexcept
template<typename proxy_t , bool is_const>
stack_iterator< proxy_t, is_const > sol::operator+ (typename stack_iterator< proxy_t, is_const >::difference_type n, const stack_iterator< proxy_t, is_const > &r)
template<class T >
constexpr bool sol::operator< (const optional< T > &, nullopt_t) noexcept
 \group relop_nullopt More...
template<class T , class U >
constexpr bool sol::operator< (const optional< T > &lhs, const optional< U > &rhs)
 \group relop More...
template<class T , class U >
constexpr bool sol::operator< (const optional< T > &lhs, const U &rhs)
 \group relop_t More...
template<class T , class U >
constexpr bool sol::operator< (const U &lhs, const optional< T > &rhs)
 \group relop_t More...
template<class T >
constexpr bool sol::operator< (nullopt_t, const optional< T > &rhs) noexcept
 \group relop_nullopt More...
template<class T , class U >
constexpr bool sol::operator<= (const optional< T > &lhs, const optional< U > &rhs)
 \group relop More...
template<class T , class U >
constexpr bool sol::operator<= (const optional< T > &lhs, const U &rhs)
 \group relop_t More...
template<class T >
constexpr bool sol::operator<= (const optional< T > &lhs, nullopt_t) noexcept
 \group relop_nullopt More...
template<class T , class U >
constexpr bool sol::operator<= (const U &lhs, const optional< T > &rhs)
 \group relop_t More...
template<class T >
constexpr bool sol::operator<= (nullopt_t, const optional< T > &) noexcept
 \group relop_nullopt More...
template<bool lb, bool rb>
bool sol::operator== (const basic_reference< lb > &l, const basic_reference< rb > &r) noexcept
template<bool lb>
bool sol::operator== (const basic_reference< lb > &l, const stack_reference &r) noexcept
template<bool lb>
bool sol::operator== (const basic_reference< lb > &lhs, const lua_nil_t &) noexcept
template<bool rb>
bool sol::operator== (const lua_nil_t &, const basic_reference< rb > &rhs) noexcept
bool sol::operator== (const lua_nil_t &, const stack_reference &rhs)
bool sol::operator== (const lua_nil_t &, const stateless_reference &rhs) noexcept
template<class T , class U >
constexpr bool sol::operator== (const optional< T > &lhs, const optional< U > &rhs)
 Compares two optional objects. More...
template<class T , class U >
constexpr bool sol::operator== (const optional< T > &lhs, const U &rhs)
 Compares the optional with a value. More...
template<class T >
constexpr bool sol::operator== (const optional< T > &lhs, nullopt_t) noexcept
 Compares an optional to a nullopt More...
template<bool rb>
bool sol::operator== (const stack_reference &l, const basic_reference< rb > &r) noexcept
bool sol::operator== (const stack_reference &l, const stack_reference &r)
bool sol::operator== (const stack_reference &lhs, const lua_nil_t &)
bool sol::operator== (const stateless_reference &l, const stateless_reference &r) noexcept
bool sol::operator== (const stateless_reference &lhs, const lua_nil_t &) noexcept
bool sol::operator== (const stateless_stack_reference &l, const stateless_stack_reference &r)
template<typename Table , typename Key >
bool sol::operator== (const table_proxy< Table, Key > &right, lua_nil_t)
template<typename Table , typename Key , typename T >
bool sol::operator== (const table_proxy< Table, Key > &right, T &&left)
template<class T , class U >
constexpr bool sol::operator== (const U &lhs, const optional< T > &rhs)
 \group relop_t More...
template<typename Table , typename Key >
bool sol::operator== (lua_nil_t, const table_proxy< Table, Key > &right)
bool sol::operator== (lua_nil_t, lua_nil_t)
template<class T >
constexpr bool sol::operator== (nullopt_t, const optional< T > &rhs) noexcept
 \group relop_nullopt More...
template<typename Table , typename Key , typename T >
bool sol::operator== (T &&left, const table_proxy< Table, Key > &right)
template<class T , class U >
constexpr bool sol::operator> (const optional< T > &lhs, const optional< U > &rhs)
 \group relop More...
template<class T , class U >
constexpr bool sol::operator> (const optional< T > &lhs, const U &rhs)
 \group relop_t More...
template<class T >
constexpr bool sol::operator> (const optional< T > &lhs, nullopt_t) noexcept
 \group relop_nullopt More...
template<class T , class U >
constexpr bool sol::operator> (const U &lhs, const optional< T > &rhs)
 \group relop_t More...
template<class T >
constexpr bool sol::operator> (nullopt_t, const optional< T > &) noexcept
 \group relop_nullopt More...
template<class T >
constexpr bool sol::operator>= (const optional< T > &, nullopt_t) noexcept
 \group relop_nullopt More...
template<class T , class U >
constexpr bool sol::operator>= (const optional< T > &lhs, const optional< U > &rhs)
 \group relop More...
template<class T , class U >
constexpr bool sol::operator>= (const optional< T > &lhs, const U &rhs)
 \group relop_t More...
template<class T , class U >
constexpr bool sol::operator>= (const U &lhs, const optional< T > &rhs)
 \group relop_t More...
template<class T >
constexpr bool sol::operator>= (nullopt_t, const optional< T > &rhs) noexcept
 \group relop_nullopt More...
constexpr automagic_flags sol::operator| (automagic_flags left, automagic_flags right) noexcept
constexpr automagic_flags & sol::operator|= (automagic_flags &left, automagic_flags right) noexcept
template<class Opt , class F , class Ret = decltype(detail::invoke(std::declval<F>(), *std::declval<Opt>())), detail::enable_if_t< std::is_void< Ret >::value > * = nullptr>
auto sol::detail::optional_map_impl (Opt &&opt, F &&f) -> optional< monostate >
template<class Opt , class F , class Ret = decltype(detail::invoke(std::declval<F>(), *std::declval<Opt>())), detail::enable_if_t<!std::is_void< Ret >::value > * = nullptr>
constexpr auto sol::detail::optional_map_impl (Opt &&opt, F &&f) -> optional< Ret >
template<typename T >
int sol::detail::oss_default_to_string (std::false_type, lua_State *L)
template<typename T >
int sol::detail::oss_default_to_string (std::true_type, lua_State *L)
template<typename... Args>
decltype(auto) sol::overload (Args &&... args)
template<typename... Functions, typename Match , typename... Args>
int sol::call_detail::overload_match (Match &&matchfx, lua_State *L, int start, Args &&... args)
template<typename... Functions, typename Match , typename... Args>
int sol::call_detail::overload_match_arity (Match &&matchfx, lua_State *L, int fxarity, int start, Args &&... args)
template<typename Fx , typename... Fxs, std::size_t I, std::size_t... In, std::size_t... M, typename Match , typename... Args>
int sol::call_detail::overload_detail::overload_match_arity (types< Fx, Fxs... >, std::index_sequence< I, In... >, std::index_sequence< M... >, Match &&matchfx, lua_State *L, int fxarity, int start, Args &&... args)
template<std::size_t... M, typename Match , typename... Args>
int sol::call_detail::overload_detail::overload_match_arity (types<>, std::index_sequence<>, std::index_sequence< M... >, Match &&, lua_State *L, int, int, Args &&...)
template<typename Fx , std::size_t I, std::size_t... M, typename Match , typename... Args>
int sol::call_detail::overload_detail::overload_match_arity_single (types< Fx >, std::index_sequence< I >, std::index_sequence< M... >, Match &&matchfx, lua_State *L, int fxarity, int start, Args &&... args)
template<typename Fx , typename Fx1 , typename... Fxs, std::size_t I, std::size_t I1, std::size_t... In, std::size_t... M, typename Match , typename... Args>
int sol::call_detail::overload_detail::overload_match_arity_single (types< Fx, Fx1, Fxs... >, std::index_sequence< I, I1, In... >, std::index_sequence< M... >, Match &&matchfx, lua_State *L, int fxarity, int start, Args &&... args)
template<std::size_t... M, typename Match , typename... Args>
int sol::call_detail::overload_detail::overload_match_arity_single (types<>, std::index_sequence<>, std::index_sequence< M... >, Match &&matchfx, lua_State *L, int fxarity, int start, Args &&... args)
template<typename T >
auto sol::pass_as_value (T &value_ref_)
template<typename R , typename W >
auto & sol::call_detail::pick (std::false_type, property_wrapper< R, W > &f)
template<typename R , typename W >
auto & sol::call_detail::pick (std::true_type, property_wrapper< R, W > &f)
template<bool b>
lua_Statesol::detail::pick_main_thread (lua_State *L_, lua_State *backup_if_unsupported=nullptr)
template<typename F , typename... Args>
auto sol::policies (F &&f, Args &&... args)
template<typename T >
decltype(auto) sol::stack::pop (lua_State *L)
template<bool top_level = false>
push_popper_n< top_level > sol::stack::pop_n (lua_State *L_, int pop_count_)
void sol::detail::debug::print_section (const std::string &message, lua_State *L)
void sol::detail::debug::print_stack (lua_State *L)
template<bool global = false, bool raw = false, typename C = detail::non_lua_nil_t, typename Key >
probe sol::stack::probe_get_field (lua_State *L, Key &&key)
template<bool global = false, bool raw = false, typename C = detail::non_lua_nil_t, typename Key >
probe sol::stack::probe_get_field (lua_State *L, Key &&key, int tableindex)
template<bool global = false, typename C = detail::non_lua_nil_t, typename Key >
probe sol::stack::probe_raw_get_field (lua_State *L, Key &&key)
template<bool global = false, typename C = detail::non_lua_nil_t, typename Key >
probe sol::stack::probe_raw_get_field (lua_State *L, Key &&key, int tableindex)
template<typename F >
decltype(auto) sol::property (F &&f)
template<typename F , typename G >
decltype(auto) sol::property (F &&f, G &&g)
bool sol::detail::property_always_true (meta_function)
template<typename T >
auto sol::protect (T &&value)
template<typename T >
T * sol::detail::ptr (std::reference_wrapper< T > val)
template<typename T >
T * sol::detail::ptr (T &val)
template<typename T >
T * sol::detail::ptr (T *val)
template<typename T , typename Arg , typename... Args, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<T, Arg>::value>>
int sol::stack::push (lua_State *L, Arg &&arg, Args &&... args)
template<typename T , typename... Args>
int sol::stack::push (lua_State *L, T &&t, Args &&... args)
template<typename T >
int sol::stack::stack_detail::push_as_upvalues (lua_State *L, T &item)
template<typename T >
int sol::stack::push_environment_of (const T &target)
int sol::stack::push_environment_of (lua_State *L, int target_index=-1)
template<typename Fx >
auto sol::push_invoke (Fx &&fx)
template<bool top_level = false, typename T >
stateless_push_popper< top_level, T > sol::stack::push_pop (lua_State *L_, T &&object_)
template<bool top_level = false, typename T >
push_popper< top_level, T > sol::stack::push_pop (T &&x)
template<typename T >
push_popper_at sol::stack::push_pop_at (T &&object_)
template<typename T , typename Arg , typename... Args>
int sol::stack::stack_detail::push_reference (lua_State *L, Arg &&arg, Args &&... args)
template<typename T , typename Arg , typename... Args>
int sol::stack::push_reference (lua_State *L, Arg &&arg, Args &&... args)
template<typename T , typename... Args>
int sol::stack::push_reference (lua_State *L, T &&t, Args &&... args)
int sol::push_type_panic_string (lua_State *L, int index, type expected, type actual, string_view message, string_view aux_message) noexcept
template<typename T , typename Arg , typename... Args>
int sol::stack::push_userdata (lua_State *L, Arg &&arg, Args &&... args)
template<typename T , typename... Args>
int sol::stack::push_userdata (lua_State *L, T &&t, Args &&... args)
template<bool global = false, typename Key >
void sol::stack::raw_get_field (lua_State *L, Key &&key)
template<bool global = false, typename Key >
void sol::stack::raw_get_field (lua_State *L, Key &&key, int tableindex)
template<bool global = false, typename Key , typename Value >
void sol::stack::raw_set_field (lua_State *L, Key &&key, Value &&value)
template<bool global = false, typename Key , typename Value >
void sol::stack::raw_set_field (lua_State *L, Key &&key, Value &&value, int tableindex)
template<typename T >
void sol::stack::stack_detail::raw_table_set (lua_State *L, T &&arg, int tableindex=-2)
template<typename R , typename T >
auto sol::readonly (R T::*v)
int sol::stack::stack_detail::readonly_pairs (lua_State *L_) noexcept
template<typename F >
decltype(auto) sol::readonly_property (F &&f)
void sol::register_main_thread (lua_State *L)
template<typename T , automagic_flags enrollment_flags>
int sol::u_detail::register_usertype (lua_State *L_, automagic_enrollments enrollments_={})
void sol::stack::remove (lua_State *L_, int rawindex, int count)
template<typename T , typename Tr , typename Al >
void sol::detail::reserve (std::basic_string< T, Tr, Al > &str, std::size_t hint)
template<typename T , typename Al >
void sol::detail::reserve (std::vector< T, Al > &vec, std::size_t hint)
template<typename T >
void sol::detail::reserve (T &, std::size_t)
template<typename... Sig, typename F , meta::disable< std::is_function< meta::unqualified_t< F >>> = meta::enabler>
constexpr auto sol::resolve (F &&f) -> decltype(detail::resolve_i(types< Sig... >(), std::forward< F >(f)))
template<typename... Args, typename R >
constexpr auto sol::resolve (R fun_ptr(Args...)) -> R(*)(Args...)
template<typename... Args, typename R , typename C >
constexpr auto sol::resolve (R(C::*mem_ptr)(Args...)) -> R(C::*)(Args...)
template<typename Sig >
constexpr Sig * sol::resolve (Sig *fun_ptr)
template<typename Sig , typename C >
constexpr Sig C::* sol::resolve (Sig C::*mem_ptr)
template<typename F >
constexpr void sol::detail::resolve_f (std::false_type, F &&)
template<typename F , typename U = meta::unqualified_t<F>>
constexpr auto sol::detail::resolve_f (std::true_type, F &&f) -> decltype(resolve_i(types< meta::function_signature_t< decltype(&U::operator())>>(), std::forward< F >(f)))
template<typename... Args, typename F , typename R = std::invoke_result_t<F&, Args...>>
constexpr auto sol::detail::resolve_i (types< Args... >, F &&f) -> decltype(resolve_i(types< R(Args...)>(), std::forward< F >(f)))
template<typename R , typename... Args, typename F , typename = std::invoke_result_t<meta::unqualified_t<F>, Args...>>
constexpr auto sol::detail::resolve_i (types< R(Args...)>, F &&) -> R(meta::unqualified_t< F >::*)(Args...)
template<typename F , typename U = meta::unqualified_t<F>>
constexpr auto sol::detail::resolve_i (types<>, F &&f) -> decltype(resolve_f(meta::call_operator_deducible< U >(), std::forward< F >(f)))
template<typename Sig , typename C >
constexpr Sig C::* sol::detail::resolve_v (std::false_type, Sig C::*mem_func_ptr)
template<typename Sig , typename C >
constexpr Sig C::* sol::detail::resolve_v (std::true_type, Sig C::*mem_variable_ptr)
void sol::stack::script (lua_State *L, const string_view &code, const std::string &chunkname=detail::default_chunk_name(), load_mode mode=load_mode::any)
void sol::stack::script (lua_State *L, lua_Reader reader, void *data, const std::string &chunkname=detail::default_chunk_name(), load_mode mode=load_mode::any)
protected_function_result sol::script_default_on_error (lua_State *L, protected_function_result pfr)
void sol::stack::script_file (lua_State *L, const std::string &filename, load_mode mode=load_mode::any)
protected_function_result sol::script_pass_on_error (lua_State *, protected_function_result result)
protected_function_result sol::script_throw_on_error (lua_State *L, protected_function_result result)
template<bool is_yielding, bool no_trampoline, typename Fx , typename... Args>
void sol::function_detail::select (lua_State *L, Fx &&fx, Args &&... args)
template<bool is_yielding, bool no_trampoline, typename R , typename... A, typename Fx , typename... Args>
void sol::function_detail::select_convertible (types< R(A...)>, lua_State *L, Fx &&fx, Args &&... args)
template<bool is_yielding, bool no_trampoline, typename Fx , typename... Args>
void sol::function_detail::select_convertible (types<>, lua_State *L, Fx &&fx, Args &&... args)
template<bool is_yielding, bool no_trampoline, typename Fx , typename... Args>
void sol::function_detail::select_member_function (lua_State *L, Fx &&fx, Args &&... args)
template<bool is_yielding, bool no_trampoline, typename Fx , typename T , typename... Args>
void sol::function_detail::select_member_function_with (lua_State *L, Fx &&fx, T &&obj, Args &&... args)
template<bool is_yielding, bool no_trampoline, typename Fx , typename... Args>
void sol::function_detail::select_member_variable (lua_State *L, Fx &&fx, Args &&... args)
template<bool is_yielding, bool no_trampoline, typename Fx , typename... Args>
void sol::function_detail::select_set_fx (lua_State *L, Args &&... args)
void sol::set_default_exception_handler (lua_State *L, exception_handler_function exf=&detail::default_exception_handler)
template<typename T >
void sol::detail::set_default_handler (lua_State *L, const T &ref)
void sol::set_default_state (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction panic_function=&default_at_panic, lua_CFunction traceback_function=c_call< decltype(&default_traceback_error_handler), &default_traceback_error_handler >, exception_handler_function exf=detail::default_exception_handler)
template<typename T , typename E >
bool sol::set_environment (const basic_environment< E > &env, const T &target)
template<bool global = false, bool raw = false, typename Key , typename Value >
void sol::stack::set_field (lua_State *L, Key &&key, Value &&value)
template<bool global = false, bool raw = false, typename Key , typename Value >
void sol::stack::set_field (lua_State *L, Key &&key, Value &&value, int tableindex)
template<typename T >
int sol::stack::set_ref (lua_State *L, T &&arg, int tableindex=-2)
template<typename T >
void sol::stack::stack_detail::set_undefined_methods_on (stack_reference)
template<typename T >
const std::string & sol::detail::short_demangle ()
std::string sol::detail::short_demangle_from_type_name (std::string realname)
template<typename T >
std::string sol::detail::short_demangle_once ()
void sol::detail::stack_fail (int, int)
template<lua_CFunction f>
int sol::detail::static_trampoline (lua_State *L)
template<lua_CFunction_noexcept f>
int sol::detail::static_trampoline_noexcept (lua_State *L) noexcept
template<class T , detail::enable_if_t< std::is_move_constructible< T >::value > * = nullptr, detail::enable_if_t< detail::is_swappable< T >::value > * = nullptr>
void sol::swap (optional< T > &lhs, optional< T > &rhs) noexcept(noexcept(lhs.swap(rhs)))
 \synopsis template <class T>
void swap(optional<T> &lhs, optional<T> &rhs); More...
template<class T >
tag sol::detail::swap_adl_tests::swap (T &, T &)
template<class T , std::size_t N>
tag sol::detail::swap_adl_tests::swap (T(&a)[N], T(&b)[N])
template<typename... Tn>
tie_t< std::remove_reference_t< Tn >... > sol::adl_barrier_detail::tie (Tn &&... argn)
const std::string & sol::to_string (call_status c)
const string_viewsol::unicode::to_string (error_code ec)
const std::string & sol::to_string (load_mode c)
const std::string & sol::to_string (load_status c)
const std::string & sol::to_string (meta_function mf)
int sol::stack::top (lua_State *L)
std::size_t sol::total_memory_used (lua_State *L)
template<typename Fx , typename... Args>
int sol::detail::trampoline (lua_State *L, Fx &&f, Args &&... args)
template<typename... X>
decltype(auto) sol::meta::tuplefy (X &&... x)
void sol::type_assert (lua_State *L, int index, type expected)
void sol::type_assert (lua_State *L, int index, type expected, type actual) noexcept(false)
void sol::type_error (lua_State *L, int expected, int actual) noexcept(false)
void sol::type_error (lua_State *L, type expected, type actual) noexcept(false)
std::string sol::type_name (lua_State *L, type t)
template<typename T >
type sol::type_of ()
type sol::type_of (lua_State *L, int index)
int sol::type_panic_c_str (lua_State *L, int index, type expected, type actual, const char *message=nullptr) noexcept(false)
int sol::type_panic_string (lua_State *L, int index, type expected, type actual, string_view message="") noexcept(false)
template<typename F , F fx>
int sol::detail::typed_static_trampoline (lua_State *L)
template<typename T >
decltype(auto) sol::stack::stack_detail::unchecked_get (lua_State *L, int index, record &tracking)
template<typename T >
decltype(auto) sol::stack::stack_detail::unchecked_get_arg (lua_State *L_, int index_, record &tracking_)
template<typename T >
decltype(auto) sol::stack::stack_detail::unchecked_unqualified_get (lua_State *L, int index, record &tracking)
template<typename T >
int sol::detail::unique_destroy (lua_State *L) noexcept
template<typename T >
auto sol::detail::unique_get (lua_State *L_, T &value_) noexcept(unique_get_noexcept< std::remove_cv_t< T >>())
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::detail::unique_get_noexcept () noexcept
template<typename T >
bool sol::detail::unique_is_null (lua_State *L_, T &value_) noexcept(unique_is_null_noexcept< std::remove_cv_t< T >>())
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::detail::unique_is_null_noexcept () noexcept
template<typename T , typename Handler >
bool sol::stack::unqualified_check (lua_State *L, int index, Handler &&handler)
template<typename T , typename Handler >
bool sol::stack::unqualified_check (lua_State *L, int index, Handler &&handler, record &tracking)
template<typename T >
bool sol::stack::unqualified_check (lua_State *L, int index=-lua_size< meta::unqualified_t< T >>::value)
template<typename T , typename Handler >
decltype(auto) sol::stack::unqualified_check_get (lua_State *L, int index, Handler &&handler)
template<typename T , typename Handler >
decltype(auto) sol::stack::unqualified_check_get (lua_State *L, int index, Handler &&handler, record &tracking)
template<typename T >
decltype(auto) sol::stack::unqualified_check_get (lua_State *L, int index=-lua_size< meta::unqualified_t< T >>::value)
template<typename T >
auto sol::stack::unqualified_get (lua_State *L, int index, record &tracking) -> decltype(stack_detail::unchecked_unqualified_get< T >(L, index, tracking))
template<typename T >
decltype(auto) sol::stack::unqualified_get (lua_State *L, int index=-lua_size< meta::unqualified_t< T >>::value)
template<typename T , typename Handler >
bool sol::stack::stack_detail::unqualified_interop_check (lua_State *L, int index, type index_type, Handler &&handler, record &tracking)
template<typename T >
decltype(auto) sol::stack::stack_detail::unqualified_interop_get (lua_State *L, int index, void *unadjusted_pointer, record &tracking)
template<typename T >
T & sol::detail::unwrap (std::reference_wrapper< T > arg)
template<typename T >
auto sol::detail::unwrap (T &&item) -> decltype(std::forward< T >(item))
template<typename T >
int sol::detail::user_alloc_destroy (lua_State *L) noexcept
template<typename T >
T * sol::detail::user_allocate (lua_State *L)
template<typename T >
int sol::detail::usertype_alloc_destroy (lua_State *L) noexcept
template<typename T >
T * sol::detail::usertype_allocate (lua_State *L)
template<typename T >
T ** sol::detail::usertype_allocate_pointer (lua_State *L)
template<typename T , typename Real >
void sol::detail::usertype_unique_alloc_destroy (void *memory)
template<typename T , typename Real >
Real * sol::detail::usertype_unique_allocate (lua_State *L, T **&pref, unique_destructor *&dx, unique_tag *&id)
template<class , class >
std::false_type sol::detail::swap_adl_tests::uses_std (...)
template<typename It >
decoded_result< It > sol::unicode::utf16_to_code_point (It it, It last)
template<typename It >
decoded_result< It > sol::unicode::utf32_to_code_point (It it, It last)
template<typename It >
decoded_result< It > sol::unicode::utf8_to_code_point (It it, It last)
template<typename V >
auto sol::var (V &&v)
template<typename F >
decltype(auto) sol::writeonly_property (F &&f)
bool sol::detail::xmovable (lua_State *leftL, lua_State *rightL)
template<typename F >
yielding_t< std::decay_t< F > > sol::yielding (F &&f)


template<typename... Args>
constexpr bool sol::meta::all_v = all<Args...>::value
template<typename... Args>
constexpr bool sol::detail::any_is_constructor_v = any_is_constructor<Args...>::value
template<typename... Args>
constexpr bool sol::detail::any_is_destructor_v = any_is_destructor<Args...>::value
template<typename T , typename... Args>
constexpr bool sol::meta::any_same_v = any_same<T, Args...>::value
template<typename... Args>
constexpr bool sol::meta::any_v = any<Args...>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr auto sol::detail::associated_nullopt_v = associated_nullopt<T>::value
const auto sol::base_classes = base_classes_tag()
constexpr const int sol::u_detail::base_walking_failed_index = -32467
template<bool B>
constexpr bool sol::meta::boolean_v = boolean<B>::value
constexpr auto sol::bytecode_dump_writer = &basic_insert_dump_writer<bytecode>
const auto sol::call_constructor = call_construction {}
template<typename F >
constexpr bool sol::meta::call_operator_deducible_v = call_operator_deducible<F>::value
template<template< typename... > class Pred, typename... Ts>
constexpr std::size_t sol::meta::count_even_for_pack_v = count_even_for_pack<Pred, Ts...>::value
template<template< typename... > class Pred, typename... Ts>
constexpr std::size_t sol::meta::count_for_pack_v = count_for_pack<Pred, Ts...>::value
template<std::size_t Limit, template< typename... > class Pred, typename... Ts>
constexpr std::size_t sol::meta::count_for_to_pack_v = count_for_to_pack<Limit, Pred, Ts...>::value
template<template< typename... > class Pred, typename... Ts>
constexpr std::size_t sol::meta::count_odd_for_pack_v = count_odd_for_pack<Pred, Ts...>::value
template<template< typename... > class When, std::size_t Limit, template< typename... > class Pred, typename... Ts>
constexpr std::size_t sol::meta::count_when_for_to_pack_v = count_when_for_to_pack<When, Limit, Pred, Ts...>::value
const new_table sol::create = {}
constexpr create_if_nil_t sol::create_if_nil = create_if_nil_t()
const auto sol::default_constructor = constructors<types<>> {}
const destructor_wrapper< void > sol::default_destructor {}
const bool sol::detail::default_safe_function_calls
const auto sol::detail::direct_error = direct_error_tag {}
constexpr const auto sol::meta::enabler = enable_t::_
constexpr env_key_t sol::env_key {}
constexpr const int sol::u_detail::environment_index = 1
constexpr const int sol::u_detail::exact_function_index = 4
struct sol::global_tag_t sol::global_tag
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::meta::has_begin_end_v = has_begin_end<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::meta::meta_detail::has_internal_marker_v = has_internal_marker<T>::value
constexpr std::in_place_t sol::in_place {}
template<size_t I>
constexpr in_place_index_t< I > sol::in_place_index {}
constexpr std::in_place_t sol::in_place_of {}
template<typename T >
constexpr std::in_place_type_t< T > sol::in_place_type {}
constexpr const int sol::u_detail::index_function_index = 3
template<typename T , typename Element = void>
constexpr bool sol::is_actual_type_rebindable_for_v = is_actual_type_rebindable_for<T, Element>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::meta::meta_detail::is_adl_sol_lua_check_access_v = meta::is_detected_v<adl_sol_lua_check_access_test_t, T>
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::meta::meta_detail::is_adl_sol_lua_check_get_v = meta::is_detected_v<adl_sol_lua_check_get_test_t, T>
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::meta::meta_detail::is_adl_sol_lua_check_v = meta::is_detected_v<adl_sol_lua_check_test_t, T>
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::meta::meta_detail::is_adl_sol_lua_get_v = meta::is_detected_v<adl_sol_lua_get_test_t, T>
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::meta::meta_detail::is_adl_sol_lua_interop_check_v = meta::is_detected_v<adl_sol_lua_interop_check_test_t, T>
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::meta::meta_detail::is_adl_sol_lua_interop_get_v = meta::is_detected_v<adl_sol_lua_interop_get_test_t, T>
template<typename T , typename... Args>
constexpr bool sol::meta::meta_detail::is_adl_sol_lua_push_exact_v = meta::is_detected_v<adl_sol_lua_push_exact_test_t, T, Args...>
template<typename... Args>
constexpr bool sol::meta::meta_detail::is_adl_sol_lua_push_v = meta::is_detected_v<adl_sol_lua_push_test_t, Args...>
template<typename T , typename Char >
constexpr bool sol::meta::is_c_str_of_v = is_c_str_of<T, Char>::value
template<typename T , typename Char >
constexpr bool sol::meta::is_c_str_or_string_of_v = is_c_str_or_string_of<T, Char>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::meta::is_c_str_or_string_v = is_c_str_or_string<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::meta::is_c_str_v = is_c_str<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::is_callable_v = is_callable<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::detail::is_constructor_v = is_constructor<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::is_container_v = is_container<T>::value
template<template< class... > class Trait, class... Args>
constexpr bool sol::meta::is_detected_v = is_detected<Trait, Args...>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::is_environment_v = is_environment<T>::value
template<typename T , bool global, bool raw>
constexpr bool sol::stack::stack_detail::is_get_direct_tableless_v = (global && !raw && meta::is_c_str_or_string_v<T>)
template<typename T , bool global, bool raw>
constexpr bool sol::stack::stack_detail::is_get_direct_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::is_global_table_v = is_global_table<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::meta::is_initializer_list_v = is_initializer_list<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::meta::is_invocable_v = is_invocable<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::is_lightuserdata_v = is_lightuserdata<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::is_lua_c_function_v = is_lua_c_function<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::is_lua_primitive_v = is_lua_primitive<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::is_lua_reference_or_proxy_v = is_lua_reference_or_proxy<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::is_lua_reference_v = is_lua_reference<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::is_main_threaded_v = is_main_threaded<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::meta::is_member_object_or_function_v = is_member_object_or_function<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::meta::is_member_object_v = is_member_object<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::detail::is_msvc_callable_rigged_v = is_msvc_callable_rigged<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::detail::is_non_factory_constructor_v = is_non_factory_constructor<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::meta::is_optional_v = is_optional<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::meta::is_pointer_like_v = is_pointer_like<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::detail::is_policy_v = is_policy<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::meta::is_probably_stateless_lambda_v = is_probably_stateless_lambda<T>::value
template<typename T , typename Element = void>
constexpr bool sol::meta::meta_detail::is_rebind_actual_type_v = is_rebind_actual_type<T, Element>::value
template<typename T , bool global, bool raw>
constexpr bool sol::stack::stack_detail::is_set_direct_tableless_v = (global && !raw && meta::is_c_str_or_string_v<T>)
template<typename T , bool global, bool raw>
constexpr bool sol::stack::stack_detail::is_set_direct_v
template<typename T , template< typename... > class Templ>
constexpr bool sol::meta::is_specialization_of_v = is_specialization_of<std::remove_cv_t<T>, Templ>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::is_stack_based_v = is_stack_based<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::is_stack_table_v = is_stack_table<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::is_stateless_lua_reference_v = is_stateless_lua_reference<T>::value
template<typename T , typename CharT = char>
constexpr bool sol::meta::is_string_constructible_v = is_string_constructible<T, CharT>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::meta::is_string_like_v = is_string_like<T>::value
template<typename T , typename CharT = char>
constexpr bool sol::meta::is_string_literal_array_of_v = is_string_literal_array_of<T, CharT>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::meta::is_string_literal_array_v = is_string_literal_array<T>::value
template<typename T , typename CharT >
constexpr bool sol::meta::is_string_of_v = is_string_of<T, CharT>::value
template<typename T , typename CharT >
constexpr bool sol::meta::is_string_view_of_v = is_string_view_of<T, CharT>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::is_table_like_v = is_table_like<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::is_table_v = is_table<T>::value
template<typename Tag >
constexpr bool sol::detail::is_tagged_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::is_to_stringable_v = is_to_stringable<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::is_transparent_argument_v = is_transparent_argument<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::meta::is_tuple_v = is_tuple<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::is_unique_usertype_v = is_unique_usertype<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::is_userdata_v = is_userdata<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::is_value_semantic_for_function_v = is_value_semantic_for_function<T>::value
constexpr const int sol::u_detail::lookup_failed_index = -42469
constexpr lua_nil_t sol::lua_nil {}
template<typename T >
constexpr int sol::lua_size_v = lua_size<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr type sol::lua_type_of_v = lua_type_of<T>::value
constexpr const int sol::u_detail::magic_index = 5
constexpr metatable_key_t sol::metatable_key {}
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::meta::neg_v = neg<T>::value
constexpr nested_tag_t sol::nested_tag {}
constexpr const int sol::u_detail::new_index_function_index = 4
constexpr const nil_t & sol::nil = lua_nil
const auto sol::no_constructor = no_construction {}
constexpr no_metatable_t sol::no_metatable {}
struct sol::detail::no_safety_tag sol::detail::no_safety
constexpr const char * sol::detail::not_a_number = "not a numeric type"
constexpr const char * sol::detail::not_a_number_integral = "not a numeric type that fits exactly an integer (number maybe has significant decimals)"
constexpr const char * sol::detail::not_a_number_or_number_string = "not a numeric type or numeric string"
constexpr const char * sol::detail::not_a_number_or_number_string_integral = "not a numeric type or a numeric string that fits exactly an integer (e.g. number maybe has significant decimals)"
constexpr const char * sol::detail::not_enough_stack_space = "not enough space left on Lua stack"
constexpr const char * sol::stack::stack_detail::not_enough_stack_space = "not enough space left on Lua stack"
constexpr const char * sol::detail::not_enough_stack_space_environment = "not enough space left on Lua stack to retrieve environment"
constexpr const char * sol::stack::stack_detail::not_enough_stack_space_environment = "not enough space left on Lua stack to retrieve environment"
constexpr const char * sol::detail::not_enough_stack_space_floating = "not enough space left on Lua stack for a floating point number"
constexpr const char * sol::stack::stack_detail::not_enough_stack_space_floating = "not enough space left on Lua stack for a floating point number"
constexpr const char * sol::detail::not_enough_stack_space_generic = "not enough space left on Lua stack to push valuees"
constexpr const char * sol::stack::stack_detail::not_enough_stack_space_generic = "not enough space left on Lua stack to push valuees"
constexpr const char * sol::detail::not_enough_stack_space_integral = "not enough space left on Lua stack for an integral number"
constexpr const char * sol::stack::stack_detail::not_enough_stack_space_integral = "not enough space left on Lua stack for an integral number"
constexpr const char * sol::detail::not_enough_stack_space_meta_function_name = "not enough space left on Lua stack for the name of a meta_function"
constexpr const char * sol::stack::stack_detail::not_enough_stack_space_meta_function_name = "not enough space left on Lua stack for the name of a meta_function"
constexpr const char * sol::detail::not_enough_stack_space_string = "not enough space left on Lua stack for a string"
constexpr const char * sol::stack::stack_detail::not_enough_stack_space_string = "not enough space left on Lua stack for a string"
constexpr const char * sol::detail::not_enough_stack_space_userdata = "not enough space left on Lua stack to create a sol2 userdata"
constexpr const char * sol::stack::stack_detail::not_enough_stack_space_userdata = "not enough space left on Lua stack to create a sol2 userdata"
constexpr override_value_t sol::override_value = override_value_t()
constexpr const char * sol::detail::protected_function_error = "caught (...) unknown error during protected_function call"
constexpr std::array< string_view, 9 > sol::detail::removals
constexpr const int sol::u_detail::simple_usertype_storage_index = 2
constexpr const lua_Integer sol::u_detail::toplevel_magic = static_cast<lua_Integer>(0xCCC2CCC1)
const type_panic_t sol::type_panic = {}
const unchecked_t sol::detail::unchecked = unchecked_t {}
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::meta::meta_detail::unique_usertype_get_with_state_v = meta::is_detected_v<unique_usertype_get_with_state_test_t, T>
template<typename T >
constexpr bool sol::meta::meta_detail::unique_usertype_is_null_with_state_v = meta::is_detected_v<unique_usertype_is_null_with_state_test_t, T>
constexpr update_if_empty_t sol::update_if_empty = update_if_empty_t()
constexpr const int sol::u_detail::usertype_storage_base_index = 3
constexpr const int sol::u_detail::usertype_storage_index = 2
template<class T , class U >
std::is_same< decltype(swap(std::declval< T & >), std::declval< U & >))), tag > sol::detail::swap_adl_tests::uses_std (int)
constexpr yield_tag_t sol::detail::yield_tag {}

Macro Definition Documentation


#define COMPAT53_API   static inline

Definition at line 3175 of file sol.hpp.


#define COMPAT53_CONCAT (   a,

Definition at line 3184 of file sol.hpp.


#define COMPAT53_CONCAT_HELPER (   a,
)    a##b

Definition at line 3183 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 3141 of file sol.hpp.


#define COMPAT53_LUA_CPP   1

Definition at line 3137 of file sol.hpp.


#define COMPAT53_PREFIX   kp_compat53

Definition at line 3167 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 3563 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 3147 of file sol.hpp.


#define LUA_KFUNCTION (   _name)    static int (_name)(lua_State *L, int status, lua_KContext ctx)

Definition at line 3547 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 4410 of file sol.hpp.

◆ SOL2_CI_I_


Definition at line 826 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 712 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 449 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 317 of file sol.hpp.


#define SOL_API_LINKAGE_I_   extern

Definition at line 976 of file sol.hpp.


#define SOL_BASE_CLASSES (   T,
namespace sol { \
template <> \
struct base<T> : std::true_type { \
typedef ::sol::types<__VA_ARGS__> type; \
}; \
} \
void a_sol3_detail_function_decl_please_no_collide()

Definition at line 1326 of file sol.hpp.


#define SOL_BOOST_NONE_CONSTEXPR_I_   constexpr

Definition at line 816 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 87 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 75 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 911 of file sol.hpp.

◆ sol_c_assert

#define sol_c_assert (   ...)
do { \
if (false) { \
(void)(__VA_ARGS__); \
} \
} while (false)

Definition at line 2907 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 932 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 802 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 133 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 143 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 121 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 155 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 109 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 49 of file sol.hpp.


)    _LEFT##_RIGHT

Definition at line 48 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 702 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 250 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 553 of file sol.hpp.


#define SOL_DEFAULT_OFF   -

Definition at line 64 of file sol.hpp.


#define SOL_DEFAULT_ON   +

Definition at line 63 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 642 of file sol.hpp.


#define SOL_DEPRECATED   [[deprecated]]

Definition at line 21285 of file sol.hpp.


namespace sol { \
template <> \
struct derive<T> : std::true_type { \
typedef ::sol::types<__VA_ARGS__> type; \
}; \
} \
void a_sol3_detail_function_decl_please_no_collide()

Definition at line 1334 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 889 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 3069 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 275 of file sol.hpp.


#define SOL_FILE_ID_SIZE_I_   2048

Definition at line 616 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 1349 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 1104 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 776 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 766 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 899 of file sol.hpp.


#define SOL_HPP

Definition at line 33 of file sol.hpp.


#define SOL_ID_SIZE_I_   512

Definition at line 608 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 745 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 990 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 1002 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 59 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 58 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 57 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 56 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 3113 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 3127 of file sol.hpp.


#define SOL_LUA_VERSION   500

Definition at line 3013 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 3021 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 2997 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 2989 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 3097 of file sol.hpp.

◆ sol_m_assert

#define sol_m_assert (   message,
do { \
if (false) { \
(void)(__VA_ARGS__); \
(void)sizeof(message); \
} \
} while (false)

Definition at line 2932 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 789 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 527 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 488 of file sol.hpp.


#define SOL_OFF   ^

Definition at line 62 of file sol.hpp.


#define SOL_ON   |

Definition at line 61 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 602 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 208 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 235 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 172 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 173 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 236 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 196 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 232 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 220 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 184 of file sol.hpp.


#define SOL_PLATFORM_X16_I_   SOL_ON

Definition at line 159 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 161 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 160 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 631 of file sol.hpp.


#define SOL_PROLOGUE_I_   1

Definition at line 847 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 3052 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 984 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 996 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 54 of file sol.hpp.


#define SOL_RAW_IS_DEFAULT_ON (   OP_SYMBOL)    ((3 OP_SYMBOL 3) > 3)

Definition at line 53 of file sol.hpp.


#define SOL_RAW_IS_OFF (   OP_SYMBOL)    ((3 OP_SYMBOL 3) == 0)

Definition at line 52 of file sol.hpp.


#define SOL_RAW_IS_ON (   OP_SYMBOL)    ((3 OP_SYMBOL 3) != 0)

Definition at line 51 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 297 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 402 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 386 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 332 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 434 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 418 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 364 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 464 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 348 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 574 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 499 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 4704 of file sol.hpp.


#define SOL_TL_OPTIONAL_11_CONSTEXPR   constexpr


Definition at line 4699 of file sol.hpp.


#define SOL_TL_OPTIONAL_IS_TRIVIALLY_COPY_ASSIGNABLE (   T)    std::is_trivially_copy_assignable<T>::value

Definition at line 4687 of file sol.hpp.


#define SOL_TL_OPTIONAL_IS_TRIVIALLY_COPY_CONSTRUCTIBLE (   T)    std::is_trivially_copy_constructible<T>::value

Definition at line 4686 of file sol.hpp.


#define SOL_TL_OPTIONAL_IS_TRIVIALLY_DESTRUCTIBLE (   T)    std::is_trivially_destructible<T>::value

Definition at line 4688 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 4634 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 4635 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 4715 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 46 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 45 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 921 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 722 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 756 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 658 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 674 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 515 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 692 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 3083 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 2973 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 3003 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 595 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 307 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 732 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 832 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 838 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 537 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 43 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 39 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 40 of file sol.hpp.



Definition at line 41 of file sol.hpp.


#define SOL_VERSION_STRING   "3.2.3"

Definition at line 42 of file sol.hpp.

Definition: forward.hpp:1093
integral_constant< bool, true > true_type
Definition: span.hpp:656
Definition: sol.hpp:7883
j template void())
Definition: json.hpp:4061

Author(s): Davide Faconti
autogenerated on Sun Aug 11 2024 02:24:28