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format.h File Reference
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <system_error>
#include "core.h"
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struct  detail::arg_formatter< Char >
struct  detail::basic_fp< F >
class  basic_memory_buffer< T, SIZE, Allocator >
struct  detail::big_decimal_fp
class  detail::bigint
class  bytes
class  detail::counting_iterator
struct  detail::dragonbox::decimal_fp< T >
struct  detail::default_arg_formatter< Char >
class  detail::digit_grouping< Char >
class  detail::fallback_digit_grouping< Char >
struct  detail::find_escape_result< Char >
struct  detail::dragonbox::float_info< T, Enable >
struct  detail::dragonbox::float_info< double >
struct  detail::dragonbox::float_info< float >
struct  detail::dragonbox::float_info< T, enable_if_t< is_double_double< T >::value > >
struct  detail::dragonbox::float_info< T, enable_if_t< std::numeric_limits< T >::digits==64||std::numeric_limits< T >::digits==113||is_float128< T >::value > >
struct  detail::float_specs
struct  detail::format_decimal_result< Iterator >
class  format_facet< Locale >
class  format_int
struct  formatter< bytes >
struct  formatter< Char[N], Char >
struct  formatter< group_digits_view< T > >
struct  formatter< join_view< It, Sentinel, Char >, Char >
struct  formatter< nested_view< T > >
struct  formatter< T, Char, enable_if_t< detail::has_format_as< T >::value > >
struct  group_digits_view< T >
struct  detail::has_isfinite< T, Enable >
struct  detail::has_isfinite< T, enable_if_t< sizeof(std::isfinite(T())) !=0 > >
struct  is_contiguous< basic_memory_buffer< T, SIZE, Allocator > >
struct  detail::is_integral< T >
struct  detail::is_integral< int128_opt >
struct  detail::is_integral< uint128_t >
struct  join_view< It, Sentinel, Char >
class  loc_value
struct  detail::loc_writer< Char >
struct  nested_formatter< T >
struct  nested_view< T >
struct  detail::digit_grouping< Char >::next_state
struct  detail::precision_checker
struct  detail::string_literal< CharT, C >
struct  detail::thousands_sep_result< Char >
class  detail::to_utf8< WChar, Buffer >
class  detail::uint128_fallback
class  detail::utf8_to_utf16
struct  detail::counting_iterator::value_type
struct  detail::width_checker
struct  detail::write_int_arg< UInt >
struct  detail::write_int_data< Char >




#define FMT_CATCH(x)   catch (x)
#define FMT_DEPRECATED   /* deprecated */
#define FMT_FORMAT_AS(Type, Base)
#define FMT_FUNC
#define FMT_HAS_BUILTIN(x)   0
#define FMT_POWERS_OF_10(factor)
#define FMT_SO_VISIBILITY(value)
#define FMT_STRING(s)   FMT_STRING_IMPL(s, fmt::detail::compile_string, )
#define FMT_STRING_IMPL(s, base, explicit)
#define FMT_THROW(x)   throw x
#define FMT_TRY   try
#define FMT_USE_DOUBLE   1
#define FMT_USE_FLOAT   1
#define FMT_USE_FLOAT128   0


template<typename T , bool doublish = num_bits<T>() == num_bits<double>()>
using detail::convert_float_result = conditional_t< std::is_same< T, float >::value||doublish, double, T >
using detail::float128 = void
using detail::format_func = void(*)(detail::buffer< char > &, int, const char *)
using detail::fp = basic_fp< unsigned long long >
template<typename T >
using detail::is_float128 = std::is_same< T, float128 >
template<typename T >
using detail::is_floating_point = bool_constant< std::is_floating_point< T >::value||is_float128< T >::value >
template<typename T >
using detail::is_integer = bool_constant< is_integral< T >::value &&!std::is_same< T, bool >::value &&!std::is_same< T, char >::value &&!std::is_same< T, wchar_t >::value >
template<typename T >
using detail::is_signed = std::integral_constant< bool, std::numeric_limits< T >::is_signed||std::is_same< T, int128_opt >::value >
template<typename T >
using detail::iterator_t = decltype(std::begin(std::declval< T & >()))
template<typename Char >
using detail::make_unsigned_char = typename conditional_t< std::is_integral< Char >::value, std::make_unsigned< Char >, type_identity< uint32_t > >::type
using memory_buffer = basic_memory_buffer< char >
template<typename OutputIt >
using detail::reserve_iterator = remove_reference_t< decltype(reserve(std::declval< OutputIt & >(), 0))>
template<typename T >
using detail::sentinel_t = decltype(std::end(std::declval< T & >()))
using detail::uint128_t = conditional_t< FMT_USE_INT128, uint128_opt, uint128_fallback >
template<typename T >
using detail::uint32_or_64_or_128_t = conditional_t< num_bits< T >()<=32 &&!FMT_REDUCE_INT_INSTANTIATIONS, uint32_t, conditional_t< num_bits< T >()<=64, uint64_t, uint128_t > >
template<typename T >
using detail::uint64_or_128_t = conditional_t< num_bits< T >()<=64, uint64_t, uint128_t >
using detail::uintptr_t = uint128_t


enum  { inline_buffer_size = 500 }
enum  detail::char8_type : unsigned char
enum  detail::dragon { detail::predecessor_closer = 1, detail::fixup = 2, detail::fixed = 4, detail::fixed }
enum  detail::float_format : unsigned char { detail::float_format::general, detail::float_format::exp, detail::fixed, detail::float_format::hex }
enum  detail::to_utf8_error_policy { detail::to_utf8_error_policy::abort, detail::to_utf8_error_policy::replace }


FMT_CONSTEXPR void detail::abort_fuzzing_if (bool condition)
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void detail::adjust_precision (int &precision, int exp10)
FMT_INLINE void detail::assume (bool condition)
template<typename Iterator >
constexpr auto detail::base_iterator (Iterator, Iterator it) -> Iterator
template<typename Container , FMT_ENABLE_IF(is_contiguous< Container >::value) >
auto detail::base_iterator (std::back_insert_iterator< Container > it, typename Container::value_type *) -> std::back_insert_iterator< Container >
template<typename To , typename From , FMT_ENABLE_IF(sizeof(To)==sizeof(From)) >
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto detail::bit_cast (const From &from) -> To
template<typename To , typename From , FMT_ENABLE_IF(sizeof(To) > sizeof(From)) >
auto detail::bit_cast (const From &from) -> To
template<typename Char >
auto detail::code_point_index (basic_string_view< Char > s, size_t n) -> size_t
auto detail::code_point_index (basic_string_view< char8_type > s, size_t n) -> size_t
auto detail::code_point_index (string_view s, size_t n) -> size_t
template<typename Char , size_t N>
constexpr auto detail_exported::compile_string_to_view (const Char(&s)[N]) -> basic_string_view< Char >
template<typename Char >
constexpr auto detail_exported::compile_string_to_view (detail::std_string_view< Char > s) -> basic_string_view< Char >
template<typename Char >
auto detail::compute_width (basic_string_view< Char > s) -> size_t
auto detail::compute_width (basic_string_view< char8_type > s) -> size_t
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::compute_width (string_view s) -> size_t
template<typename T >
constexpr auto detail::convert_float (T value) -> convert_float_result< T >
template<typename Char >
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 FMT_INLINE void detail::copy2 (Char *dst, const char *src)
template<typename OutChar , typename InputIt , typename OutputIt >
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_NOINLINE auto detail::copy_str_noinline (InputIt begin, InputIt end, OutputIt out) -> OutputIt
template<int BITS, typename UInt >
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::count_digits (UInt n) -> int
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto detail::count_digits (uint32_t n) -> int
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto detail::count_digits (uint64_t n) -> int
template<typename T >
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::count_digits_fallback (T n) -> int
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto detail::countl_zero (uint32_t n) -> int
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto detail::countl_zero (uint64_t n) -> int
template<typename UInt >
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto detail::countl_zero_fallback (UInt n) -> int
template<typename Char >
auto detail::decimal_point (locale_ref loc) -> Char
auto detail::decimal_point (locale_ref loc) -> wchar_t
template<typename Char >
FMT_FUNC auto detail::decimal_point_impl (locale_ref loc) -> Char
template<typename Char >
FMT_API auto detail::decimal_point_impl (locale_ref loc) -> Char
template<typename Int >
constexpr auto detail::digits10 () noexcept -> int
constexpr auto detail::digits10< int128_opt > () noexcept -> int
constexpr auto detail::digits10< uint128_t > () noexcept -> int
constexpr auto detail::digits2 (size_t value) -> const char *
template<typename OutputIt , typename DecimalFP , typename Char , typename Grouping = digit_grouping<Char>>
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto detail::do_write_float (OutputIt out, const DecimalFP &f, const format_specs< Char > &specs, float_specs fspecs, locale_ref loc) -> OutputIt
template<typename Char >
auto detail::equal2 (const Char *lhs, const char *rhs) -> bool
auto detail::equal2 (const char *lhs, const char *rhs) -> bool
template<typename Float >
constexpr auto detail::exponent_bias () -> int
template<typename Float >
constexpr auto detail::exponent_mask () -> typename dragonbox::float_info< Float >::carrier_uint
template<typename OutputIt , typename Char >
FMT_NOINLINE FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::fill (OutputIt it, size_t n, const fill_t< Char > &fill) -> OutputIt
template<typename OutputIt , typename Size , typename T >
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::fill_n (OutputIt out, Size count, const T &value) -> OutputIt
template<typename T , typename Size >
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto detail::fill_n (T *out, Size count, char value) -> T *
template<typename Char >
auto detail::find_escape (const Char *begin, const Char *end) -> find_escape_result< Char >
auto detail::find_escape (const char *begin, const char *end) -> find_escape_result< char >
auto detail::dragonbox::floor_log10_pow2 (int e) noexcept -> int
auto detail::dragonbox::floor_log2_pow10 (int e) noexcept -> int
 FMT_FORMAT_AS (Char *, const Char *)
 FMT_FORMAT_AS (detail::std_string_view< Char >, basic_string_view< Char >)
 FMT_FORMAT_AS (long, detail::long_type)
 FMT_FORMAT_AS (short, int)
 FMT_FORMAT_AS (signed char, int)
 FMT_FORMAT_AS (std::basic_string< Char >, basic_string_view< Char >)
 FMT_FORMAT_AS (std::nullptr_t, const void *)
 FMT_FORMAT_AS (unsigned char, unsigned)
 FMT_FORMAT_AS (unsigned long, detail::ulong_type)
 FMT_FORMAT_AS (unsigned short, unsigned)
 FMT_FORMAT_AS (void *, const void *)
template<typename F >
FMT_CONSTEXPR void detail::for_each_codepoint (string_view s, F f)
template<typename Locale , typename... T, FMT_ENABLE_IF(detail::is_locale< Locale >::value) >
auto format (const Locale &loc, format_string< T... > fmt, T &&... args) -> std::string
template<typename Enum , FMT_ENABLE_IF(std::is_enum< Enum >::value) >
constexpr auto enums::format_as (Enum e) noexcept -> underlying_t< Enum >
template<typename Char , typename UInt >
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto detail::format_decimal (Char *out, UInt value, int size) -> format_decimal_result< Char * >
template<typename Char , typename UInt , typename Iterator , FMT_ENABLE_IF(!std::is_pointer< remove_cvref_t< Iterator >>::value) >
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::format_decimal (Iterator out, UInt value, int size) -> format_decimal_result< Iterator >
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void detail::format_dragon (basic_fp< uint128_t > value, unsigned flags, int num_digits, buffer< char > &buf, int &exp10)
FMT_FUNC void detail::format_error_code (detail::buffer< char > &out, int error_code, string_view message) noexcept
template<typename Float >
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto detail::format_float (Float value, int precision, float_specs specs, buffer< char > &buf) -> int
template<typename Float , FMT_ENABLE_IF(!is_double_double< Float >::value) >
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void detail::format_hexfloat (Float value, int precision, float_specs specs, buffer< char > &buf)
FMT_API void format_system_error (detail::buffer< char > &out, int error_code, const char *message) noexcept
template<typename OutputIt , typename Locale , typename... T, FMT_ENABLE_IF(detail::is_output_iterator< OutputIt, char >::value && detail::is_locale< Locale >::value) >
FMT_INLINE auto format_to (OutputIt out, const Locale &loc, format_string< T... > fmt, T &&... args) -> OutputIt
template<unsigned BASE_BITS, typename Char , typename UInt >
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::format_uint (Char *buffer, UInt value, int num_digits, bool upper=false) -> Char *
template<unsigned BASE_BITS, typename Char , typename It , typename UInt >
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::format_uint (It out, UInt value, int num_digits, bool upper=false) -> It
template<typename Locale , typename... T, FMT_ENABLE_IF(detail::is_locale< Locale >::value) >
FMT_NODISCARD FMT_INLINE auto formatted_size (const Locale &loc, format_string< T... > fmt, T &&... args) -> size_t
constexpr auto detail::fractional_part_rounding_thresholds (int index) -> uint32_t
template<typename Context , typename ID >
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::get_arg (Context &ctx, ID id) -> decltype(ctx.arg(id))
FMT_FUNC auto detail::dragonbox::get_cached_power (int k) noexcept -> uint128_fallback
template<typename Container >
auto detail::get_data (Container &c) -> typename Container::value_type *
template<typename Char >
auto detail::get_data (std::basic_string< Char > &s) -> Char *
template<typename Handler , typename FormatArg >
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::get_dynamic_spec (FormatArg arg) -> int
constexpr auto detail::get_significand_size (const big_decimal_fp &f) -> int
template<typename T >
auto detail::get_significand_size (const dragonbox::decimal_fp< T > &f) -> int
template<typename T >
auto group_digits (T value) -> group_digits_view< T >
template<typename Handler , typename Context >
FMT_CONSTEXPR void detail::handle_dynamic_spec (int &value, arg_ref< typename Context::char_type > ref, Context &ctx)
template<typename Float >
constexpr auto detail::has_implicit_bit () -> bool
auto detail::is_big_endian () -> bool
template<typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(is_signed< T >::value) >
constexpr auto detail::is_negative (T value) -> bool
FMT_FUNC auto detail::is_printable (uint32_t cp) -> bool
template<typename T >
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::is_supported_floating_point (T) -> bool
template<typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(std::is_floating_point< T >::value && has_isfinite< T >::value) >
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto detail::isfinite (T value) -> bool
template<typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(!has_isfinite< T >::value) >
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::isfinite (T value) -> bool
template<typename T >
constexpr auto detail::isnan (T value) -> bool
template<typename It , typename Sentinel >
auto join (It begin, Sentinel end, string_view sep) -> join_view< It, Sentinel >
template<typename Range >
auto join (Range &&range, string_view sep) -> join_view< detail::iterator_t< Range >, detail::sentinel_t< Range >>
template<typename T >
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::make_write_int_arg (T value, sign_t sign) -> write_int_arg< uint32_or_64_or_128_t< T >>
template<typename T >
constexpr auto detail::max_value () -> T
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::multiply (uint64_t lhs, uint64_t rhs) -> uint64_t
auto detail::needs_escape (uint32_t cp) -> bool
template<int SHIFT = 0, typename F >
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::normalize (basic_fp< F > value) -> basic_fp< F >
template<typename T >
constexpr auto detail::num_bits () -> int
constexpr auto detail::num_bits< int128_opt > () -> int
constexpr auto detail::num_bits< uint128_t > () -> int
template<typename Float >
constexpr auto detail::num_significand_bits () -> int
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::operator* (fp x, fp y) -> fp
template<typename Char >
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::parse_align (const Char *begin, const Char *end, format_specs< Char > &specs) -> const Char *
template<typename Char >
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::parse_float_type_spec (const format_specs< Char > &specs) -> float_specs
FMT_CONSTEXPR void detail::prefix_append (unsigned &prefix, unsigned value)
FMT_FUNC void detail::print (std::FILE *f, string_view text)
template<typename T >
auto ptr (const std::shared_ptr< T > &p) -> const void *
template<typename T , typename Deleter >
auto ptr (const std::unique_ptr< T, Deleter > &p) -> const void *
template<typename T >
auto ptr (T p) -> const void *
FMT_FUNC void detail::report_error (format_func func, int error_code, const char *message) noexcept
FMT_API void report_system_error (int error_code, const char *message) noexcept
template<typename T >
auto detail::reserve (buffer_appender< T > it, size_t n) -> buffer_appender< T >
template<typename Iterator >
constexpr auto detail::reserve (Iterator &it, size_t) -> Iterator &
template<typename Container , FMT_ENABLE_IF(is_contiguous< Container >::value) >
auto detail::reserve (std::back_insert_iterator< Container > it, size_t n) -> typename Container::value_type *
template<typename Char , typename Sign >
constexpr auto detail::sign (Sign s) -> Char
template<typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(is_floating_point< T >::value) >
FMT_INLINE FMT_CONSTEXPR bool detail::signbit (T value)
template<typename... T>
auto system_error (int error_code, format_string< T... > fmt, T &&... args) -> std::system_error
template<typename Char >
auto detail::thousands_sep (locale_ref loc) -> thousands_sep_result< Char >
auto detail::thousands_sep (locale_ref loc) -> thousands_sep_result< wchar_t >
template<typename Char >
FMT_API auto detail::thousands_sep_impl (locale_ref loc) -> thousands_sep_result< Char >
template FMT_API auto detail::thousands_sep_impl< char > (locale_ref) -> thousands_sep_result< char >
template FMT_API auto detail::thousands_sep_impl< wchar_t > (locale_ref) -> thousands_sep_result< wchar_t >
template<typename T >
FMT_API auto detail::dragonbox::to_decimal (T x) noexcept -> decimal_fp< T >
template<typename T >
auto detail::to_pointer (buffer_appender< T > it, size_t n) -> T *
template<typename T , typename OutputIt >
constexpr auto detail::to_pointer (OutputIt, size_t) -> T *
template<typename Char , size_t SIZE>
FMT_NODISCARD auto to_string (const basic_memory_buffer< Char, SIZE > &buf) -> std::basic_string< Char >
template<typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(!std::is_integral< T >::value && !detail::has_format_as< T >::value) >
auto to_string (const T &value) -> std::string
template<typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(std::is_integral< T >::value) >
FMT_NODISCARD auto to_string (T value) -> std::string
auto detail::umul128 (uint64_t x, uint64_t y) noexcept -> uint128_fallback
auto detail::dragonbox::umul128_upper64 (uint64_t x, uint64_t y) noexcept -> uint64_t
auto detail::dragonbox::umul192_upper128 (uint64_t x, uint128_fallback y) noexcept -> uint128_fallback
template<typename Enum >
constexpr auto underlying (Enum e) noexcept -> underlying_t< Enum >
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::utf8_decode (const char *s, uint32_t *c, int *e) -> const char *
template<typename Locale , typename Char >
auto detail::vformat (const Locale &loc, basic_string_view< Char > fmt, basic_format_args< buffer_context< type_identity_t< Char >>> args) -> std::basic_string< Char >
template<typename Locale , FMT_ENABLE_IF(detail::is_locale< Locale >::value) >
auto vformat (const Locale &loc, string_view fmt, format_args args) -> std::string
FMT_BEGIN_EXPORT template FMT_API void detail::vformat_to (buffer< char > &, string_view, typename vformat_args<>::type, locale_ref)
template<typename Char >
void detail::vformat_to (buffer< Char > &buf, basic_string_view< Char > fmt, typename vformat_args< Char >::type args, locale_ref loc={})
template<typename OutputIt , typename Locale , FMT_ENABLE_IF(detail::is_output_iterator< OutputIt, char >::value && detail::is_locale< Locale >::value) >
auto vformat_to (OutputIt out, const Locale &loc, string_view fmt, format_args args) -> OutputIt
FMT_API auto vsystem_error (int error_code, string_view format_str, format_args args) -> std::system_error
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt >
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::write (OutputIt out, basic_string_view< Char > s, const format_specs< Char > &specs) -> OutputIt
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt >
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::write (OutputIt out, basic_string_view< Char > value) -> OutputIt
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt >
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::write (OutputIt out, basic_string_view< type_identity_t< Char >> s, const format_specs< Char > &specs, locale_ref) -> OutputIt
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt >
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::write (OutputIt out, Char value) -> OutputIt
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt >
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::write (OutputIt out, Char value, const format_specs< Char > &specs, locale_ref loc={}) -> OutputIt
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt >
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::write (OutputIt out, const Char *s, const format_specs< Char > &specs, locale_ref) -> OutputIt
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt >
FMT_CONSTEXPR_CHAR_TRAITS auto detail::write (OutputIt out, const Char *value) -> OutputIt
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename T , typename Context = basic_format_context<OutputIt, Char>>
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::write (OutputIt out, const T &value) -> enable_if_t< std::is_class< T >::value &&!is_string< T >::value &&!is_floating_point< T >::value &&!std::is_same< T, Char >::value &&!std::is_same< T, remove_cvref_t< decltype(arg_mapper< Context >().map(value))>>::value, OutputIt >
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(is_string< T >::value) >
constexpr auto detail::write (OutputIt out, const T &value) -> OutputIt
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(std::is_same< T, void >::value) >
auto detail::write (OutputIt out, const T *value, const format_specs< Char > &specs={}, locale_ref={}) -> OutputIt
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt >
auto detail::write (OutputIt out, monostate, format_specs< Char >={}, locale_ref={}) -> OutputIt
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(is_integral< T >::value && !std::is_same< T, bool >::value && !std::is_same< T, Char >::value) >
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::write (OutputIt out, T value) -> OutputIt
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(is_fast_float< T >::value) >
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto detail::write (OutputIt out, T value) -> OutputIt
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(is_floating_point< T >::value && !is_fast_float< T >::value) >
auto detail::write (OutputIt out, T value) -> OutputIt
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename T , bool check = std::is_enum<T>::value && !std::is_same<T, Char>::value && mapped_type_constant<T, basic_format_context<OutputIt, Char>>::value != type::custom_type, FMT_ENABLE_IF(check) >
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::write (OutputIt out, T value) -> OutputIt
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(is_integral< T >::value && !std::is_same< T, bool >::value && std::is_same< OutputIt, buffer_appender< Char >>::value) >
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto detail::write (OutputIt out, T value, const format_specs< Char > &specs, locale_ref loc) -> OutputIt
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(std::is_same< T, bool >::value) >
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::write (OutputIt out, T value, const format_specs< Char > &specs={}, locale_ref={}) -> OutputIt
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(is_floating_point< T >::value) >
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto detail::write (OutputIt out, T value, format_specs< Char > specs, locale_ref loc={}) -> OutputIt
template<align::type align = align::left, typename Char , typename OutputIt >
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::write_bytes (OutputIt out, string_view bytes, const format_specs< Char > &specs) -> OutputIt
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt >
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::write_char (OutputIt out, Char value, const format_specs< Char > &specs) -> OutputIt
template<size_t width, typename Char , typename OutputIt >
auto detail::write_codepoint (OutputIt out, char prefix, uint32_t cp) -> OutputIt
FMT_FUNC auto detail::write_console (int, string_view) -> bool
FMT_FUNC auto detail::write_console (std::FILE *, string_view) -> bool
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt >
auto detail::write_escaped_char (OutputIt out, Char v) -> OutputIt
template<typename OutputIt , typename Char >
auto detail::write_escaped_cp (OutputIt out, const find_escape_result< Char > &escape) -> OutputIt
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt >
auto detail::write_escaped_string (OutputIt out, basic_string_view< Char > str) -> OutputIt
template<typename Char , typename It >
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::write_exponent (int exp, It it) -> It
template<typename OutputIt , typename DecimalFP , typename Char >
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto detail::write_float (OutputIt out, const DecimalFP &f, const format_specs< Char > &specs, float_specs fspecs, locale_ref loc) -> OutputIt
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename T >
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto detail::write_float (OutputIt out, T value, format_specs< Char > specs, locale_ref loc) -> OutputIt
template<typename OutputIt , typename Char , typename W >
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto detail::write_int (OutputIt out, int num_digits, unsigned prefix, const format_specs< Char > &specs, W write_digits) -> OutputIt
template<typename OutputIt , typename UInt , typename Char >
auto detail::write_int (OutputIt out, UInt value, unsigned prefix, const format_specs< Char > &specs, const digit_grouping< Char > &grouping) -> OutputIt
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename T >
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto detail::write_int (OutputIt out, write_int_arg< T > arg, const format_specs< Char > &specs, locale_ref) -> OutputIt
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename T >
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_NOINLINE auto detail::write_int_noinline (OutputIt out, write_int_arg< T > arg, const format_specs< Char > &specs, locale_ref loc) -> OutputIt
FMT_FUNC auto detail::write_loc (appender out, loc_value value, const format_specs<> &specs, locale_ref loc) -> bool
template<typename OutputIt , typename Char >
auto detail::write_loc (OutputIt, loc_value, const format_specs< Char > &, locale_ref) -> bool
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt >
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto detail::write_nonfinite (OutputIt out, bool isnan, format_specs< Char > specs, const float_specs &fspecs) -> OutputIt
template<align::type align = align::left, typename OutputIt , typename Char , typename F >
constexpr auto detail::write_padded (OutputIt out, const format_specs< Char > &specs, size_t size, F &&f) -> OutputIt
template<align::type align = align::left, typename OutputIt , typename Char , typename F >
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::write_padded (OutputIt out, const format_specs< Char > &specs, size_t size, size_t width, F &&f) -> OutputIt
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename UIntPtr >
auto detail::write_ptr (OutputIt out, UIntPtr value, const format_specs< Char > *specs) -> OutputIt
template<typename Char , typename UInt , FMT_ENABLE_IF(std::is_integral< UInt >::value) >
auto detail::write_significand (Char *out, UInt significand, int significand_size, int integral_size, Char decimal_point) -> Char *
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt >
constexpr auto detail::write_significand (OutputIt out, const char *significand, int significand_size) -> OutputIt
template<typename OutputIt , typename Char >
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::write_significand (OutputIt out, const char *significand, int significand_size, int integral_size, Char decimal_point) -> OutputIt
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename T , typename Grouping >
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto detail::write_significand (OutputIt out, T significand, int significand_size, int exponent, const Grouping &grouping) -> OutputIt
template<typename OutputIt , typename Char , typename T , typename Grouping >
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 auto detail::write_significand (OutputIt out, T significand, int significand_size, int integral_size, Char decimal_point, const Grouping &grouping) -> OutputIt
template<typename Char , typename OutputIt , typename UInt >
auto detail::write_significand (OutputIt out, UInt significand, int significand_size) -> OutputIt
template<typename OutputIt , typename UInt , typename Char , FMT_ENABLE_IF(!std::is_pointer< remove_cvref_t< OutputIt >>::value) >
auto detail::write_significand (OutputIt out, UInt significand, int significand_size, int integral_size, Char decimal_point) -> OutputIt


constexpr FMT_INLINE_VARIABLE uint32_t detail::invalid_code_point = ~uint32_t()

Macro Definition Documentation


#define FMT_CATCH (   x)    catch (x)

Definition at line 140 of file format.h.


#define FMT_DEPRECATED   /* deprecated */

Definition at line 77 of file format.h.



Definition at line 65 of file format.h.


#define FMT_FORMAT_AS (   Type,
template <typename Char> \

Definition at line 4039 of file format.h.


#define FMT_FUNC

Definition at line 4532 of file format.h.


#define FMT_HAS_BUILTIN (   x)    0

Definition at line 106 of file format.h.



Definition at line 54 of file format.h.



Definition at line 150 of file format.h.



Definition at line 93 of file format.h.



Definition at line 112 of file format.h.


#define FMT_POWERS_OF_10 (   factor)
factor * 10, (factor) * 100, (factor) * 1000, (factor) * 10000, \
(factor) * 100000, (factor) * 1000000, (factor) * 10000000, \
(factor) * 100000000, (factor) * 1000000000

Definition at line 1121 of file format.h.



Definition at line 173 of file format.h.


#define FMT_SO_VISIBILITY (   value)

Definition at line 100 of file format.h.


#define FMT_STRING (   s)    FMT_STRING_IMPL(s, fmt::detail::compile_string, )

\rst Constructs a compile-time format string from a string literal s.


A compile-time error because 'd' is an invalid specifier for strings. std::string s = fmt::format(FMT_STRING("{:d}"), "foo"); \endrst

Definition at line 1848 of file format.h.


#define FMT_STRING_IMPL (   s,
[] { \
/* Use the hidden visibility as a workaround for a GCC bug (#1973). */ \
/* Use a macro-like name to avoid shadowing warnings. */ \
struct FMT_VISIBILITY("hidden") FMT_COMPILE_STRING : base { \
using char_type FMT_MAYBE_UNUSED = fmt::remove_cvref_t<decltype(s[0])>; \
operator fmt::basic_string_view<char_type>() const { \
return fmt::detail_exported::compile_string_to_view<char_type>(s); \
} \
}; \

Definition at line 1824 of file format.h.


#define FMT_THROW (   x)    throw x

Definition at line 130 of file format.h.


#define FMT_TRY   try

Definition at line 139 of file format.h.


#define FMT_USE_DOUBLE   1

Definition at line 788 of file format.h.


#define FMT_USE_FLOAT   1

Definition at line 785 of file format.h.


#define FMT_USE_FLOAT128   0

Definition at line 807 of file format.h.





Definition at line 791 of file format.h.



Definition at line 164 of file format.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ memory_buffer

Definition at line 993 of file format.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 858 of file format.h.

Function Documentation

◆ FMT_FORMAT_AS() [1/11]

FMT_FORMAT_AS ( Char *  ,
const Char *   

◆ FMT_FORMAT_AS() [2/11]

FMT_FORMAT_AS ( detail::std_string_view< Char >  ,
basic_string_view< Char >   

◆ FMT_FORMAT_AS() [3/11]

FMT_FORMAT_AS ( long  ,

◆ FMT_FORMAT_AS() [4/11]

FMT_FORMAT_AS ( short  ,

◆ FMT_FORMAT_AS() [5/11]

FMT_FORMAT_AS ( signed char  ,

◆ FMT_FORMAT_AS() [6/11]

FMT_FORMAT_AS ( std::basic_string< Char >  ,
basic_string_view< Char >   

◆ FMT_FORMAT_AS() [7/11]

FMT_FORMAT_AS ( std::nullptr_t  ,
const void *   

◆ FMT_FORMAT_AS() [8/11]

FMT_FORMAT_AS ( unsigned char  ,

◆ FMT_FORMAT_AS() [9/11]

FMT_FORMAT_AS ( unsigned long  ,

◆ FMT_FORMAT_AS() [10/11]

FMT_FORMAT_AS ( unsigned short  ,

◆ FMT_FORMAT_AS() [11/11]

FMT_FORMAT_AS ( void *  ,
const void *   

◆ format()

template<typename Locale , typename... T, FMT_ENABLE_IF(detail::is_locale< Locale >::value) >
auto format ( const Locale &  loc,
format_string< T... >  fmt,
T &&...  args 
) -> std::string

Definition at line 4469 of file format.h.

◆ format_system_error()

FMT_API void format_system_error ( detail::buffer< char > &  out,
int  error_code,
const char *  message 

\rst Formats an error message for an error returned by an operating system or a language runtime, for example a file opening error, and writes it to out. The format is the same as the one used by std::system_error(ec, message) where ec is std::error_code(error_code, std::generic_category()}). It is implementation-defined but normally looks like:

.. parsed-literal:: <message>*: *<system-message>*

where *<message>* is the passed message and *<system-message>* is the system message corresponding to the error code. error_code* is a system error code as given by errno. \endrst

Definition at line 1410 of file format-inl.h.

◆ format_to()

template<typename OutputIt , typename Locale , typename... T, FMT_ENABLE_IF(detail::is_output_iterator< OutputIt, char >::value && detail::is_locale< Locale >::value) >
FMT_INLINE auto format_to ( OutputIt  out,
const Locale &  loc,
format_string< T... >  fmt,
T &&...  args 
) -> OutputIt

Definition at line 4488 of file format.h.

◆ formatted_size()

template<typename Locale , typename... T, FMT_ENABLE_IF(detail::is_locale< Locale >::value) >
FMT_NODISCARD FMT_INLINE auto formatted_size ( const Locale &  loc,
format_string< T... >  fmt,
T &&...  args 
) -> size_t

Definition at line 4495 of file format.h.

◆ group_digits()

template<typename T >
auto group_digits ( value) -> group_digits_view<T>

\rst Returns a view that formats an integer value using ',' as a locale-independent thousands separator.


fmt::print("{}", fmt::group_digits(12345)); Output: "12,345" \endrst

Definition at line 4147 of file format.h.

◆ join() [1/2]

template<typename It , typename Sentinel >
auto join ( It  begin,
Sentinel  end,
string_view  sep 
) -> join_view<It, Sentinel>

Returns a view that formats the iterator range [begin, end) with elements separated by sep.

Definition at line 4280 of file format.h.

◆ join() [2/2]

template<typename Range >
auto join ( Range &&  range,
string_view  sep 
) -> join_view<detail::iterator_t<Range>, detail::sentinel_t<Range>>

\rst Returns a view that formats range with elements separated by sep.


std::vector<int> v = {1, 2, 3}; fmt::print("{}", fmt::join(v, ", ")); Output: "1, 2, 3"

fmt::join applies passed format specifiers to the range elements::

fmt::print("{:02}", fmt::join(v, ", ")); Output: "01, 02, 03" \endrst

Definition at line 4301 of file format.h.

◆ ptr() [1/3]

template<typename T >
auto ptr ( const std::shared_ptr< T > &  p) -> const void*

Definition at line 4075 of file format.h.

◆ ptr() [2/3]

template<typename T , typename Deleter >
auto ptr ( const std::unique_ptr< T, Deleter > &  p) -> const void*

Definition at line 4072 of file format.h.

◆ ptr() [3/3]

template<typename T >
auto ptr ( p) -> const void*

\rst Converts p to const void* for pointer formatting.


auto s = fmt::format("{}", fmt::ptr(p)); \endrst

Definition at line 4067 of file format.h.

◆ report_system_error()

FMT_API void report_system_error ( int  error_code,
const char *  message 

Definition at line 1421 of file format-inl.h.

◆ system_error()

template<typename... T>
auto system_error ( int  error_code,
format_string< T... >  fmt,
T &&...  args 
) -> std::system_error

\rst Constructs :class:std::system_error with a message formatted with fmt::format(fmt, args...). error_code* is a system error code as given by errno.


This throws std::system_error with the description cannot open file 'madeup': No such file or directory or similar (system message may vary). const char* filename = "madeup"; std::FILE* file = std::fopen(filename, "r"); if (!file) throw fmt::system_error(errno, "cannot open file '{}'", filename); \endrst

Definition at line 3941 of file format.h.

◆ to_string() [1/3]

template<typename Char , size_t SIZE>
FMT_NODISCARD auto to_string ( const basic_memory_buffer< Char, SIZE > &  buf) -> std::basic_string<Char>

Definition at line 4336 of file format.h.

◆ to_string() [2/3]

template<typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(!std::is_integral< T >::value && !detail::has_format_as< T >::value) >
auto to_string ( const T &  value) -> std::string

\rst Converts value to std::string using the default format for type T.


#include <fmt/format.h>

std::string answer = fmt::to_string(42); \endrst

Definition at line 4319 of file format.h.

◆ to_string() [3/3]

template<typename T , FMT_ENABLE_IF(std::is_integral< T >::value) >
FMT_NODISCARD auto to_string ( value) -> std::string

Definition at line 4326 of file format.h.

◆ underlying()

template<typename Enum >
constexpr auto underlying ( Enum  e) -> underlying_t<Enum>

\rst Converts e to the underlying type.


enum class color { red, green, blue }; auto s = fmt::format("{}", fmt::underlying(color::red)); \endrst

Definition at line 4090 of file format.h.

◆ vformat()

template<typename Locale , FMT_ENABLE_IF(detail::is_locale< Locale >::value) >
auto vformat ( const Locale &  loc,
string_view  fmt,
format_args  args 
) -> std::string

Definition at line 4462 of file format.h.

◆ vformat_to()

template<typename OutputIt , typename Locale , FMT_ENABLE_IF(detail::is_output_iterator< OutputIt, char >::value && detail::is_locale< Locale >::value) >
auto vformat_to ( OutputIt  out,
const Locale &  loc,
string_view  fmt,
format_args  args 
) -> OutputIt

Definition at line 4477 of file format.h.

◆ vsystem_error()

FMT_API auto vsystem_error ( int  error_code,
string_view  format_str,
format_args  args 
) -> std::system_error

Definition at line 147 of file format-inl.h.

Definition: core.h:1087
#define FMT_VISIBILITY(value)
Definition: core.h:194
typename std::remove_cv< remove_reference_t< T > >::type remove_cvref_t
Definition: core.h:280
@ char_type
Definition: format.h:150
Definition: core.h:105

Author(s): Davide Faconti
autogenerated on Tue Nov 26 2024 03:24:12