Namespaces | Classes | Functions
sol::call_detail Namespace Reference




struct  agnostic_lua_call_wrapper
struct  agnostic_lua_call_wrapper< bases< Args... >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  agnostic_lua_call_wrapper< detail::lua_CFunction_noexcept, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  agnostic_lua_call_wrapper< detail::no_prop, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  agnostic_lua_call_wrapper< lua_CFunction, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  agnostic_lua_call_wrapper< lua_CFunction_ref, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  agnostic_lua_call_wrapper< no_construction, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  agnostic_lua_call_wrapper< std::reference_wrapper< T >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  agnostic_lua_call_wrapper< var_wrapper< T >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  constructor_match
struct  is_var_bind
struct  is_var_bind< detail::no_prop >
struct  is_var_bind< policy_wrapper< F, Policies... > >
struct  is_var_bind< property_wrapper< R, W > >
struct  is_var_bind< readonly_wrapper< T > >
struct  is_var_bind< T, std::enable_if_t< is_lua_reference_or_proxy< T >::value > >
struct  is_var_bind< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_member_object_pointer< T >::value > >
struct  is_var_bind< var_wrapper< T > >
struct  lua_call_wrapper
struct  lua_call_wrapper< T, constructor_list< Args... >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  lua_call_wrapper< T, constructor_wrapper< Cxs... >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  lua_call_wrapper< T, destructor_wrapper< Fx >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  lua_call_wrapper< T, factory_wrapper< Fs... >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  lua_call_wrapper< T, function_arguments< Sig, P >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  lua_call_wrapper< T, overload_set< Fs... >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  lua_call_wrapper< T, policy_wrapper< F, Policies... >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  lua_call_wrapper< T, property_wrapper< R, W >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  lua_call_wrapper< T, protect_t< V >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  lua_call_wrapper< T, readonly_wrapper< F >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  lua_call_wrapper< T, yielding_t< Y >, is_index, is_variable, checked, boost, clean_stack, C >
struct  void_call
struct  void_call< T, types< Args... > >


template<typename T , bool is_index, bool is_variable, typename F , int start = 1, bool checked = detail::default_safe_function_calls, bool clean_stack = true>
int call_user (lua_State *L)
template<typename T , bool is_index, bool is_variable, int boost = 0, bool checked = detail::default_safe_function_calls, bool clean_stack = true, typename Fx , typename... Args>
int call_wrapped (lua_State *L, Fx &&fx, Args &&... args)
template<typename T , bool checked, bool clean_stack, typename... TypeLists>
int construct (lua_State *L)
template<typename T , typename... TypeLists, typename Match , typename... Args>
int construct_match (Match &&matchfx, lua_State *L, int fxarity, int start, Args &&... args)
template<typename T , bool checked, bool clean_stack, typename... TypeLists>
int construct_trampolined (lua_State *L)
template<typename... Functions, typename Match , typename... Args>
int overload_match (Match &&matchfx, lua_State *L, int start, Args &&... args)
template<typename... Functions, typename Match , typename... Args>
int overload_match_arity (Match &&matchfx, lua_State *L, int fxarity, int start, Args &&... args)
template<typename R , typename W >
auto & pick (std::false_type, property_wrapper< R, W > &f)
template<typename R , typename W >
auto & pick (std::true_type, property_wrapper< R, W > &f)

Function Documentation

◆ call_user()

template<typename T , bool is_index, bool is_variable, typename F , int start = 1, bool checked = detail::default_safe_function_calls, bool clean_stack = true>
int sol::call_detail::call_user ( lua_State L)

Definition at line 18948 of file sol.hpp.

◆ call_wrapped()

template<typename T , bool is_index, bool is_variable, int boost = 0, bool checked = detail::default_safe_function_calls, bool clean_stack = true, typename Fx , typename... Args>
int sol::call_detail::call_wrapped ( lua_State L,
Fx &&  fx,
Args &&...  args 

Definition at line 18933 of file sol.hpp.

◆ construct()

template<typename T , bool checked, bool clean_stack, typename... TypeLists>
int sol::call_detail::construct ( lua_State L)

Definition at line 18380 of file sol.hpp.

◆ construct_match()

template<typename T , typename... TypeLists, typename Match , typename... Args>
int sol::call_detail::construct_match ( Match &&  matchfx,
lua_State L,
int  fxarity,
int  start,
Args &&...  args 

Definition at line 18354 of file sol.hpp.

◆ construct_trampolined()

template<typename T , bool checked, bool clean_stack, typename... TypeLists>
int sol::call_detail::construct_trampolined ( lua_State L)

Definition at line 18361 of file sol.hpp.

◆ overload_match()

template<typename... Functions, typename Match , typename... Args>
int sol::call_detail::overload_match ( Match &&  matchfx,
lua_State L,
int  start,
Args &&...  args 

Definition at line 18348 of file sol.hpp.

◆ overload_match_arity()

template<typename... Functions, typename Match , typename... Args>
int sol::call_detail::overload_match_arity ( Match &&  matchfx,
lua_State L,
int  fxarity,
int  start,
Args &&...  args 

Definition at line 18336 of file sol.hpp.

◆ pick() [1/2]

template<typename R , typename W >
auto& sol::call_detail::pick ( std::false_type  ,
property_wrapper< R, W > &  f 

Definition at line 18147 of file sol.hpp.

◆ pick() [2/2]

template<typename R , typename W >
auto& sol::call_detail::pick ( std::true_type  ,
property_wrapper< R, W > &  f 

Definition at line 18142 of file sol.hpp.

Author(s): Davide Faconti
autogenerated on Sun Aug 11 2024 02:24:32