Go to the documentation of this file.
58 {
return std::make_shared<GLOFNavEph>(*
this); }
std::shared_ptr< NavData > NavDataPtr
Factories instantiate these in response to find() requests.
static double getSiderealTime(const CommonTime &time)
CommonTime xmit3
Transmit time for string 3.
void dump(std::ostream &s, DumpDetail dl) const override
CommonTime getUserTime() const override
unsigned dayCount
Days since Jan 1 of most recent leap year (N_T).
Triple pos
Satellite position at tb in km.
void dumpTerse(std::ostream &s) const
GLOFNavPCode opStatus
Operational status flag.
CommonTime xmit4
Transmit time for string 4.
Triple vel
Satellite velocity at tb in km/s.
Sets the nav message type and all other data members to 0.
double tauDelta
Inter-frequency bias.
unsigned P4
Flag 1=ephemeris present/uploaded. 0=nope.
unsigned aod
Age of data in days (E_n).
double getAccuracy() const
Returns the accuracy in meters as defined in Table 4.4 of the ICD.
unsigned P1
Flag for interval between adjacent t_b.
unsigned accIndex
User accuracy index (F_T).
unsigned P2
Flag of oddness (=1) or evenness (=0) of t_b.
CommonTime ref
Reference time (t_k) for this ephemeris.
Specify level of detail for dump output.
double clkBias
Satellite clock bias in sec (tau_n).
unsigned interval
P1 interval (minutes, see PNBGLOFNavDataFactory).
Vector< double > derivative(const Vector< double > &inState, const Vector< double > &accel) const
Function implementing the derivative of GLONASS orbital model.
double step
Integration step for Runge-Kutta algorithm (1 second by default)
unsigned P3
Flag 1=5 almanac sats in frame, 0=4 almanac sats.
NavDataPtr clone() const override
Create a deep copy of this object.
Triple acc
Satellite acceleration at tb in km/s**2.
unsigned tb
Epoch index with Moscow day.
uint8_t healthBits
The 3-bit B_n value (look at bit 2 not 0 or 1).
double freqBias
Satellite relative frequency bias (gamma_n).
bool getXvt(const CommonTime &when, Xvt &xvt, const ObsID &=ObsID()) override
bool validate() const override
autogenerated on Wed Oct 25 2023 02:40:39