Go to the documentation of this file.
76 typedef std::map<short, unsigned char, std::less<short> >
92 bool addSubframe(
const long subframe[10],
const int gpsWeek);
102 bool addSubframe(
const uint32_t subframe[10],
const short gpsWeek);
243 void getUTC(
double& a0,
double& a1,
double& deltaTLS,
long& tot,
244 int& WNt,
int& WNLSF,
int& DN,
double& deltaTLSF)
283 void dump(std::ostream& s = std::cout,
bool checkFlag=
285 bool check(std::ostream& s)
std::string special_msg
Special message from GPS.
void checkSVHere(SatID sat) const
bool operator<(const EngAlmanac &)
EngAlmanac() noexcept
Default constructor, blank almanac.
double getM0(SatID sat) const
double A1
Drift term of difference polynomial.
double A0
Bias term of difference polynomial.
Xvt svXvt(SatID sat, const CommonTime &t) const
bool operator==(const EngAlmanac &)
AlmOrbits getAlmOrbElems() const
std::map< short, unsigned char, std::less< short > > SVBitsMap
Map PRN to bits (e.g. health bits).
NEW_EXCEPTION_CLASS(FileSpecException, gnsstk::Exception)
Xvt svXvt(short prn, const CommonTime &t) const
double dt_ls
time increment due to leap seconds
SVBitsMap health
satellite health array
double getToa() const noexcept
short getAlmWeek() const noexcept
unsigned char dn
reference day # of future leap second
bool check(std::ostream &s) const
int wn_t
reference week of current leap second
AlmOrbit getAlmOrbElem(SatID sat) const
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const ObsEpoch &oe) noexcept
void getIon(double a[4], double b[4]) const
double getAf0(SatID sat) const
double getEcc(SatID sat) const
double getOmega0(SatID sat) const
short getFullWeek(SatID sat) const
double getXmitTime(SatID sat) const
short get6bitHealth(SatID sat) const
void getUTC(double &a0, double &a1, double &deltaTLS, long &tot, int &WNt, int &WNLSF, int &DN, double &deltaTLSF) const
short getSVHealth(SatID sat) const
bool isData(SatID sat) const noexcept
bool operator!=(const EngAlmanac &)
bool operator>(const EngAlmanac &)
double getOmegadot(SatID sat) const
double getAhalf(SatID sat) const
double getAf1(SatID sat) const
SVBitsMap SV_config
4 bit anti-spoofing/SV config sats.
double getA(SatID sat) const
long t_oa
Toa from page id 51 (subframe 5, pg 25)
int wn_lsf
week number of last/next leap second
short getSVConfig(SatID sat) const
void dump(std::ostream &s=std::cout, bool checkFlag=true) const
std::map< SatID, AlmOrbit > AlmOrbits
Map from SatID to AlmOrbit.
double getW(SatID sat) const
double getIOffset(SatID sat) const
bool addSubframe(const long subframe[10], const int gpsWeek)
autogenerated on Wed Oct 25 2023 02:40:38